This manual contains inst ructions for Serie s 1 unit s
equipped with controller card p/n 703-1250. This
controller card supports the PanaCom/PanaView
user interface software.
June 2003
WarrantyEach instrument manufactured by GE Panametrics is warranted to be
free from defects in material and workmanship. Liability under this
warranty is limited to restoring the instr ument to normal operation or
replacing the instrument, at the sole discretion of GE Panametrics. Fuses
and batteries are specif ically exclu ded from any liability. This warranty
is effective from the date of de livery to the original purch as er. If GE
Panametrics determines that the equipment was defective, the warranty
period is:
• one year for general electronic failures of the instrument
• one year f or mechanical failures o f the transducers
If GE Panametrics determines that the equipment was damaged by
misuse, improper installation, the use of unauthorized replacement parts,
or operating conditions outside the guidelines specified by GE
Panametrics, the repairs are not covered under this warranty.
The warranties set forth herein are exclusive and are in lieu of
all other warranties whether statutory, express or implied
(including warranties or merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, and warranties arising from course of
dealing or usage or trade).
Return PolicyIf a GE Panametrics instrument malfunctions within the warranty period,
the following procedure must be completed:
1. Notify GE Panametrics, giving full details of the problem, and
provide the model numbe r and s eri al numbe r of t he instr umen t. I f the
nature of the problem indicates the need for factory service, GE
Panametrics will issue a RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER
(RAN), and shipping in str uc tions for the return of the i nst rume nt to a
service center will be p ro vided.
2. If GE Panametrics instructs you to send your instrument to a service
center, it must be shipped prepaid to the authorized repair station
indicated in the shipping instructions.
3. Upon receipt, GE Panametrics will evaluate the instrument to
determine the cause of the malfunction.
Then, one of the following courses of action will then be taken:
• If the damage is covered under the terms of the warranty, the
instrument will be repaired at no cost to the owner and returned.
• If GE Panametrics determines that the damag e is not covered under
the terms of the warranty, or if the warra nty has expired , an es timate
for the cost of the repairs at standard rates will be provided. Upon
receipt of the owner’s approval to proceed, the instrument will be
repaired and returned.
The GE Panametrics Moisture Image Seri es 1 is a microproc essor
based multi-cha nnel ana lyze r designe d to mea sure dissolve d moistur e
concentration in gas es and non-aqueous liquids, and dissolved
oxygen concentration in gases. It is a highly advanced industrial
analyzer whi ch is ve rs ati le and ad ap tab l e to ma ny ap pl ic ation s.
The Series 1 combines the use of hardware and software to make
various measur ements. The user conne cts the need ed input s (moi sture
probes, oxygen cells, pressure transducers, etc.) to the back panel of
the electronics unit using several types of cables. Typically , the user
installs moisture probes and oxygen cells into the process using a
sample system that is specifically designed for the application. The
sample system delivers a sa mple of the process to the probes. The
probes then se nd a signal to the Series 1 electronics unit, which
interprets the signa l and converts it into a measurement.
The complete analyzer, including electronics, cables, and
measurement probes, forms a “syste m” which is designed to monitor
the process accurately and reliably. The following sections discuss
each part of this “system.”
Electronics UnitThe center of the “sys tem” is the el ectroni cs unit. The elect ronics unit
has many components, including terminal blocks for all connections,
an RS232 port, a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), a keypad, and menu
keys. See Figure 1-1.
The back panel of the e lectro nics unit cont ai ns the ter minal bl ocks for
connecting moisture probes, oxygen cells, recorders, and optional
alarms (standard or hermetically sealed) for up to six channels. The
Series 1 also provides connections for two isolated outputs per
channel. Input connections for the M Series, TF Series, Moisture
Image Series and Delta F oxygen sensors are intrinsically safe.
As an optional feature, the Series 1 provides connections for two
auxiliary inputs ( not intr insi cally safe ) on each channe l. The auxil iary
inputs can accept signals f rom any 0/4 to 20-mA or 0 to 2-VDC
device, including other GE Panametrics analyzers.
The RS232 port enables the user to connect a remote terminal,
printer, or computer to the S eries 1. Using an optional Personal
Compute r (PC ) int erfa ce s oft ware p ack a g e, the user ca n als o set up
and operate one or more analyzers from a remote location, transfer
data for further analysis, and create data logs.
