Translation of the original operating instructions
LDS3000, LDS3000 AQ
Mass spectrometer module
560-300, 560-600
From software version:
MS-Modul 2.71
Bonner Strasse 498
50968 Cologne, Germany
INFICON Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 About these instructions ...................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Other associated documents ....................................................................................................................7
1.2 Target groups ...........................................................................................................................................7
1.3 Warnings...................................................................................................................................................7
1.4 Definition of terms.....................................................................................................................................8
2 Safety .............................................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Intended use ...........................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Owner requirements ...............................................................................................................................11
2.3 Duties of the operator .............................................................................................................................12
2.4 Dangers ..................................................................................................................................................12
3 Shipment, Transport, Storage ........................................................................................................................14
4 Description......................................................................................................................................................15
4.1 Function ..................................................................................................................................................15
4.2 Device setup ...........................................................................................................................................16
4.2.1 Entire device (LDS3000)............................................................................................................. 16
4.2.2 Entire device (LDS3000 AQ)....................................................................................................... 16
4.2.3 Connection block ........................................................................................................................ 20
4.2.4 MSB box ..................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.5 Nameplate................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Technical data ........................................................................................................................................24
4.4 Factory settings ......................................................................................................................................25
5 Mounting LDS3000.........................................................................................................................................28
5.1 Adjust the position of the connections to the installation dimensions .....................................................28
5.2 Installing the mass spectrometer module on the test system .................................................................29
5.3 Select connection ULTRA, FINE, or GROSS .........................................................................................30
5.4 Establish component connection ............................................................................................................31
5.5 Establish electrical connections..............................................................................................................32
6 Mounting LDS3000 AQ (Accumulation)..........................................................................................................33
6.1 Adjust the position of the connections to the installation dimensions .....................................................33
6.2 Installing the mass spectrometer module on the test system .................................................................34
6.3 Select components and connect.............................................................................................................36
6.4 Establish electrical connections..............................................................................................................38
7 Operation LDS3000........................................................................................................................................39
LDS3000-MSM-Operating-instructions-jiqa54en1-07-(1803) iii
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7.1 Switching the device on ..........................................................................................................................39
7.2 Default settings .......................................................................................................................................40
7.3 Selecting a unit for the leak rate .............................................................................................................42
7.4 Select device for pressure ......................................................................................................................43
7.5 Select Compatibility Mode ......................................................................................................................43
7.6 Select operation mode............................................................................................................................45
7.7 Select gas type (mass) ...........................................................................................................................46
7.8 Calibrating the device .............................................................................................................................47
7.8.1 Time and general preferences ....................................................................................................47
7.8.2 Internal Calibration Configuration and Start................................................................................ 49
7.8.3 External Calibration Configuration and Start............................................................................... 50
7.8.4 Start external dynamic calibration............................................................................................... 52
7.8.5 External calibration with sniffer line SL3000XL........................................................................... 54
7.8.6 Check the calibration .................................................................................................................. 55 Calibration using the internal calibration leak test..............................................................55 Calibration using the external calibration leak test.............................................................55
7.8.7 Entering the calibration factor .....................................................................................................56 Calibration factor sniffing....................................................................................................56 Calibration factor vacuum ..................................................................................................56
7.8.8 Setting machine and sniff factor.................................................................................................. 57 Setting machine and sniff factor manually .........................................................................57 Setting machine and sniff factor using machine calibration ...............................................58
7.9 Starting and stopping the measurement.................................................................................................58
7.10 Loading and saving parameters .............................................................................................................59
7.11 Copying measurement data, deleting measurement data ......................................................................60
7.12 Suppressing gas backgrounds with "ZERO" functions ...........................................................................60
7.13 Measurement result display with signal filters ........................................................................................61
7.14 Control of the Gas Ballast Valve of the Backing Pump...........................................................................62
7.15 Selecting display limits............................................................................................................................63
7.16 Setting trigger values ..............................................................................................................................63
7.17 Setting capillary surveillance ..................................................................................................................63
7.18 Set the rotation speed of the turbo molecular pump...............................................................................64
7.19 Cathode Selection ..................................................................................................................................65
7.20 Settings for the XL sniffer adapter ..........................................................................................................65
