The OxyTrak™ 390 Flue Gas Analyzer is a Panametrics product. Panametrics has joined other GE hightechnology sensing businesses under a new name—GE Sensing.
September 2007
WarrantyEach instrument manufactured by GE Sensing, Inc. is warranted to be
free from defects in material and workmanship. Liability under this
warranty is limited to restoring the instrument to normal operation or
replacing the instrument, at the sole discretion of GE. Fuses and
batteries are specifically excluded from any liability. This warranty is
effective from the date of delivery to the original purchaser. If GE
determines that the equipment was defective, the warranty period is:
• one year for general electronic failures of the instrument
• one year for mechanical failures of the sensor
If GE determines that the equipment was damaged by misuse,
improper installation, the use of unauthorized replacement parts, or
operating conditions outside the guidelines specified by GE, the
repairs are not covered under this warranty.
The warranties set forth herein are exclusive and are in lieu of
all other warranties whether statutory, express or implied
(including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, and warranties arising from course of
dealing or usage or trade).
Return PolicyIf a GE Sensing, Inc. instrument malfunctions within the warranty
period, the following procedure must be completed:
1. Notify GE, giving full details of the problem, and provide the model
number and serial number of the instrument. If the nature of the
problem indicates the need for factory service, GE will issue a
RETURN AUTHORIZATION number (RA), and shipping instructions
for the return of the instrument to a service center will be
2. If GE instructs you to send your instrument to a service center, it
must be shipped prepaid to the authorized repair station indicated
in the shipping instructions.
3. Upon receipt, GE will evaluate the instrument to determine the
cause of the malfunction.
Then, one of the following courses of action will then be taken:
• If the damage is covered under the terms of the warranty, the
instrument will be repaired at no cost to the owner and returned.
• If GE determines that the damage is not covered under the terms
of the warranty, or if the warranty has expired, an estimate for the
cost of the repairs at standard rates will be provided. Upon receipt
of the owner’s approval to proceed, the instrument will be repaired
and returned.
IntroductionProcess plant managers are usually looking for ways to reduce
expense and increase profitability . When combustibles are burned as
part of the operation, and that combustion is incomplete (allowing
unburned fuel to escape), costs go up and profits go down.
A reliable system for analyzing flue gas can provide the necessary
information to:
• adjust the flow of oxygen
• increase the efficiency of the combustion
• gain significant cost savings for the overall operation
To meet these specific needs, GE Sensing provides the OxyTrak™
390 Flue Gas Analyzer which monitors the efficiency of a furnace or
boiler by measuring excess oxygen and/or ppm
combustibles in the flue gases.
To measure these two parameters, the OxyTrak™ 390 uses:
• a zirconium oxide oxygen sensor
• a platinum-catalyst combustibles sensor (optional)
The oxygen sensor measures excess oxygen or, in a fuel rich
environment, equivalent combustibles. The combustibles sensor
monitors partially combusted fuel, only in the presence of excess
oxygen (i.e. there must be enough oxygen present to burn the fuel).
Each OxyTrak™ 390 may be equipped with an oxygen sensor, a
combustibles sensor, or both.
Physical DescriptionThe standard GE Sensing OxyTrak™ 390 Flue Gas Analyzer is
provided in a general-purpose weatherproof (IP52, NEMA 2)
enclosure. The analyzer consists of a convection loop/analyzer
package and a display controller, which may be mounted either
locally or remotely . Figure 1-1 on page 1-2 shows the OxyTrak™ 390
with local and remote display controllers.
General Information1-1
September 2007
Local Controller
Remote Controller
Figure 1-1: Standard OxyTrak™ 390 Configurations
1-2General Information
September 2007
Sample SystemThe convection loop/analyzer package houses the sample system,
which consists of the components shown in Figure 1-2 on page 1-4
and Figure 1-3 on page 1-5. The functions of the sample system
components are as follows:
• a manifold with removable thermocouple and cartridge heaters to
prevent acid components of the flue gas from condensing in the
sample system and causing corrosion
• a zirconium oxide oxygen sensor
• an optional platinum-catalyst combustibles sensor to monitor
incomplete combustion of the fuel by burning it in the presence of
excess oxygen
• a temperature-controlled sensor furnace to maintain the oxygen
sensor at a stable operating temperature and to act as the engine for
convective sampling
• a convection loop to circulate the sample gases through the sample
• an aspirator port to connect to an aspirated probe.
Display ControllerThe display controller (see Figure 1-6 below) includes the terminal
blocks for making all electrical connections and the furnace
temperature control (FTC) circuit board. The FTC board maintains a
constant sensor furnace temperature to improve the accuracy of the
oxygen analysis and to extend the life of the oxygen sensor.