The front panel of the electronics unit has a Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD) to show da ta.The LCD is capable of displaying data in a line
graph, or a text matrix format.
Features and Capabilities1-1
April 2004
Electronics Unit (cont.)The front panel a lso has a 16-key keypa d th at is used t o en ter data a nd
operate the S eries 1. There are four menu keys below the LCD, as
shown in Figure 1-1 below. The function of a menu key is indicated
directly above it on the LCD. The menu key functions chan ge as the
user makes menu selections.
The electron ics unit wi th al l thes e featu re s is avai l abl e in a rack
mount, bench mount, panel mount, weatherproof, or explosion-proof
LCD Screen
Menu Keys
Terminal Blocks
RS232 Port
Figure 1-1: The Serie s 1 Electronics Unit Features
1-2Features and Capabilities
June 2003
BASEEFA CertificationRack, bench, panel Series 1s s/n 2000 and above and WPF Series 1s
s/n 2300 and a bove are BASEEFA certified to supply intrinsically
safe levels. Installation requires that the Series 1 be mounted in a
general purpose area only. M Series, TF Series, and Moisture Image
Series probes and Delta F oxygen cells a re intrinsically safe when
connected to the Series 1, allowing f or sensor installation in IE C/
CENELEC zone 0 areas.
CSA CertificationNewer versions of rack, bench, panel and WPF Series 1’s are
CSA-NR TL certified intrinsically safe. Install ation requires the
Series 1 be mounted in either a NEC CL.1, Div. 2, Group B, C or D
hazardous area or a general purpose area. M Series, TF Series, and
Moisture Image Series probes and Delta F oxygen cells are
intrinsically sa fe when connected to the Series 1, allowing for sensor
installati on in NEC CL.1, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C and D hazardous
Note: Refer to certification labels on your instrument and
installation drawing #752-138 to determine the applicable
level of certificat i on that yo ur meter ca r rie s.
Features and Capabilities1-3
June 2003
ProbesProbe s are the part of the system that come into contact with the
process flow. The Series 1 uses various types of probes to fit the
needs of a wide range of applications.
The term “probe” includes devices such as moisture se nsors, pressure
transducers, and oxygen cells. Although you can supply your own
probes for certain measurements, GE Panametrics provides the
following standar d probes to make moisture, temperature, pressur e
and oxygen measurements:
• Moisture (M) Series - moisture and temperature (in gases and
• Three Function (TF) Series and Moisture Image Series Probes -
moisture, temperature, and pressure (in gases and liqui ds)
• Delta-F Cells - oxygen measurement (in gases)
The most commonly used probes are discussed in more detail below.
M Series and TF Series
Moisture Probes
The M Series and the TF Series probes are very similar. Both probes
use GE Panametrics aluminum oxide sensor s to measure moisture,
and thermistor beads to measure temperature (the thermistor is
optional). The TF Series, howe ver, also has an optional built-in
strain-gag e-ty p e pres su re tr ans d ucer. The sensor ass em b lies are
secured to a probe mount and are usually protected with a sintered
stainless-ste el shield (TF-9 probes do not have a shield). Othe r types
of shields are availabl e (refer to Figure 1-2 below and Figure 1-3 on
page 1-5).
When using an M Series probe, a separate pressure transmitter is
required if in-li ne pressure measurement is needed. The Series 1 can
use any pressure transmitte r with a 0/4 to 20 mA or 0 to 2-V output.
Alternativel y, the user can enter fixed values for temperature and
pressure into the Series 1 memory if the process conditions are
Figure 1-2: The M Serie s Probe
1-4Features and Capabilities
M Series and TF Series
Moisture Probes (cont.)
June 2003
Figure 1-3: The TF Series Probe
Although the M and the TF S eries probes may be installed directly in
the process line, more often these probes are inserted into a sample
system. The sample system protects the probes and enables the user to
easily remove the probes for calibrating, servicing and cle aning.
Sample systems also control the flow of the process stream so that it
is within the specifications of the measurement probe or cell.
The M and TF Series probes, when used with a BASEEFA-approved
Series 1, are intrinsically safe (see Chapter 3, Specifications, of the
Start up Guide for BASEEFA certification numbers) and designed to
meet the requirements of IEC/CENELEC zone 0 areas.
