GE Industrial Solutions EntelliGuard G Digital Test Kit User Manual

Digital Test Kit
User’s Guide
imagination at work
Warning notices are used in this publicati on to emphasiz e that hazardous voltage, currents, or other conditions that cou l d cause personal injury are present in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
Warning notices are also used for situations in which inattention or lack of equipment knowledge could cause either pe rs on al injury or damage to equipment.
Caution notices are used for situation s in which equipme nt might be damaged if care is not taken.
1-1 Description
TU Test Kit is a lightweight, portable test instrument designed for field-testing of EntelliGuard TU Trip Units. The Test Kit includes the following features:
Operation from a 100-240VAC 50/60 Hz Universal plug supply
or two 9-volt alkaline batteries (batterie s not supplied).
Provides power to the trip unit for viewing and setting set-
points with less than 15% load on the breaker or if the replaceable Trip Unit Battery needs replacing.
Verification of metering (phase simulation)
Ground Fault Testing with Ground Fault Trip Indication
Trip test
Temporarily disable the Ground Fault feature during single
phase breaker testing
1-2 Summary of Operation
The functions of the various switches and LEDs are as follows:

Power Switch

Pressing this button will pow er-up the tri p unit. Th e green Power LED will indicate that power has been provided to the trip unit. A red Battery Low LED indicates t hat the batt erie s in the test kit should be replaced.
Notes call attention to information that is especially signifi­cant to understanding and operating the equipment.
This document is based on informatio n availabl e at the time of publication. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, the information co ntaine d herein d oes not cover all details or variations in hard ware and software, nor does it provide for every possi ble contingency in connection with installation, operation, and maintenance. Features may be described herein that are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Consumer & Industrial assumes no oblig ation of notic e to holders of this document with respect t o chang es subsequently made. GE Consumer & Industrial makes no representation or warranty, expressed, im plied, or statut ory, with resp ect to, and assumes no responsibili ty for th e accurac y, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contain ed here in. No warr ante es of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply. EntelliGuard is a regist ered tra demark of t he Gener al Electric Company.

Trip Breaker Switch

Pressing this button will cause the breaker to trip. The switch has an associated red LED that indicates the state of the switch. If the LED is illuminated, then switch is ON and firing the flux shifter to trip the breaker.

Disable Ground Fault

Pressing this button will cause the trip unit GF protection to be temporarily disabled. To enable the GF, the switch and associated red LED must be turned off. The GF switch has an associated red LED that indicates the state of the swit ch (GF disabled when red LED illuminated).
WARNING: When using EntelliGuard Digital Test Kit to defeat Ground Fault function of EntelliGuard Trip Units, the ground fault protection of the trip unit will not be active. Power to the breaker shou l d b e r e m o v e d p r i o r t o u s i n g t h i s feature. Before applying load to the breaker, ensure that the Disable GF LED is OFF or the Test Kit is disconnected from the trip unit.
Failure to follow this procedure can result in deactivation of the Trip Unit GF protection.
DEH-4568A Rev. 02 (08/09)
1.2 Summary of Operations, Continued

Ground Fault & Overload

Pressing this button will cause a trip either on the Ground Fault or Overload protection. The switch has a red LED that is ON when the switch is pressed. This feature will store the trip event in the Event log and operate the bell alarm, if available.
CAUTION: With the Phase Current enabled, the EntelliGuard trip unit will not provide correct protection to the system, which may result in a trip below desired levels. Pow e r s h ou l d b e disconnected from the circuit breaker prio r t o enter i ng Phase Current Mode. Ensure that the Phase Current LED is OFF when in normal operation. Failure to follow this procedure can result in improper operation of the system.

Phase Current

By pressing this switch, the EntelliGuard trip unit will display approximately 100A on each current phase. This
can be viewed on the trip unit LCD under METER menu. The switch has a red LED that indicates the state of the switch (LED On when Switch is ON).
See Figure 1.0
1.3 Specifications
The EntelliGuard Digital Test Kit Catalog Number is GTUTK20. It includes the following components:
Test kit box
24VDC power supply – CUI Inc., Part Number EMS
240075- P5P-SZ or equivalent.
Voltage polarity is as follows:
- +
Serial Communication Test Kit cable (6 ft DB9 (male)/DB9
(female) cable). This cable connects the Test Kit to a PC to be used to download Waveforms and set-up the trip unit via set-up so f tware . Par t number 45-0314 from GC Electronics or equivalent. Below is the connection diagram between the test kit and PC.
Test Kit DB-9 PC Comm port DB-9
2 ---------------------------- 2 3 ---------------------------- 3 5 ---------------------------- 5
EntelliGuard Trip Unit cable (6-ft. SVGA/VGA Monitor
Extension Cable HD15M to HD15F). This cable connects the Test Kit to the EntelliGuard Trip Unit. Part Number SPC20050 from SPC Technology or equivalent. Below is the connection diagram between the Test Kit and Trip Unit
Test Kit HD15F Trip Unit HD15M
1 ---------------------------- 1 2 ---------------------------- 2 3 ---------------------------- 3 6 ---------------------------- 6 7 ---------------------------- 7 8 ---------------------------- 8 9 ---------------------------- 9 10---------------------------- 10 11---------------------------- 11
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