Inficon BPG402-SE, BPG402-SP, BPG402-SL, BPG402-S, BPG402-SD Operating Manual

Operating Manual
Bayard-Alpert Pirani Gauge
Dual Filament Bayard-Alpert Pirani Gauge
BPG402-S BPG402-SD BPG402-SE BPG402-SL BPG402-SP
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Product Identification
In all communications with INFICON, please specify the information on the product nameplate. For convenient reference copy that information into the space provided below.
INFICON AG, LI-9496 Balzers
Model: PN: SN: V W
Intended Use
This document applies to products with the following part numbers:
BPG402-S (without display, one switching function)
353-570 353-571
(vacuum connection DN 25 ISO-KF) (vacuum connection DN 40 CF-R)
BPG402-S (with display, one switching function)
353-572 353-573
(vacuum connection DN 25 ISO-KF) (vacuum connection DN 40 CF-R)
BPG402-SL (without display, one switching function)
(vacuum connection DN 40 CF-R, long tube)
BPG402-SD (with DeviceNet interface and two switching functions)
353-576 353-577
(vacuum connection DN 25 ISO-KF) (vacuum connection DN 40 CF-R)
BPG402-SE (with EtherCAT interface and two switching functions)
353-590 353-591
(DN 25 ISO-KF) (DN 40 CF-R)
BPG402-SP (with Profibus interface and two switching functions)
353-574 353-575
(vacuum connection DN 25 ISO-KF)
(vacuum connection DN 40 CF-R)
The part number (PN) can be taken from the product nameplate.
If not indicated otherwise in the legends, the illustrations in this document correspond to gauge with part number 353-572. They apply to the other gauges by analogy.
We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice.
All dimensions in mm.
The BPG402-Sx gauges have been designed for vacuum measurement of gases and gas mixtures in a pressure range of 5×10
… 1000 mbar.
They must not be used for measuring flammable or combustible gases in mixtures containing oxidants (e.g. atmospheric oxygen) within the explosion range.
The gauges can be operated in connection with the INFICON Vacuum Gauge Controller VGC40x / VGC50x or with other control devices.
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Functional Principle
Over the whole measuring range, the gauge has a continuous characteristic curve and its measuring signal is output as logarithm of the pressure.
The gauge functions with a Bayard-Alpert hot cathode ionization measurement system (for p < 2.0×10 p > 5.5×10
mbar). In the overlapping pressure range of
… 5.5×10-3 mbar, a mixed signal of the two measurement systems is output. The hot cathode is switched on by the Pirani measurement system only below the switching threshold of 2.4×10 switched off when the pressure exceeds 3.2×10
mbar) and a Pirani measurement system (for
mbar (to prevent filament burn-out). It is
BPG402-Sx sensors are equipped with two hot cathodes. The identical filaments are monitored by the gauge electronics. In case of a filament failure, the gauge will switch over to the second (undamaged) filament and continue to operate. The filament status is displayed on the gauge or can be read via the interfaces (RS232C, DeviceNet, EtherCAT or Profibus).
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Product Identification 2 Validity 2 Intended Use 2 Functional Principle 3
1 Safety 6
1.1 Symbols Used 6
1.2 Personnel Qualifications 6
1.3 General Safety Instructions 7
1.4 Liability and Warranty 7
2 Technical Data 8 3 Installation 13
3.1 Vacuum Connection 13
3.1.1 Removing and Installing the Electronics Unit 14
3.1.2 Using the Optional Baffle 15
3.2 Electrical Connection 17
3.2.1 Use With INFICON VGC40x / VGC50x Vacuum Gauge Controller 17
3.2.2 Use With Other Controllers 17 Making an Individual Sensor Cable 18 Making a DeviceNet Interface Cable (BPG402-SD) 21 Making two EtherCAT Interface Cables (BPG402-SE) 22 Making a Profibus Interface Cable (BPG402-SP) 23
3.2.3 Using the Optional Power Supply (With RS232C Line) 24
4 Operation 26
4.1 Measuring Principle, Measuring Behavior 26
4.2 Operational Principle of the Gauge 28
4.3 Putting the Gauge Into Operation 28
4.4 Degas 28
4.5 Filament Status 29
4.5.1 Filament Status Indicator 29
4.5.2 Filament Status Relay (Only BPG402-S, SL) 29
4.5.3 Filament Status via Interface 29
4.6 Filament Control Mode 29
4.7 Emission Control Mode 30
4.8 Display (BPG402-S) 30
4.9 RS232C Interface 31
4.9.1 Description of the Functions 31 Output String (Transmit) 32 Input String (Receive) 34
4.10 DeviceNet Interface (BPG402-SD) 35
4.10.1 Description of the Functions 35
4.10.2 Operating Parameters 35 Operating Software 35 Node Address Setting 35 Data Rate Setting 36
4.10.3 Status Indicators 36
4.11 EtherCAT Interface (BPG402-SE) 37
4.11.1 Description of the Functions 37
4.11.2 Operating Parameters 37 Operating Software 37 Explicit Device Address Setting 37
4.11.3 Status Indicators 37
4.12 Profibus Interface (BPG402-SP) 38
4.12.1 Description of the Functions 38
4.12.2 Operating Parameters 38 Operating Software 38 Node Address Setting 38
4.13 Switching Functions 39
4.13.1 Setting the Switching Functions 40
5 Deinstallation 41
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6 Maintenance, Repair 43
6.1 Cleaning the Gauge 43
6.2 Adjusting the Gauge 43
6.2.1 Adjustment at Atmospheric Pressure 43
6.2.2 Zero Point Adjustment 44
6.3 What to Do in Case of Problems 44
6.4 Replacing the Sensor 46
7 Options 47 8 Spare Parts 47 9 Storage 47 10 Returning the Product 48 11 Disposal 48 Appendix 49
A: Relationship Output Signal – Pressure 49 B: Gas Type Dependence 50 C: Literature 52
For cross-references within this document, the symbol ( XY) is used, for cross- references to further documents and data sources, the symbol ( [Z]).
