English Deutsch Français Italiano
14 to 15 mm 14 bis 15 mm 14 à 15 mm 14 - 15 mm
20 mm or less 20 mm oder weniger 20 mm au maximum 20 mm o meno
í Gun holder Pistolenhalter Porte-pistolet Supporto della pistola
ì Cord holder Kabelhalter Enrouleur de câble Supporto del cavo
Washer protrusion Reinigervorsprung Saillie du nettoyeur
ê Handle Gri Poignée Impugnatura
é Screw Schraube Vis Vite
Power plug Netzstecker Fiche d'alimentation Spina di alimentazione
Switch Schalter Interrupteur Interruttore
ð Water feed inlet Wasserzulaufö nung
ÿ Water feed inlet cap
Kappe für
Wasserzulaufö nung
à Water feed connector Wasserzulaufanschluss
Entrée d'alimentation en
Bouchon de l'alimentation
en eau
Connecteur d'alimentation
en eau
Ingresso di alimentazione
Tappo dell'ingresso di
alimentazione dell'acqua
Connettore di
alimentazione dell'acqua
ý Tighten Festziehen Serrez Serrare
ü Water outlet Wasserauslass Sortie d’eau Uscita dell'acqua
Water outlet cap Wasserauslasskappe Bouchon de la sortie d’eau
Tappo dell’uscita
 O-ring O-Ring Joint torique O-ring
Ring Ring Joint Anello
Trigger gun Auslöserpistole Pistolet à gâchette Pistola a grilletto
Connector Anschluss Connecteur Connettore
÷ Nozzle Düse Buse Ugello
¯ Protrusion Vorsprung Saillie Sporgenza
© Spray Sprühen Vaporisateur Spruzzo
» Jet Strahl Jet Getto
Detergent nozzle Reinigungsmitteldüse Buse de détergent Ugello del detergente
¬ Water supply pipe Wasserversorgungsrohr
Bottle Flasche Flacon Flacone
Conduite d'alimentation
en eau
Tubo di alimentazione
« Center of the trigger Mitte des Auslösers Centre de la gâchette Centro del grilletto
· Push Schieben Pousser Premere
± Trigger Auslöser Gâchette Grilletto
° Trigger stopper Auslöserstopper Sécurité de la gâchette Fermo del grilletto
¿ Lock Verriegeln Verrou Blocco
Release Entriegeln Relâchez Rilascio
¼ High-pressure hose Hochdruckschlauch Tuyau à haute pression
Tubo fl essibile ad alta
º Loosen Lockern Desserrez Allentare
¹ Nozzle cleaner pin Düsenreinigungsstift
Broche de nettoyage de
la buse
Pulitore dell'ugello
¸ Hole of the nozzle Düsenö nung Orifi ce de la buse Foro dell’ugello
¶ Strainer Siebfi lter Crépine Filtro
µ Variable nozzle Variable Düse Buse variable Ugello variabile

English Deutsch Français
The following show
symbols used fo r the
machine. Be sure that you
understand their meaning
before use.
Read all safety
warnings and all
Failure to follow
the warnings and
instructions may result
in electric shock, fi re
and/or serious injury.
Only for EU countries
Do n ot dispose of electric
tools together with
household waste material!
In observance of European
Directive 2002/96/EC
on waste electrica l and
electr onic equipment
and its implementation in
accordance with nation al
law, electric tools that
have reached the end of
their life must be colle cted
separately and returned
to an environmentally
compatible recycling facility.
High-pressure water
can be dangerous if
used incorrectly. Highpressure water jets
must not be directed
at people, electrical
equipment or the
washer itself.
Water that has passed
through the backfl ow
valve cannot be used
for drinking.
Alternating current Wechselstrom Courant alternatif Corrente alternata
Die folgenden Sym bole
werden für diese Maschine
verwendet. Achten Sie
darauf, diese vor der
Verwendung zu verstehen.
