Micro GC Fusion
Pre-Installation Checlist
Site Preparation
Proper site preparation prior to installing Micro GC Fusion is very important.
Contact INFICON (www.inficon.com) with any questions regarding site preparation.
NOTE: Checkboxes () identify hardware and actions that must be addressed when
installing Micro GC Fusion.
List of Required Tools
1 1/8" wrench recommended, or adjustable large wrench
(for attaching regulator to gas tank)
Te fl on
NOTE: The following tools are included in the optional Install Kit (PN 952-021-G1).
Open-ended wrench, 1/4 in. and 5/16 in.
Open-ended wrench, 7/16 in. and 9/16 in.
tape for regulator connections
PN 074-615-P1A
Carrier Gas
Open-ended wrench, 3/8 in. and 7/16 in.
Hex driver, 2.5 mm ball-point long shank
Tubing cutter
. . . .Carrier gas (e.g., helium, argon) purity of 99.999%, or minimum 99.995%
when the appropriate carrier gas trap is installed. Contact INFICON for
carrier gas trap assistance.
NOTE: A pressurized [>16,547 kPa (>2,400 psi)] 50 liter tank of carrier gas will
last approximately one year or more.
. . . .Dual Stage Regulator for pressurized carrier gas tank with outlet pressure
regulated to 400-427 kPa (58-62 psi). A Swagelok 1/8 in. fitting is preferred on
the regulator outlet to connect the carrier gas feed tube to Micro GC Fusion.
NOTE: In North America, use the CGA 580 inlet connection (PN 952-416-P1)
for helium, nitrogen and argon carrier gas. Use the CGA 350 inlet
connection (PN 952-415-P1) for hydrogen carrier gas. For installations
outside of North America, use the appropriate inlet connections as
standard for the region.
Exceeding 427 kPa (62 psi) carrier gas pressure may result
in instrument damage.
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Micro GC Fusion
Pre-Installation Checlist
. . . .Moisture/hydrocarbon trap (PN G2870A-01) required for the carrier gas when
. . . .Copper or stainless steel tubing (pre-cleaned) 1/8 in. OD for carrier gas
PN 074-615-P1A
using Molsieve or Alumina columns.
To protect Micro GC Fusion and to enhance performance,
carrier gas traps should be used to purify the carrier gas
before introduction into Micro GC Fusion.
A hydrocarbon/moisture trap (PN G2870A-01) is usually
connections between the tank regulator output and Micro GC Fusion carrier
gas inlet. Micro GC Fusion has up to two 1/8 in. Swagelok male carrier gas
inlet connections.
. . . .Assortment of male and female Swagelok fittings for regulator, tubing, etc.,
. . . .1/8 in. tee fitting and 1/8 in. ball valve, depending on connection requirements.
Calibration Gas
. . . .Supply of calibration gas specific to the analysis from a commercial gas supplier.
. . . .A regulator, if necessary, to reduce calibration gas pressure below
NOTE: 3 m (10 ft.) of pre-cleaned GC grade copper tubing is included with
Micro GC Fusion. Additional copper tubing is available in the installation
kit (PN 952-021-G1), or can be ordered in 15 m (50 ft.) lengths
(PN 5180-4196).
NOTE: Do not clean copper or stainless steel tubing with solvent.
NOTE: Do not use Teflon
including nuts and front and back ferrules. Typical size is 1/8 in. but adapters for
1/4 in. to 1/8 in. may be needed if 1/4 in. tubing is used.
NOTE: Calibration gas must be available at the time of installation.
NOTE: Calibration gas must closely resemble the composition of the actual
process gas.
69 kPa (10 psi) at the Micro GC Fusion inlets. The regulator must be clean,
grease-free and non-venting.
or Tygon® tubing for carrier gas.
NOTE: Checkout gas mixtures are only used for instrument installation
NOTE: Checkout gas mixtures supplied by INFICON are not calibration gases.
and start up.
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