HP Indigo Division, w3250 Instruction For Use & Installation Instructions

HP Indigo Division Installation Instructions
Installation Manual
To provide information and instructions for performing the installation of the HP Indigo press w3250.

Installation instruction details

Item Details
Document number
Kit number
Related ECO
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Modification available - performance/ Modification available ­reliability
HP Indigo press w3250
As per press
13 Feb 07
HP confidential
Installation instruction details ...................................................................................................................1
Warranty disqualifier.................................................................................................................................7
Quick reference checklist .........................................................................................................................8
General information................................................................................................................................17
How to use this manual.....................................................................................................................17
Packing list ........................................................................................................................................17
The alignment jig ...............................................................................................................................19
The parallel jig ...................................................................................................................................20
Estimated installation time......................................................................................................................22
Special skills ...........................................................................................................................................22
Special jigs and tools..............................................................................................................................22
Pre-installation procedure ......................................................................................................................23
Verifying site preparation...................................................................................................................23
Marking the pressroom floor for press components..........................................................................23
Unpacking the boxes.........................................................................................................................23
Procedure ...............................................................................................................................................24
Installing the electrical cabinets ........................................................................................................24
Installing the printing engines............................................................................................................24
Mounting the turnbar .........................................................................................................................44
Mounting the PE1..............................................................................................................................45
Leveling the printing engines ............................................................................................................46
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Installation Manual
Securing the turnbar..........................................................................................................................54
Electrical cabling ...............................................................................................................................58
Installing the vacuum hoses..............................................................................................................70
Install the floor platform.....................................................................................................................72
Installing the chiller and cooling water hoses....................................................................................72
Install the UPS...................................................................................................................................75
Install the writing head.......................................................................................................................76
Install the HVPS (High Voltage Power Supply).................................................................................77
Install the roof covers ........................................................................................................................79
Install system components................................................................................................................80
Unpacking the ILP, unwinder, utility cabinets, and ink cabinets .......................................................80
Installing the ILP................................................................................................................................81
Installing the ILP web rollers .............................................................................................................97
Installing the unwinder.....................................................................................................................100
Unwinder electrical connections......................................................................................................104
ILP electrical connections................................................................................................................105
Connect the air supply.....................................................................................................................108
Install the ILP vacuum hoses ..........................................................................................................112
Installing the ink cabinets ................................................................................................................113
Adjusting the web guide ..................................................................................................................116
Install the utility cabinet ...................................................................................................................117
Connect the computers ...................................................................................................................121
Install the master console ...............................................................................................................127
Connecting the master computer ....................................................................................................128
Production flow................................................................................................................................130
Install the finishing components ......................................................................................................130
Installing the turnbar stepping plate ................................................................................................130
Install the main power connection and transformer ........................................................................130
Initial power-up ................................................................................................................................131
Emergency stop tests......................................................................................................................136
Threading the web...........................................................................................................................138
Configure the press software ..........................................................................................................139
Install PIP and blankets...................................................................................................................139
