The integra ted batter y comes par tially cha rged. No damage oc curs
to the camera or battery if used before being fully c harged.
To Charge the Battery:
1. Camera Status Screen
2. Shutter/Select Button [ ]
3. Microphone
4. Camera Status Light (red) /
Wireless Status Light (blue)
5. Micro-USB Port
6. microSD Card Slot
7. Info/Wireless Button
1. Open the side d oor.2. Charge the b attery using the
included USB cab le.
Note: The bat tery canno t be removed from t he camera.
/ Getting Started
The camera statu s lights (red) tur n on during chargi ng and turn
off when charging is c omplete. Whe n charging t he camera with a
computer, be sure that th e computer is c onnecte d to a power source.
If the camer a status lights do n ot turn on to ind icate char ging, use a
different USB port.
WARNING: Us ing a wall ch arger oth er than a GoP ro Wall Charger
can dama ge the GoP ro camer a batter y and could result in fir e or
leakag e. Only use ch argers ma rked: Output 5V 1A . If you do not
know the vo ltage an d current of y our charg er, use the incl uded
USB cabl e to charge t he camer a from your co mputer.
For more batte ry information, see Battery(page 94).
WARNING: Us e cautio n when usin g your GoPr o as part o f your
active l ifest yle. Alway s be aware of yo ur surro undings t o avoid
injury t o yoursel f and other s.
Abide by a ll local l aws when us ing your Go Pro and rel ated
mounts a nd access ories, i ncludin g all priv acy laws , which may
restri ct record ing in cer tain area s.
/ Getting Started
/ Getting Started
Insert the SD card at a downward angle w ith the lab el facing do wn.
Use brand na me memory c ards
(sold separately) that meet these
• microSD, microSDHC,
or microSDXC
• Clas s 10 or UHS-I r ating
• Capacit y up to 64GB
For a lis t of the recommend ed microSD cards , visit
NOTICE: Use care when handl ing memor y cards. Avoi d liquids, d ust,
and de bris. As a preca ution, powe r off the camer a before inserting or
removing the card. Check manufacturer guidelines regarding use in
acceptable temperature ranges.
To get the latest features and be st perfor mance from your
HERO Session
came ra soware. You can up date your camera sowa re with the
GoPro A pp or at
came ra, make sure you are using th e most curre nt
/ Getting Started
/ Getting Started
HERO Se ssion power s on when you pr ess the
Shutter/Select but ton [
vide o or photos. Th e camera au tomatical ly powers
off to con serve bat tery power aer ph oto capture or
when you pres s the Shutter/Select button
] to stop recording video.
PRO TIP: When car rying you r camera in a bag or pocket, place t he
came ra upside down in a fr ame (with th e Shutter/Select but ton [
covere d) to protec t the camera from accidentally capturi ng video or
photos. To prevent t he frame from mar king the sur face of the c amera,
leave the latc h on the fram e open.
] to begi n capturin g
Press the Info/Wireless button to di splay status info rmation ab out
your camera.
Note: To exit these s creens soon er, press and hold th e Info/Wireless b utton for thre e seconds.
• Video resolution/fps/FOV
• Time Lapse p hoto resolution/
• Remaining microSD card
memor y for each mode
• Protune status
• Spot Meter sta tus
• Wireless status
• Battery status
/ Getting Started
/ Getting Started
Follow these guide lines to get th e best performa nce from
your camera:
• The camera is waterproof to 33’ (10m)— no housing n eeded.
Ensure that t he side door is close d before usin g the camera in
or arou nd water, dirt, or san d.
• Before closing the si de door, be sure the seal i s free of debr is.
If needed, c lean with a blower br ush or cann ed air.
• Befor e opening the side d oor, be sure the c amera is free of wate r or
debr is. If need ed, rins e the camer a with water an d dry it wit h a cloth.
• If san d or debris ha rdens around the side door, soak the cam era
in war m tap water for 15 min utes and the n rinse thorough ly to
remove the de bris before o pening the door.
• For bes t audio per formance, shake t he camera or blow on t he mic
to remove water a nd debris f rom the micropho ne holes.
• Aer every use in sa lt water, rinse th e camera w ith fr esh wa ter,
and dr y with a so cloth.
• If the camer a lens becom es foggy, let it sit w ith the door open until
it dries.