7.21 Resetting the settings .............................................................................................................................68
8 Operation LDS3000 AQ (Accumulation).........................................................................................................69
8.1 Switching the device on ..........................................................................................................................69
iv LDS3000-MSM-Operating-instructions-jiqa54en1-07-(1803)
INFICON Table of Contents
8.2 Default settings .......................................................................................................................................69
8.3 Selecting a unit for the leak rate .............................................................................................................70
8.4 Select device for pressure ......................................................................................................................71
8.5 Select Compatibility Mode ......................................................................................................................71
8.6 Making basic settings via the wizard ......................................................................................................73
8.7 Determine peak ......................................................................................................................................74
8.8 Store leak rate of calibration leaks..........................................................................................................75
8.9 Calibrating the device .............................................................................................................................76
8.9.1 Time and general preferences ....................................................................................................76
8.9.2 Entering the calibration factor .....................................................................................................77
8.9.3 Calibration factor vacuum ...........................................................................................................77
8.9.4 Calibrating................................................................................................................................... 78
8.10 Perform ZERO ........................................................................................................................................80
8.11 Setting machine and sniff factor .............................................................................................................81
8.11.1 Setting machine and sniff factor manually ..................................................................................81
8.12 Carrying out a measurement ..................................................................................................................82
8.13 Loading and saving parameters .............................................................................................................83
8.14 Copying measurement data, deleting measurement data ......................................................................83
8.15 Adjust ”Zero time factor AQ” ...................................................................................................................84
8.16 Selecting display limits............................................................................................................................84
8.17 Set the rotation speed of the turbo molecular pump...............................................................................84
8.18 Cathode Selection ..................................................................................................................................85
8.19 Resetting the settings .............................................................................................................................85
9 Using the expansion module (LDS3000, LDS3000 AQ).................................................................................87
9.1 Selecting the type of expansion module .................................................................................................87
9.2 Settings for I/O module IO1000 ..............................................................................................................87
9.2.1 General interface settings ...........................................................................................................87
9.2.2 Assigning inputs and outputs ......................................................................................................87 Assigning the digital inputs of the I/O module ....................................................................95 Assigning the digital outputs of the I/O module..................................................................98
9.3 Settings for bus module BM1000..........................................................................................................100
10 Warning and error messages (LDS3000, LDS3000 AQ).............................................................................. 101
10.1 Illustration of error codes with the help of the status LEDs...................................................................109
11 Operating CU1000 (optional)........................................................................................................................ 110
11.1 Touchscreen elements .........................................................................................................................110
11.1.1 Measurement display elements ................................................................................................110
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Table of Contents INFICON
11.2 Elements of the error and warning display ...........................................................................................113
11.3 Settings and functions ..........................................................................................................................113
11.3.1 Touch screen settings ............................................................................................................... 113
11.3.2 Operator types and authorizations ............................................................................................ 117 Logging out the operator ..................................................................................................118
11.3.3 Functions .................................................................................................................................. 118 Resetting the settings.......................................................................................................118 Recording data.................................................................................................................119 Calling up information ......................................................................................................120
11.3.4 Updating the software ............................................................................................................... 123 Updating the software of the control unit..........................................................................123 Checking and updating the software version of the MSB box..........................................123 Updating the software of the I/O module..........................................................................124
12 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................126
12.1 Maintenance at INFICON .....................................................................................................................126
12.2 General maintenance information.........................................................................................................126
12.3 Maintenance plan .................................................................................................................................127
12.4 Maintenance work.................................................................................................................................128
12.4.1 Change operating fluid reservoir of turbo molecular pump ....................................................... 128
13 Decommissioning the measuring instrument................................................................................................ 133
13.1 Shutting down the leak detector ...........................................................................................................133
13.2 Disposing of the mass spectrometer module........................................................................................133
13.3 Returning the mass spectrometer module............................................................................................133
14 Appendix....................................................................................................................................................... 134
14.1 CE Declaration of Conformity ...............................................................................................................134
14.2 Declaration of Incorporation..................................................................................................................135
14.3 Declaration of Contamination ...............................................................................................................136
vi LDS3000-MSM-Operating-instructions-jiqa54en1-07-(1803)
INFICON About these instructions | 1
1 About these instructions
This document applies to the software version stated on the title page.