Testing and calibrating the press ....................................................................................................139
Customer acceptance test procedure (CATP) ................................................................................145
CATP specification checklist ...........................................................................................................147
Complete the installation.................................................................................................................150
Appendix A: Image placement parameters ..........................................................................................151
Revision history ....................................................................................................................................153
Confidentiality Notice............................................................................................................................153
List of figures
Figure 1 The HP Indigo press w3250 ...................................................................................................6
Figure 2 The alignment jig ..................................................................................................................19
Figure 3 The alignment jigs mounted .................................................................................................19
Figure 4 Sections of the new Parallel jig ............................................................................................20
Figure 5 Mounting the v-section of the Parallel jig..............................................................................21
Figure 6 Mounting the dial bracket on the extension..........................................................................22
Figure 7 Positioning the u-bases ........................................................................................................25
Figure 8 Remounting the u-base slip plates .......................................................................................26
Figure 9 Adjusting the u-base height..................................................................................................27
Figure 10 Placing the foresight on the PE2 u-base ............................................................................28
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Figure 11 Setting up the surveying tool ..............................................................................................29
Figure 12 Focusing the surveying tool on the foresight stand target..................................................30
Figure 13 Leveling the surveying tool.................................................................................................30
Figure 14 Loosening the u-base connecting rods ..............................................................................31
Figure 15 Installing the junction bars between the u-bases ...............................................................31
Figure 16 Removing the front exit service door..................................................................................33
Figure 17 The lifting and positioning assembly ..................................................................................34
Figure 18 Positioning the link bar under the feed side .......................................................................35
Figure 19 Positioning the link bar under the exit side of the engine - view from rear.........................36
Figure 20 Positioning the lifting frames against the engine................................................................37
Figure 21 Leveling pad .......................................................................................................................38
Figure 22 Placing the leveling pads on the u-base.............................................................................38
Figure 23 Moving the raised engine to the u-base .............................................................................39
Figure 24 Press positioned over u-base .............................................................................................40
Figure 25 Lowering the engine on to the u-base and leveling pads...................................................41
Figure 26 Engine mounted on the u-base ..........................................................................................42
Figure 27 Final position of printing engine on u-base.........................................................................43
Figure 28 Identifying the turnbar components ....................................................................................44
Figure 29 Inserting the turnbar into the exit side of PE2 ....................................................................45
Figure 30 Using a level at the printing engine front ............................................................................46
Figure 31 Leveling at the printing engine input – PE2 shown ............................................................47
Figure 32 Mounting an alignment jig on the ITM end cap ..................................................................48
Figure 33 Aligning the printing engines - alignment jigs.....................................................................50
Figure 34 Identifying the u-base adjustment screws ..........................................................................51
Figure 35 Aligning the surveying tool crosshairs and sights ..............................................................51
Figure 36 Measuring the parallelism between rollers of opposing printing engines...........................52
Figure 37 The link brackets ................................................................................................................53
Figure 38 Mounting the front link bracket ...........................................................................................53
Figure 39 Inserting the rear connection bracket .................................................................................54
Figure 40 Securing the front connection bracket and input idler ........................................................55
Figure 41 Securing the rear connection bracket and input idler.........................................................56
Figure 42 Connecting the main electrical power in the electrical cabinet...........................................58
Figure 43 Securing the electrical cabinet cables ................................................................................59
Figure 44 Components of electrical cabinet M1 .................................................................................60
Figure 45 Components of electrical cabinet M2 .................................................................................61
Figure 46 The Unidrive assembly and components ...........................................................................65
Figure 47 The Unidrive unit ................................................................................................................66
Figure 48 Electrical cabinet M1 PLC, MPI, and Profibus connections ...............................................68
Figure 49 Routing the MPI (MODBUS) cable.....................................................................................69
Figure 50 Installing the vacuum hoses and adaptors .........................................................................70
Figure 51 Routing vacuum hoses to PE1 ...........................................................................................71
Figure 52 Routing vacuum hoses to PE2 ...........................................................................................72
Figure 53 Chiller pipe routing (Europe)...............................................................................................73
Figure 54 Chiller pipe routing (Japan) ................................................................................................74
Figure 55 The rear UPS panel............................................................................................................75