When operated with a CSA-NRTL approved Series 1, the M and TF
Series probes are intrinsically safe (see Chapter 3, Specifications, of
the Series 1 Startup Guide for CSA-NRTL certification numbers) and
designed to meet the requirements of NEC C1.1, Di v. 1, Groups A, B,
C and D hazardous areas.
The M and TF Series probes measure moisture conten t in a standa rd
range from –110°C to 20°C (–166°F to 68°F) dew/frost point
temperature and option ally from –110°C to 60°C (–166° F to 140°F).
Both probes optionally measure temperature in a range of –30°C to
70°C (–22°F to 158°F). The TF probe optionally measures pressure
from 30 to 300, 50 to 500, 100 to 1000, 300 to 3000, or 500 to 5000
Features and Capabilities1-5
June 2003
Moisture Image Series
The Moisture Image Series Probe measures moisture, temperature
(optional), and pressure (optional). The Moistu re Image Ser ies Probe
has its own electronics module that consists of a built-in
microcontroller with 16-bit resolution (see Figure 1-4 below).
The electronics module stores the probe cali bration and refere nce data
in non-volatile memory; the refore, the user never needs to enter the
data by hand. The Moisture Image Series Probe also features
continuous compensation of its own analog circuitry to assure longterm electronic stability.
The Moisture Image Series Probe, when operated with a BASEEFAapproved Series 1, is intrinsically safe (see Cha pter 3, Specifications,
of the Startup Guide for BASEEFA certification numbers) and
designed to meet the require ments of IEC/CENELEC zone 0 areas.
The Moisture Image Series Probe, when operated with a CSA-NRTL
certified Series 1, is intrinsically safe (see Chapter 3, Specifications,
of the Series 1 St artup Guide for CSA-NRTL certification numbers)
and designed to meet the requirements of NEC C1.1, Div. 1, Groups
A, B, C and D hazardous areas.
The Moisture Image Series Probe measures moisture content in a
standard range from –110°C to 20°C (–166°F to 68°F) dew/frost
point temperature and optionally from –110°C to 60°C (–166°F to
140°F). Additionally, the Moisture Image Series Probe can be used to
measure temperature in a range of –30°C to 70°C (–22°F to 158°F)
and pressure from 30 to 300, 50 to 500, 100 to 1000, 300 to 3000, or
500-5000 PSIG.
Electronics Module
Figure 1-4: The Moisture Image Series Probe
1-6Features and Capabilities
June 2003
Delta F Oxygen CellThe Series 1 stand ard oxygen measurement probe is the Delta F Cell.
Overall oxygen content range is from 0 to 25%. You may choose
from seven standard oxygen r anges.The lowest standard ra nge is 0 to
1/10/100 ppm, and the highest st andar d range is 0 to 25% oxygen. An
ultra-low range sensor that covers 0-500 ppb
than 5 ppb is also available. The Series 1 also accepts oxygen inputs
from other GE Panametrics oxygen sens ors.
If your application has a high conc entration of acid-forming
components, GE P anametrics can supply a STAB-EL option for the
Delta F Cell. The STAB-EL option is specially designed to
effective ly neutralize these components from the sample gas stream.
The Delta F Cell is available in a general purpose model with both a
top and bottom drain or only a top drain (see Figure 1-5 below) . The
Delta F Cell is usually inst alled in its own sample system.The Delta F
Cell is available with VCR® fittings, mounted in a NEMA-4X
enclosure for weatherproof/cor rosion resistant applications, or
mounted in a NEMA-7 enclosure for hazardous areas.
and is sensitive to le ss
The Delta F Cel l, when ope rat ed w i th a BASE E FA-approved
Series 1, is intrinsically safe (see Chapter 3, Specifications, of the
Start up Guide for BASEEFA certification numbers) and designed to
meet the requirements of IEC/CENELEC zone 0 areas.
The Delta F Cell, when used with a CSA-NRTL certified Series 1, is
intrinsically sa fe (see Chapter 3, Specifications, of the Series 1 Start up Guide for CSA-NRTL certification numbers) a nd designed to
meet the requirements of NEC C1.1, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C and D
hazardous areas.
