The following important highlighted information appears
throughout this document to warn of potential hazards or
to call attention to information that clarifies a procedure.
Carefully read all instructions and become familiar with
the devices before trying to install, operate, service or
maintain this equipment.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Failure to comply with these instructions may result in
product damage.
Indicates important information that must be
remembered and aids in job performance
EntelliGuard™ G
EntelliGuard™ TU
This document is based on information available at the
time of its publication. While efforts have been made to
ensure accuracy, the information contained herein does
not cover all details or variations in hardware and
software, nor does it provide for every possible
contingency in connection with installation, operation,
and maintenance. Features may be described herein that
are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE
Consumer & Industrial assumes no obligation of notice to
holders of this document with respect to changes
subsequently made. GE Consumer and Industrial makes
no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or
statutory, with respect to, and assumes no responsibility
for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness
of the information contained herein. No warrantees of
merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
Contact your local sales office if further information is
required concerning any aspect of EntelliGuard G circuit
breaker operation or maintenance.
Product Serial Number............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Measurement Units ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
HAND TOOLS NEEDED FOR INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Table 1.1. Required Hand Tools ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 1.1. EntelliGuard G Power Circuit Breaker Features and Characteristics...................................................................... 8
Table 2.2. EntelliGuard G Short Circuit and Interrupting Ratings: ANSI/UL1066 ...................................................................... 9
Table 2.3. EntelliGuard G Short Circuit and Interrupting Ratings: UL489 ..................................................................................... 9
Table 2.4. EntelliGuard G Non-Automatic Circuit Breaker: ANSI Version................................................................................... 10
Table 2.5. EntelliGuard G Non-Automatic Circuit Breaker/Molded Case Switch: UL Version ......................................... 10
Table 2.6. Key to Tables 2.2 Through 2.5 .................................................................................................................................................... 10
BASIC CIRCUIT BREAKER CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 12
LIFTING AND MOUNTING .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Using a Lifting Truck ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Drawout Cassette Lifting, Mounting and Installation ............................................................................................................. 13
Circuit Breaker Installation in to the Cassette ............................................................................................................................ 13
Drawout Circuit Breaker Installation into the Cassette ......................................................................................................... 13
Circuit Breaker Removal from the Cassette ................................................................................................................................ 15
TRIP UNIT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
General Information ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Trip Unit Installation ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
STORED ENERGY MECHANISM KEY FEATURES ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Table. 4.1. Stored Energy Mechanism Sequences of Operation ....................................................................................... 20
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
CIRCUIT BREAKER FRONT PANEL LOCKING .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Door Interlock Installation ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
KEY LOCKS AND INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Motorized Spring Charging Unit ................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Table 6.1. Motor Operators .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Circuit Breaker Closing Coils – Standard and Commanded ........................................................................................................ 28
Under Voltage Release (UVR) with Fixed Time Delay....................................................................................................................... 28
Time Delay Module (TDM) for UVR (Externally Mounted) ............................................................................................................... 29
Table 6.10. Key Interlocks and Door Interlocks ..................................................................................................................... 30
Carriage Position Switch (TOC) .................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Table 6.11. Carriage Position Switches ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Bell Alarm with Lockout .................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Bell Alarm Switches ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Table 6.16. Bell Alarm Switches ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Charging Spring Status Indicator .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Table 6.18. Spring Charged Contact (1 NO) ............................................................................................................................ 32
Ready to Close Contact .................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Table 6.22. Ready to Close Contacts (1NO) ............................................................................................................................. 33
Sealed Door Panel Escutcheon .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Position Indicators............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Front Flat Terminations .................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Table 6.24. Optional Front Flat Terminations ......................................................................................................................... 33
CIRCUIT BREAKER FRONT COVER REMOVAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
MOTOR OPERATOR – SPRING CHARGING UNIT INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 34
SHUNT TRIP, CLOSING COIL AND UNDER VOLTAGE RELEASE DEVICE INSTALLATION .................................................................. 35
Ready to Close Switch Installation ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
SHUTTER PROP OPEN FEATURE ................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
CARRIAGE POSITION SWITCH INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Power Terminals and Busbar Inspection .............................................................................................................................................. 40
TRIP UNIT TESTING ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Trip Unit Testing .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
environments above LC1 (sea salt mist) and G1 as
per ANSI/ISA-S71.04-1985.
Ensure circuit breakers and cassettes are stored in a
clean, dry location in their original packaging.
Failure to comply with these instructions may result
in product damage.
Tool Name
Cluster pliers (two pairs, each with a different
gap, are supplied under Cat. No. GUNI)
To remove primary contacts for inspection and maintenance.
Screwdriver (8 mm)
To operate racking shutter drive.
Allen wrench (5 mm)
To remove arc chutes for inspection and maintenance.
To remove or adjust fixed and moving arcing contacts.
To remove mechanism.
Allen wrench key (4 mm)
To remove motor and gearbox mounting screws.
Metric feeler gauges
To check and adjust arcing contact gaps.
Pozidrive terminal screwdriver
To remove mechanical and electronic component mounting screws.
To connect wiring to secondary isolating contact terminals.
Pozidrive screwdriver (#1 and #3)
To remove front cover mounting screws.
To remove Rogowski coil and Power current transformer cover plate at the
rear of the circuit breaker moving portion.
Full Set of Metric Hex Allen Wrenches and
Socket Set
To remove PMU base, auxiliary switch assembly, etc.
13 March 14 Section 1 – General Information
Quality Assurance
All EntelliGuard G circuit breakers have been designed
and manufactured to the highest technical standards.