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Figure 56 Connecting the UPS to the PDU ........................................................................................76
Figure 57 HVPS installation................................................................................................................77
Figure 58 The HVPS cage assembly..................................................................................................77
Figure 59 Installing the HVPS on the baseplate.................................................................................78
Figure 60 Installing the baseplate on the press..................................................................................78
Figure 61 Attaching the top cover to the baseplate ............................................................................79
Figure 62 Connecting the cables to the HVPS ...................................................................................79
Figure 63 ILP rollers............................................................................................................................81
Figure 64 Distinguishing the ILP feed and exit stepping plate assemblies ........................................82
Figure 65 Mounting the ILP stepping plate assemblies on the ILP ....................................................83
Figure 66 Installing the stepping plates to the ILP..............................................................................84
Figure 67 Installing the ILP exit cover on the exit-side stepping plate assembly ...............................85
Figure 68 Positioning the ILP next to PE1..........................................................................................86
Figure 69 Aligning the stepping plate to the PE1 front wall................................................................87
Figure 70 Unlocking the ILP alignment plates ....................................................................................88
Figure 71 Leveling and aligning the ILP ............................................................................................89
Figure 72 Adjust the ILP feet height ...................................................................................................90
Figure 73 Leveling the ILP..................................................................................................................91
Figure 74 Leveling the ILP at the rollers.............................................................................................92
Figure 75 Aligning the PE1 and ILP using the Parallel jig ..................................................................93
Figure 76 Aligning the ILP feed stepping plate rollers........................................................................94
Figure 77 Aligning the ILP feed stepping plate rollers - between stepping plate rollers.....................95
Figure 78 The priming unit rollers - position in the ILP .......................................................................97
Figure 79 Identifying the rollers ..........................................................................................................98
Figure 80 Installing the priming rollers - outer and inner stations.......................................................99
Figure 81 Moving the unwinder into its final position........................................................................100
Figure 82 Leveling the unwinder.......................................................................................................101
Figure 83 Checking the level at the unwinder exit............................................................................102
Figure 84 Aligning the unwinder with the ILP feed stepping plate assembly ...................................103
Figure 85 Aligning the unwinder with the ILP ...................................................................................104
Figure 86 Install cable securing clamps at the ILP ...........................................................................106
Figure 87 ILP rear connection panel.................................................................................................107
Figure 88 Connection the air supply at the ILP ................................................................................108
Figure 89 Routing the air hose from the ILP.....................................................................................109
Figure 90 Routing and connecting the air hoses at PE1 and PE2 ...................................................110
Figure 91 Installing the safety cover on the ILP rear panel ..............................................................111
Figure 92 Routing the vacuum hose to the ILP ................................................................................112
Figure 93 The 4-color configuration – front view ..............................................................................113
Figure 94 The 7-color configuration – front view ..............................................................................113
Figure 95 The ink cabinet – rear view...............................................................................................114
Figure 96 Mapping the BID hoses from the ink cabinet to the BIDs.................................................115
Figure 97 Removing the transport securing screws ..........................................................................116
Figure 98 Hinging the utility cabinet to the printing engine...............................................................117
Figure 99 Connecting the utility cabinet to the printing engine.........................................................118
Figure 100 Closing the utility cabinet on the sealing gasket ............................................................119
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Figure 101 Adjusting the height of the utility cabinet ........................................................................120
Figure 102 The network configuration ..............................................................................................121
Figure 103 The switchbox unit..........................................................................................................121
Figure 104 Identifying the slave computer connections ...................................................................122
Figure 105 Mounting the slave computer and switchbox in electrical cabinet M2 ...........................123
Figure 106 Connecting a slave computer to its printing engine .......................................................124
Figure 107 Connecting the master console computer......................................................................127
Figure 108 Installing the monitor base..............................................................................................128
Figure 109 switching the UPS on .....................................................................................................132
Figure 110 The web feed system .....................................................................................................138
Figure 111 The image placement parameters..................................................................................151
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Figure 1 The HP Indigo press w3250
The procedure to install the HP Indigo press w3250 involves the following main steps:
Verifying site preparation
Marking the pressroom floor
Unpacking the boxes
Install the electrical cabinets
Install the printing engines and turnbar
Install the In-Line Primer (ILP)
Installing the unwinder
Install the main electrical cabling
Install the slave computers and switchboxes
Install the printing engine vacuum hoses
Install the cooling water hoses
Install the floor platform
Install system components such as ink cabinets, utility cabinets, and writing heads
Install the master console and computer
Powering up the press
Installing the system electrical cabling
Configuring the press software
Testing and calibrating press systems
Performing CATP
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Warranty disqualifier