Product names may occur in the document, which are added for identification pur-
poses only and belong to the respective owner of the rights.
This operating manual describes the installation and operation of the LDS3000 mass
spectrometer module. It is available in two variants:
• LDS3000
• LDS3000 AQ (accumulation), switchable to all other operating modes.
1.1 Other associated documents
Operating Manual Control Unit CU1000 jina54
Operating instructions bus module jiqb10
Operating instructions I/O module jiqc10
Operating instructions XL sniffer adapter jinxa54
Interface protocols jira54
1.2 Target groups
These operating instructions are intended for the owner and for technically qualified
personnel with experience in leak detection technology and integration of leak detec-
tion devices in leak detection systems. In addition, the installation and use of the de-
vice require knowledge of electronic interfaces.
1.3 Warnings
Imminent hazard resulting in death or serious injuries
Hazardous situation resulting in potential death or serious injuries
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1 | About these instructions INFICON
Hazardous situation resulting in minor injuries
Hazardous situation resulting in damage to property or the environment
1.4 Definition of terms
Mention of helium in the manual
The device is a helium leak detector. If you want to use a forming gas instead of he-
lium to detect the hydrogen contained therein, the information for helium also applies
to hydrogen.
In connection with leak testing, it is about the enrichment of tracer gas over a defin-
able period of time. This allows the detection of small leak rates without the use of a
vacuum chamber. Helium or forming gas can be used.
When you talk about "AQ” in this manual, it's about accumulation mode. It is only
available for devices in the AQ version.
Automatic tuning / mass setting
This function adjusts the mass spectrometer so that a maximum leak rate indicator is
achieved. In order to detect a maximum ion current with the ion detector, the control
computer adjusts the voltage for accelerating the ions within the selected mass range
During each calibration, there is an automatic adjusted.
Operation mode
The leak detector distinguishes between the operation modes "vacuum" and "sniffing".
With the operation mode "vacuum", generally the tracer gas flows into the test object.
The pressure in the test object is less than the ambient pressure.
In the operation mode "sniffing" the tracer gas flows out from the test object and is ex-
tracted with a sniffer probe. The pressure in the test object is greater than the ambient
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INFICON About these instructions | 1
FINE denotes the connection to the turbo molecular pump for inlet pressures up to 0.4
mbar. This is also used for the "sniffing" operation mode.
Forming gas
Forming gas is a collective term for gas mixtures of nitrogen and hydrogen.
GROSS donates the connection to the turbo molecular pump with the lowest sensitiv-
ity. This allows high inlet pressures (up to 15 mbar).
Internal helium background
The measurement system of the leak detector also contains a residual amount of he-
lium. This creates an internal measurement signal component (background signal),
which overlaps the display of the leak right from the beginning and thus disturbs the
search for leaks.
So that this background signal can be suppressed, an internal "background suppres-
sion" can be activated with the factory settings.
Minimum detectable leak rate
The minimum detectable leak rate which can be detected by the leak detector under
ideal conditions (< 5 x 10
mbar l/s).
ULTRA denotes the connection to the turbo molecular pump for the measurement
range with the highest sensitivity at inlet pressures below 0.4 mbar (adjustable).
Background signal
Helium or hydrogen (as part of water) are natural components of air.
Operation mode "Vacuum": Before any leak detection, a certain amount of the ad-
justed tracer gas is already in the volume on the surfaces of the test chamber, supply
lines, and even in the leak detector itself. This certain amount of tracer gas generates
a measurement signal which is called the "Background signal". The ongoing evacua-
tion of the test chamber continuously reduces this background signal.
