While a fire alarm system may lower insurance
rates, it is not a substitute for fire insurance!
An automatic fire alarm system–typically made up of smoke
detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning devices, and a fire alarm control with remote notification
capability–can provide early warning of a developing fire.
Such a system, however, does not assure protection against
property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire.
The Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat detectors be located throughout a protected premise following the
recommendations of the current edition of the National Fire
Protection Association Standard 72 (NFPA 72),
manufacturer's recommendations, State and local codes, and
the recommendations contained in the Guide for Proper Use
of System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at no
charge to all installing dealers. A study by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (an agency of the United States
government) indicated that smoke detectors may not go off in
as many as 35% of all fires. While fire alarm systems are designed to provide early warning against fire, they do not guarantee warning or protection against fire. A fire alarm system
may not provide timely or adequate warning, or simply may not
function, for a variety of reasons:
Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot
reach the detectors such as in chimneys, in or behind walls, on
roofs, or on the other side of closed doors. Smoke detectors
also may not sense a fire on another level or floor of a building. A second-floor detector, for example, may not sense a
first-floor or basement fire.
Particles of combustion or "smoke" from a developing fire
may not reach the sensing chambers of smoke detectors because:
• Barriers such as closed or partially closed doors, walls, or
chimneys may inhibit particle or smoke flow.
• Smoke particles may become "cold," stratify, and not reach
the ceiling or upper walls where detectors are located.
• Smoke particles may be blown away from detectors by air
• Smoke particles may be drawn into air returns before reaching
the detector.
The amount of "smoke" present may be insufficient to alarm
smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at
various levels of smoke density. If such density levels are not
created by a developing fire at the location of detectors, the
detectors will not go into alarm.
Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing
limitations. Detectors that have photoelectronic sensing
chambers tend to detect smoldering fires better than flaming
fires, which have little visible smoke. Detectors that have ionizing-type sensing chambers tend to detect fast-flaming fires
better than smoldering fires. Because fires develop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their growth, neither
type of detector is necessarily best and a given type of detector may not provide adequate warning of a fire.
Smoke detectors cannot be expected to provide adequate
warning of fires caused by arson, children playing with
matches (especially in bedrooms), smoking in bed, and violent
explosions (caused by escaping gas, improper storage of
flammable materials, etc.).
Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and alarm
only when heat on their sensors increases at a predetermined
rate or reaches a predetermined level. Rate-of-rise heat detectors may be subject to reduced sensitivity over time. For this
reason, the rate-of-rise feature of each detector should be tested
at least once per year by a qualified fire protection specialist.
Heat detectors are designed to protect property, not life.
IMPORTANT! Smoke detectors must be installed in the
same room as the control panel and in rooms used by the
system for the connection of alarm transmission wiring, communications, signaling, and/or power. If detectors are not so
located, a developing fire may damage the alarm system,
crippling its ability to report a fire.
Audible warning devices such as bells may not alert people
if these devices are located on the other side of closed or
partly open doors or are located on another floor of a building.
Any warning device may fail to alert people with a disability or
those who have recently consumed drugs, alcohol or medication. Please note that:
• Strobes can, under certain circumstances, cause seizures
in people with conditions such as epilepsy.
• Studies have shown that certain people, even when they
hear a fire alarm signal, do not respond or comprehend the
meaning of the signal. It is the property owner's responsibility to conduct fire drills and other training exercise to
make people aware of fire alarm signals and instruct them
on the proper reaction to alarm signals.
• In rare instances, the sounding of a warning device can
cause temporary or permanent hearing loss.
A fire alarm system will not operate without any electrical
power. If AC power fails, the system will operate from standby
batteries only for a specified time and only if the batteries
have been properly maintained and replaced regularly.
Equipment used in the system may not be technically compatible with the control. It is essential to use only equipment
listed for service with your control panel.
Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a
premise to a central monitoring station may be out of service
or temporarily disabled. For added protection against telephone line failure, backup radio transmission systems are recommended.