The boxes addressed to the customer may be opened only by a qualified HP Indigo Customer Engineer. Any unauthorized opening of the boxes may void the warranty on the press and its parts.
This manual and the corresponding Quick Reference Checklist are intended for use by the Customer Engineer. The engineer should obtain the manual prior to the installation of the press.
CAUTION: The HP Indigo press w3250 printing engines,
unwinder and rewinder may be lifted or transported only by specially trained and qualified personnel using lifting bars, lifting straps, and other specialized equipment that meet HP Indigo specifications as well as any additional requirements imposed by central and local government regulations.
Improper lifting may cause serious personal injury
and/or damage to the press or other property.
Do not lift the printing engines (PE) from the paper
input or paper exit side.
When lowering the printing engines from the fork
lift, place wedges on the floor in front of the wheels to prevent slipping.
The press must be hard connected to the mains by a qualified local electrician in accordance with local safety regulations. The connection must be through a lockable mains supply disconnect switch rated at 32 A 5000 AIC type G. The cables must be protected by a conduit.
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Quick reference checklist

The following procedure is a quick reference guide of the installation procedure intended for two integrators and extended over five days.
Reference Procedure
1st Day
Site preparation
Measuring and marking
Unpacking 3. Unpacking the boxes
Electric cabinets
(20 mins)
(40 mins)
Printing engines
(160 mins)
1. Verifying site preparation on page 23
2. Marking the pressroom floor on
e 23
on page 23
4. Installing the electrical cabinets on pag
e 24
5. Position the u-bases on page 24
6. Position the foresight stand on page 28
7. Install the junction bars on page 32
8. Mount the PE2 on page 33
9. install the platform on page 43
10. Mounting the turnbar on page 44
11. Mounting the PE1 on page 45
12. level each printing engine on page 46
13. align the printing engines on page 49
14. Securing the turnbar on page 54
15. connect the printing
ines on page 56
y site preparation as per Site
Verif Preparation Guide
Use marker pen to mark profile of press, cabinets, unwinder, ILP and Finisher on floor
ack the boxes and verify their contents
either with the BOM or Packing list on page
Install electrical cabinet M1 and M2 in their marked position.
n the u-bases on the floor. Adjust
Positio distance between u-bases to 693.0 mm at a height of 200 mm. from the floor.
Use surve accurately. Raise the tripod and surveying tool to 1550.0 mm.
Install the junction bars between the two u­bases.
Mount the PE2 on the u-base. Use the lifting and positioning assembly.
Install the platform between the printing engines.
Mount the turn
Mount the PE1 on the u-base. Use the lifting and positioning assembly.
Leve of 0.0 ± 0.1 mm
Accuratel horizontally using the surveying tool.
Mount the front brackets on the extended shaft of idler 3.
Install using M5 screws at front and rear. Install collar on idler at rear.
Recheck the alignment using the surveying tool.
Install front link Recheck alignment using surveying tool. Check parallelism between PEs using the parallel jig. Measure to an accuracy of
0.00 ± 0.01 mm
ying tool to align u-bases
bar assembly to PE1.
l each printing engine to an accuracy
y align the printing engines
and rear connection
brackets to attach two PEs.
Notes and check
Site Preparation check list
Marker pen
Cable meter
Packing list
Packed with PE2
CA294-03070 rev 00 page 8 of 153
Installation Manual
Electrical wiring
(180 mins)
Vacuum hoses
(40 mins)
Reference Procedure
16. Install the electrical cabinet-to-cabinet cables on page 61
17. Install the electrical cabinet M1 cables to PE1, PE2 on page 62
18. Install the electrical cabinet M2 to PE1, PE2 on page 62
19. Install the electrical cabinet M1-to-master console cables on
e 63
20. Install all Unidrive cables on page 66
21. Install the PE1-to­PE2 cables on page 67
22. Install the PROFIBUS cables as on page 67
23. Install the CTNET cables on page 68
24. Route the MPI (MODBUS) cables on pag
e 69
25. Connect the ProfiBus and CT
Net cable connections on page 69
26. Installing the vacuum hoses on page 70
2nd Day
Floor platform 27. Install the floor
platform on page 72
Install electrical cabinet M2 to cabinet M1 cabling.
Install electrical cabinet M1 to cabinet M2 cabling.
Install electrical cabinet M1 to PE1 and PE2.
Install electrical cabinet M2 to PE1 and PE2.
Install the electrical cabinet M1-to-master console cables.
Leave the cables ends at the cabinet until installation of the raised floor and master console.
Install al electrical cabinets M1 and M2.
Install the PE1-
Install ProfiBus between electrical cabinets M1 and M2 and PLC in cabinet M1.
Install CT at electrical cabinets M1 and M2.
Route the MPI (MODBUS) cable through the ILP connection panel to the front of PE1 and connect JTBD of the cable to PTBD of the TBD.
Route the remaining connector JTBD to the exit are of PE2 and connect it to PTBD of the TBD.
Con cable connections at electrical cabinets M1 and M2
Install and route all vacuum hoses from electrical cabinets M1 and M2 to PE1, PE2 (short hoses 2-3 m), and ILP.
Wait for the raised floor and ILP to install long hose (3-4 m).
Reinstall lower under-panel
Install floor p specifications in Site Preparation Guide.
Start at unwinder and ILP area. For press, start at corners of press or wall.
l PE1 and PE2 Unidrive cables in
to-PE2 cables.
communication cable
Net cables between all Unidrives
nect the following ProfiBus and CTNet
e under-panel
latform according to
Notes and check
Wait for floor and ILP to connect.