Operation mode "Sniffing": Ambient air is continuously fed into the leak detector via
the sniffer line. The amount of helium or hydrogen occurring naturally in air creates a
constant background signal.
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1 | About these instructions INFICON
Foreline pressure
Pressure of the backing pressure between the turbo molecular pump and the backing
There is helium that is weakly bound to the surfaces of a specimen as a natural part of
the ambient air and is pumped bit by bit into the measurement system of the leak de-
tector. It produces a slowly decreasing measurement signal.
If you want to hide this background signal or the display of existing leaks, then use the
function ZERO.
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INFICON Safety | 2
2 Safety
2.1 Intended use
The device is a modular leak detector for installation in industrial leak testing unit sys-
tems. The tracer gases that can be measured with the device are helium and hydro-
gen (forming gas).
The LDS3000 is suitable for overpressure and negative pressure testing, whereby in
addition to the test in vacuum, a local test with a sniffer line is also possible.
The LDS3000 AQ is intended for the measurement of test gases when enriched in an
external measuring chamber, but can also be rebuilt for all other purposes.
► You must install, operate and service the device only in compliance with these oper-
ating instructions.
► Comply with application limits, see "Technical Data".
Improper use
Avoid the following, non-intended uses:
• Use in radioactive areas
• Pumping down of explosive, aggressive, corrosive, flammable, toxic or reactive
• Pumping down of condensable fluids and vapors.
• Aspiration of liquids into the device
• Operation with excessive gas loads
• Operation with excessive foreline pressure
• Operation in incorrect gas mode
• Operation at too high ambient temperature
• Flushing with excessive flushing rate
• Usage of the pumps in plants where sudden loads and vibrations or periodic
forces act upon the pump
2.2 Owner requirements
The following notes are for companies or any person who is responsible for the safety
and effective use of the product by the user, employee or third party.
Safety conscious oper-
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• Operate the device only if it is in perfect technical condition and has no damage.
• Only operate the device in accordance with this instruction manual, in a safety and
risk conscious manner.
• Adhere to the following regulations and observe their compliance:
– Intended use
2 | Safety INFICON
– General applicable safety and accident prevention regulations
– International, national and local standards and guidelines
– Additional device-related provisions and regulations
• Only use original parts or parts approved by the manufacturer.
• Keep this instruction manual available on site.
Personnel qualifica-
• Only instructed personnel should be permitted to work with and on the device. The
instructed personnel must have received training on the device.
• Make sure that authorized personnel have read and understood the operating in-
structions and all other applicable documents.
2.3 Duties of the operator
• Read, observe, and follow the information in this manual and in the work instruc-
tions provided by the owner. This concerns in particular the safety instructions and
• Always observe the complete operating instructions for all work.
• If you have any questions about operation or maintenance that are not answered
in this manual, please contact Customer Service.
2.4 Dangers
The measuring instrument was built according to the state-of-the-art and the recog-
nized safety regulations. Nevertheless, improper use may result in risk to life and limb
on the part of the user or third parties, or damage to the measuring instrument or other
property may occur.
Hazards due to liquids
and chemicals
Permanent magnets
Dangers from electric
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Liquids and chemical substances can damage the instrument.
• Comply with application limits, see "Technical Data".
• Do not suck up liquids with the instrument.
• Keep the hydrogen concentration below 5% to prevent ignition.
Permanent magnets in the device pose a hazard to health. Cardiac pacemaker may
be affected in their function.
• Keep a sufficient distance from the device.
• Always comply with the distances recommended by the pacemaker manufacturer
without fail.
The device is operated with electrical voltages of up to 24 V. Inside the device there
are voltages that are considerably higher. There is a danger to life from the contact of
conductive parts inside the device.
INFICON Safety | 2
• Disconnect the device from the power supply prior to any installation and mainte-
nance work. Make sure that the electric power supply cannot reconnected without
• Before starting the leak test, disconnect electrically operated test objects from the
power supply.
The device contains electric components that can be damaged from high electric volt-
• Make sure before connecting to the power supply that the supply voltage is 24 V
+/- 5 %.