Lesen Sie säm tlich e
Sicherhe itshinwe ise und
Anweis ungen du rch.
Wenn die Warnungen
und Anweisungen nicht
befolgt we rden, kann es
zu Stro mschlag , Brand
und/oder ern sthaften
Verletzungen kommen.
Nur für EU-Länder
Werfen Sie
Elektrowerkzeuge nicht
in den Hausmüll!
Gemäss Europäischer
Richtlinie 2002/96/EG
über Elektro- und
Elektronik- Altgeräte
und Umsetzung in
nationales Recht
müssen verbrauchte
getrennt gesammelt und
einer umweltgerechaten
Wieder ververtung
zugeführt werden.
Wasser unter hohem
Druck kann bei falscher
Benutzung gefährlich
sein. Der Ho chdruckstrahl
darf nicht auf Menschen,
elektrische Anlagen,
oder den Reiniger selbst
gerichtet werden.
Wasser, das durch
das Rückfl ussventil
gefl ossen ist, ist nicht
Les symboles suivants
sont utilisés pour l’outil.
Bien se familiariser
avec leur signifi cation
avant d’utiliser l’outil.
Lir e tous les
aver tisseme nts de
séc urité e t tou tes les
instru ctions.
Tout manquement
à observer ces
avertissements et
instruction s peut en gendrer
des chocs électriques,
des incen dies et/ou des
blessures graves.
Pour les pays européen s
Ne pas jeter le s appareils
électriques dans les ordures
Con formément à la directive
européenne 20 02 /9 6/EG
relative aux déchets
d’équipements électriques
ou électroniques (DEEE),
et à sa transposition dans
la législation nationale,
les appareils électriques
doivent être collectés à
part et être soumis à un
recyclage respectueux de
l’enviro nnem ent.
L'eau sous haute pression
peut être dangereuse
si elle n'est pas utilisée
correctement. Un jet
d'eau sous haute pression
ne doit pas être dirigé
vers des personnes, des
équipements électriques ou
le nettoyeur.
L'eau qui est passée à
travers le clapet antiretour n'est pas potable.
Di seguito mostriamo
i simboli usati per la
macchina. Assicurarsi
di comprenderne il
signifi cato prima dell’uso.
Leggere tutti gli
avvertimenti di
sicurezza e tutte le
La mancata osservanza
degli avvertimenti e
delle istruzioni potrebbe
essere causa di scosse
elettriche, incendi e/o
gravi lesioni.
Solo per Paesi UE
Non gettare le
apparecchiature elettriche
tra i rifi uti domestici.
Secondo la Direttiva
Europea 2002/96/CE sui
rifi uti di ap parecchiature
elettr iche ed elettroniche
e la sua attuazione
in conformità alle
norme nazionali, le
apparecchiature elettriche
esauste devono essere
raccolte separatamente, al
fi ne di essere reimpiegate in
modo eco-compatibile.
L'acqua ad alta pressione
può essere pericolosa,
se utilizzata in modo
scorretto. Non puntare il
getto ad alta pressione
dell'idropulitrice verso
persone, apparecchiature
elettriche o l'idropulitrice
L'acqua che ha
attraversato la valvola
antirifl usso non è
Class II tool Werkzeug der Klasse II Outil classe II Attrezzo di Classe II
Warning Warnung Avertissement Avvertenza
Volts Volt Volts Volt
Amperes Ampere Ampères Ampere
Hertz Hertz Hertz Hertz
Watts Watt Watts Watt
Kilograms Kilogramm Kilogrammes Kilogrammi
Megapascals Megapascal Mégapascals Megapascal

(Original instructions)
Read all safety warnings and all instructions.
Failure to follow the warnings and instructions may result in electric
shock, fi re and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
1. Make sure the work area is always kept neat and
Failure to observe this may result in accidents.
2. Take the surrounding environment into
consideration when using the washer.
Make sure the work area is brightly lit.
Do not use the washer near fl ammable liquid or gas.