The most common cause of fire alarm malfunction is inadequate maintenance. To keep the entire fire alarm system in
excellent working order, ongoing maintenance is required per
the manufacturer's recommendations, and UL and NFPA standards. At a minimum, the requirements of NFPA 72 shall be
followed. Environments with large amounts of dust, dirt or
high air velocity require more frequent maintenance. A maintenance agreement should be arranged through the local
manufacturer's representative. Maintenance should be
scheduled monthly or as required by National and/or local
fire codes and should be performed by authorized professional fire alarm installers only. Adequate written records of
all inspections should be kept.
PrecauLarge.PMD 01/10/2005
Installation Precautions
Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free
installation with long-term reliability:
WARNING - Several different sources of power can be con-
nected to the fire alarm control panel. Disconnect all sources
of power before servicing. Control unit and associated equipment may be damaged by removing and/or inserting cards,
modules, or interconnecting cables while the unit is energized.
Do not attempt to install, service, or operate this unit until this
manual is read and understood.
CAUTION - System Reacceptance Test after Software
Changes. To ensure proper system operation, this product
must be tested in accordance with NFPA 72 after any programming operation or change in site-specific software. Reacceptance testing is required after any change, addition or
deletion of system components, or after any modification,
repair or adjustment to system hardware or wiring.
All components, circuits, system operations, or software functions known to be affected by a change must be 100% tested.
In addition, to ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected, at least 10% of initiating devices that are not
directly affected by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be tested and proper system operation verified.
This system meets NFPA requirements for indoor dry operation at 0-49° C/32-120° F
RH (non-condensing) at 32 ±2° C/90 ±3° F. However, the
useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme
temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and all peripherals be installed in
an environment with a nominal room temperature of 15-27°
C/60-80° F.
Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and
indicating device loops. Most devices cannot tolerate more
than a 10% I.R. drop from the specified device voltage.
and at a relative humidity of 93 ±2%
Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may
operate erratically or can be damaged when subjected to
lightning-induced transients. Although no system is completely immune from lightning transients and interferences,
proper grounding will reduce susceptibility. Overhead or out-
side aerial wiring is not recommended, due to an increased
susceptibility to nearby lightning strikes. Consult with the
Technical Services Department if any problems are anticipated or encountered.
Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting circuit boards. Failure to do so can damage circuits.
Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing,
reaming, or punching of the enclosure. When possible, make
all cable entries from the sides or rear. Before making modifications, verify that they will not interfere with battery, transformer, and printed circuit board location.
Do not tighten screw terminals more than 9 in-lbs.
Over-tightening may damage threads, resulting in reduced
terminal contact pressure and difficulty with screw terminal
Though designed to last many years, system components
can fail at any time. This system contains static-sensitive
components. Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap
before handling any circuits so that static charges are removed from the body. Use static-suppressive packaging
to protect electronic assemblies removed from the unit.
Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and
programming manuals. These instructions must be followed
to avoid damage to the control panel and associated
equipment. FACP operation and reliability depend upon
proper installation by authorized personnel.
FCC Warning
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can ra-
diate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used
in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested
and found to comply with the limits for class A computing
device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules,
which is designed to provide reasonable protection against
such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause interference, in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at his own expense.
PrecauLarge.PMD 01/10/2005
Canadian Requirements
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A
limits for radiation noise emissions from digital
apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations
of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits
radioelectriques depassant les limites applicables aux
appareils numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le
Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le
ministere des Communications du Canada.
1.3: Controls and Indicators ...............................................................................................................................13
2.6: Installation of Optional Modules.................................................................................................................25
2.6.1: CAC-4 Class A Converter Module (MS-4 only) ..............................................................................25
4.3: Status LEDs.................................................................................................................................................40
4.4.1: Fire Alarm Response.........................................................................................................................42
4.4.2: Fire Alarm Restoral...........................................................................................................................42
4.4.3: System Supervisory Condition Response .........................................................................................42
4.4.4: System Supervisory Restoral Response ............................................................................................42
5.4.2: Selecting and Locating Batteries.......................................................................................................47
MS-2/MS-4 P/N: 51512:E 01/18/05
It is imperative that the installer understand the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction
(AHJ) and be familiar with the standards set forth by the following regulatory agencies:
•Underwriters Laboratories Standards
•NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code
Before proceeding, the installer should be familiar with the following documents.