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Installation Manual
Chiller and chiller pipes
(60 mins)
(10 mins)
Writing head
(30 mins)
(40 mins)
(15 mins)
Utility cabinet top cover
(15 mins)
Various components
(45 mins)
3rd Day
Lift ILP, unwinder, utility cabinets, ink cabinets
(20 mins)
(120 mins)
Reference Procedure
Notes and check
28. Installing the chiller on page 72
29. Install the UPS on
e 75
30. Install the writing head on page 76
31. Install the HVPS on page 77
32. Install the HVPS on page 77
33. install on page 117 Install utility cabinet top cover.
34. Install system
nents on page
compo 80
35. Lift and move the ILP, unwinder, utility cabinets, and ink cabinets on page 80
36. Installing the ILP on page 81
Install chi connections.
Install chiller according to specifications. Refer to the UltraFilter ultracool 0400 installation guide:
Flow rate of 56 ±5 liters/minute
Temperature (measured at the press
Make sure that the external filter supplied by the supplier is installed. The filter should be installed at the chiller return pipe.
Connect the cooling water hoses to the press as shown in Figure 53 and Figure 54 (dep
Install and connect the UPS cables.
Cables to be found in cabinet M1.
Check the installation of all UPS cables between the electrical cabinet M1, PE1, and PE2.
Connect the cables to the internal battery.
Remove under-plate at heater window.
Install and align writing head.
Install HVPS units and covers.
Install roof covers.
Install the foll
PTE/air knife.
Scorotron units.
Cleaning station and wiper blade.
ITM cover.
BID units.
Ametek filters.
Lift the ILP, unw ink cabinets to the raised platform floor.
Position ILP near PE1. Position ILP feed and exit stepping plate assemblies near ILP.
ller pipes adapters and
inlet) of 6°C
ending on country of installation).
e writing head from box 8.
owing in each engine:
Thoroughly clean the BID units.
inder, utility cabinets, and
Hoses from chiller should be prepared
CA294-03070 rev 00 page 10 of 153
Installation Manual
(60 mins)
ILP wiring and air hose connections
(160 mins)
Reference Procedure
Notes and check
37. install the ILP exit stepping plate on pag
e 83
38. align the ILP and stepping plate assembly on page 86
39. Measure on page 87 Measure distance between stepping plate
40. Release on page 88 Release (do not remove) six ILP alignment
41. Lower on page 88 Lower four ILP feet until castors
42. level and align the ILP on page 89
43. align the ILP on page 93
44. level and align the ILP exit stepping plate rollers on page 94
45. Install the ILP feed stepping plate on pag
e 96
46. install the priming rollers on page 99
47. Installing the unwinder on page 100
48. align the unwinder on page 103
49. Unwinder electrical conn
ections on page
50. ILP electrical connections on page 105
51. Install on page 105 Install cables between cabinet M1and the
52. Connect on page 105 Connect air hoses and cables to the ILP
53. Install on page 106 Install the cable securing clamps on the
Install the ILP exit stepping plate assembly to the ILP.
Align the ILP and stepping plate assembly with the press. Verify gap between ILP exit cover and web entrance cover at PE1 is approximately 4-5 mm.
front edge and PE1 front wall. Distance should measure 30 mm.
plate locking screws.
approximately 5 mm above floor platform and feet touch floor.
l the the ILP
Align the ILP using the parallel jig.
Level and align the ILP exit stepping plate rollers.
Install the ILP feed stepping plate. Align and level the stepping plate to the ILP.
Install the ILP primin
n, install, level and align the
Positio unwinder.
Align the unwinder with the ILP feed stepping plate.
Install an and air hoses.
Install cab panel and cabinet M1.
ILP connections panel
connections panel
clamp rail.
d connect all appropriate wiring
les between the ILP connections
g rollers
CA294-03070 rev 00 page 11 of 153
Installation Manual
Ink cabinets
(90 mins)
Web guide
(10 mins)
Utility cabinets
(20 mins)
Computers installation
(40 mins)
Reference Procedure
54. Connect on page 108 Connect the following air hoses at the ILP
55. Install the ILP rear panel safety cover on
e 111
56. Install the ILP vacuum hoses on pag
e 112
57. Installing the ink cabinets on page 113
58. Place on page 116 Mount and install the corian working
59. Adjusting the web
de on page 116
60. Install the utility
net on page 117
61. Connect the computers on page 121
62. Install the computer cables on page 126
63. Install the master
le on page 127
Input hose from mains air supply to
Inlet connection.
Long outlet hose from Outlet to PE
connection to PE1.
Long outlet hose from Outlet to UW
connection to unwinder.
Install safety cover at the ILP front.
Connect the vacuum hose to the ILP.
Install eac order shown in Figure 93 on page 113 for four colors, and Figure 94 on page 113 for seven colors.
If more than four colors to be make sure that relevant calibration kit is ordered for extra colors.
Mount the mo on working surface.
Remov adjust the web guide.
Customer to save screws.
To troubleshoot, refer to w3200 service manual Calibrations.
Install the util hoses from utility cabinets to the printing engines.
Cooling water in
Cooling water out
Solid add compressed air
Impression drum cooling drain
Air flow
Connect control cable and power cable to utility cabinets.
Check the n Figure 103, and Figure 104 on page 121 -
Install Slav electrical cabinet M2.
Install the com computers.
Install master c master computer.
h ink cabinet according to color
nitor, keyboard and mouse
e the two securing screws and
ity cabinets and connect
etwork diagrams in Figure 102,
es 1 and 2 computers in
puter cables to both slave
onsole, and connections to
Notes and check
CA294-03070 rev 00 page 12 of 153
Installation Manual
Production flow
4th Day
