GE Industrial Solutions AFCI 1 Pole User Manual

Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker, One-Pole
DEH–40117 Homeowner & Installer Information
Installer Instructions
WARNING: FFFFaaaaiiiilllluuuurrrreeee ttttoooo ffffoooolllllllloooowwww tttthhhheeeesssseeee iiiinnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss ccccoooouuuulllldd rrrreeeessssuuuulllltttt iiiinnnn ddddeeeeaaaatttthhhh,,,, ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnaaaallll iiiinnnnjjjjuuuurrrryyyy,,,, oooorrrr pppprrrrooooppppeeeerrrrttttyyyy ddddaaaammmmaaaaggggeeee..
••••TTTThhhhiiiissss cccciiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiitttt bbbbrrrreeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr iiiissss iiiinnnntttteeeennnnddddeeeedddd ffffoooorrrr uuuusssseeee oooonnnn ssssiiiinnnngggglllleeee-­pppphhhhaaaasssseeee ggggrrrroooouuuunnnnddddeeeedddd,,,, 111122220000 VVVVaaaacccc 2222----wwwwiiiirrrreeee bbbbrrrraaaannnncccchhhh cccciiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiittttssss..
••••UUUUsssseeee oooonnnnllllyyyy ccccaaaabbbblllleeee hhhhaaaavvvviiiinnnngggg ttttwwwwoooo ccccoooonnnndddduuuuccccttttoooorrrrssss pppplllluuuussss ggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd,, ssssuuuucccchhhh aaaassss NNNNMMMM----BBBB ccccaaaabbbblllleeee..
••••DDDDoooo NNNNOOOOTTTT uuuusssseeee ccccaaaabbbblllleeee hhhhaaaavvvviiiinnnngggg tttthhhhrrrreeeeeeee ccccoooonnnndddduuuuccccttttoooorrrrssss pppplllluuuuss ggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd..
••••DDDDoooo nnnnooootttt uuuusssseeee tttthhhheeee bbbbrrrreeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr oooonnnn aaaa sssshhhhaaaarrrreeeedddd----nnnneeeeuuuuttttrrrraaaallll cccciiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiitttt..
••••TTTThhhhiiiissss eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt mmmmuuuusssstttt bbbbeeee iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllleeeedddd aaaannnndddd sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeeedddd oooonnnnllllyy bbbbyyyy aaaa qqqquuuuaaaalllliiiiffffiiiieeeedddd eeeelllleeeeccccttttrrrriiiicccciiiiaaaannnn..
WARNING: TTTTuuuurrrrnnnn ooooffffffff ppppoooowwwweeeerrrr ttttoooo mmmmaaaaiiiinnnn bbbbrrrreeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr bbbbeeeeffffoooorrrree
bbbbeeeeggggiiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn.... FFFFaaaaiiiilllluuuurrrreeee ttttoooo ddddoooo ssssoooo wwwwiiiillllllll rrrriiiisssskkkk eeeelllleeeeccccttttrrrriiiiccccaaaall
sssshhhhoooocccckkkk aaaannnndddd ppppoooossssssssiiiibbbblllleeee ddddeeeeaaaatttthhhh,,,, ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnaaaallll iiiinnnnjjjjuuuurrrryyyy,,,, oooorrrr pppprrrrooooppppeeeerrrrttttyy ddddaaaammmmaaaaggggeeee..
Install the Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker using the following procedure:
1. Latch the Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker by moving its handle firmly to the
OFF position.
2. Wire the Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker to load center (see connection diagram).
A. Connect the coiled white “pigtail” wire from the Arc-
Fault Circuit Breaker to the panel or enclosure neutral bus terminal and secure it tightly. Uncoil pigtail as necessary.
Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker
Load Neutral Wire (White)
Coiled White Wire Connects to Load Center Neutral
Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker Connection Diagram
B. Connect the white (neutral) load wire to the
terminal side of the circuit breaker, identified by a silver-colored terminal screw, labeled
C. Connect black (hot) wire to circuit breaker
terminals labeled
LOAD, identified by a gold-
colored screw terminal screw.