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1 Safety
1.1 Symbols Used
Information on preventing any kind of physical injury.
Information on preventing extensive equipment and environmental damage.
Information on correct handling or use. Disregard can lead to malfunctions or minor equipment damage.
1.2 Personnel Qualifications
Hint, recommendation
The result is O.K.
The result is not as expected
Optical inspection
Waiting time, reaction time
Skilled personnel
All work described in this document may only be carried out by persons who have suitable technical training and the necessary experience or who have been instructed by the end-user of the product.
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1.3 General Safety Instructions
1.4 Liability and Warranty
Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary precautions for the process media used.
Consider possible reactions between the materials ( 11) and the process media.
Consider possible reactions of the process media (e.g. explosion) due to the heat generated by the product.
Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary precautions for all work you are going to do and consider the safety instructions in this document.
Before beginning to work, find out whether any vacuum components are con­taminated. Adhere to the relevant regulations and take the necessary precau­tions when handling contaminated parts.
Communicate the safety instructions to all other users.
INFICON assumes no liability and the warranty becomes null and void if the end­user or third parties
disregard the information in this document
use the product in a non-conforming manner
make any kind of interventions (modifications, alterations etc.) on the product
use the product with accessories not listed in the corresponding product docu-
The end-user assumes the responsibility in conjunction with the process media used.
Gauge failures due to contamination, as well as expendable parts (e.g. filament), are not covered by the warranty.
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2 Technical Data
Output signal
Gauge identification
Measurement range (air, O
Accuracy (after 10 min. stabilization)
Repeatability (after 10 min. stabilization)
CO, N2) 5×10
… 1000 mbar, continuous
15% of reading in the range of 1×10-8 … 10-2 mbar
5% of reading in the range of 1×10-8 … 10-2 mbar
Gas type dependence Appendix B
Switching on threshold Switching off threshold
Emission current
p 7.2×10-6 mbar
mbar < p < 3.2×10-2 mbar
Emission current switching
25 µA 5 mA 5 mA 25 µA
Means of selection
2.4×10-2 mbar
5 mA 25 µA
7.2×10-6 mbar
Controlled by gauge (default) or via interfaces ( 34, [1] and [10])
Settling time of measurement signal after filament change
Filament status
Emission control mode
Automatic Manual
<4 s
LED, relay contact ( 29)
Emission ON/OFF automatically Emission ON/OFF by user via interfaces ( 30)
Current (p <7.2×10-6 mbar) 20 mA
Control input signal 0 V/+24 V (dc), active high
( 19, 20) (control via RS232C 31)
Duration <3 min., followed by automatic stop
In degas mode, the BPG402-Sx gauges keep supplying pressure readings, the tolerances of which can be higher than during normal operation.
Degas acts only upon the active filament.
Output signal (measuring signal) 0 … +10 V (dc)
Measuring range +0.774 … +10 V
… 1000 mbar)
Relationship voltage-pressure logarithmic, 0.75 V/decade
Appendix A)
Error signal ( 44)
EEPROM error Hot cathode error Pirani error
Minimum load impedance
+0.1 V (dc) +0.3 V (dc) +0.5 V (dc)
10 kΩ
42 kΩ resistor between Pin 10 and Pin 5 (sensor cable)
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Switching functions
RS232C interface
DeviceNet interface (BPG402-SD)
EtherCAT interface (BPG402-SE)
BPG402-S, -SL
BPG402-SD, -SE, -SP
Adjustment range
mbar … 100 mbar
Setpoints adjustable via potentiometers, one floating, normally open relay contact per setpoint ( 19, 20, 39).