Rewinder jig and finishing components
Turnbar stepping plate
Initial power-up
Thread web
Configure press
PIP and blankets
5th Day
Reference Procedure
64. Production flow on page 130
65. Install the finishing components on page 130
66. Installing the turnbar
ng plate on
e 130
67. Install the main power conn
ection and transformer on page 130
68. Initial power-up on e 131
69. Threading the web on e 138
70. Configure the press
software on page 139
71. Install PIP and
blankets on page 139
72. Testing and
calibrating the press on page 139
Emergency stop tests on page 139.
Checking the web flow on page 140.
Checking the ILP priming unit on page 140.
Testing the printing engine on page 141.
Testing printing engine voltages on page
Performing integration and testing on page
Organize and install network cabling, RIP systems, HPPF units to aid production flow.
Install the re
After testing, install finishing components according to customers design and Site Preparation Guide.
Install turnbar stepping plate.
A local qualified electrician should install and connect the transformer and electrical mains power connections.
Perform initial power up as detailed on page 131.
Local electrician to be present at startup to check mains power connections.
Mount a roll at unwinder and thread to finisher according to
Install latest version of press soft authorization codes.
Mount an relevant drums.
Test and calibrate press:
In the Diagnostics>Elements Ink Flow tab perform tests
2. Verify that the ink flows.
3. Verify that the second transfer
4. Install a new blanket and PIP foil.
5. Adjust the BID pressure.
6. Perform the first transfer pressure
7. Verify the writing head skew.
Changing the skew may affect focus.
winder jig to test the press.
ware with
d install PIP and blankets on
Build the inks.
pressure is correct.
Notes and check
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Installation Manual
Reference Procedure
Notes and check
8. Verify the writing head focus.
9. Verify the accuracy of the front to back and side to side prints:
a. Perform the natural web length
calibration for duplex. See HP Indigo Service Instruction Calibrations, MNU-1633-01.
b. Perform the eye mark sensor
vertical positioning. See HP Indigo Service Instruction Calibrations, MNU-1633-01.
c. Perform the eye mark sensor
lateral positioning. See HP Indigo Service Instruction Calibrations, MNU-1633-01.
d. Perform the eye mark distance to
nip adjustment. See HP Indigo Service Instruction Calibrations, MNU-1633-01.
e. Make sure that the substrate is
centered at PE1. Print and check.
f. Make sure that the substrate is
centered at PE2. Print and check.
10. Perform color adjustment using the paper roll supplied with the press.
If a different substrate is to be
installed on the press, perform the following:
a. Load glossy paper on the press.
b. From the Adjustments menu,
click Color Adjustment & Calibration.
The Color Adjustment Wizard
Manager window opens.
c. In the Automatic Color
Adjustment area, click Custom Color Adjustment.
The Custom Color Adjustment
wizard opens.
d. Select the desired matrix.
e. In the Electrode Voltage
Calibration field, select Include Velectrode Calibration.
f. Click Next. The OD step opens.
g. In the Select Method of Substrate
OD Usage field, select Read Substrate OD.
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Installation Manual
Reference Procedure
Notes and check
h. Click Next and Print.
The color adjustment is
Make sure that the wizard
completes all of its steps, and that all colors pass the color adjust procedure.
i. Click Finish.
j. Load the desired substrate on the
k. Print the CATP job.
l. In the 9th and 10th copy of the
CATP printout, measure the solid patches (J area), and calculate the average values.
Note the values.
m. Change the press software to
technician mode.
n. From the Options menu, click
Systab Editor.
The Systab editor window opens.
o. Expand the mmiCATopic tree.
p. In the right window, double-click
The mmiCATopic
SpecOdLowerDeltaOsm window opens.
q. In the Saved field, type -0.7.
r. Click OK. The window closes.
s. Double-click
The mmiCATopic
SpecOdLowerDelta5 window opens.
t. In the Saved field, type -0.7.
u. Click OK. The window closes.
v. Close the Systab Editor.
w. From the Adjustments menu,
click Color Adjustment & Calibration.
The Color Adjustment Wizard
Manager window opens.
x. In the Automatic Color
Adjustment area, click Custom Color Adjustment.
The Custom Color Adjustment
wizard opens.
y. In the Electrode Voltage
Calibration field, make sure that Include Velectrode Calibration is not selected.
z. Click Next. The OD step opens.
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Installation Manual
COI 74. Complete the
Reference Procedure
Testing during normal operation on page
73. CATP on page 145 Perform CATP test procedure:
Printing CATP test on page 147.
Check CATP against CATP specification
installation on page 150
aa. Click Setup.
The Setup OD of 100% Spec
Values window opens.
bb. Enter the optical density values
noted in step l above in the
opriate color fields.
cc. Click OK.
A warning may appear. Click OK
to close the warning.
dd. In the wizard, complete the wizard
Make sure that the color
calibration is completed successfully.
ee. From the Diagnostics menu,
click Writing Head.
The Writing Head window opens.
ff. Click the Laser Power tab.
gg. Check that the Laser Power
values do not approach the upper or lower limits (30 to 1).
If the values are at either
extremity, perform the Machine LUT Calibration wizard from
Adjustments > Machine LUT Calibration.
11. If necessary, perform the Machine LUT using 180 lpi.
checklist on page 147.
ete installation as detailed on page
Notes and check
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Installation Manual