Bottom Drain
Top Drain
Figure 1-5: Delta F Oxygen Cells - Bottom and Top Drain
Features and Capabilities1-7
April 2004
CablingEach probe requires an interc onne cting cable. Cables differ
depending on the probe. The various cables are discussed below
under the appropr iate pr obe type . All of these cable assembl ies c an be
ordered from GE Panametrics.
M Series and TF Series
Moisture Image Series
The M and the TF Series probes are connected to the analyzer with a
special GE Panametrics shielded cable. Probes can be located up to
600 meters (2000 feet) from t he Series 1 (consult GE Panametrics for
distances up to 1200 meters). To measure pressure with a TF probe,
the maximum cable length is approximately 152 meters (500 feet).
Small electronic offsets, especially with longer cables, are possibl e
and should be corrected as described in Performing a MH C alibrati on Test/Adjustment on page 1-20 of the Service Manual.
The Moisture Image Series Probe can be connected to the Series 1
with an unshie lded, twisted-pair cable. The probe may be located up
to 915 meters (3000 feet) from the analyz er using 22 AWG twisted
pair cable. (Consult GE Panametrics for longer cable lengths.)
Delta F Oxygen CellsThe standard Delta F Cell is connected to the analyzer with a four-
wire shielded cable (22 AW G). With 22-AWG cable, oxygen cells
with a range from 0 to 1/10/100 ppm
located up to 90 meters (300 feet) away from the analyz er. All other
oxygen cells can be located up to 15 meters (50 feet) away. For
greater cable lengths, 20, 18 or 16 AWG wir e is required. Consult a
factory engineer when a longer length is required.
or 0 to 0.5/5/50 ppmv can be
Pressure SensorsThe Series 1 accep ts either p res su re t rans du cer s or pr es sur e
transmitters. Most pressure transducers can be connect ed with a
standard four-wire shielded cable. Most pressure tr ansmitters are
connected using either a two or four-wire non-shielded cable and can
be either loop or self-power ed.
RS232 Communications
A personal computer or serial printer can be connected to the Series 1
RS232 communications port using a standard serial cable. A special
switch enabl es the u ser to co n fig u re the un it as Da ta Terminal
Equipment (DTE) or Data Communications Equipment (DCE). (See
Connecting a PC or Printer in Chapte r 1 of the Service Manual for
details on DTE/DCE configuration.)
1-8Features and Capabilities
June 2003
User ProgramThe Series 1 has a user program that is accessed and controlled by the
keypad (to the right of the LCD screen) and the four menu keys
(located under the LCD screen).The user program enables the user to
enter the necessary pr obe data, set up the LCD screen, and control the
other operational features. The meter stores this data in bat terybacked RAM for up to five years, even if power is off.
The user program consists of the following four main menus:
• HELP - provides on-li ne he lp for t he various m enus wit hin the use r
• SELECT - lets the user selec t the type of measur ement and units to
• SETTINGS - enables the user to enter probe data and set up basic
functions suc h as recor de rs an d alarm s .
• OPTIONS - enables the user to set up the Series 1 screen to display
measurements in matrix or graphic format and perform advanced
The Settings Menu pro mpts the user to e nter a passcod e (see Entering the Passcode in Chapter 2) .
All the functions and f eature s of the S eries 1 progr am are dis cussed in
Chapters 2 and 3, Basic Programming and Advanced Programming.
IntroductionThe Moisture Image Series 1 is a highly advanced and versatile
instrument. Because of this, operation ranges from basic to advanced
functions. This section is designed to provide a step-by-step guide to
basic operations. For information on other functions, refer to Chapter
3, Advanced Programming.
IMPORTAN T: You must install a switch or circuit breaker on the
input power line. For greatest safety, locate the
circ uit breaker or power switch near the electronics
console. To comply with the Low Voltage Directive,
you must install an external current protection
The following sections cover basic programming functions:
• Getting Started - describes how to power up, gives a description of
the user program, and expla ins how to obtain on-line help.
• Verifying Setup Data - describes how to verify and, if neces sary,
enter setup data f or moistur e, p ressure, oxygen, and an y other input
• Displaying Measur e ments - expla ins how to displ ay measur ements
using differ ent screen formats.
• Adjusting the Contrast of the Screen - explains how to adjust the
screen for optimal viewing.
• Setting the Clock and Calendar - explains how to set the internal
clock and calendar.