Strict procedures ensure first class product quality.
Options Check Sheet
Each circuit breaker comes with a detailed factoryassembled side label that lists all optional features
included on both the circuit breaker and on the trip unit.
Product Serial Number
Please have the serial number available when
communicating about the circuit breaker. Each circuit
breaker has a unique serial number located on the left
side (viewed from front) of the front fascia.
Table 1.1. Required Hand Tools
Measurement Units
All data in this document is specified in conventional
metric/SI units.
All internal/external accessory and external
cable/bus bar connections are metric for both IEC
and UL/ANSI versions.
The EntelliGuard G Circuit Breaker is suitable for
application on power systems up to 1000 Vac 50/60 Hz
systems and up to 750 Vdc as a main/source breaker,
feeder breaker, bus coupler or tie breaker. See Section 2
for complete product specifications.
Figure 1.1 shows a front view of the EntelliGuard G. The
indicated features are referenced in this document.
Table 1.1 provides a list of the hand tools required to
install, operate and maintain the EntelliGuard G Circuit
Ensure only qualified personnel install, operate, service
and maintain all electrical equipment.
Failure to comply with these instructions could
result in death or serious injury.
Ensure lifting equipment has capability for device
being lifted.
Wear hard hat, gloves and safety shoes.
Failure to comply with these instructions could
result in death or serious injury.
Ensure circuit breaker and its accessories are
always used within their designated ratings.
Do not allow the circuit breaker to hit a hard
surface while handling.
Do not drag or slide the circuit breaker across a
hard or rough surface.
Failure to comply with these instructions may result
in product damage.
A factory-installed rejection feature prevents
mismatching circuit breakers and
cassettes/substructures, preventing the insertion of a
circuit breaker with a lower rating into a higher rated
cassette/substructure, or the insertion of a higher
rated circuit breaker into a lower rated
Section 3 – Lifting, Mounting and Installation 13 March 14
6. Unscrew the mounting screws that fasten the circuit
breaker to the bottom of the shipping palette and
remove the circuit breaker.
Figure 3.1. Unpacking the Circuit Breaker
Figure 3.2. Circuit Breaker Construction A
1. Inspect the shipping container for obvious signs of
rough handling and/or external damage incurred during
2. Record any observed damage for reporting to the
carrier. Ensure all recorded reports and claims include
the order number and name plate information.
3. Remove the banding straps and lift off the top cover.
4. Remove all packaging material.
5. Remove all product documentation and store properly.
EntelliGuard G circuit breakers consist of rigid front and rear
housings made of thermoset composite resins which
provide high structural strength and excellent dielectric
properties. These housings enclose a contact system
consisting of a moving portion and a fixed portion:
Moving portion: comprised of multiple finger assemblies
connected to a conductor through flexible copper
connections. The number of finger assemblies depends
on the circuit breaker’s continuous and short circuit
ratings. Each finger assembly has an arcing contact and
a main contact.
DEH-41304C EntelliGuard® G Circuit Breaker
A Lifting eyes
Left Right
A M8 bolts
13 March 14 Section 3 – Lifting, Mounting and Installation
Fixed portion: consists of a main fixed contact which is
brazed to a conductive pad, and arc runner which is
fastened to the conductive pad which guides the arc to
the arc chamber.
Each pole has an arc chamber comprised of arc chamber
molds which houses the de-ion plates and filtering system.
The pole configuration depends upon the breaker frame
size. For larger frames, the two pole units are connected
mechanically in parallel to form one phase.
The operating mechanism is mounted on the front housing.
The energy stored in the mechanism is used to close the
contact system. The mechanism is coupled to each pole by
a common layshaft/drive shaft.
The global trip unit measures CT current and compares the
output with set parameters. It gives a trip command during
overload and short circuit to trip the breaker within a
specified time, circuit monitors the current passing through
the circuit breaker and keeps a history of faults.
The fascia has interface buttons and features for safety
The cassette, which is used for drawout breakers, consists
of a mechanism which enables the circuit breaker to be
racked in and out, and houses the interlocks.
The front panel on the cassette has three markings which
indicate whether the breaker is in the CONNECTED, TEST or
Using a Lifting Truck
Circuit breaker removal can be made easier by using a
specifically-designed lifting truck (Fig. 3.4). Contact the
nearest sales office for availability.
Figure 3.4. Lifting Truck
Drawout Cassette Lifting, Mounting and Installation
1. Place the cassette on a rigid, leveled appropriate
support on the switchboard. If a handling truck or
other lifting gear is used, install four. M10 lifting bolts
on to the M10 nuts available on the cassette channels
as shown in Fig. 3.5. Use all four lifting bolts at front
and rear of the cassette.
Figure 3.5. Cassette Lifting
2. Mount the cassette on to the switch board using six M8
bolts, nuts and lock washers through the mounting
holes shown in Fig. 3.6. Do not tighten.
3. Ensure the cassette side walls are square to the switch
4. Tighten the mounting bolts to a torque of 25 N m at
the front and rear mounting points (Fig. 3.6).
Figure 3.6. Cassette Mounting
5. Ensure there is minimal deflection/stress to the back of
the cassette when connecting busbars.
6. Connect the incoming and outgoing cables/busbars.
7. Ensure any safety shutters move freely after the
cassette is installed.
Drawout Circuit Breaker Installation into the Cassette
1. Pull the lifting handles on both side walls of the circuit
2. Attach the lifting bar between the two holes of the lifting