General information

How to use this manual

Read the manual carefully prior to installing the press. This manual is intended to guide the CE throughout the installation of the press.
The packing list in the boxes takes priority over the list in this manual. Check off parts against the packing list in the boxes.
The Quick Reference Installation Guide at the end of the document is intended to provide the experienced installer with reminders of the key steps and information.

Packing list

The table below lists the main contents of each box. The full contents list provided with the boxes takes priority over this table.
Box no.
3 MPQ-0620-51 U-base assembly 2 U-base
6 CA290-0523X Vacuum hose pipes kit for
Part number Contents Qty Name and weight (kg)
WHS electrical cabinet M1b
Installation Manual
WHS electrical cabinet M2b
Computer Slave #1 and #2
Network Ethernet SW1
Printing engine 2 (PE2)
Working surface
Leveler 75x150-55 Airloc
Fixing bracket assembly
Pipe Insulation 1-1/8”
Printing engine 1 (PE1)
Working surface
Leveler 75x150-55 Airloc
Exit inverter roller
Pipe Insulation 1-1/8”
Back right cover assy
Roof top cover assy
HVPS assy
Utility cabinet
Kit ink cabinet- s3200
Cover t4
Cover guide closure (stage)
Pipe flex od-1+5/16
Bottom cover for pub
1 Vacuum pipes kit for w3250
Electric Cabinet
Electric Cabinet
PE2 engine
PE1 engine
Miscellaneous PE2
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Box no.
Part number Contents Qty Name and weight (kg)
PX848AA#ABB MPT-7383-53
Air Knife
Kit S/P Cleaning station and wiper
BID unit
Filter box assembly
Arms, Cover holder assembly
Back right cover assembly
Roof top assembly
Utility cabinet
Kit ink cabinet
Writing head assembly for u\s
Kit acc. Installation For w3250
Kit access for w3250
Sp UPS w/extension cables
Skid pallet
Cover guide closure (stage)
Keyboard & mouse
Screws M8x40, flat
Washers, Spring Washers
Cover for left ramp
Left ramp assembly – ILP
Right ramp assembly -ILP
Air pipe black dia.=12
Upper rubber roller assy
ILP, lower roller assy
UW6 - Unwinder for w3250
Pipe air 8mm
Panel front
Perspex covers for uw6
Feed roller
Unwinder book
Monitor Console assy
Emergency stop panel
Keyboard ps/2 hp
Working surface master console
Cable assy cc69
Cable assy cc70
PC software kit
Mouse PS/2 HP
Siemens software
Machine system info
Mouse pad
Kit S/W 6.7 w3250
8 of each
1 1
Miscellaneous PE1
Master Console
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Box no.
13 Q5391-00680 Kit cons. Instl. W3250 1 Consumables kit
14 MPR-1309-11 Pap. Roll condat 115 1 Paper roll condat 115
Part number Contents Qty Name and weight (kg)

The alignment jig

Figure 2 The alignment jig
Figure 3 The alignment jigs mounted
1 Sights increasing in height from PE1 to PE2
2 PE1 jig
3 PE2 jig
4 Highest sight
Alignment jigs are used to adjust the forward/rearward alignment of the printing engines.
The jigs are used with a surveying tool (scope). They are not identical. When mounted properly, the sights on the jigs increase in height going from PE1 to PE2. The increase in height allows all the sites to be visible in the surveying tool. Adjustments can then be made to the position of the printing
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engines until all the sights are lined up with the crosshairs in the surveying tool (Figure 2 and Figure 3).

The parallel jig

The Parallel jig measures the variation in distance (parallel) along the length of two rollers. It is used to accommodate the various adjustments necessary to bring the rollers of all the press components (printing engines, ILP, unwinder) into parallel with the rollers of the adjacent one. Adjustments can then be made to the press component position until the variation in distance is either zero or minimal.
Figure 4 Sections of the new Parallel jig
1 880 mm long extension 6 Dial
2 650 mm medium extension 7 Base
3 Extension securing screw 8 200 mm short extension
4 Dial bracket securing screw 9 V-section
5 Dial bracket
The jig may be extended between rollers of distances using the three extensions which are attached to the base. The v-section is suitable for rollers of diameter 50 - 79 mm, whereas the dial bracket, buffer and dial are suitable for rollers 79 - 80 mm in diameter (Figure 4).
The long
configuration is used to make the following alignments (Figure 4):
To align the ILP to PE1
To align the unwinder to the ILP
The intermediate configuration is used to make the following alignments (Figure 4):
To align one of the rollers in the exit-side stepping plate of the ILP to PE1
To align one of the rollers in the input-side stepping plate of the ILP to the ILP itself
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The short configuration is used to align the remaining roller in each stepping plate to its companion roller aligned previously (Figure 4).
To assem
ble the new Parallel jig to align two rollers (Figure 4):
Insert the measuring gauge fixture into the desired extension (long, intermediate, short).
Tighten the handle.
2. Insert the extension into the base so that the V-section and the gauge are facing the same direction.
Tighten the two handles to secure the extension.
NOTE: Disassembly is the reverse of the above two steps.
Figure 5 Mounting the v-section of the Parallel jig
1 Base v-section 2 Roller
3. Mount the v-section on the first roller (Figure 5).
Make sure that the extension reaches the second roller and tighten the extension securing screws.
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Figure 6 Mounting the dial bracket on the extension
1 Dial bracket securing screw 5 Positioning circle
2 Dial bracket 6 Center lines of roller
3 Buffer 7 Position of dial sensor tip
4 Roller 8 Dial
4. Mount the gauged end of the jig on the specified roller needing to be aligned.
5. Loosen the screw securing the gauge support on the fixture, and slide it back so it does not interfere with placing the wheel.
6. Loosen the lock nut for the handle securing the gauge fixture in the extension.
7. Adjust the position of the gauge fixture in the extension so that the wheel rests on the roller and coincides with the vertical centerline of the roller.
Tighten the handle and the lock nut.
8. Slide the gauge support back until the contact touches the roller.
Continue sliding the gauge until the needle makes one complete turn.
Tighten the screw to secure the gauge support in place.