Note: Because they are so essential, the instructions covered in the
Getting Star ted, Verifying and Entering Setup Data and
Displaying Measurement s sections are also inc lude d in the
Start up Guide. If you have read this material, you may skip
those sections of this chapter.
Basic Programming2-1
June 2003
Getting StartedThe purpose of this section is to give a brief description of the Series
1 user program and explain how to use its front pane l for viewing and
entering data. This section includes the following:
• powering up the meter
• entering data into the user program
• screen and key functions
• entering the passcode
• getting on-line help
Read the following sections c are fully to properly set up and operate
your instrument.
Powering UpThe Series 1 has a universal power supply that a utomatically adjusts
to line voltages from 90 to 260 VAC. After making electrical
connections (including grounding) as described in Chapter 1,
Installation, of the Start up Guide, pre ss the powe r switch to powe r up
the meter.
IMPORTAN T: .The AC power cord is the main disconnect device.
For compliance with the EU’s Low Voltage Directive
(IEC 1010), this unit requires an external power
disconnect device such as a switch or circuit breaker.
The disconnect device must be marke d as such,
clearly visible, directly accessible, and located
within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the unit.
2-2Basic Programming
Powering Up (cont.)Caution!
Do not op erate the De lta F oxy gen cell for ex t ended
peri ods of time at oxyg en concentrations th at are over
range. Trace and low percent range sensors may be
damaged if expose d t o high levels of ox y gen, such as
air, for l ong periods (>1 hour) while the Se ries 1 is on . If
exposure is unavoidable, either disconnect the oxygen
cell from the Ser ies 1 or equi p the sample system with a
valve that allows the cell t o be switched to purge gas .
If the meter passes its self-test, the screen begins displaying
measurements in a matrix format similar to the one shown in
Figure 2-1 below.
June 2003
1 Dew Point
-18.0 ° C
2 Temperature
+35.9 °C
3 H
+0.535 ppm
4 Oxygen
48.3 ppb
5 Pressure
27.10 PSIg
X Unassigned
Main Menu 11:35 01/22/2000
pg: 1
Figure 2-1: Screen Matrix Format After Power Up
Basic Programming2-3
June 2003
Entering Data into the
User Program
The Series 1 has a user program that enables you to enter data to set
up alarms, recorders, a nd probes, as well as its other features.
The user program c onsists of the following four main menus (refer to
Figures 3-17 and 3-18, page s 3-31 and 3-32, for menu maps of the
user program):
• HELP - provides on-line help for the vari ous menus of the
user program.
• SELECT - lets you select the type of measurement a nd units to
• SETTINGS - enables you to s et up r ecorde rs and al arms, as we ll as
enter probe data for basic operation. (To enter this menu you must
enter the passcode. See page 2-6.)
• OPTI ONS - enables you to set up the screen to display
measurements in text or graphical form. It is also used to perform
advanced functions .
You can use the screen, four menu keys, and the keypad to enter data
into the unit (see Figure 2-2 below).
Menu Keys
Figure 2-2: The Moisture Image Series 1 Front P anel
2-4Basic Programming
June 2003
Screen and Key
The screen displays measur ements, up to four menu options, system
messages , and a pointer. The pointer acts as a measurement
indicator, as well as a guide during data entry.
While the unit displays measure ments in the matrix format, the
pointer moves sequenti ally from box to box to indicate measurement
updates. However, while in the user program, you can use the arrow
keys to move the pointer to the desired location for data entry.
The menu options appear at the bottom of the screen. Below the
screen are the corresponding menu keys (refer to Figure 2-3). Each
menu key corr esponds to each of the menu options in the user
program. Up to four n ew menu options appea r each tim e you en t er a
The line above the menu options is the message line (see Figure 2-3
below). The message line displays the menu title, the time, and the
date. The message line also displays a list of selections de pending on
the menu option you enter.
The page indicator is located in between the message line and the
menu keys. Since the Series 1 is capable of displayi ng up to six pages
of data, the page indicator displays the currently selected pa ge.
Message Line
Main Menu 11:35 01/22/2000
Menu Options
Page Indicator
pg: 1
Menu Keys
Figure 2-3: Screen Components
Basic Programming2-5
June 2003
Screen and Key
Functions (cont.)
