FocusPRO™TH6110D/TH6220D Programmable Thermostat
AAbboouutt yyoouurr nneeww tthheerrmmoossttaatt
Thermostat features ........................2
Programming at a glance ................3
Quick reference to controls............4
Quick reference to display..............5
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg && OOppeerraattiioonn
Set time and day..............................6
Select fan setting (auto/on) ............7
Select system setting (heat/cool)......8
Using program schedules................9
Program schedule overrides ........12
Auto-changeover (heat/cool) ........14
Compressor protection ................15
Adaptive Intelligent Recovery
Battery installation ........................17
In case of difficulty ......................18
Customer assistance......................20
Accessories/replacement parts ....20
Limited warranty ..........................21
Table of contents
This thermostat is ready to go!
Your new thermostat is preprogrammed and ready to go.
See page 3
to check settings.
HAZARD. To prevent possible
compressor damage, do not operate
cooling system when outdoor
temperature is below 50°F (10°C).