Kinetic energy
Injury from bursting ob-
Danger due to implod-
ing measuring chamber
If the rotating parts in the turbo molecular pump are blocked because of some dam-
age, high centrifugal forces must be absorbed. If this is not successful, the mass spec-
trometer module will breakaway and possibly cause damage to property or personal
• Make sure the mount of the mass spectrometer module is able to absorb a braking
torque of 820 Nm.
There is risk of injury from bursting objects causes by a test object notwithstanding the
vacuum pressure when a test object is connected.
• Take appropriate precautions.
An external measuring chamber connected to an LDS3000 AQ is pumped off at ap-
proximately 60 sccm. Within normal measurement times (2 - 30 seconds) no danger-
ous negative pressure is generated.
If the measuring chamber is leak-proof, but not vacuum resistant, and continues to
pump, it may implode. This can occur, for example, in a 1-liter measuring chamber af-
ter about 10 minutes.
• Do not continue pumping a measuring chamber after the measuring time has ex-
• Consider suitable protective measures!
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3 | Shipment, Transport, Storage INFICON
3 Shipment, Transport, Storage
Scope of delivery
Item Quantity
Mass spectrometer module
Plug for 24V connection 1
Pressure sensor PSG500 1
Self-locking nuts 4
Plug for Output 1
Plug for Gauges Exit 1
Inlet module (LDS3000 AQ version only) 1
Adapter DN16 with throttle2) (LDS3000 AQ version only) 1
Operating instructions 1
USB flash drive with instructions, 3D drawings and videos 1
1.) Includes either 560-300 LDS3000 or 560-600 LDS3000 AQ (accumulation).
2.) See "Select components and connect [} 36]".
► Please check the delivery for completeness after receiving the device.
Damage due to unsuitable packaging material
Transport in unsuitable packaging material can damage the device.
► Transport the device only in the original packaging material.
► Keep original packaging material.
Damage to property due to missing attachment of the vibration damper
► Secure the vibration damper with the transport screws to prevent damage due to vi-
► Always store the device in compliance with the technical data, see "Technical Data".
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INFICON Description | 4
4 Description
4.1 Function
Mode AQ (Accumula-
Device Interfaces
Other accessories
The mass spectrometer module is a detection device for the test gases helium and hy-
drogen. Integrated in test systems, the device is used to detect gas being emitted from
a test object in order to indicate leaks.
The device can be used both as a vacuum leak detector and a sniffer leak detector.
Sniffer lines with different lengths are available for the sniffer mode.
In order to be able to detect small leak rates without the use of a vacuum chamber,
devices for the AQ mode are connected to an external measuring chamber. In the ex-
ternal measuring chamber, the tracer gas is enriched (accumulation).
The test object filled with helium or forming gas under pressure is brought into the
measuring chamber or pressurized in the measuring chamber. If there is a leak in the
test object, the concentration of helium or forming gas in the measuring chamber will
increase. This increase is measured and output as a leak rate.
The mass spectrometer module is part of the leak detection system LDS3000 and
LDS3000 AQ. Es can be operated in a test system together with a bus module or I/O
module and a data cable without additional INFICON accessories.
The MSB box outputs data on digital interfaces to the control unit CU1000, I/O module
IO1000 or bus module BM1000.
With the available accessories XL sniffer adapter and sniffer line SL3000XL, it is pos-
sible to capture leaks at a larger distance from the expected leak if the detection limit
is deteriorated (operation in "high flow" mode).
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4 | Description INFICON
4.2 Device setup
4.2.1 Entire device (LDS3000)
Mass spectrometer module LDS3000
1 Connection block. Connections for test system, backing pump, pressure sen-
sor PSG500, internal calibration leak and sniffer line, see also "Connection
block [} 20]".
2 Pressure sensor PSG500 for measuring the pressure of the backing pump
3 Preamplifier of the mass spectrometer module
4 Turbo molecular pump with cooling unit
5 MSB box. Interfaces to the mass spectrometer module (see "MSB box
[} 20]")
6 Inverter for turbo-molecular pump
7 Fasteners for installing the mass spectrometer module in a test system
8 Rating plate containing mass spectrometer module specifications
4.2.2 Entire device (LDS3000 AQ)
In the accumulation version, the mass spectrometer module is integrated into a spe-
cial measurement setup by hardware and software.