NFPA Standards
This Fire Alarm Control Panel complies with the following NFPA Standards:
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code for Local Fire Alarm Systems and Remote
Station Fire Alarm Systems (requires an optional Remote Station Output Module)
Underwriters Laboratories Documents for Reference:
UL 38 Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes
UL 217 Smoke Detectors, Single and Multiple Station
UL 228 Door Closers–Holders for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
UL 268 Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
UL 268A Smoke Detectors for Duct Applications
UL 346 Waterflow Indicators for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances
UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
UL 1481 Power Supplies for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
UL 1638 Visual Signaling Appliances
UL 1971 Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired
NEC Article 250 Grounding
NEC Article 300 Wiring Methods
NEC Article 760 Fire Protective Signaling Systems
Applicable Local and State Building Codes
Requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (LAHJ)
Fire•Lite Documents
Fire•Lite Device Compatibility DocumentDocument #15384
411 Digital Alarm Communicator/TransmitterDocument #50921
411UD Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter Document #50759
This product has been certified to comply with the requirements in the Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire
Alarm Systems, UL 864, 9th Edition. Operation of this product with products not tested for UL 864, 9th Edition has not
been evaluated. Such operation requires the approval of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Module Placement Supervision (if installed)
JP1 - cut to supervise module on J3 & J5
JP2 - cut to supervise module on J4 and J6
Charger Fault LED
Battery Fault LED
Earth Fault LED
JP3 - Cut to disable
Ground Fault
detection (only with
approval of AHJ)
J3 and J5
Option Module
J4 and J6
Option Module
SW1, SW2 and SW3
Programming DIP Switches
MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/059
Product DescriptionProduct Features
SECTION 1Product Description
The MS-2 is a two zone FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) and the MS-4 is a four zone
FACP. The information in this manual refers to both the MS-2 and MS-4 unless
otherwise specified. These control panels provide reliable fire signaling protection for
small to medium sized commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. The FACP is
compatible with System Sensor’s I
conventional smoke detectors that can transmit a maintenance trouble signal to the
FACP indicating the need for cleaning and a supervisory ‘freeze’ signal when the
ambient temperature falls below the detector rating (refer to System Sensor’s I
Installation and Maintenance Instructions document I56-1800-00 for device
specifications). In addition, the control panel is compatible with conventional input
devices such as two-wire smoke detectors, four-wire smoke detectors, pull stations,
waterflow devices, tamper switches and other normally-open contact devices. Refer to
Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document for a complete listing of compatible devices.
Outputs include one NAC (Notification Appliance Circuit) on the MS-2 and two NACs
on the MS-4. Each FACP has a Form-C Alarm and Trouble relay and 24 VDC special
application resettable power. In addition, the MS-4 has a Form-C Supervisory relay
and a nonresettable special application power output. The FACP supervises wiring, AC
voltage and battery level.
detectors which are microprocessor-based
Activation of a compatible smoke detector or any normally-open fire alarm initiating
device will activate audible and visual signaling devices, illuminate an indicating LED,
sound the piezo sounder at the FACP, activate the FACP alarm relay and operate an
optional module used to notify a remote station or initiate a auxiliary control function.
The MS-2E and MS-4E offer the same features as the MS-2 and MS-4 but allows
connection to 220/240 VAC.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, the terms MS-2 and MS-4 are used in this manual to
refer to the MS-2 and MS-2E as well as the MS-4 and MS-4E FACPs respectively.
