Grandview GPCQ-X User Manual

Details of installation
Installation of main bar
1.First ly, plea se confirm how ma ny insta llat ion hole s the projector has? 3 or 4
2.If th ere are 3 holes , th e in stallat ion arms need t o be taken apart f rom Install ation b racket firstly . C onne ct 3 i nstallation arms to the projector, and then conn ect t he in stallat ion a rms t o the install atio n base Howeve r, the insta llation base ne eds to be the cente r of projector. F igure 10.
3.Conne ct the in stal lation arm s to the projec tor conver sely if the dis tance o f in sta llation hol es i s less than 120mm. Conn ect the install atio n arms to t he in stal lation base via slidin g ins tall ation button as figure 11
4.Rotat e the a djustab le screw for adj usting th e hei ght o f instlla tion arms if the inst alla tion hole s are not at the same l evel as figure 12 .
5.The f ront or back of adjuster must be pa rallel to the s urface of project or as figure 13.
figur e 10
Scope of adjustment: 10mm
(Figu re14)Wi th the projecto r inst alled to the inst allatio n base: From the si de, ins ert the join t to the ins tallati on base (Figu re15)Ad just to a desir able ang le and directi on, then tight en up the mai n screw fro m the botto m.
figur e 14
Instruction Manual
Projector Lift
Applicable Model
Please read before using
Thank you for purchasin g our products. Please read t he instructi on manual care fully in order to ensure this projector lift is suita ble for your proj ection equipme nt.
figur e 11 figur e 12
底盘的正面需与 投影机的投影方 向一致并平行
figur e 13
Grandview Crystal Screen Canada Ltd.
#11- 3751 N orth Fra ser Way, Marin e Way Business Cen tre, Burna by, BC, Cana da V5J 5G 4 Tel: 1-604- 412-9 777 Fax: 1- 604-4 12-9796 Websi te: andvi ewscre
figur e 15
Guangzhou Grandview Crystal Screen Co., Ltd.
P.O. 511400 Fede ral Ind. Zone No. 3 63, Yushan Wes t Road,Shiqia o, Pany u Distr ict, Gu angzhou, Guan gdong, China Tel: +8620- 8489- 9499 Fax: +8 620-8 480-3343 Websi te: andvi ewscre m
Do not take apart
For safety , the minim um of ceili ng must be 5Kgweight
The maximu m weight of installati on bracket is 5Kg
Do not ove r incline t he projecto r.
Do not take apart any components of the projector lift.
A - Main bar B - Pillar base C - M5 x 15 screw (column) D - Top cap E - Spring F - 5x22 cross screw G - Installation base H- Extension arms I - Manual adjustable tightening knob
Accessories: 1/ M6 x 25 anchor screw ( 4 set) 2/ 6 x 50 wood screw (4pcs) 3/ M5 x 8 Philip screw (8 pcs) 4/ M4 x 8 Philip screw (4pcs) 5/ M3 x 8 Philip screw (4pcs) 6/ Hexagon screw (1pc) 7/ Tighening tool (1pc for installation base and the joint) 8/ Plastic belt
The total height of GPCQ-X is 750mm The main bar (together with the plastic cover) can be cut by user into desir able height.
F 5x2 2 cross s crew
Cable mana gem ent
(Figure 4, 5 ) Pla ce the ca ble i nto the c abl e duct on the ba ck, c lose it wit h the the p las tic c over. (Figure 6) Inser t in the top cap to the main bar , th en f ast en w ith the add ed spri ng.
figur e 5
Fix ation o n the c eiling
(Figure 1) Loc ate the d esire d position o f th e concr ete cei lin g, inst all the p illar b ase o nto it. (Figure 2-3 ) I nsert the mai n b ar into the pill ar base, then tighten it up b y using M6x25 anchors screws. (Remark : it m ust be firm ly tig htene d because it is th e mai n supporti ng un it.)
Installa tio n of the proje cto r
(Figure 7) Po sit ion t he arms on th e instal lat ion h ole s of the pro jecto r. The ar ms are adjusta ble f rom the inst all ation base . (Figure 8 ) Pl ease t ry t o posi tio n the inst all ation bas e on the ce nte r of pr oject or. (Figure 9) T igh ten the scre ws.
figur e 4
figur e 6
Scope f or installati on (Installation hole of projector): Maxim um scope for installation:310mm diameter Minim um scope for installation:40mm diameter
Note: C onnect th e installati on arms to the pro jector conve rsely for diff erent instal lation holes o f project or.
Maxim um diame ter: 310 mm Minimum dia meter: 4 0mm
figur e 1
figur e 3figur e 2
figur e 7
figur e 8
figur e 9