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INFICON Description | 4
4 8
4 9
Accumulation: Overview of the structure
1 Measuring chamber with fan 7 Power supply 24 V
2 ISO-KF DN16 8 Dry backing pump with separate
power supply)
3 Inlet module 9 Hose ID 10
4 Corrugated tube 10 Straight connector 8 to 10 mm
5 Blank flange 11 Adapter to DN16
6 Mass spectrometer module
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4 | Description INFICON
Mass spectrometer module (execution accumulation)
1 Pressure sensor PSG500 for mea-
2 Connecting hose to backing pump
suring the inlet pressure
3 Corrugated hose to the measuring
4 Flanged ULTRA connections
Inlet module. It does not require an electrical connection for connection to a measuring
When using a two-chamber system, the inlet module valve can be switched by applying 24V.
1 For connection to the measuring chamber
Accessories of the cus-
To complete the measurement setup, missing parts can be provided by the customer.
If you want to use your own backing pump, make sure it is a dry backing pump with a
gas flow greater than 60 sccm and a base pressure of less than 5 mbar. It should
have its own power supply.
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INFICON Description | 4
Connection for hose ID 10 mm
Connection for silencer (optional)
Connection Plus (24 V)
Connection minus
If you want to use your own control unit, please note that the wizard for performing the
measurement settings, calibrating and setting the ZERO function is only located on
the INFICON CU1000 control unit.
See also “Select components and connect [} 36]“.
Optional accessories
With the exception of the measuring chamber, the required parts are also offered by
• Control unit CU1000 (including wizard for carrying out important settings)
• I/O1000 (The I/O module is a device interface between a leak detector and an ex-
ternal controller)
• BM1000 (The bus module is a device interface between e.g. the MSB box of the
mass spectrometer module LDS3000 and an external controller.)
• Dry backing pump from INFICON (catalog number 560-630)
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INFICON backing pump
See also
2 Entire device (LDS3000) [} 16]
4 | Description INFICON
4.2.3 Connection block
MSB box connections
Connection block
1 Connection ULTRA 3 Connection GROSS/FOREPUMP
2 Connection FINE/SNIFFER
4.2.4 MSB box
Connection for gas ballast and three valves
Connection plug arrangement
1 Valve 2 (gas ballast), 24 V, max.1 A
2 Valve 3 (not used, reserve)
3 Valve 4 (not used, reserve)
4 Valve 6 (not used, reserve)
Electrical connection for the sniffer line
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INFICON Description | 4
Connection for optional external service gauges (0 - 10 V / 0 - 20 mA) for INFICON
Connection plug arrangement
1 +24-V-Output, max.200 mA
2 Input for P3 service gauge, 0 - 10 V
4 Reference to input for P3 service gauge
5 20 mA input for P3 service gauge
(See also Figure MSB box)
Connection for pressure sensor PSG500, calibration leak and suppressor on the
preamplifier (premounted, three-core cable)
Connection for 24 V power supply pack used to supply mass spectrometer module,
control unit, I/O module and bus module.
(See also Figure MSB box)
Connection for inverter turbo molecular pump and fan turbo molecular pump (pre-
mounted, two-core cable)
Connection for ion source
(See also Figure MSB box)
Connection for preamplifier
Power LED
/ Status LED
The Power LED and Status LED indicate the status of the device.
Power LED Status LED Meaning
Off Red Device not ready for operation
Green Blue Turbo molecular pump is starting
Green Orange Emission is switched on
Green Green Emission is stable
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4 | Description INFICON
Power LED Status LED Meaning
Green Violet Rotation speed of the turbo molecular
pump is not within the normal range
Green Error codes of
Different activities of the unit
the status LED
Green, flashes slowly Supply voltage < 21.6 V
Green, flashes fast Supply voltage > 26.4 V
Green, flashes Off Software is being updated
Green Green, flashes Software is being updated
RS232 connection for INFICON Service
Connection for I/O or bus module or control unit
The connections "I/O Anybus" and "Control Unit" have the same functions. You have
the choice of connecting:
– Control unit CU1000 + I/O module IO1000
– Control unit CU1000 + bus module BM1000
Status LED
The Power LED and Status LED indicate the status of the unit.