The keypad to the side of the screen consi sts of 16 keys, incl uding t he
[.] and [-] symbol s , two arrow k eys , and two respon s e key s: [YE S ]
and [NO]. The numeric keys are for numeric entry only; however , the
arrow and response keys have more than one function.
The arrow keys perform two functions:
• Use either arrow key to move the screen pointer to the desired
location for data entry.
• Use the left arrow key as a backspace during number entry.
The response keys perform thre e funct ions:
• Use either the [YES] or [NO] key to respond to questions.
• Use the [NO] key to erase data.
• Press [YES] to confirm a num ber entry or after e rasing data to
retrieve the previ ous number.
Entering the PasscodeThe Settings Menu is the only menu that requir es a passcode. The
passcode is a four-digit number that enables only author ized users to
enter setup data. The Series 1 pr ompts you to ente r the pa sscode whe n
you enter the Settings Menu. See the end of this chapter for your
default passcode.
2-6Basic Programming
June 2003
Getting On-Line HelpThe Series 1 offers on- line help screens that contain descriptions and
instructions for various topics. The first menu option in most of the
menus is HELP.
When you press the HELP menu ke y, the screen display gives a list of
help topics as shown in Figure 2-4. This list enables you to get help
for most subjects, regardless of the current menu. To select a topic,
use the arrow keys to move the pointer to the topic you want to view ,
then press [YES]. Use the NEXT and PREVIOUS menu options to
scroll from one page to another. The NEXT menu option brings you
to the following page and the PREV menu options brings you to the
previous page. Press DONE to exit and return to the current menu.
By pressing the ABOUT key, users can access the history of their
particular Series 1: its serial number, P CI number, software revision
number and date of manufa ctur e. Thi s informati on r emains part of the
HELP file and cannot be changed by the user.
Basic Programming2-7
April 2004
Verifying and Entering
Setup Data
Before the Seri es 1 can make measur em en ts, it must ha ve the p ro per
setup data e ntered into its memory. GE Panametrics has entere d all or
most of the setup data for each probe before delivery; however, you
should verify that all the data is corr ect and entered into your unit.
Note: If you want to switch a probe from one channel to another,
you must re-e nter some or all of the setup data as descri bed in
this section.
Verifying setup data consists of three steps:
• Verify that probes are properly activated in the Probe
Configuration Menu as descri bed on page 2-9.
• Verify that calibration data for all necessary probes is properly
entered in th e System Calibration Menu as described on page 2-12.
• Verify tha t app lic ab le hig h and low ref e re nc e value s for the Series
1 measurement circuitry are properly entered into the Reference
Menu as described on page 2-21.
All high and low reference v alues are fac t ory s et and
normally do not need adjustmen t . H ow ever, t he factory
may instru c t you to adjust th e high and low moistur e
reference values. If necessary, you should do so as
described in Performing an MH Calibration/Adjustment
Test on page 1-20 of the Service Manual.
Use the following sections to pr operly verify and enter setup data.
IMPORTAN T: While you are reviewing data, you should take the
time to record it on the Program Information List
supplied in Appendix A of the Startup Guide, or on a
separate sheet of paper.
2-8Basic Programming
April 2004
Activating and Changing
Verifying Probe
Configuration Data
Although the probes are physica lly connected to the back of the
electronics unit, you must “tell” the electronics what type of
measurements the probe is capable of makin g. I n addition, if you
want to use a constant va lue rather than a live input, you must “tell”
the electronics that you are using a constant value.
If you do not activate probes, or if you activate them incorrectly, the
unit will display
No Probe o r other error messages.
Once you verify and/or change confi gur ation data, refer to Entering Calibration Data on page 2-12.
IMPORTAN T: You should record this data on the Program
Information List supplied in Appendix A of the
Start up Guide, or on a separate shee t of paper, and
keep it in a safe place.
1. Enter the Probe Configurat ion Menu (for a menu map, refer to
Figure 3-19 on page 3-32). A screen similar to Figure 2-5 below
Table 2-1: Entering the Probe Configura tion Menu
Press th e Main Men u key:To enter the:
SETTINGS*Settings Menu
SYSTEMSystem Settings Menu
CONFIGProbe Configuration Menu
* The Settings Menu will prompt for a passcode (see page 2-6).