Figure 1-6: Display Controller Interior
The display controller performs the following functions:
• amplifies the oxygen and combustibles sensor outputs
• linearizes the oxygen signal
• controls the sensor temperature
• outputs the reading on a 64 x 128 pixel graphic display
• enables programming using an integral keypad
• provides a linear 4-20 mA analog output
• provides four alarm relays
• provides four auto-calibration relays
• provides RS232/RS485 communications outputs
General Information1-7
September 2007
Principles of OperationIdeally, every furnace/burner should mix a precise ratio of air to fuel,
and the mixture should burn efficiently to yield only heat, water vapor
and carbon dioxide. However, because of burner aging, imperfect air
to fuel mixtures and changing firing rates, this rarely happens.
Monitoring the actual efficiency of the combustion process is easily
accomplished with the OxyTrak™ 390.
A flue gas sample is drawn into the probe by gaseous diffusion and a
gentle convective flow. The sample passes through the probe and into
the sample system, where it is maintained at a temperature above
200°C (392°F) by the heater block. In the presence of oxygen, this
sample temperature is high enough to burn any partial combustion
products that reach the active (platinum-coated) element of the
combustibles sensor. The resulting temperature differential between
the two combustibles sensor elements is related to the concentration
of partial combustion products in the test sample.
Note: The sampled gas is maintained above 200°C (392°F) to
prevent flue gas acids from condensing in the analyzer and
causing corrosion.
The sample then passes into the sensor furnace, which heats the
sample gas and the oxygen sensor to 700°C (1,292°F) (a temperature
above 650°C (1,202°F) is required for proper operation of the oxygen
sensor). The oxygen sensor is covered with a platinum catalyst that
causes the burning of all remaining combustibles, enabling the sensor
to measure the excess oxygen (or fuel) in the flue gas.
The sensor furnace also generates the convective flow that circulates
the sample gas through the sample system. The hot sample gas in the
sensor furnace rises out of the furnace and cools, as it is pushed from
behind by the hot gases still in the furnace. The cooled sample gases
then drop down the other branch of the convection loop and into the
annular space between the probe and probe sleeve, where they are
carried away by the gas flow in the flue.
1-8General Information
September 2007
Zirconium Oxide Oxygen
The inside and outside of the zirconium oxide oxygen sensor are
coated with porous platinum, forming two electrodes. The sample gas
flows past the outside of the sensor, while atmospheric air circulates
freely inside the sensor. This atmospheric air is used as the reference
gas for making oxygen measurements. See Figure 1-7 below.
Oxygen ions migrate through the zirconium oxide
along the concentration gradient.
Atmospheric O
Inside Cell
Sample O
Outside Cell
Zirconium Oxide Ceramic
with Lattice Imperfec tio n s
From O u ts ide
When O concentration in sample gas falls, the cell voltage rises
From Ins id e
with increased oxygen migration through the zirconium oxide.
Figure 1-7: Oxygen Migration in the Zirconium Oxide Sensor
At the operating temperature of the oxygen sensor, the atmospheric
reference oxygen is electrochemically reduced at the inner electrode,
and the resulting oxygen ions seek to equalize with the lower oxygen
concentration on the sample side of the cell by migrating through the
porous ceramic toward the outer electrode. At the outer electrode they
give up electrons to become oxygen molecules again, and are swept
away by the sample gas flow.
The lower the concentration of oxygen in the flue gas sample, the
greater the rate of ion migration through the ceramic, and the higher
the cell voltage due to electron exchange at the electrodes. The cell
voltage rises logarithmically as the amount of oxygen in the flue gas
falls, allowing the accurate measurement of very low levels of excess
oxygen in the flue gas.
General Information1-9
September 2007
Combustibles Sensor
The combustibles sensor consists of two platinum thermistors
mounted side by side in the sample stream. One thermistor, the active element, is used to detect/react partial combustion products, while the
other thermistor, the reference element, provides a baseline. The
active element is coated with a black platinum catalyst and the
reference element has a white inert surface. As the sample gas passes
over the active element, the platinum catalyst causes any
combustibles to burn (in the presence of excess oxygen), thereby
raising the temperature of the active element above that of the
reference element (see Figure 1-8 below).
Flue Gas Flow
(Inert Coating)
(Platinum C ata ly st)
Combustibles Sensor
Figure 1-8: Combustibles Sensor Elements
The resulting temperature differential between the active and
reference elements is proportional to the concentration of
combustibles in the sample, and a corresponding resistance change is
then converted into a reading of parts per million by volume (ppm
of combustibles.
