Honeywell CT50LFN Users Manual

View Action Center
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Use the Action Center to view the battery charge level, view details about a notification, or to quickly access and modify settings.
Chapter 2 — About the User Interface and Applications
Windows Action Center
To open the action center, touch and hold the status bar at the top of
the screen and then drag down.
tap the Back or Home buttons.
To dismiss a notification, swipe it sideways.
To dismiss all notifications, tap the X in the top right corner.
Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide 31
Chapter 2 — About the User Interface and Applications
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Customize the Start Screen
The Start screen is the first screen you see when you power on the computer and unlock the screen. You can add, delete, move, resize, or group tiles into folders for quick access. Tiles can be apps, contacts, maps, albums, or office files. Live tiles provide notifications and updates in real time, such as weather information.
On the Start screen:
1 Touch and hold a tile.
2 Drag the tile to a new location on the Start screen:
Tap Unpin ( ) to delete the tile.
Tap the arrow ( ) to toggle through the tile sizes
Set the Date, Time, or Time Zone
The computer gets the current date and time from its network connection. You can manually set the date, time, and time zone for your location. The 24-hour clock is turned off by default. By default, the CT50 is set to automatically update the time and date for your current location. Use this procedure to manually set the date, time, or time zone.
1 Ta p All Apps > Settings > Time & language > Date & time.
2 Tap the toggle box for Set date and time automatically to turn it off.
3 Tap the Time zone, Date, and Time to set each one manually.
To set the Date and Time, you need to select the correct values and then tap .
To set the Time zone, you just need to tap the new time zone.
32 Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 — About the User Interface and Applications
Apps > DApps > D
View Software Information
1 Ta p All Apps > Settings > System > About.
2 Ta p more info. The following information appears on the screen:
OS build
Firmware and hardware revision numbers
Bootloader version
Radio software and hardware version number
Chip SOC version
Screen resolution
MAC address
View Hardware Information
Use the DiagnosticInfo app to view detailed hardware information on the computer.
1 Ta p All Apps > DiagnosticInfoW10.
2 Swipe up or down to scroll through these settings:
System Date/Time
Device Information
Honeywell Apps (version numbers)
Radio Information (includes MAC, Bluetooth, IP Addresses)
Battery Information
Memory Information
Scanner Information
3 To export the diagnostic information to a text file, tap .
4 Select a folder location and then tap .
5 Ta p OK to return to the DiagnosticInfo screen.
Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide 33
Chapter 2 — About the User Interface and Applications
Honeywell Applications on the Computer
Honeywell applications help you troubleshoot and connect your computer to other devices and networks.
Honeywell Applications Available on the CT50
Icon Application Description
DiagnosticInfoW10 Use the DiagnosticInfo app to view
device information, Honeywell Apps, Radio Information, Battery Information, Memory Information, and Scanner Information.
IPConfig Use IPConfig to view network adapter
Ping Use Ping to verify communication links
or to make sure a specific IP address is working.
Route Use Route to view and edit the rules
that govern how packets destined for various subnets are routed.
ScanDemoW10 Use ScanDemo to demonstrate how
the scanner works. You can use it to scan a bar code, set the symbologies it scans, and determine the computer response to a scanned bar code.
34 Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide
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About the Scanner
Use this chapter to understand how to scan bar codes and how to configure the scanner.
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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About the Scanner
The internal scanner can read 1D and 2D bar code symbologies, composite symbologies, and postal codes. It also supports omni­directional scanning for greater flexibility in real-world settings. The image engine can also capture black and white images, such as signatures and pictures of damaged inventory.
Warning: Do not stare into the imager laser aimer.
About ScanDemoW10
ScanDemo demonstrates the functionality of the scanner in the CT50 and is not intended as a functional business solution. Detailed information on how to create custom applications for the CT50 is provided in the Software Development Kit (SDK) section of the Dolphin CT50 Software tab on
Scan a Bar Code
ScanDemoW10 demonstrates the functionality of the scanner in the CT50 and is not intended as a functional business solution. Detailed information on how to create custom applications for the CT50 is provided in the Software Development Kit (SDK) section of the Dolphin CT50 Software tab on
The scanner has an aiming beam to help you correctly frame bar codes. It also supports omni-directional (360°) scanning to make it easier for you to scan bar codes.
Note: Before you start scanning bar codes, you can use the Settings app within ScanDemoW10 to enable only the bar code symbologies that you need.
1 Ta p All Apps > ScanDemoW10.
2 Point the scanner window at the bar code and hold the computer
steady a few inches from the label.
36 Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide
3 Press one of the Scan buttons. The illumination frame appears.
: Scan,
Make sure the entire bar code is inside of the frame. When the scanner successfully reads a bar code, you hear a high beep and the Good Read LED turns on briefly.
