Captuvo SL22/42 ChargeBase
Quick Start Guide

The ChargeBase is a 4-slot charging cradle that can power four
sleds and charge their batteries in four hours. If the Apple
/ Apple iPhone is inserted into the sled, the iPod touch /
iPhone will also be charged.
We recommend use of Honeywell peripherals, power cables,
and power adapters. Use of any non-Honeywell peripherals,
cables, or power adapters may cause damage not covered by
the warranty.
Note: Due to the availability of different models, your ChargeBase
may look slightly different from the illustrations included in this
Unpacking the ChargeBase
Open the shipping box and inspect the package to see that the following standard items are included:
• O n e C h a r g e B a s e ( M o d e l : S L - C B - C )
• One power supply
• O n e p o w e r c o r d
• Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
These items are needed to operate the ChargeBase. If any items
are missing or anything appears to be damaged, contact your Customer Account Representative. Keep the original packaging in case
you need to return the ChargeBase for service or to store the
ChargeBase while not in use.
Convenient Storage
Since charging terminates when the battery has a full charge, the
ChargeBase a safe and convenient storage receptacle for your Captuvo SL42 sled.

The terminal requires 12 Volts DC input for battery charging; the
power adapter on the power cable converts the voltage from the
power source to 12 volts DC. Use only a UL Listed power supply,
which has been qualified by Honeywell with output rated at 12VDC
and 5A amps with the device.
Honeywell recommends that you leave the ChargeBase connected
to its power source at all times, so that it is always ready to use.

Connecting Power to the ChargeBase
A/C Power Cord
Power Connector Cable
Power Adapter
1. Plug the A/C power cord into the power adapter.
2. Plug the power connector cable into the power connector on the
back panel of the ChargeBase.
3. Plug the A/C power cord into a standard wall outlet.
The ChargeBase is ready to begin charging the sled/iPod touch.

Charging the Battery
1. Install the main battery pack in the terminal.
2. Verify the ChargeBase has power.
3. Slide the sled into one of the four wells. Charging begins
immediately if required by the sled or the iPod touch. If the iPod
touch is installed in the sled, the battery icon at the top of the
screen indicates that it is charging. The sled and the iPod touch
charge simultaneously and completely depleted batteries will be
charged in four hours.
Ensure all components are dry prior to mating sleds/batteries
with peripheral devices. Mating wet components may cause
damage not covered by the warranty.