tec hn o l o gy • Pe r f o r m a n c e • d e S i g n
in f i n i t y cl a S S i a
A higher truth, beautifully expressed.

In t r o d u C I n g t h e
n f I n I t y Cl a s s I a
Infinity Classia loudspeakers share a
heritage of technological and design
excellence dating back 40 years.
In multichannel home theater systems
and stereo systems alike, they bring real
power and exceptional sonic fidelity to
both movies and music, elevating the
home entertainment experience to a
new level of realism.
Infinity Classia loudspeakers deliver
the resonance-free, full-spectrum
performance needed to accurately
reproduce today’s high-definition
digital sources. And their graceful,
low-profile design, inspired by the
Infinity Cascade™ Series, makes them
an ideal complement for today’s high-
definition flat-panel monitors.
Infinity Cascade
se r I e s .