Ch O2 HYG T P Aux1 Aux2
Probe Configuration Menu
Figure 2-5: Probe Configuration Menu
Basic Programming2-9
April 2004
Activating and Changing
Probes (cont.)
Verify that the correct probe types have been a ctivated for each
channel. To do this, make sure a probe is activated for each
measurement it is capable of taking. For example, if a Moisture
Image Series Probe with the temperature and pressure functions is
connected to channel 1, “MIS” must be select ed in the hygrometry,
temperature, and pressure columns as shown in Figure 2-6 below.
If the optiona l auxiliary inputs are installed and active, you only need
to select whe ther the input is c urrent or voltage. If you do not select
current or voltage, the Series 1 defaults to current.
Note: If you are using an auxil iary input to measur e pressure,
activate Au1 (or Au2 depe nding on which input you ar e using )
in the pres sure column for the desired channel; then activate
curre nt or voltage in the Aux 1(or Aux 2) column.
In addition, if you connect a pressure transducer to the PRESS/
OTHER terminal bloc k, you must activate the TF probe in the
pressure col umn fo r that ch ann el .
If you need to change any data in the Probe Configuration Menu, see
the following sectio n, Ente ring or Changing Probe Configuration Data. If the data is correct, refer to Tagging the Inputs on page 2-37.
Ch O2 HYG T P Aux1 Aux2
Probe Configuration Menu
Figure 2-6: MIS Probe Configuration on Channel 1
2-10Basic Programming
April 2004
Entering or Changing
Probe Configuration
Figure 3-19 on page 3-32 for a menu map.
1. From the Probe Configuration Menu (Table 2-1 on page 2-9),
move the pointer to the channel and probe y ou want to select. The
arrow will move only to installed channels.
2. Press [YES].
3. The possible probe types appear on the message line at the bottom
of the screen. Table 2-2 on page 2-12 shows the available probe
If you choose to enter a constant for moisture (Kh), temperature (Kt),
or pressure ( Kp), you must ente r a c onstant value in the User Const ant
Menu. See Entering Constants and User Functions on page 3-9 for
4. Move the brac kets t o t he corre ct pr obe t ype, then pre ss [YES]. The
selected probe type displays.
5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for each channel.
6. T o exit, press the DONE menu key until Main Menu appears on
the message line.
Note: You can only sele ct probes for an installed channel.
If you are only using Moisture Image Series probes, pr oceed to
Displaying Measurements on page 2-28. If you are using any other
type of input device, pr oceed to Entering Calibration Data
on page 2-12.
Basic Programming2-11
April 2004
Entering or Changing
Probe Configuration
Data (cont.)
Table 2-2: Probe Types
Measurement ModeProbe Type
– (None)
OXY (Oxygen)
HYG (Hygrometry)
T (Temperature)
P (Pressure)
Aux1 (A u x iliar y 1)
Aux2 (A u x iliar y 2)
% (Percent)
ppM (Parts per Million)
ppB (Parts per Billion)
– (None)
MIS (MIS Probe)
TF (Three-Function Probe)
Mxx (M Series Probe)
Kh (Constant Dew Point)
– (None)
MIS (MIS probe)
TF (Three-Function probe)
Mxx (M-Series probe)
Kt (Constant Temperature)
– (None)
MIS (MIS probe)
TF (Three-Function probe)
Au1 (Auxiliary 1)
Au2 (Auxiliary 2)
Kp (Constant Pressure)
– (None)
I (Current)
V (Voltage)
– (None)
I (Current)
V (Voltage)
Entering Calibration
The Series 1 needs calibration data for moisture, oxyge n, and
pressure probes, as well as auxiliary inputs. GE Panametrics has
already entered cali bration data for probes; however, you should
verify this data befor e star tup. You will need to enter this data if you:
• sent the probes back to the factory for calibration
• use a different pr obe
• use a non-GE Panametrics input
T o enter, verify, or change calibration data for any probe type, enter
the System Calibration Menu as described in Table 2-3 below. (see
Figure 3-19 on page 3-32 for a menu map.)
Table 2-3: M o vi n g to th e System Ca l ibr ation Men u
Press th e M ai n M en u key:To enter the:
SETTINGS*Settings Menu
SYSTEMSystem Settings Menu
CALIBSystem Calibration Menu
*The Settings Menu will prompt for a passcod e (see page 2-6).
2-12Basic Programming
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