Introduction to Integrity NonStop NS-Series
HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Operations Guide—529869-005
Task 1: Get the Facts
Task 1: Get the Facts
The first step in solving any problem is to get the facts. Although it is tempting to
speculate about causes, your time is better spent in first understanding the symptoms
of the problem.
Task 1a: Determine the Facts About the Problem
To get a clear, complete description of problem symptoms, ask questions to determine
the facts about the problem. For example:
Task 1b: Determine the Facts About the Situation
Collect facts about the situation in which the problem arose. A clear description of the
situation that led to the problem could indicate a simple solution. Examples of
questions to ask are:
Who reported the problem and how can this person be contacted?
How critical is the situation?
What events led to the problem?
Has anything changed recently that might have caused the problem?
What event messages have you received?
What is the current configuration of the hardware and software products affected?
An example of information you might obtain from asking questions:
Category Questi ons to Ask
What? What are you having trouble with?
What specifically is wrong?
Where? Where did you first notice the problem?
Where has it occurred since you first noticed it?
Which ap plic ations, components, de v ic es , and people ar e affec t ed?
When? When did the problem occur?
What is the frequency of the problem?
Has this problem occurred before this time?
Magnitude? Is the problem quantifiable in any way? (That is, can it be measured?) For
example , h ow m any people are affected? Is this problem getting wors e?
Question Answer
What is happening that
indicates a problem?
A terminal is h ung.
Where is this problem
In the office of USER.BONNIE. The affected terminal is
named $JT1.#C02.
When is this problem occurring? At 8:30 this morning and also at the same time two days
ago. Both times, this problem occurred after three
unsuccessful attempts to log on.
What is the magnitude of this
Intermittent; the problem seemed t o disappear on its own
when it first occurred two days ago.