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INFICON Description | 4
4.2.5 Nameplate
A nameplate is located on the device. The symbols on the nameplate have the follow-
ing meaning:
Label for the returns to the recycling circuit.
Instrument cannot be scrapped with the normal domestic waste.
Information given on the nameplate are:
• Manufacturer's address
• Device name
• Year of production
• Catalog number
• Serial number
• Operating temperature
• Disposal instructions
• Detectable gases
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4 | Description INFICON
4.3 Technical data
Mechanical data
Electrical data
560-300, 560-600
Power input max. 10 A
Physical data
560-300, 560-600
Response time in Sniffer mode Gross: < 5 s, Fine/Ultra: < 1 s
Maximum inlet pressure 0,2 mbar - 18 mbar
Run-up time 150 s
Detectable gases Helium, hydrogen
Minimum detectable leak rate vacuum
Minimum detectable leak rate sniffer
Detectable masses 4He, H2, mass 3 (e.g. H-D, 3He or H3)
Ion source 2 longlife Iridium filaments, Yttrium-oxide
Minimum detectable leak rate forming
gas or helium
Measurement range 6 decades
Pressure in test chamber 1 atm
Time constant of the leak rate signal < 1 s
5E-12 mbar l/s
1E-7 mbar l/s
560-600 (AQ mode)
1 x 10-7 mbar l/s
Ambient conditions
560-300, 560-600
Permissible ambient temperature (during
Max. altitude above sea level 2000 m
Permissible magnetic field max. 7 mT
Max. relative humidity above 40 °C 50%
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10 °C ... 45 °C
INFICON Description | 4
560-300, 560-600
Max. relative humidity from 31 °C to 40°C80% ... 50% (decreasing linearly)
Max. relative humidity to 40 °C 80%
Storage temperature -20 °C ... 60 °C
Pollution degree II
4.4 Factory settings
Parameter Factory setting
AO upper limit exp. 1 x 10
Operation mode Vacuum
AQ chamber volume 1 l
AQ measurement time 10 s
Zero time factor AQ 4
Bus module address 126
Clogged pressure capillary monitoring
- with XL Sniffer Adapter (low flow)
Broken pressure capillary monitoring
- with XL Sniffer Adapter (low flow)
0.4 mbar
0.2 mbar
2 mbar
0.6 mbar
Clogged pressure capillary monitoring
- with XL Sniffer Adapter (high flow) 150 mbar
Broken pressure capillary monitoring
- with XL Sniffer Adapter (high flow) 400 mbar
Pressure unit (interface) mbar
Emission On
Filter leak rate threshold 1 x 10
Filter ZERO time 5 s
Filter mode I•CAL
Gas percentage in H2 (M3, He) 100 %
5 % H2 (-, 100 % He)
Gas ballast Off
I/O module protocol ASCII
Calibration request On
Calibration factor VAC/SNIF Mx
(for vacuum, sniffing and all masses)
Cathode selection Auto Cat1
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4 | Description INFICON
Parameter Factory setting
Compatibility mode LDS3000
Config. Analog output 1 Leak rate mantissa
Config. Analog output 2 Leak rate exponent
Config. Analog output scale 0.5 V / decade
Configuration of digital outputs Pin 1: Trigger 1, inverted
Pin 2: Trigger 2, inverted
Pin 3: Trigger 3, inverted
Pin 4: Trigger 4, inverted
Pin 5: Ready
Pin 6: Error, inverted
Pin 7: CAL request, inverted
Pin 8: Open, inverted
Configuration of digital Inputs Pin 1: Select dyn. / normal CAL
Pin 2: Sniff
Pin 3: Start/Stop, inverted
Pin 4: ZERO
Pin 5: External CAL
Pin 6: Internal CAL
Pin 7: Clear
Pin 8: ZERO update
Pin 9: –
Pin 10: –
Leak rate unit SNIF, (display and inter-
mbar l/s
Leak rate unit VAC, (display and inter-
mbar l/s
Leak rate upper limit VAC (interface) 1.0 x 10
Leak rate lower limit VAC (interface) 1.0 x 10
Leak rate upper limit SNIF (interface) 1.0 x 10
Leak rate lower limit SNIF (interface) 1.0 x 10
Fan mode Fan always on
Machine factor in standby Off
