Door Flange Kit:
Two types of Door flange kit is provided.
- Fixed version kit
- D/O version kit
Kit is supplied with all mounting screws allowing
the user to mount it to the door.
Catalog Number:
Catalog No Description
GDPRF Door Flange fixed
GDPRW Door Flange Draw out
Door Cut out details for Draw out Door flange and
Fixed door flange were shown in Fig-1 & Fig -2
Fixing arrangement of Door Flange kit is shown in
All dimensions are mentioned in mm
DEH-41386 Installation Instructions
EntelliGuard ® G Circuit Breaker
Escutcheon Kit
Figure 1 Cut out details for Drawout breaker
WARNING: Before installing any accessories, turn the
breaker OFF, disconnect it from all voltage sources,
and discharge the closing spings.
AVERTISSEMENT: Avant d’installer tout accessoire,
mettre le disjoncteur en position OFF, le déconnecter
de toute tension d’alimentation , et décharger les
resorts d’armement

Figure 2 : Cut out details for fixed breaker
Figure 3: Door side view
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor, to provide contingency to be met in connection
with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further information be desired, or should particular problems arise which are not
covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to GE.
41 Woodford Ave, Plainville, CT 06062
© 2009 General Electric Company