1-10General Information
September 2007
Heater Control CircuitThe oxygen sensor temperature in the OxyTrak™ 390 is maintained
by a heater, which is part of a complex temperature control loop. This
circuit constantly monitors the oxygen sensor temperature, compares
it to the set point temperature (700°C), and turns the heater ON or
OFF accordingly. The specific type of control circuit used is called a
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) loop, because of the three
adjustable parameters involved:
• Proportional Band: Because the system cannot respond
instantaneously to temperature changes, the actual temperature of
the oxygen sensor oscillates about the set point. In general,
increasing the proportional band reduces the magnitude of these
temperature oscillations.
• Integral Action: A consequence of increasing the proportional
band is the introduction of an offset between the set point and the
control point. The integral portion of the control loop acts to move
the control point back toward the set point within a specified
period of time. Thus, decreasing this integration time reduces the
offset more quickly.
• Derivative Action: The derivative portion of the control loop
applies a corrective signal based on the rate at which the actual
temperature is approaching the set point. In effect, the derivative
action reduces overshoot by counteracting the control signal
produced by the proportional and integral parameters.
The heater control circuit is configured at the factory for optimum
performance. Because of the strong interaction between the three
parameters involved, properly setting up the PID loop is a very
complex matter. As a result, randomly changing the P, I and/or D
parameters can seriously degrade the performance of the OxyTrak™
IMPORTANT:Always contact the factory before attempting to
IntroductionThis chapter provides instructions on how to properly install and wire
the OxyTrak™ 390. Be sure to observe all installation limits and
precautions described in this chapter. Pay particular attention to the
specified ambient temperature range of –30 to +70°C (-22 to +158°F)
for the analyzer and –30 to +60°C (-22 to +140°F) for the controller.
To ensure safe operation, the OxyTrak™ 390 must be
installed and operated as described in this manual. Also, be
sure to follow all applicable local safety codes and
regulations for installing electrical equipment. All
procedures should be performed by trained service
personnel only.
UnpackingRemove the analyzer (see Figure 2-1 below) from its shipping
container, and make sure that all items on the packing slip have been
received. If anything is missing, contact the factory immediately.
Note: See Figure 2-6 on page 2-17 (local controller) or Figure 2-7
on page 2-18 (remote controller) for a complete outline and
installation drawing of the OxyTrak™ 390.
Figure 2-1: Typical OxyTrak™ 390 with Local Controller
September 2007
Installation SiteEnvironmental and installation factors should already have been
discussed with a GE Sensing applications engineer or field sales
person before the OxyTrak™ 390 arrives.
Selecting the SiteThe tip of the probe is typically inserted into the stack to a distance of
1/3 of the stack diameter. Also, the flue gas flow direction should be
either perpendicular to the probe or angled away from the open end of
the probe (see Figure 2-2 below).
IMPORTANT: Never allow the flue gas flow to be angled directly into
the end of the probe.
• For furnaces, locate the analyzer close to the combustion zone,
typically within the radiant section and always before the
convection section. Make sure that the probe’s maximum operating
temperature is not exceeded and that the probe is not situated in a
non-homogeneous flue gas mixture.
• For boilers, locate the analyzer downstream of the heat exchanger
and just before the economizer air heater, if one is installed. The
analyzer should not be placed downstream of any air heater,
because of possible air leaks that can cause inaccurate readings.
In general, the sample point should be an area of high turbulence,
which will ensure a good homogeneous mixture of the flue gases.
Conditions to be avoided would include air leaks upstream of the
sample point and dead spaces in the vicinity of the sample point.
Mounting Flange
Probe Sleeve
Figure 2-2: Permitted Flue Gas Flow Angles
September 2007
Selecting the Site (cont.)Finally, the following installation requirements should be observed:
• Install the OxyTrak™ 390 in a location that provides ready access
for programming, testing, and servicing the unit.
• Protect all cables from excessive physical strain (bending, pulling,
twisting, etc.).
• Be sure that the input voltage at the planned installation site is
within the limits specified for the OxyTrak™ 390.
Preparing the SitePreparation of the installation site should include the following steps
(see Figure 2-8 on page 2-19 and Figure 2-3 below):
Note: Although a horizontal installation is shown in this manual,
other mounting angles are permissible.
3" min
2" Sch 80 Pipe
Mounting Plate
1 7/8"
Mating Flange
Figure 2-3: A Typical Installation Setup
September 2007
Preparing the Site (cont.)1. At the chosen analyzer location on the furnace or boiler wall or on
the side of a horizontal or vertical flue duct, drill a hole of the
proper diameter to accommodate a short length of pipe having at
least a 1 7/8 in. 48 mm) inside diameter. A length of 2” Schedule
80 pipe is suitable for this purpose.
