The key learnings from a study of these scenarios are:-
Using physical tape at ROBO’s and performing daily off-siting of physical media will become a
thing of the past, physical tape will be replaced by WAN based backup or a HP virtual tape
libraries so that the whole process is automated and managed from a regional centre or main data
centre. The automation will vastly improve the reliability of backup in the most remote offices where
there are typically no trained IT staff.
Deduplication technology is the key enabling technology for Low bandwidth replication which is
revolutionizing ROBO backup. Deduplication enables the “unique” pieces of data to be identified
and replicated, in turn this means much smaller inter-site links are required to effectively transmit
large apparent quantities of data. Up to 95% bandwidth saving is achievable. Low bandwidth
replication now ensures we can cost effectively “protect data anywhere”. Low bandwidth
replication can be “throttled” to use a percentage of an existing link, so as not to affect applications
performance running on the same link. One key advantage for HP is its ability to provide “scale
down” deduplication devices that are very cost effective and an ideal fit for ROBO’s.
Consolodation of replicated data from many ROBOs onto a single device at the regional data
center or main data center allows for further cost efficiencies.
Physical tape does still have a role to play in larger regional centres and main data centres, as a
long term archive media for customers that have a need to keep data for years. It is relatively
simple to integrate physical tape into a virtual tape environment because all backup software
supports tape to tape copy. Certain compliance regulations also demand additional copies of data
be made to physical tape.
Close integration of HP D2D & VLS devices with HP data protector software allow for complete end
to end solutions to be realized. Features such as synthetic full backup, Object copy and the ability
for HP Data protector to detect replicated cartridges and incorporate them into its internal catalog
database ensure the solution is always “Disaster recovery ready”. Management of the whole
process from anywhere in the network ensures a tight integration and expeianced IT staff access to
all the relevant components.
Introduction: Issues Associated with Remote Office/Branch
Office Backup
For many years remote office/branch office backup and restore has been an issue with IT managers.
Some of the challenges they faced were:-
Having to implement physical tape infrastructure and operators at what could be a large
number of sites.
Paying service providers to pick-up store and retrieve tapes to and from an off-site facility.
Data in transit (physical tapes) are prone to being lost, and the company relies entirely on a
3rdparty for their ability to recover from a disaster.
Untrained IT personnel at the most remote sites, who may have been responsible for changing
physical tapes, and then off-siting the tapes. A very manual but important process which may
not always have been executed well.
Reliability of the process – more prone to errors because it was manual and required regular
human intervention. Physical tape drive cleaning and tape rotation added to the complexity.