1.1 Product Features
•Style B (Class B) IDC (Initiating Device Circuit)
•Style Y (Class B) NAC (Notification Appliance
•Form-C Alarm Relay
•Form-C Trouble Relay
•Form-C Supervisory Relay (MS-4 only)
•3.0 amps total system current standard for MS-2 and MS-4
•6.0 amps total system current available for MS-4 with optional second
•Dress Panel DP-MS2/4
•Optional Trim Ring P/N: TR-1-R for semi-flush mounting the cabinet
one zone programmable for combination
supervisory and waterflow
MS-2 - two IDCs
MS-4 - four IDCs
MS-2- one NAC
MS-4 - two NACs
10MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/05
Product FeaturesProduct Description
•Control Buttons
ACK (Acknowledge)
Alarm Silence
Walkte st
Zone Enable/Disable (one per zone)
•LED Indicators
Fire Alarm (one per zone)
Supervisory (one per zone)
Trouble (one per zone)
Maintenance (one per zone)
AC Power
NAC Disable
Zone Disable
NAC Fault
System Trouble
Power Trouble
Walkte st
Alarm Silence
Earth Fault LED (on circuit board) lights if zero impedance between FACP
and ground exist
Battery Fault (on circuit board)
Charger Fault (on circuit board)
•Piezo sounder for alarm, trouble and supervisory
•24 volt operation
•Low AC voltage sense
•Alarm Verification
•NACs Programmable for:
Silence Inhibit
Strobe Synchronization
Selective Silence (horn-strobe mute)
Temporal or Steady Signal
Silenceable or Nonsilenceable
•Automatic battery trickle charger
•Silent or audible walktest capabilities
•Optional NAC Class A converter module (MS-4 only)
•Optional 4XTMF Transmitter Module (MS-2 and MS-4)
•Optional 4XZMF Zone Relay Module (MS-4 only)
•Optional 4XLMF Module for RZA-4XF Remote LED Annunciator (MS-4 only)
Maximum Charging Circuit - Normal Flat Charge: 27.6 VDC @ 0.8 amp
Maximum Charger Capacity: 18 Amp Hour battery (two 7 Amp Hour batteries can
be housed in the FACP cabinet. Larger batteries require a separate battery box such
as the Fire•Lite BB-17F)
Initiating Device Circuits - TB3
Alarm Zones 1 & 2 (MS-2 and MS-4)
Alarm Zones 3 & 4 (MS-4 only)
Power-limited circuitry
Operation: All zones Style B (Class B)
Normal Operating Voltage: Nominal 20 VDC, Maximum 27 VDC
Alarm Current: 15 mA minimum
Short Circuit Current: 40 mA maximum
Maximum Loop Resistance: 100 ohms
End-of-Line Resistor: 4.7KΩ, 1/2 watt (Part #71252)
Standby Current: 4 mA
Refer to Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible devices
Notification Appliance Circuit(s) - TB2
One NAC on MS-2, two NACs on MS-4
Operation: Style Y (Class B)
Power-limited Circuitry
Normal Operating Voltage: Nominal 24 VDC, Maximum 27 VDC
Maximum Signaling Current: 2.5 amps total with standard transformer. 5.0 amps
total (2.5 amp maximum per NAC) with optional transformer on MS-4 only
Maximum Line Impedance: 1.5 volt drop end-of-line
End-of-Line Resistor: 4.7KΩ, 1/2 watt (Part #71252)
Refer to Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document for compatible listed devices
Operating Voltage: Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum Available Current: 500 mA - appropriate for powering 4-wire smoke
detectors (see note 1)
Power-limited Circuitry
Refer to Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document for compatible listed devices
Nonresettable Special Application Power - TB1 (MS-4 only)
Operating Voltage: Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum Available Current: 500 mA (see note 1)
Power-limited Circuitry
Refer to Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document for compatible listed devices
1. Total current for resettable power and one Notification Appliance Circuit must
not exceed 3.0 amps for the MS-2. Total current for nonresettable power,
resettable power and two Notification Appliance Circuits must not exceed 6.0
amps for the MS-4 (requires optional second transformer)
12MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/05
Controls and IndicatorsProduct Description
1.3 Controls and Indicators
Front Panel Membrane Buttons
•Alarm Silence