3. Plug the circuit breaker into the desired pole position.
4. Test the Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker using the white rocker switch on the front of the breaker, labeled Follow Test Procedures as indicated in next section.
5. See Troubleshooting Guide for the troubleshooting method to be used for a tripped Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker.
CAUTION:::: DDDDoooo nnnnooootttt rrrreeeevvvveeeerrrrsssseeee----ffffeeeeeeeedddd oooorrrr bbbbaaaacccckkkk----wwwwiiiirrrreeee.... DDDDoooo nnnnooootttt ssssuuuubbbbjjjjeeeecccctttt ttttoooo mmmmeeeeggggggggeeeerrrr,,,, hhhhiiiigggghhhh----vvvvoooollllttttaaaaggggeeee,,,, oooorrrr hhhhiiiigggghhhh----ppppooootttt tttteeeessssttttssss.... RRRReeeemmmmoooovvvveeee tttthhhhee
cccciiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiitttt bbbbrrrreeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr bbbbeeeeffffoooorrrreeee hhhhiiiigggghhhh----ppppoooottttttttiiiinnnngggg ooooccccccccuuuurrrrssss oooonnnn tttthhhheeee cccciiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiitttt oooorrrr tttthhhheeee ssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmm..
Test Procedures (Circuit breaker should be tested regularly, at least once per month.)
The Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker senses arcs in two different ways. The test feature allows the homeowner to test each of these modes by depressing a rocker switch in two directions. The breaker has passed the test if the the window.
1. Arc Test: Rotate the test switch in the “Arc Test” direction to check the ability of the Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker to detect arcing from phase to neutral (above normal levels needed to run appliances).
2. Short Test: Rotate the test switch in the “Short Test” direction to check the ability of the Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker to detect low level arcs from phase to ground.
TTTThhhheeee AAAArrrrcccc----FFFFaaaauuuulllltttt CCCCiiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiitttt BBBBrrrreeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr mmmmuuuusssstttt bbbbeeee ssssuuuupppppppplllliiiieeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppoooowwwweeeerrrr ffffrrrroooommmm tttthhhheeee llllooooaaaadddd cccceeeennnntttteeeerrrr iiiinnnn oooorrrrddddeeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee tttteeeessssttttssss ttttoo
ffffuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnn pppprrrrooooppppeeeerrrrllllyyyy.... IIIIffff tttthhhheeee ppppoooowwwweeeerrrr iiiissss oooonnnn aaaannnndddd eeeeiiiitttthhhheeeerrrr ooooffff tttthhhheeeesssseeee tttteeeesssstttt ffffaaaaiiiillll ttttoooo ttttrrrriiiipppp,,,, tttthhhheeee AAAArrrrcccc----FFFFaaaauuuulllltttt CCCCiiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiitttt BBBBrrrreeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr mmmmaaaayyyy bbbbeeee uuuunnnnaaaabbbblllleeee ttttoo
ddddeeeetttteeeecccctttt aaaarrrrccccssss.... TTTThhhheeee cccciiiirrrrccccuuuuiiiitttt bbbbrrrreeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr iiiissss ddddeeeeffffeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeee aaaannnndddd sssshhhhoooouuuulllldddd bbbbeeee rrrreeeeppppllllaaaacccceeeedddd..
TRIP flag appears in
oo oo
Troubleshooting Guidelines
Condition Potential Cause Solution/Action
Push-to-test switch will not trip circuit breaker.
Circuit breaker trips (handle in center position and trip flag appears).