4 Release the Scan button.
About the Scanner Settings
You can set several scanner settings from the ScanDemo application that determine scanning options and profile settings. Settings include these sections: Scan, Symbology, and Profiles.
Swipe the screen left or right to access the Settings menu.
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
Scan Settings
Use the scan settings to determine how the scanner acts when you scan a bar code. You can control whether it vibrates, makes a sound, and how it scans.
Scan Settings and Descriptions
Scan Setting Description
Vibrate Turns on or off the vibrate on a good read.
Sound Turns on or off the beeps to indicate a good read.
Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide 37
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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Scan Settings and Descriptions (continued)
Scan Setting Description
Scan Mode There are three options for scan mode:
Automatic Interval Adjusts the automatic interval from 0 to 30
Symbology Settings
The Symbology Settings define the bar code symbologies the scanner will decode with the ScanDemo app.
Touch the toggle box next to a symbology to enable or disable it.
Swipe up or down to scroll through the list of available symbologies.
For a complete list of all available symbologies, see Appendix A,
“Specifications” on page 77.
• Normal: Normal mode requires you to press Scan or one of the Scan buttons between
each scan.
• Automatic: Automatic mode activates the scanner for continuous scanning without requiring you to touch Scan on the screen each time.
• Continuous: Continuous mode activates the scanner only when you touch and hold one of the Scan buttons.
seconds between each scan.
Profile Settings for ScanDemoW10
The built-in Point of Service (POS) profiles are applied by the ScanDemoW10 app using the Microsoft POS application program interface (API), ClaimedBarcodeScanner.SetActiveProfileAsync. This API sets the active profile on the CT50 bar code scanner. The profile strings defined by the \Documents\Profile\ HoneywellDecoderSettingsv2.exm file are returned to the app using BarcodeScanner.GetSupportedProfiles. It gets the list of profiles supported by the bar code scanner.
Profile Settings and Descriptions
Profile Description
HON:Reset Resets all symbology settings to disabled.
HON:EnablePreviewOnDecode Profile not supported in ScanDemoW10.
38 Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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Profile Settings and Descriptions (continued)
Profile Description
HON:EnablePreviewOnDecodeAttempt Profile not supported in ScanDemoW10.
HON:DisablePreview The default profile. Disables sending images to
the application. Only decode results are shown on the screen.
HON:EnableOOBE Enables the symbology types required when the
built-in Out-of-box plug-in runs at first boot for scanning EZConfig labels. This profile allows you to scan a prov.xml file to set up the CT50. You cannot modify this profile.
HON:ScanButtonEnable Enables the Scan button.
HON:ScanButtonDisable Disables the scan button.
About the Wedge Mode Profile
Wedge mode enables a default list of symbologies (for example, UPCA, Code 39, Code 128, GS1128, Aztec, Data Matrix, Maxicode, Pdf417 and QR code). You can enable or disable Symbologies for wedge mode using a profile named HONWedge. Profile commands customize scan wedge mode behaviors. Customers set wedge mode configuration commands using an .exm file. To learn more about customized profiles, see the next section “Create a Custom Profile” on page 41.
You can use the following HONWedge profile commands to modify the scan wedge.
HONWedge Profile Commands
Profile Commands Description Default
ENABLE_WEDGE Controls when bar code data is inserted into
the keyboard buffer. While in wedge mode, scanning is disabled
and enabled using the ENABLE_WEDGE profile command.
Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide 39
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Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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HONWedge Profile Commands (continued)
Profile Commands Description Default
WEDGE_POWER_TIMEOUT Use this command to optimize scan
performance or to save power. The WEDGE_POWER_TIMEOUT defaults to
30 ms. After 30 seconds of inactivity, the scan acquisition system enters a low power state. Press the scan button to exit the low power state and power up the scan acquisition system.
The timeout value is set using the WEDGE_POWER_TIMEOUT profile command. The units are milliseconds.
PREAMBLE Adds a prefix to the start of the bar code
POSTAMBLE Adds a suffix at the end of the data to bar
code data.
ENTER_DELAY Inserts a delay between bar codes when
wedging the bar code data into the keyboard buffer. A delay of ENTER_DELAY is inserted whenever the Wedge encounters a carriage return, line feed, or tab key. The units for ENTER_DELAY are milliseconds.
Some applications, such as Excel, may require additional processing time when advancing to the next input field. Without a delay, data may arrive faster than the application can process the data. You can use the POSTAMBLE command to add a line feed at the end of each bar code.
30 ms
200 ms
40 Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide
Create a Custom Profile
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You may need to create customized profiles to configure the scanner for your application. Some settings are only possible when using customized profiles.
The computer uses profiles to enable symbologies, configure symbology options, and set scanning options. HoneywellDecoderSettingsV2.exm file is used to define or specify one or more profiles and must be placed on the computer in either of these two locations:
The user must create the Profile folder. To learn how to transfer files from your PC to the mobile computer, see “How to Transfer Files”
on page 22.