•Zone Enable/Disable - Zone 1
•Zone Enable/Disable - Zone 2
•Zone Enable/Disable - Zone 3 (MS-4 only)
•Zone Enable/Disable - Zone 4 (MS-4 only)
LED Indicators
•Fire Alarm Zone 1 - red LED
•Fire Alarm Zone 2 - red LED
•Fire Alarm Zone 3 - red LED (MS-4 only)
•Fire Alarm Zone 4 - red LED (MS-4 only)
•Supervisory Zone 1 - yellow LED
•Supervisory Zone 2 - yellow LED
•Supervisory Zone 3 - yellow LED (MS-4 only)
•Supervisory Zone 4 - yellow LED (MS-4 only)
•Trouble Zone 1 - yellow LED
•Trouble Zone 2 - yellow LED
•Trouble Zone 3 - yellow LED (MS-4 only)
•Trouble Zone 4 - yellow LED (MS-4 only)
•Maintenance Zone 1 - yellow LED
•Maintenance Zone 2 - yellow LED
•Maintenance Zone 3 - yellow LED (MS-4 only)
•Maintenance Zone 4 - yellow LED (MS-4 only)
•AC Power - green LED
•NAC Disable - yellow LED
•Zone Disable - yellow LED
•NAC Fault - yellow LED
•System Trouble - yellow LED
•Power Trouble - yellow LED
•Walktest - yellow LED
•Alarm Silence - yellow LED
•Earth Fault - yellow LED (on main circuit board) lights if zero impedance
between FACP and ground exists
•Battery Fault - yellow LED (on main circuit board)
•Charger Fault - yellow LED (on main circuit board)
MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/0513
Product DescriptionCircuits
Local Piezo Sounder
A piezo sounder provides separate and distinct sounds for alarm, trouble, maintenance
and supervisory conditions as follows:
•Alarm - on steady
•Trouble - pulse 1 second on and 1 second off
•Maintenance - pulse ½ second on and ½ second off
•Supervisory - pulse ½ second on and ½ second off
1.4 Circuits
Input Circuits
Two input IDCs (Initiating Device Circuits) on the MS-2 and four IDCs on the MS-4
provide Style B (Class B) configurations. All IDCs accept I
conventional two-wire smoke detectors, four-wire smoke detectors and normally-open
contact devices.
Output Circuits
•24 VDC resettable special application power output - 500 mA
•24 VDC nonresettable special application power output (MS-4 only) - 500 mA
•24 volt battery charger (up to 18 Amp Hour batteries)
detectors as well as
1.5 Components
Notification Appliance Circuits
One NAC (Notification Appliance Circuit) Style Y (Class B) on the MS-2
Two NACs Style Y (Class B) on the MS-4
The main circuit board contains the system’s CPU, power supply, other primary
components and wiring interface connectors. Optional modules plug in and are
mounted to the main circuit board.
The backbox measures 14.5” (36.8 cm) x 15.218” (38.65 cm) x 2.875” (7.3 cm) and
provides space for two batteries (up to 7 Amp Hours). Also included is a dress panel
which mounts inside the cabinet.
Transformer Assembly
One 100VA transformer is provided standard with the FACP. An optional second
100VA transformer is available for the MS-4 to provide maximum accessory power.
The cabinet provides space for two 7 Amp Hour batteries (larger batteries up to 18 Amp
Hour, require use of a UL listed battery box such as the BB-17F). Batteries must be
ordered separately.
14MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/05
Optional Modules and AccessoriesProduct Description
1.6 Optional Modules and Accessories
CAC-4 Class A Converter Module (MS-4 only)
The CAC-4 Module can be used to convert the Style B (Class B) Initiating Device
Circuits to Style D (Class A) and Style Y (Class B) Notification Appliance Circuits to
Style Z (Class A). The module connects to J1 on the MS-4 main circuit board.
4XTMF Transmitter Module (MS-2 and MS-4)
The 4XTMF provides a supervised output for local energy municipal box transmitter
and alarm and trouble reverse polarity. It includes a disable switch and disable trouble
LED. A module jumper option allows the reverse polarity circuit to open with a system
trouble condition if no alarm condition exists. The 4XTMF mounts to the MS-2 main
circuit board option module connectors J3 & J5 or the MS-4 main circuit board,
occupying one of the two sets of option module connectors J3 & J5 or J4 & J6.