2. Weld the short pipe into a mounting plate, with welds on both
sides of the plate. The pipe length must be sufficient to meet the
following requirements:
• One end of the pipe should extend through the rear of the
mounting plate sufficiently to enter the wall. For installation in
a masonry wall, the pipe should extend entirely through the
wall to prevent the probe from becoming trapped, if the wall
should crumble.
• To provide clearance for installing the flange bolts, the pipe
must be long enough to provide 4 in. (100 mm) of clearance
between the front surface of the mounting plate and the back
surface of the mating flange.
3. Weld the mating flange onto the end of the short pipe so that the
raised face of the flange faces away from the mounting plate. Be
sure that the following requirements are met:
• One end of the short pipe should be flush with the raised face of
the flange.
• The mating flange should be oriented so that its bolt holes
straddle the vertical and horizontal center lines of the mounting
Note: The OxyTrak™ 390 can be supplied with an optional flange. If
a flange is desired, it must be specified (e.g. 3”-150# flange)
at the time of purchase
4. Attach the mounting plate to the wall with the pipe extending into
the drilled hole.
For probe lengths greater than 2 meters (6 feet), a support sleeve is
recommended. Refer to Figure E-3 on page E-3.
September 2007
MountingThis section explains how to mount OxyTrak™ 390 analyzer at the
site that was prepared in the previous section. The OxyTrak™ 390 has
integral male 1-1/2” NPT mounting threads. This permits a flange to
be threaded onto the analyzer, and the resulting assembly is then
bolted to the mating flange on the furnace/boiler wall or flue duct.
Flue gas condensate is extremely corrosive. The OxyTrak™
390 must be wired and powered up immediately after
mounting to prevent damage to the unit. If a blowback
(purge) system is to be used, install this system and turn it on
right away also.
IMPORTANT: Direct mounting of the OxyTrak™ 390 into a threaded
hole using its mounting thr e ads is not
Always use a mounting flange.
Note: Rather than the use of a thread sealant, a high temperature
lubricant such as Molykote 1000 is recommended.
Refer to Figure 2-8 on page 2-19, and complete the following steps to
mount the OxyTrak™ 390 convection loop/analyzer package:
1. Slide a suitable flange gasket over the probe and up against the
mounting flange on the analyzer.
Note: Be sure to use a suitable high temperature gasket for this
2. Orient the analyzer so that the convection loop/ana lyzer package
is vertical, and slide the probe through the hole in the mounting
wall until the two flanges meet.
3. Using suitable hardware, make sure the gasket is properly
positioned between them, and bolt the two flanges together.
4. Continue as follows:
a. If you have a local display controller, the physical installation
is complete. Proceed to the wiring section on the next page.
b. If you have a remo te display controller, proceed to Step 5.
5. Refer to Figure 2-7 on page 2-18 and mount the remote display
controller in a convenient location. Be sure to allow sufficient
clearance for programming and operation of the unit.
6. Install suitable cable glands and conduit for the environment, to
connect the junction box on the bottom of the convection loop/
analyzer package to the display controller (2 places).
September 2007
Wiring!Attention European Customers!
To meet CE Mark requirements, install all cables as
described on the next page.
IMPORTANT: For compliance with the European Union’s Low
Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC), the OxyTrak™ 390
requir es an external power disconnect device such as a
switch or circuit breaker. The disconnect device must
be marked as such, clearly visible, directly accessible,
and located within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the unit.
To ensure safe operation, the OxyTrak™ 390 must be
installed and operated as described in this manual. Be sure
to follow all applicable local safety codes and regulations
for installing electrical equipment. All procedures should
be performed by trained service personnel only.
To wire the OxyTrak™ 390, see Figure 2-9 on page 2-20 for a local
assembly or Figure 2-10 on page 2-21 for a remote assembly, and
connect the following items to the display controller (do not
line power through the same conduit as the other connections):
run the
• alarm relays A-D
• calibration relays E-H
• 4-20 mA analog output
• RS232 or RS485 output
• line power (connect through the right-hand port)
If you have a remote display controller, you must also make the
following connections between the controller and the junction box:
• oxygen and combustibles sensors
• furnace and manifold thermocouples
• thermocouple cold junction compensation
• furnace and manifold heaters
IMPORTANT: Do not alter any of the factory-installed wiring.