Machine factor / Sniff factor 1.0 (for all masses)
Mass 4
Module on the I/O connection IO1000
Nominal state TMP On
calibration leak external SNIF 9.9 x 10
calibration leak external VAC 9.9 x 10
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INFICON Description | 4
Parameter Factory setting
calibration leak internal 9.9 x 10
Open calibration leak internal Off
Sniffer line detection On
Sniffer key ZERO On
Language English
TMP rotation speed 1500
Trigger level 1 (2, 3, 4) 1 x 10-5 mbar l/s
5 x 10-5 (1 x 10-5) mbar l/s
Preamplifier test at CAL On
Maintenance warning Off
ZERO with start Off
ZERO mode Suppress everything
1) in AQ mode
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5 | Mounting LDS3000 INFICON
5 Mounting LDS3000
5.1 Adjust the position of the connections to the
installation dimensions
Select location
Select the most helium-free environment possible for the measurement setup. For reli-
able measurements with the device, the helium content in the air must be less than 10
By nature, air contains 5 ppm (0.0005%) helium.
Mount MSB box
In order to ideally match the installation position space, the MSB box can be turned
and rotated.
The MSB box is seated in two guide rails and can be pushed into the housing from the
left or from the right. It can also be rotated, if necessary, so that the labels are upside
The locking washer must be released to pull out the MSB box.
If the MSB box is to be pushed into housing from the other side, the locking washer
must also be tightened on the other side of the housing. An appropriate threaded hole
is available.
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INFICON Mounting LDS3000 | 5
5.2 Installing the mass spectrometer module on the
test system
The mass spectrometer module can be mounted in any position.
Components of a fastener
1 Hexagon socket head screw
2 Washer 6 Base frame
3 MO bearing 7 Spring rubber
4 Test system 8 MSB box guide
You will need:
- Self-locking nuts M8
- Open-end wrench, SW13
- Allen wrench SW6
- Holes for installation inside the test system
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5 Nut M8 (self-locking)
5 | Mounting LDS3000 INFICON
In delivery condition, the bearings are attached to the base frame with the hexagon
socket screws and transport nuts. Use the supplied self-locking nuts for the installation
of the mass spectrometer module – not the transport nuts.
The background must be stable.
Severe injuries due to mass spectrometer module breaking out
If not screwed down properly, the mass spectrometer module can be caused to break
out if the rotor of the turbo molecular pump suddenly locks up. This can result in in-
juries of the most severe kind.
► Make sure the mount of the mass spectrometer module is able to absorb a braking
torque of 820 Nm.
Drill through-holes:
– X distance: 283 mm
– Y-distance: 121,5 mm
– Through hole in sheet: Ø 9 mm
– Fixing screws: M8 x 50
Remove transport nuts.
Place the mass spectrometer module on top of the through-holes and screw it
down using the fasteners as shown in the upper figure .
5.3 Select connection ULTRA, FINE, or GROSS
The operation mode of the vacuum connection and the rotation speed of the turbo
molecular pump define:
• Minimum detectable leak rate (MDLR)
• Constantly permissible inlet pressure (p
• Pumping speed (S)
The following information applies to the use of helium as a tracer gas.
To reach the MDLR, the following conditions must be met:
• The LDS3000 must be in operation for at least 20 minutes.
• Ambient conditions must be steady (temperature, no vibrations/shocks, clean envi-
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