©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
-48V/10A Dual redundant input power distribution
3.3Vdc/3.6A & 5.0Vdc/150mA of isolated Management Power
for IPM or other housekeeping functions
Independent holdup capacitor charging voltage; trimmable
from 50 to 95Vdc for optimal real estate
OR’ing functionality, Inrush protection & hot swap capability
Integral EMI filter designed for the ATCA board to meet CISPR
Class B with minimal external filtering
Protection: Reverse polarity, under voltage, input transient
over voltage/current and temperature
C digital interface options
Isolated A/B Feed Loss /Open Fuse Alarm
High efficiency : 98%
-40 to 85ºC ambient temperature operation
Industry Standard Quarter brick size: 58.4 mm x 36.8 mm x
13.7 mm (2.3 in x 1.45 in x 0.54 in)
MTBF : 2,308,563 hours per TELCORDIA
ISO** 9001 & ISO 14001 certified manufacturing facilities
Compliant to RoHS II EU “Directive 2011/65/EU”
UL* 60950-1, 2nd Ed. Recognized, CSA† C22.2 No. 60950 1-07
Certified, and VDE‡ (EN60950-1, 2nd Ed.) Licensed
Meets the voltage and current requirements for ETSI 300-
132-2 and complies with and licensed for Basic insulation
rating per EN60950-1
2250 Vdc Isolation tested in compliance with IEEE 802.3
ISO**9001 and ISO 14001 certified manufacturing facilities
ATCA Front Board / Blade
Central Office Telecom equipment
High availability server and storage applications
Choice of short pin lengths
C Digital Interface
The PIM400 series of Power Input Modules are designed to greatly simplify the task of implementing dual redundant, hot swap –
48Vdc power distribution with EMI filtering on an ATCA or other telecom boards. The PIM400 with optional I2C digital interface
capability, when used with a variety of GE’s series of Bus converters (BarracudaTM Series) /POLs (DLynxTM Series) provides for a
quick, simple and elegant power solution to a wide variety of demanding & intelligent power system architectures.
* UL is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
CSA is a registered trademark of Canadian Standards Association.
VDE is a trademark of Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker e.V.
** ISO is a registered trademark of the International Organization of Standards
¤ IEEE and 802 are registered trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.
PIM400 Series; ATCA Board Power Input Modules
-36 to -75 Vdc; 400W/10A

PIM400 Series; ATCA Board Power Input Modules
©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
External Holdup Capacitor Selection
External Holdup Trim Resistor Selection
Max fuse rating not to exceed 20A, fast acting
Pre-charge Resistors (15 Ohms)
High Surge Power Type e.g. KOA P/N SG73
See Design Consideration section for details
3300F (max); see Design Consideration section for details
Consult data sheet for the applicable DC/DC Bus Converter
See Design Consideration section for details
ATCA Board Typical Application
Suggested Bill of Materials
(Note: Customer is ultimately responsible for the final selection and verification of the suggested parts for the end application).

PIM400 Series; ATCA Board Power Input Modules
©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Transient (Pulse duration = 1ms, square wave)
Additionally: Transient Input Undervoltage,
Overvoltage and Impulse per ANSI T1.315-2001(R2006)
Reverse Polarity Protection
Voltage (with respect to -48V_OUT)
Normal Operating Ambient Temperature
(See Thermal Considerations section)
Input to MGMT_PWR Output Voltage & Alarm
Input to SHELF_GND Voltage
Input to LOGIC_GND Voltage
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings
only, functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operations
sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect the device reliability.
CAUTION: This power module is not internally fused. Both A & B feeds and their corresponding returns must be
individually fused.
To preserve maximum flexibility, internal fusing is not included. However, to achieve maximum safety and system protection, the
safety agencies require a fast-acting fuse with a maximum rating of 20 Amps and Voltage Rating >/= 75Vdc for the –48AF, -48BF
VRTN_AF & VRTN_BF feeds. Consult Fusing and fault protection Section of PICMG 3.0 ATCA specifications for additional information.
Based on the information provided in this data sheet on inrush current and maximum dc input current, the same type of fuse with a
lower rating can be used. Refer to the fuse manufacturer’s data sheet for further information.

PIM400 Series; ATCA Board Power Input Modules
©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
-48V Dual Feed Inputs (-48_AF,-48_BF,VRTN_AF,VRTN_BF)
Output Current
With the following maximum power limits
400W @ 40Vin, 480W @ 48Vin, 540W @ 54Vin
Disabled input current drain if input voltage falls below V
for > 2 seconds.
Enabled No-load input current
Inrush Transient
(@ -48 VI, C_FLTR = 200F & EARLY_A, EARLY_B Pre-charge
resistors 15 ohms per leg as recommended in the “ ATCA
Board Typical Application” figure, p=2)
Duration: 0.9ms to 3 ms
(Logarithmically declining)
Input Voltage Threshold (On/Off); Default Setting
Enable A / B Signals current drain (Vin = -48Vdc)
Main Output (-48V_OUT, VRTN_OUT)
Efficiency (Vin=-48V; 3,3V/5.0V @ no load)
External Output Filter Capacitance (C_FLTR)
Holdup Capacitor Output Voltage (V_HLDP)
Holdup Capacitor Voltage Trim Range
Holdup Capacitor Output Voltage Tolerance @V_HLDP=90Vdc
To charge external holdup capacitors (C_HLDP)
To discharge external holdup capacitors (C_HLDP)
A/B Feed Loss / Fuse Alarm Output (ALARM)
ALARM ON Input Voltage Threshold
ALARM OFF Input Voltage Threshold
Electrical Specifications
Unless otherwise indicated, specifications apply over all operating input voltage, resistive load, and temperature conditions.

PIM400 Series; ATCA Board Power Input Modules
©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
+3.3V Isolated Management Power Output (+3V3)
Input Under-Voltage Lockout
Turn-On Voltage Threshold
Total Output Voltage Range
(Over all operating input voltage, resistive Load and
temperature conditions until end of life).
Measured across 10F ceramic capacitor
VI = VI,nom TA = 25oC, Io = Io,max
Peak-to-peak (500MHz bandwidth)
Output Current- Limit Inception
Output Short-circuit Current
External Load Capacitance
Dynamic Response
(di/dt =0.1A/μs, VIin= Vin,nom, TA=25°C)
Load change from IO = 50% to 75% of I
O, max,
Peak Deviation
Settling Time (VO<10% of peak deviation)
Turn-On Delay
(Io = 80% of Io,max, TA=25°C)
Output voltage overshoot
(Io = 80% of Io,max, VI = 48Vdc TA=25°C)
Output Over Voltage Protection
+5.0V Isolated Management Power Output (+5V0)
Total Output Voltage Range
(Over all operating input voltage, resistive Load and
temperature conditions until end of life).
Output Current-Limit Inception
Output Short-circuit Current
External Load Capacitance
Electrical Specifications (continued):

PIM400 Series; ATCA Board Power Input Modules
©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Digital Signal Interface Characteristics
Feed Voltage A/B (-48V_AF & -48V_BF)
-48V_OUT current (-48V_IOUT)
Module Temperature (TEMP)
Calculated MTBF (PO=0.8P
, 48VIN, TA=40°C, Airflow=300LFM)
Telecordia Issue 2 Method 1 Case 3
Digital Interface Specifications
Unless otherwise indicated, specifications apply over all operating input voltage, resistive load, and temperature conditions. See
Feature Descriptions for additional information.
General Specifications