(Adjusting the setpoints via field bus corresponding bus section)
Hysteresis 10% of the threshold value
Relay contact rating 30 V (dc), 0.5 A (dc)
Data rate
Data format
Connections (sensor cable connector)
TxD (Transmit Data) RxD (Receive Data) GND
9600 Baud
binary 8 data bits one stop bit no parity bit no handshake
Pin 13 Pin 14 Pin 5
Function and communication protocol of the RS232C interface 31
Fieldbus name DeviceNet
Standard applied
Communication protocol, data format
Interface, physical CAN bus
Data rate (adjustable via "RATE" switch)
[1], [5]
125 kBaud 250 kBaud 500 kBaud (default) "P" (125 kBaud, 250 kBaud, 500 kBaud programmable via DeviceNet) ( [1])
Node address (MAC ID) (Adjustable via "ADDRESS", "MSD", "LSD" switches)
0 … 63
(default = 63
"P" (0 … 63 programmable via DeviceNet, [1])
DeviceNet connector Micro-Style, 5-pin, male
Cable shielded, special DeviceNet cable,
5 conductors ( 21 and [5])
Cable length, system wiring according to DeviceNet specifications
( [7], [5])
Fieldbus name EtherCAT
Standard applied, data format,
[11], [12]
communication protocol
Data rate 100 Mbps
Node address explicit device identification
Physical layer 100Base-Tx (IEEE 802.3)
EtherNET connector 2×RJ45, 8-pin, socket
<IN>: EtherCAT input <OUT>: EtherCAT output
Cable shielded, 8-pin special Ethernet Patch
cable (quality CAT5e or higher)
Cable length 100 m
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Profibus interface (BPG402-SP)
Display (BPG402-S only)
Power supply
Fieldbus name Profibus
Standard applied
Communication protocol, data format
Interface, physical RS485
Data rate
Node address
Local (Adjustable via hexadecimal "ADDRESS", "MSD", "LSD" switches)
Default setting
Via Profibus ("ADDRESS" switches set to >7D (>125
[2], [12]
12 MBaud ( [2])
00 … 7D
00 … 7D
(0 … 125
(0 … 125
Profibus connection D-Sub, 9-pin, female
Cable shielded, special Profibus cable
( 23 and [6])
Cable length, system wiring according to Profibus specifications
( [12], [6])
Display panel
Pressure units Selecting the pressure unit
LCD matrix, 32×16 pixels, with background illumination
17.0 mm × 12 mm
mbar (default), Torr, Pa via RS232C ( 31)
The gauge must only be connected to power supplies, instruments or control devices that conform to the requirements of a grounded extra­low voltage (PELV). The connection to the gauge has to be fused (INFICON controllers fulfill these requirements).
Supply voltage at the gauge +24 V (dc) (+20 … +28 V (dc)) 1)
Power consumption
Standard Degas Emission start (<200 ms)
ripple max. 2 V
0.5 A 0.8 A 1.4 A
Fuse necessary 1.25 AT
(INFICON controllers fulfill these re­quirements)
Power consumption
BPG402-S, -SL BPG402-SD BPG402-SE BPG402-SP
18 W 18 W 21 W 20 W
The BPG402-SD requires an additional, separate power supply for the
Supply voltage at the DeviceNet
DeviceNet interface ( 21).
connector (pin 2 and pin 3)
+24 V (dc) (+11 … +25 V (dc))
Power consumption 2 W
The power supply for the DeviceNet interface is protected against
reversed polarity.
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Electrical connection
Materials used
For reasons of compatibility, the expression "sensor cable" is used for all
BPG402 versions in this document, although the pressure reading of the gauges with fieldbus interface (BPG402-SD, BPG402-SE and
Electrical connection
BPG402-SP) is normally transmitted via the corresponding bus.
D-Sub, 15-pin, male BPG402-S, -SL BPG402-SD, -SE, -SP
Sensor cable shielded, number of conductors de-
pending on the functions used,
max. 15 conductors plus shielding
Cable length (supply voltage 24 V (dc)
Analog and fieldbus operation
For operation with RS232C interface
Materials exposed to vacuum
Housing, supports, screens Feedthroughs Insulator Cathode Cathode holder Pirani element
Internal volume
35 m, 0.25 mm²/conductor
50 m, 0.34 mm²/conductor
100 m, 1.0 mm²/conductor
30 m
stainless steel NiFe, nickel plated glass iridium, yttrium oxide (Y molybdenum, platinum tungsten, copper
24 cm
34 cm
Pressure max. 2 bar (absolute)
Admissible temperatures
Bakeout Long tube
Relative humidity
Year's mean During 60 days
-20 … 70 °C
0 … 50 °C
+ 80 °C +150 °C
65 (no condensation) 85% (no condensation)
Use indoors only
altitude up to 2000 m NN
Mounting orientation any
Type of protection IP 30
Measured at gauge connector (consider the voltage drop as function of the sensor cable
Flange temperature, electronics unit removed, horizontally mounted.