This folder is only accessible by an Enterprise signed application.
To download a sample HoneywellDecoderSettingsV2.exm file, go to, navigate to the CT50 product page, and then
select “Honeywell Decoder Settings Sample EXM File” under the Software listings.
When the HoneywellDecoderSettingsV2.exm file is updated, the computer receives notification, performs initial processing of the profile information, and writes status information to the HoneywellDecoderSettingsV2.err file. The err file is written back to the same location as the .exm file, either \Documents\Profile or \SharedData\Enterprise\Persistent\Profile.
The HoneywellDecoderSettingsV2.exm file may contain profiles for both Wedge Mode and POS Mode. The HoneywellDecoderSettingsV2.exm is in XML format and each section element defines a different profile. The profile targeted for Wedge Mode is identified by the name “HONWedge”. There can only be one HONWedge profile. All other profiles are available for POS applications.
The HONWedge profile is applied whenever the computer enters Wedge Mode. POS profiles are applied when a POS application calls the POS API to set an active profile. POS profiles may be automatically applied using the Apply command set to true.
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide 41
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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Custom Profile Example
The following example contains two profiles, one for Wedge Mode and one for POS Mode.
The .exm file contains the required ConfigDoc element named “Data
Collection Profiles.” This element is not optional and must alway be included.
The Section tags <section> identify the profile names. The POS
profile name may be customized to anything you want but wedge mode profile must be named “HONWedge”. For the example below, “C39 Internal Scanner” is used for the POS Mode profile and “HONWedge” for the Wedge Mode profile.
The command tags <cmd> identify the profile settings.
The Device command <cmd=“Device”> is set to Internal to indicate
the internal scanner and not an external scanner (e.g., ring scanner). The second profile, named “HONWedge,” must contain a Device command set to Internal but a POS profile can be set to either Internal or USB.
The Type command (cmd=“TYPE”), is set to Full, which instructs the
scanning system to first restore defaults before applying the commands in the profile.
The Apply (cmd=“APPLY”) command instructs the scanning system
to automatically apply the profile when a POS application claims the scanner. The Apply command is not applicable to Wedge Mode. In Wedge Mode the “HONWedge” profile is automatically applied whenever the scanning system switches to Wedge Mode.
The “HONWedge” profile enables EAN-13 and issues a command to
include the check digit.
The “HONWedge” profile shows the syntax for issuing wedge
commands, including how to enter binary data as postambles or preambles.
42 Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
10000" 10000"
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ConfigDoc flags="000" name="Data Collection Profiles" desc="Profiles used for
scanner configuration via POS Scanner API">
<Key name="EXMVersion">1.0.1</Key> <Key name="ContentVersion">1.0.0</Key>
<Section flags="000" name="C39 Internal Scanner" id="C39">
<Key cmd="DEVICE" desc="Specifies the scanner type" list="Internal,USB"
name="Device Type">Internal</Key>
<Key cmd="TYPE" list="Incremental,Full" name="ProfileType">Full</Key> <Key cmd="APPLY" list="true,false" min="" name="ApplyProfileOnLoad">false</Key> <Key cmd="DEC_CODE39_ENABLED" list="true,false" name="Code 39 Enable Symbology"
"Enable" gr="flag">true</Key>
id="MinLength" min="0" max="48">3</Key>
<Section flags="000" name="HONWedge" id="WedgeConfig">
<Key cmd="DEVICE" list="Internal,USB" name="Device Type">Internal</Key> <Key cmd="TYPE" list="Incremental,Full" name="ProfileType">Full</Key> <Key cmd="ENABLE_WEDGE" list="true,false" name="WedgeEnable">true</Key> <Key cmd="PREAMBLE" name="Preamble">MyPreamble</Key> <Key cmd="POSTAMBLE" name="Postamble"> </Key> <Key cmd <Key cmd="WEDGE_POWER_TIMEOUT" min="2" max="10000"
<Key cmd="DEC_EAN13_ENABLED" list="true,false" name="EAN13 Enable Symbology"
id="Enable" gr="flag">true</Key>
<Key cmd="DEC_EAN13_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED" list="true,false" name="EAN13 2 Digit
Addenda (UPC/EAN)"
id="Addenda2Digit" gr="flag">false</Key>
<Key cmd="DEC_EAN13_5CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED" list="true,false" name="EAN13 5 Digit
Addenda (UPC/EAN)"
id="Addenda5Digit" gr="flag">false</Key>
<Key cmd="DEC_EAN13_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT" list="true,false" name="EAN13 Send
Check Character"
="ENTER_DELAY" min="" na
name="Code 39 Minimum Ch
="Enter Delay">400</Key>
aracter Length"
Available Profile Commands
Here is a list of the available profile commands you can use when creating customer profiles:
Dolphin CT50 Mobile Computer with Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise User Guide 43
Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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Chapter 3 — About the Scanner
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