PRO TIP: During water ac tivities, tether your ca mera for added
secu rity and use a Floa ty to keep your camera afloat (sold s eparately).
For more infor mation, visit
/ Getting Started
/ Camera Icons
/ Camera Icons
Burst Photos
Default Mod e
Field of View
Frame s Per Second
Looping Video
Low Light
Multi-Shot Mode
Photo Mode
Burst Rate
Setup Mode
Spot Meter
Time Lapse
Video Format
Video Mode
Video Resolution
/ Capturing Video/ Capturing Video
The default vide o resolution is 1080p30. To select a different res olution,
see Changing Camera Settings (page 30).
To Start Recording Video:
Press the Shutter/Select butto n [
on, emits th ree beeps, a nd automatically begins recordi ng video.
The camera statu s lights blink while the c amera is rec ording.
If the memor y card is full or the batter y is out of power, your
camera automatically stops recording and saves the video b efore
powering o ff.
]. Your cam era powers
To Stop Recording:
Press the Shutter/Select butto n [
beeps sever al times, an d automatic ally powers off to max imize
battery life.
PRO TIP: Videos ca ptured at lower reso lutions such as 720 p30 fps are
supporte d by more mobil e devices an d are easier to s hare and upload
to the web.
]. The c amera stop s recording,
/ Capturing Video
You can mark spe cific moments in your video as
they happen with HiLight Tags . HiLight Tags make
it easy to find the best moments to sh are.
Note: HiLight Tags a re visible dur ing playbac k in the GoPro App.
To Add HiLight Tags During Recording:
Press the Info/Wireless button.
PRO TIP: You can also a dd HiLight Tags during recording with the
GoPro A pp for mobile o r the Smart Remote.
Loopi ng video let s you continu ously recor d and save onl y the
moments that you wa nt to save, which hel ps to conser ve space on
your microSD card.
Looping video is available only when you connec t your camera to
the GoP ro App for mobile or a GoP ro remote. To change Looping
video settings, see Video Settings(page 37).
/ Capturing Video
/ Capturing Video
To Capture Looping Video:
1. Con nect you r camera to t he GoPro App f or mobile or a Go Pro remote.
For det ails, see Accessing All Modes and Settings (pa ge 32).
2. Select Video mode [
3. Select Looping Video.
4. Tap the record bu tton on the app, or press the Shutter/Select
button [
] on the remote or t he camera . The camer a beeps once
] from t he app or the re mote.
Note: When you r camera is conn ected to the ap p or remote, it remai ns in standby m ode aer
capturin g video or photo s. If you want to pow er off the camera, tap t he Power butto n on the app or
press the Po wer/Mode button o n the remote. Wirel ess remains on s o your camera is st ill connect ed
to the app or t he remote.
PRO TIP: Videos ca ptured at lower reso lutions such as 720 p30 fps are
supporte d by more mobil e devices an d are easier to s hare and upload
to the web.
/ Capturing Video
and th e camera st atus lights flash w hile the cam era is recor ding.
5. To stop ca pturing, t ap the Recor d button on t he app, or pre ss the
Shutter/Select but ton [
] on the remote or t he camera . The
camera sta tus lights fl ash three ti mes and the c amera beeps
multiple times.
/ Capturing Photos
Time Lapse c aptures a series of p hotos at specified in tervals. You can
use Time Lap se to capture p hotos of any ac tivity, so yo u can choose
the be st ones later.
The default inter val for Time L apse is 0.5 se cond. To selec t a different
inter val, see Changing Camera Settings (page 30).
To Start Capturing Time Lapse Photos:
Press and ho ld the Shutter/Select butt on [
seco nds until the Time Lapse p hoto icon [
came ra status sc reen. Your cam era powers on, emit s two beeps, and
autom atically begins capturing Time Lapse photos. The ca mera statu s
light s blink while the camera is capturin g photos.
] for about three
] appears on t he
To Stop Recording:
Press the Shutter/Select butto n [
beeps sever al times, an d automatic ally powers off to max imize
battery life.
Single photos are ca ptured at a def ault resolution of 8MP. To chang e
photo settin gs, see Changing Camera Settings (page 30).