4XLMF LED Interface Module (MS-4 only)
The LED Interface Module supports the RZA-4XF Remote Annunciator module.
Annunciator wiring is supervised for open conditions by this module. The 4XLMF
mounts to the MS-4 main circuit board option module connectors J3 and J5 only
RZA-4XF Remote Annunciator (MS-4 only)
The Remote Annunciator mounts on a standard single-gang electrical box and provides
LED indication of the following:
•Alarm Zone 1 (red LED)
•Alarm Zone 2 (red LED)
•Alarm Zone 3 (red LED)
•Alarm Zone 4 (red LED)
•System Trouble (yellow LED)
A Local Trouble Sounder and Silence Switch are also provided. All LED wiring is
supervised for open conditions. Any open condition will cause the System Trouble
LED to illuminate. Slide-in paper labels permit an easy change of zone information.
Note: The RZA-4XF Remote Annunciator requires the use of the LED Interface Module
4XZMF Zone Relay Module (MS-4 only)
The Zone Relay Module provides Form-C relay contacts for the following:
•Alarm Zone 1
•Alarm Zone 2
•Alarm Zone 3
•Alarm Zone 4
•System Alarm
•System Trouble
As a jumper option, the first four relays described above can be made silenceable. The
4XZMF mounts to the MS-4 main circuit board, occupying one of the two sets of
option module connectors.
Dress Panel DP-MS2/4
A dress panel DP-MS2/4 is included. The dress panel restricts access to the system
wiring while allowing access to the membrane switch panel.
MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/0515
Product DescriptionOptional Modules and Accessories
Battery Box
The Fire•Lite BB-17F battery box may be used to house two batteries greater than 7
Amp Hour to a maximum of 18 Amp Hour. The battery box mounts directly below the
control panel cabinet, centered to the main circuit board. The BB-17F is red and is
provided with knockouts.
411 and 411UD Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter
The three input/channel 411 and the four input/channel 411UD are dual line, digital
alarm communicator/transmitters which can be used as slave communicators with the
MS-4 FACP. The inputs/channels are compatible with normally open relay contacts,
require ELRs (End-of-Line Resistors), are supervised and are fully programmable. The
communicators interface with the public switched telephone network and are
compatible with most central station receivers. Power supplied must be 12 or 24 volts,
filtered and nonresettable. The communicators are mounted in a small metal enclosure,
providing a variety of mounting options. Refer to the 411 or 411UD manual for
additional information.
16MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/05
Backbox MountingInstallation
SECTION 2Installation
The cabinet can be surface mounted or semi-flush mounted using the optional Trim
Ring P/N: TR-1-R. The door is removable during the installation period by opening
and lifting if off the hinges. The cabinet mounts using two key slots at the top of the
backbox and two additional 0.250” diameter holes located at the bottom.
Carefully unpack the system and check for shipping damage. Select a location for the
cabinet that is in a clean, dry, vibration-free area where extreme temperatures are not
encountered. The area should be readily accessible with sufficient room to easily install
and maintain the control panel. Locate the top of the cabinet approximately five feet
above the floor with the hinge mounting on the left.
Determine the number of conductors required for the devices to be installed and
determine the appropriate knockouts. All wiring must be in accordance with the
National and/or Local codes for fire alarm systems and power supplies.
2.1 Backbox Mounting
1. Mark and predrill holes for the top two keyhole mounting bolts
2. Install two upper fasteners in the wall with the screw heads protruding
approximately ¼”
3. Using the upper keyholes, mount the backbox over the two screws
4. Mark the lower two holes, remove the backbox from the wall and drill the
mounting holes
5. Mount the backbox, install the remaining fasteners and tighten all screws
2.875” (7.3 cm)
0.75”(1.9 cm)
(38.10 cm)
(26.35 cm)
Backbox = 14.5”
(36.8 cm)
9.1” (23.1 cm)
Pem Studs
Backbox Mounting Holes
Depth = 3.000”
(7.62 cm)
1.125” (2.868 cm)
Figure 2.1 Backbox Mounting Dimensions
MS-2/MS-4 PN 51512:E 01/18/0517
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