1. Circuit breaker is OFF.
2. Circuit breaker is tripped.
3. Load center is not energized.
4. Load center neutral (pigtail) is not connected to the neutral bus bar.
5. Circuit breaker is damaged.
1. Circuit breaker is not installed correctly.
2. Circuit breaker is connected to “shared neutral” circuit.
3. An arc-fault condition exists on the branch circuit, or circuit breaker is damaged.
4. An overload condition exists on the branch circuit (circuit breaker ON with loads in service ).
1. Turn circuit breaker ON.
2. Reset the breaker by switching it OFF and then ON.
3. Check to be sure load center is energized.
4. Check neutral (pigtail) connection.
5. Replace circuit breaker.
1. See installation instructions on reverse side.
2. Remove circuit breaker from “shared neutral” circuit. Wire the circuit with dedicated two wires plus ground. If shared neutral circuit is required, consider utilizing GE two-pole arc­fault circuit breaker.
3. Assess the current on the circuit drawn by all the loads by summing all branch amperages (divide the rated wattage of each load by 120). If this total is greater than the circuit breaker rating, the circuit is overloaded and some of the load should be removed.
4. Test for arc-fault by completing instructions below.
To test for arc-fault: Unplug all items from the receptacles in branch circuit. Reset circuit breaker by pushing its handle to the OFF
position and then to the ON position:
1. If breaker trips with all loads OFF: Check permanent electrical circuit wiring, arcing, poor insulation, shorted wires, wet connections, wet conduit, a neutral lead pinched to a grounded metal box, receptacle leakage, or other faults that could cause safety features in the breaker to open the circuit.
2. Switch ON one of the original loads. Reset the breaker. If breaker does not trip with this load ON, switch on an additional load. Repeat until breaker trips. Examine last additional load for possible faults.
Loads and/or wiring suspected of having faults should not be restored to service.
Installing electrician should add the following information:
Installer’s Name
Installer’s Address
Installer’s Phone #
NNNNOOOOTTTTIIIICCCCEEEE:::: TTTThhhheeeesssseeee iiiinnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss ddddoooo nnnnooootttt ccccoooovvvveeeerrrr aaaallllllll ddddeeeettttaaaaiiiillllssss oooorr vvvvaaaarrrriiiiaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss iiiinnnn eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt nnnnoooorrrr ddddoooo tttthhhheeeeyyyy pppprrrroooovvvviiiiddddeeee ffffoooorrrr eeeevvvveeeerrrryy ppppoooossssssssiiiibbbblllleeee ccccoooonnnnttttiiiinnnnggggeeeennnnccccyyyy tttthhhhaaaatttt mmmmaaaayyyy bbbbeeee mmmmeeeetttt iiiinnnn ccccoooonnnnnnnneeeeccccttttiiiioooonn
wwwwiiiitttthhhh iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn,,,, ooooppppeeeerrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn,,,, oooorrrr mmmmaaaaiiiinnnntttteeeennnnaaaannnncccceeee.... SSSShhhhoooouuuulllldd
ffffuuuurrrrtttthhhheeeerrrr iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn bbbbeeee ddddeeeessssiiiirrrreeeedddd oooorrrr sssshhhhoooouuuulllldddd ppppaaaarrrrttttiiiiccccuuuullllaaaarr pppprrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmmssss aaaarrrriiiisssseeee tttthhhhaaaatttt aaaarrrreeee nnnnooootttt ccccoooovvvveeeerrrreeeedddd ssssuuuuffffffffiiiicccciiiieeeennnnttttllllyyyy ffffoooorrrr tttthhhhee ppppuuuurrrrcccchhhhaaaasssseeeerrrr’’’’ssss ppppuuuurrrrppppoooosssseeeessss,,,, tttthhhheeee mmmmaaaatttttttteeeerrrr sssshhhhoooouuuulllldddd bbbbeeee rrrreeeeffffeeeerrrrrrrreeeedddd ttttoo tttthhhheeee GGGGEEEE CCCCoooommmmppppaaaannnnyyyy..
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GE Industrial Systems
General Electric Company 41 Woodford Ave., Plainville, CT 06062
DEH-40117 R4 1001 © 2001 General Electric Company