To access the terminal blocks for wiring, unthread the four screws on
the front of the display controller and swing the cover open. If you
have a system with a remote display controller, you must also
unthread the three screws on the junction box and swing the cover
September 2007
CE Mark ComplianceFor CE Mark compliance, the OxyTrak™ 390 must meet both the
EMC and LVD directives.
IMPORTANT: CE Mark compliance is required for all units used in
EEC countries.
EMC ComplianceFor EMC compliance, the electrical connections must be shielded and
grounded as shown in Table 2-1 below. After all the necessary
electrical connections have been made, seal any unused cable entry
holes with standard conduit plugs or equivalent.
Note: If the instructions in this section are followed, the unit will
comply with the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.
Table 2-1: Wiring Modifications for EMC Compliance
ConnectionWiring Modification
Power1. When connecting the power, select the cable
entry closest to the chassis ground.
2. Use shielded cable* to connect the power to the
OxyTrak™ 390 enclosure. Connect the shield to
the nearest chassis ground terminal.
3. Connect the power line ground wire to the
nearest chassis ground terminal.
Input/Output1. Use shielded cable* to interconnect the
OxyTrak™ 390 enclosure with any external I/O
2. Connect the shields to the nearest chassis
ground terminal.
*Wires enclosed in a properly-grounded metal conduit do not
require additional shielding.
LVD Compl ianceFor compliance with the European Union’ s Low Voltag e Directive
(73/23/EEC), the analyzer requires an external power disconnect
device such as a switch or circuit breaker. The disconnect device must
be marked as such, clearly visible, directly accessible, and located
within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the unit.
Note: If the instructions in this section are followed, the unit will
comply with the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
September 2007
Wiring the Analog Outputs
Wiring the Alarm Relays
To wire an analog output device to the OxyTrak™ 390, refer to
Figure 2-4 on page 2-12 and Figure 2-9 on page 2-20 or Figure 2-10
on page 2-21, and make the following connections to terminal block
J11 in the display controller:
1. Connect the positive pin to the input of the analog output device:
a. Output A - J11–5 (+)
b. Output B - J11–3 (+)
c. Output C - J11–1 (+)
2. Connect the negative pin to the return of the analog output
a. Output A - J11–6 (–)
b. Output B - J11–4 (–)
c. Output C - J11–2 (–)
To wire a warning device to any of the OxyTrak™ 390 ala rm relay s
(A-D), refer to Figure 2-4 on page 2-12 and Figure 2-9 on page 2-20
or Figure 2-10 on page 2-21, and make the following connections to
terminal blocks J7 and J8 in the display controller:
1. Connect the NC pin to the alarm device input for failsafe
operation, or leave this pin unused for non-failsafe operation:
a. Relay A - J7–4 (NC)
b. Relay B - J7–1 (NC)
c. Relay C - J8–4 (NC)
d. Relay D - J8–1 (NC)
2. Connect COM pin to the alarm device return:
a. Relay A - J7–6 (COM)
b. Relay B - J7–3 (COM)
c. Relay C - J8–6 (COM)
d. Relay D - J8–3 (COM)
3. Connect the NO pin to the alarm device input for non-failsafe
operation, or leave this pin unused for failsafe operation:
a. Relay A - J7–5 (NO)
b. Relay B - J7–2 (NO)
c. Relay C - J8–5 (NO)
d. Relay D - J8–2 (NO)
September 2007
Wiring the Calibration
Relays (E-H)
To wire a warning device to any of the OxyTrak™ 390 calibrati on
relays (E-H), refer to Figure 2-4 on page 2-12 and Figure 2-9 on p age
2-20 or Figure 2-10 on page 2-21, and make the following
connections to terminal blocks J9 and J10 in the display controller:
1. Connect the NC pin to the alarm device input for failsafe
operation, or leave this pin unused for non-failsafe operation:
a. Relay E - J9–3 (NC)
b. Relay F - J9–6 (NC)
c. Relay G - J10–3 (NC)
d. Relay H - J10–6 (NC)
2. Connect the COM pin to the alarm device return:
a. Relay E - J9–1 (COM)
b. Relay F - J9–4 (COM)
c. Relay G - J10–1 (COM)
d. Relay H - J10–4 (COM)
3. Connect the NO pin to the alarm device input for non-failsafe
operation, or leave this pin unused for failsafe operation:
a. Relay E - J9–2 (NO)
b. Relay F - J9–5 (NO)
c. Relay G - J10–2 (NO)
d. Relay H - J10–5 (NO)
Note: The OxyTrak™ 390 relays do not provide power. To use the
Blow Back process, connect a power supply in series with
Relay H and the Blow Back solenoid valve.
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