Completion of site preparation.

Estimated installation time

4 days

Special skills

Only specially trained personnel should perform this installation.

Special jigs and tools

All special jigs and tools required for the installation of the press are included in the installation kit. Confirm the contents of the installation kit with the Bill of Materials (BOM).
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Pre-installation procedure

Verifying site preparation

Verify that the pressroom has been equipped with the following per the HP Indigo press w3250 site preparation guide:
Chiller input and output
Power for press
Air conditioning of work area
Fast Ethernet networking
Parts cleaning station
External densitometer
Lockable main switch
Electrical outlets installed near pluggable equipment and are easily accessible
The printing engines may be mounted on the u-bases on-site or off-site. Make sure that the entrance to the site is large enough to allow an object 2200 mm high to enter.

Marking the pressroom floor for press components

1. Open the installation kit and select the marking pen.
2. Use the marking pen to mark the pressroom floor with the profile of the main press components and indicate their placement. Refer to the HP Indigo press w3250 site preparation guide for details of the floor area.

Unpacking the boxes

1. Before opening the boxes, check that the shock and tilt sensors have not changed color to red. If either of the sensors has changed color to red, then the boxes were mishandled. Notify the Regional Service Manager or Installation Manager immediately.
2. Unpack the box containing the accessories kit.
Open the accessories kit, and remove the System Information File.
Remove the customer letter about residual ink (P/N SV8-0039-00) from the System
Information File.
3. Give the letter to the customer.
4. The boxes are opened in the order of installation. At each stage of the installation open each box carefully and inspect the part for damage before installing. If any part shows signs of damage, immediately notify the Response Center or Regional Service Manger.
Verify the contents of each box according to the contents list included with the boxes.
5. Notify the Regional Manager or Installation Manager regarding any installation problems or damage found when unpacking the boxes.
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NOTE: Two persons are required for this installation.

Installing the electrical cabinets

1. Place electrical cabinet M1 and electrical cabinet M2 in their positions.
2. If any of the finishing components include electrical cabinets, position that cabinet opposite its corresponding finishing component and in line with the main electrical cabinets.

Installing the printing engines

Positioning the printing engines
1. Position the u-bases as follows
a. Unpack the u-bases and loosen the front two securing screws to remove the u-base
slip plates.
Place the slip plates aside for later use.
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Figure 7 Positioning the u-bases
1 PE1 u-base
2 PE2 u-base
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b. Lay the u-bases on the floor at a distance of 6716 mm (1800+2450+2466 mm
(264.4 ins)) from the wall at the unwinder end and at a distance of 693.0 mm (27.3 ins) apart (Figure 7).
. Measure a distance of XXX mm (XXX ins) from the rear of the u-base to the wall at
the electrical cabinets.
Figure 8 Remounting the u-base slip plates
1 U-base slip plate 4 Securing screws (2)
2 U-base 5 Adjustment screws
3 Grease applied here
d. Remount the u-base slip plates on the u-bases (Figure 8).
Grease the u-bases before mounting the u-base slip plates.
The grease facilitates easy adjustment during the aligning procedure.
e. Secure the slip plates with the outer screws.
NOTE: The inner screws are for adjusting. They move the slip plate
from front to rear a total of 10.0 mm.
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Figure 9 Adjusting the u-base height
1 U-base
2 U-base slip plate
3 Height of 200.00 mm
4 Height adjustment screw
f. Adjust the u-base feet to give a height of 200.0 mm from the floor to the u-base top
side (Figure 9).
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Figure 10 Placing the foresight on the PE2 u-base
1 12 23 34 45
0.5 mm
0.5 mm
1 Sight
2 Foresight stand
3 PE2 u-base
g. Position the foresight stand on the PE2 u-base at the front left corner (Figure 10).
: The initial position of the foresight stand is used as the
reference for leveling both u-bases.
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Figure 11 Setting up the surveying tool
3175 mm
693.0 mm
1 Position of surveying tool
2 Surveying line
NOTE: The surveying tool is setup on its tripod in accordance with
its instruction manual at the position shown in Figure 11.
h. Raise the height of the tripod and surveying tool to 1550.0 mm.
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Figure 12 Focusing the surveying tool on the foresight stand target
0.5 mm
1 Height adjustment screws
2 Crosshair target
i. Position the surveying tool facing and parallel to the foresight stand (Figure 12).
Figure 13 L
1 Level bubble
eveling the surveying tool
j. Adjust the level of the surveying tool until the bubble is centered in the level
(Figure 13).
Focus the surveying tool so that the cross target on the foresight is clearly seen and centered with the crosshairs of the surveying tool (Figure 11).
If necessary, adjust the height of the cross target on the foresight stand.
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