GEH6271 Installation Instructions R04
Power Break® II Devices
Draw-Out 800–4000 Ampere Frames

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Power Break® II Devices
Draw-Out Device Installation
Table of Contents
Description.............................................................................................................................................. 1
Installing the Device ...............................................................................................................................3
Removing the Device ..............................................................................................................................5
Maintenance Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 6
Lubrication .............................................................................................................................................6
List of Figures
1. Rear view of the Power Break® II draw-out device................................................................................. 1
2. Left side of device, showing padlock accessory and racking shaft lockout plate. ................................... 1
3. Right side of the device, showing the rejection feature, drawout position indicator, and electric
operator cutoff switch. ............................................................................................................................2
4. Lifting Bar attached to a draw-out device for manual lifting. ................................................................3
5. Lifting Bar attached to a draw-out device for lifting with a hoist........................................................... 3
6. Device installed on rails, ready to be pushed into the substructure........................................................4
7. Wrench attached to the device racking shaft. ........................................................................................4
8. Compartment position indicator on the front of the device. .................................................................4
9. Withdrawing the substructure rails......................................................................................................... 5
10. Rotating the device forward for inspection. ...........................................................................................5
List of Tables
1. Catalog numbers of draw-out circuit breakers and corresponding substructures. .................................1
2. Catalog numbers of draw-out switches and corresponding substructures.............................................. 1
3. Illustration of the rejection-scheme logic, showing which circuit breakers may be installed in
which substructures.................................................................................................................................2
4. Illustration of the rejection-scheme logic, showing which switches may be installed in which
substructures. ..........................................................................................................................................2