© Gentec Electro-Optics, Inc. 2013.

Accessories for Beam Diagnostics Revision 1.2 2
The Gentec-EO accessories for beam diagnostics carry a one-year warranty (from date of shipment) against
material and/or workmanship defects, when used under normal operating conditions. The warranty does not cover
damages related to battery leakage or misuse.
Gentec-EO Inc. will repair or replace, at Gentec-EO Inc.’s option, any accessories for beam diagnostics that prove
to be defective during the warranty period, except in the case of product misuse.
Any attempt by an unauthorized person to alter or repair the product voids the warranty.
The manufacturer is not liable for consequential damages of any kind.
In case of malfunction, contact your local Gentec-EO distributor or nearest Gentec-EO Inc. office to obtain a
return authorization number. The material should be returned to:
Gentec Electro-Optics, Inc.
445, St-Jean-Baptiste, Office 160
Quebec, QC
Canada, G2E 5N7
Tel: (418) 651-8003
Fax: (418) 651-1174
E-mail: service@gentec-eo.com
Website: www.gentec-eo.com
To obtain warranty service, contact your nearest Gentec-EO agent or send the product, with a description of the
problem, and prepaid transportation and insurance, to the nearest Gentec-EO agent. Gentec-EO Inc. assumes no
risk for damage during transit. Gentec-EO Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace the defective product free of
charge or refund your purchase price. However, if Gentec-EO Inc. determines that the failure is caused by
misuse, alterations, accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling, you will be billed for the repair and
the repaired product will be returned to you, transportation prepaid.

Accessories for Beam Diagnostics Revision 1.2 3
Refer to the manual for specific Warning or Caution information to avoid any
damage to the product.
Do not use the Beamage-3.0’s accessories if they look damaged, or if you suspect that the Beamage-3.0’s
accessories are not operating properly.
Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved in writing by Gentec-EO Inc. may void
the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
The following international symbols are used in this manual:

Accessories for Beam Diagnostics Revision 1.2 4
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................5
1.1. HOW TO CAREFULLY MANIPULATE THE BEAMAGE-3.0 WHEN USING ACCESSORIES..............................................5
2. ATTENUATORS .................................................................................................................................................6
2.1. BDA-A-VAR - VARIABLE ATTENUATOR ..........................................................................................................6
2.2. ND FILTERS (< 1W ATTENUATION) .................................................................................................................9
2.3. UG11-UV – UV BANDPASS FILTER ............................................................................................................ 10
3. BEAM SPLITTERS ......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1. BDA-S-10-UV/IR – BEAM SPLITTER CUBE ................................................................................................. 11
3.2. BDA-S-1000-40W-VIS/IR – BEAM SAMPLER ............................................................................................. 13
4. WAVELENGTH CONVERTERS ..................................................................................................................... 15
4.1. BEAMAGE-3.0-IR ....................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2. IR ADAPTOR .............................................................................................................................................. 16
4.3. UV CONVERTERS....................................................................................................................................... 19
5. SPECIAL LENSES .......................................................................................................................................... 21
5.1. CL-25 AND CL-50 – CAMERA LENSES ......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 1: BDA-A-VAR Variable Attenuator .................................................................................................................6
Figure 2: Transmission for all Configurations .............................................................................................................7
Figure 3: Attenuation for all Configurations ................................................................................................................7
Figure 4: BDA-A-VAR Variable Attenuator Technical Drawing ..................................................................................8
Figure 5: Transmission Curve of all ND Filters and UG11-UV Bandpass Filter ...................................................... 10
Figure 6: BDA-S-10-UV/IR – Beam Splitter Cube ................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: Beam Splitter Cube Technical Drawing ................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8: BDA-S-1000-40W-VIS/IR Beam Sampler ................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9: BDA-S-1000-40W-VIS/IR Beam Sampler Technical Drawing ................................................................. 14
Figure 10: IR Adaptor .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 11: Beamage-3.0-IR and IR Adaptor Excitation Spectrum .......................................................................... 17
Figure 12: UV Converter Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 13: Imaging a transmitted beam ................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 14: Imaging a reflected beam ....................................................................................................................... 23

Accessories for Beam Diagnostics Revision 1.2 5
Fix or remove accessories in a clean room or very clean environment.
Position the front cover of the camera downwards when fixing or removing accessories.
Profiling a laser beam is a nice and convenient complement to measuring its power or energy because it provides
additional useful information that may help you determine if your lasers are operating optimally.
For the most extended and complete use of your Beamage-3.0 beam profiling camera, optical components that
provide attenuation, beam splitting, beam sampling, spectral sensitivity extension and large beam imaging may be
required as practical accessories.
In most cases, these optical components are very easy to use and to manipulate. However, as a precaution, it is
important to follow a few rules when fixing an accessory onto the camera’s aperture or when removing one from
it. Doing so will prevent any damage that could be done to the CMOS sensor of the Beamage-3.0.
Once they are stuck on the CMOS sensor, dust particles and other contaminants cannot be removed without
serious risk of damaging it. Therefore, one must preferably:

Accessories for Beam Diagnostics Revision 1.2 6
M6 holes on 3 sides, C-mount threads on
both ends
The BDA-A-VAR is an easy to use variable attenuator equipped with 4 wheels, each one containing 3 filters and 1
empty space as fixed positions. The different filters have transmission factors ranging between 100% and
0.003%. With 256 possible configurations, this variable attenuator offers almost continuous attenuation from 0 db
to as much as 93 dB (Optical Density > 9). It is particularly useful to fully eliminate the side background lighting
when using photo detectors with high sensitivity.
The BDA-A-VAR has M6 holes on 3 sides for mounting versatility and has C-mount threads on both ends for
direct connection with the Beamage-3.0 beam profiling camera. This variable attenuator uses NG absorbing filter
glasses that have a clear circular aperture of 18 mm. All filters are non-parallel (4° angle between them) since it
helps suppressing unwanted back-reflection interference fringes.
Figure 1: BDA-A-VAR Variable Attenuator
Table 1: BDA-A-VAR Variable Attenuator Specifications
Table 2: BDA-A-VAR Wheels & Filters

Accessories for Beam Diagnostics Revision 1.2 7
Figure 2: Transmission for all Configurations
Figure 3: Attenuation for all Configurations

Accessories for Beam Diagnostics Revision 1.2 8
Figure 4: BDA-A-VAR Variable Attenuator Technical Drawing