To Capture a Single Photo:
1. Press the Info/Wireless button to tur n on the camera status
/ Capturing Photos
]. The c amera stop s recording,
/ Capturing Photos/ Capturing Photos
2. Be sure the photo capture mo de is set to Sing le:
a. Press the Info/Wireless but ton repeate dly to cycle to Camera
Settings, then press the Shutter/Select butt on [
b. Press the Shutter/Select butto n [ ] repeatedly u ntil you get
to the Photo icon [
c. Press the Info/Wireless butto n to highlight the photo capture
mode (Single or Burs t).
d. If the capture mode is Burs t, press the Shutter/Select button
] to change it to Single.
e. Press the Info/Wireless but ton repeate dly to cycle to Done,
then press the Shutter/Select but ton [
] to sele ct it.
] to sele ct it.
3. Press the Info/Wireless but ton to cycle to Enter P hoto Mode, then
press the Shutter/Select button [
4. Press the Shutter/Select butto n [ ]. Your camera be eps once,
then b eeps once aer a photo is captured . The camer a status
light s blink while the camera is capturin g photos.
5. To exit Photo M ode, press the Info/Wireless butto n to cycle to
Exit P hoto Mode, th en press the Shutter/Select butt on [
select it.
Burst captures up to 10 photos in 1 secon d, so it is per fect for
capturing the definitive mome nt in fast-ac tion spor ts. To change Burst
photo settin gs, see Changing Camera Settings (page 30).
] to sele ct it.
] to
/ Capturing Photos/ Capturing Photos
To Capture Burst Photos:
1. Pres s the Info/Wireless but ton to turn o n the camer a status scr een.
2. Be sure the photo capture mo de is set to Burs t:
a. Press the Info/Wireless but ton repeate dly to cycle to Camera
Settings, then press the Shutter/Select button [
b. Press the Shutter/Select butto n [ ] repeatedly u ntil you get
to the Photo icon [
c. Press the Info/Wireless butto n to highlight the photo capture
mode (Single or Burs t).
d. If the capture mode is Sing le, press the Shutter/Select button
] to change it to Burst.
] to sele ct it.
e. Press the Info/Wireless but ton repeate dly to cycle to Done,
then press the Shutter/Select but ton [
3. Press the Info/Wireless but ton to cycle to Enter P hoto Mode, then
press the Shutter/Select button [
4. Press the Shutter/Select butto n [ ]. Your camera be eps once,
then b eeps once aer eac h photo is captured. The camera status
light s blink while the camera is capturin g photos.
5. To exit Photo M ode, press the Info/Wireless butto n to cycle to
Exit P hoto Mode, th en press the Shutter/Select butt on [
select it.
] to sele ct it.
] to sele ct it.
] to
/ Changing Camera Settings
You can change some of the video and p hoto settin gs using the
buttons on t he camera. To access a ll settings and mo des, see
Accessing All Modes and Settings(page 32).
1. Press the Info/Wireless button to tur n on the stat us screen.
2. Press the Info/Wireless but ton repeate dly until you get to
Camera Set tings, then press the Shutter/Select button [
select it.
3. Press the Shutter/Select butto n [
] to sele ct the desired mod e.
] to
4. Press the Info/Wireless but ton repeate dly to move to a set ting.
5. Press the Shutter/Select button [ ] to s elect a new option.
6. Press the Info/Wireless but ton repeate dly until you get to Done,
then press the Shutter/Select button [
/ Changing Camera Settings
] to sele ct it.
/ Accessing All Modes and Settings
To access a ll modes and settings, connect yo ur camera to a G oPro
remote (sold separately) or the GoP ro App for mobile. Set tings are
saved aer you disconne ct the camera.
Record video
Record continuously
Capt ure a single photo
Shoot p hotos at
time intervals
Capt ure up to 10 photos
in 1 second
Adjust all camera settings
The GoPro App for mob ile (free) lets you cha nge all modes and
came ra setting s using a smar tphone or tablet . Features in clude full
came ra control, l ive preview, playb ack and sha ring of conte nt, and
came ra soware updates. To lear n more, visit
Note: When you r camera is conn ected to the ap p or remote, it remai ns on in standb y mode aer
capturin g video or photo s.
To Connec t to the GoPro App for Mobile:
1. Download th e GoPro App to yo ur smartphone/t ablet from the
App Sto re or Google Pl ay.
2. Open the app.
/ Accessing All Modes and Settings
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