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Dimensions [mm]
4-40UNC 2B
4-40UNC 2B
DN 40 CF-R
4-40UNC 2B
Gauges with DeviceNet connector
are 14 mm longer.
DN 40 CF-R
353-570, 353-572 353-571, 353-573 353-578
450 g 710 g 917 g
353-574, 353-576, 353-590
353-575, 353-577, 353-591
490 g 750 g
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3 Installation
3.1 Vacuum Connection
DANGER: overpressure in the vacuum system >1 bar
Injury caused by released parts and harm caused by escaping process gases can result if clamps are opened while the vacuum system is pressurized.
Do not open any clamps while the vacuum system is pressurized. Use the type of clamps which are suited to overpressure.
The gauge must be electrically connected to the grounded vacuum chamber. This connection must conform to the requirements of a pro­tective connection according to EN 61010:
CF connections fulfill this requirement
For gauges with a KF vacuum connection, use a conductive me-
tallic clamping ring.
Caution: vacuum component
Dirt and damages impair the function of the vacuum component.
When handling vacuum components, take appropriate measures to ensure cleanliness and prevent damages.
Caution: dirt sensitive area
Touching the product or parts thereof with bare hands increases the desorption rate.
Always wear clean, lint-free gloves and use clean tools when working in this area.
The gauge may be mounted in any orientation. To keep condensates
and particles from getting into the measuring chamber, preferably choose a horizontal to upright position. See dimensional drawing for space requirements ( 12).
The gauge is supplied with a built-in grid. For potentially contaminating applications and to protect the electrodes against light and fast charged particles, installation ( 15) of the optional baffle is recommended ( 47).
When installing the gauge, make sure that the area around the con-
nector is accessible for the tools required for adjustment while the gauge is mounted ( 40, 43).
When installing the gauge, allow for installing/deinstalling the connectors and accommodation of cable loops.
If you are using a gauge with display, make sure easy reading of the display is possible.
Vacuum connection free of grease.
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3.1.1 Removing and Installing the Electronics Unit
Required tools / material
Removing the electronics unit
Remove the protective lid and install the gauge to the vacuum system.
Seal with centering ring
Protective lid
Allen wrench, AF 2.5
(keep it)
Unscrew the hexagon socket set screw (1) on the side of the electronics
unit (2).
Remove the electronics unit without twisting it.
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Installing the electronics unit
Place the electronics unit (2) on the sensor (3) (be careful to correctly align
the pins and notch (4)).
3.1.2 Using the Optional Baffle
Required tools / material
Slide the electronics unit in to the mechanical stop and lock it with the hexa-
gon socket set screw.
In severely contaminating processes and to protect measurement electrodes opti­cally against light and fast charged particles, replacement of the built-in grid by the optional baffle ( 47) is recommended.
Gauge deinstalled ("Deinstallation" 41).
Baffle (→ 47)
Pointed tweezers
Pin (e.g. pencil)
Screwdriver No 1
Carefully remove the grid with tweezers.
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Carefully place the baffle onto the sensor opening.
Using a pin, press the baffle down in the center until it catches.
Carefully remove the baffle with the screwdriver.
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3.2 Electrical Connection
3.2.1 Use With INFICON VGC40x / VGC50x Vacuum Gauge Controller
Required material
If the gauge is used with an INFICON VGC40x / VGC50x controller, a correspond­ing sensor cable is required ( [4]). The sensor cable permits supplying the gauge with power, transmitting measurement values and gauge statuses, and making pa­rameter settings.
Caution: data transmission errors
If the gauge is operated with the INFICON VGC40x / VGC50x Vacuum Gauge Controller (RS232C) and a fieldbus interface at the same time, data transmission errors may occur.
The gauge must not be operated with an INFICON VGC40x / VGC50x controller and DeviceNet, EtherCAT or Profibus at the same time.
Sensor cable ( [4]), INFICON sales literature)
Plug the sensor connector into the gauge and secure it with the locking
3.2.2 Use With Other Controllers
Connect the other end of the sensor cable to the INFICON controller and
secure it.
The gauge can also be operated with other controllers.
Especially the fieldbus versions BPG402-SD (DeviceNet), BPG402-SE (EtherCAT) and BPG402-SP (Profibus) are usually operated as part of a network, controlled by a master or bus controller. In such cases, the control system has to be operated with the appropriate software and communication protocol ( [1], [2], [3]).
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