3. Beware of electric shocks.
Do not touch anything that is earthed (grounded) when
using the High Pressure Washer. (For example, pipes,
heaters, microwave ovens, refrigerators, etc.)
4. Do not use the washer near children.
People other than the person using the washer must not
be allowed to touch the washer or the cord.
People other than the person using the washer must not
come near the work area.
5. Store the washer in a safe place when not in use.
Store the washer in a dry, high location or protected with
a lock out of the reach of children.
6. Do not use the washer in inappropriate ways.
Use the High Pressure Washer within the limits of its
capabilities to ensure safe and e cient results.
Do not use the washer for any purpose other than that for
which it was designed.
7. Wear safe clothing when using the washer.
Use safety boots, gloves, helmets with visors and
earplugs in accordance with necessity.
8. Use protective goggles and dust-protection masks
when using the washer.
There is a chance that splashes and dust may enter the
eyes and mouth when using the washer.
9. Do not handle the power cord roughly.
Do not carry the High Pressure Washer with only the
power cord or pull the plug from the socket while holding
the power cord.
Keep the power cord away from heat, oil and sharp
10. Make sure the item being cleaned is fi rmly fi xed in
There are cases in which the power of the water pressure
will cause light objects to fl y o . Do not use the washer on
light objects that cannot be fi xed in place.
11. Maintain a proper stance when using the washer.
Make sure your feet are always placed fi rmly on the
ground to maintain balance.
12. Pay close attention to maintaining the High Pressure
Clean the washer regularly to ensure safe and e cient
Refer to the instruction manual when replacing supplied
Regularly check the power cord and ask your dealer for
repairs in the event of it being damaged.
If using an extension cord, check it regularly and replace
it in the event of it being damaged.
Make sure the grip is always kept dry and clean, and do
not allow oil of grease to come into contact with it.
13. Switch o and unplug the High Pressure Washer in
the following situations:
When it is not in use and when it is being repaired.
When attaching or detaching supplied or purchased
In other situations in which risks seem apparent.
14. Always remove equipment used for adjustment
Check to make sure that all equipment used for
adjustment purposes has been removed before switching
on the power.
15. Avoid accidentally switching on the power.
Make sure you do not accidentally switch on the power to
the washer when it is plugged in.
Check to make sure that the washer is switched o
before plugging it into the power supply.
16. Use extension cords designed for outdoor use.
When using extension cords outdoors, make sure they
are cab-tire cords or cables.
17. Pay attention at all times when using the washer.
Pay attention to the methods of use stipulated in the
instruction manual and the surrounding environment
when using the High Pressure Washer.
Do not use the washer when tired.
18. Only use specifi ed accessories and attachments.
Using accessories and attachments other than those
specifi ed in the instruction manual or in Hitachi catalogs
may result in accidents or injuries and must be avoided at
all costs.
19. High Pressure Washer repairs to be performed only
by experts.
The High Pressure Washer conforms to all relevant
safety regulations and must not be modifi ed.
All repairs must be requested to Hitachi authorized
service centers. Attempting to carry out repairs without
the correct skills may result in accidents or injuries.
20. Check to make sure there are no damaged parts.
Carry out thorough inspections before using the washer
to make sure that no parts are damaged, and check to
ascertain that the washer is functioning properly.
Check that all moving parts or correctly positioned, have
been tightened in place and are correctly attached,
and then check all areas to confi rm that there are no
abnormalities that could a ect operations.
Refer to the instruction manual when replacing or
repairing damaged parts.
Request repairs to Hitachi authorized service centers
if details on repairs are not specifi ed in the instruction
Request repairs to Hitachi authorized service centers if
the switch is damaged.
Do not use the High Pressure Washer if the switch
becomes inoperable or cannot be turned o .
21. Use a power supply that conforms to the voltage
listed on the name plate.
Failure to observe this may result in the washer operating
at higher speeds than normal, leading to overheating
and the outbreak of smoke and fi re, which may cause
damage or injuries.