GE Energy
Industrial Solutions
GEH-6250 Installation Instructions
Voltage Module
For Spectra® RMS Molded-Case Circuit Breakers with microEntelliGuardTM,
PM or MicroVersaTrip® Plus Trip Units
For Catalog Numbers ADSVMA120Y, ADSVMA208Y, ADSVMA240D,
Circuit Breaker Accessory
The General Electric Voltage Module is used to provide
+24Vdc Control Power to Spectra
Case Circuit Breakers with microEntelliGuard
Cable System. The Module also provides voltagesensing signals to Spectra
Breakers with microEntelliGuard
PM Trip Units on the same UL Listed Circuit Breaker
Accessory Distribution Cable System. The Voltage
Module is rated 24 watts (+24Vdc @ 1.0 Amp) and
has the maximum capacity to power a Distribution
Cable System consisting of 20 Spectra
Case Circuit Breakers with microEntelliGuard
system cable length of 40 feet. The Voltage Module is
designed to operate in temperature between 0°C and
PM/Plus Trip Units via the Distribution
PM/Plus Trip Units with a maximum
RMS Molded-
RMS Molded-Case Circuit
or MicroVersaTrip®
RMS Molded-
Figure 1 shows how the Voltage Module is used in a
typical MicroVersaTrip
the Voltage Module is used in a typical MicroVersaTrip
Plus system. The microEntelliGuard
support either configuration.
WARNING: Danger of electrical shock or injury. Turn
OFF power ahead of the switchboard before working
inside the equipment. Do not remove or install any circuit
protective devices, or any other component until the
power is turned OFF.
PM system. Figure 2 shows how
Trip Unit can

GEH-6250 Installation Instructions
Figure 1. Typical microEntelliGuardTM or MicroVersaTrip® PM Trip Unit System detailing the Voltage Module.

GEH-6250 Installation Instructions
Figure 2. Typical microEntelliGuardTM or MicroVersaTrip® Plus Trip Unit System detailing the Voltage Module.

GEH-6250 Installation Instructions
The Voltage Module contains both a Power Supply
Plate and a Voltage Conditioner Assembly as integral
components. The module also includes fuse protection
for the AC source input terminals (see Figure 3). The
Voltage Module is available in seven ratings. Table 1
contains a listing of all GE Voltage Modules. All units are
rated 60 Hz.
Figure 3. Interior view of the Voltage Module (left side Power
Supply Plate, right side Voltage Conditioner Plate)
Table 1. GE Voltage Modules
120Vac 3f4W – Wye ADSVMA120Y Phase to Neutral potential
208Vac 3f4W – Wye ADSVMA208Y Phase to Phase potential
240Vac 3f3W – Delta ADSVMA240D Phase to Phase potential
277Vac 3f4W – Wye ADSVMA277Y Phase to Neutral potential
480Vac 3f4W – Wye ADSVMA480Y Phase to Phase potential
480Vac 3f3W – Delta ADSVMA480D Phase to Phase potential
600Vac 3f3W – Delta ADSVMA600D Phase to Phase potential
Sensing Connection
EntelliGuard™ TU or a MicroVersaTrip® PM Trip Unit. (Do
not connect this voltage signal to a Spectra
Trip Unit.
The voltage signal structure is different between the
MCCB and ACB/ICCB Trip Unit platforms).
CAUTION: The voltage-sensing signal structure for
PM and EntelliGuard™ TU Trip Units
used in Air Circuit/Insulated Case Breakers is different
than the voltage-sensing signal structure used on
RMS Breakers with MicroVersaTrip® PM or
microEntelliGuard™ Trip Units.
Additional 24Vdc output connections are supplied for
applications where +24Vdc control power is required
independent of the Distribution Cable System (i.e.
feeding Air Circuit Breakers and/or Insulated Case
Breakers with a MicroVersaTrip
PM/Plus Trip Units).
OF 20 BREAKERS. Use of the Voltage Module to provide
voltage-sensing signals and/or +24Vdc control power
to a main Air Circuit Breaker or a main Insulated Case
Breaker with a MicroVersaTrip
Trip Unit reduces the total quantity of 20 Spectra
Molded-Case Circuit Breakers with microEntelliGuard
or MicroVersaTrip
PM/Plus Trip Units by one. The overall
or EntelliGuardTM TU
maximum cabling length of the system remains 40 feet.
A communications connection is provided for
applications where data is transmitted to an external
intelligent device (See Table 2). The distribution cable
system is used to interconnect the voltage signal on
the Voltage Conditioner Plate and the Spectra
Molded-Case Circuit Breakers.
CAUTION: The microEntelliGuard™ trip unit system
uses modbus communications and should never be
connected to a Commnet bus
An additional voltage output connection is available for
applications where a voltage signal is needed on an Air
Circuit Breaker or Insulated Case Circuit Breaker with an
Supplemental 24Vdc input terminals are provided
for systems that have access to an external +24Vdc
power supply. If this supplemental input is connected,
the Voltage Module will continue to pass the control
power to breakers and accessories connected to the
Distribution Cable System if the primary AC power is
lost or drops below the minimum requirement. This
backup input must meet ANSI C37.90.1 for oscillatory
and fast transient surges or damage to the Voltage
Module may result (the Voltage Module provides this
protection for the primary AC input). By plugging the
Voltage Module into the Distribution Cable System,
you create system wide signals that are available to
all Spectra
RMS Molded-Case Circuit Breakers with
or MicroVersaTrip® PM/Plus Trip
Units connected to the system; a list of available signals
appears in Table 2.

GEH-6250 Installation Instructions
Table 2. Signals available on the Distribution Cable System by
connection of the Voltage Module.
Spectra® RMS Breaker
with MicroVersaTrip
PM Trip Unit
control power (+24vdc)
control power
(comm. +)
(comm. -)
voltage 1 (defined as
potential between Af &
N or between Af & Cf)
voltage 2 (defined as
potential between Bf &
N or between Cf & Bf)
voltage 3 (defined as
potential between Cf &
N or between Bf & Af)
Breaker with
Plus Trip Unit
control power
control power
Breaker with
Trip Unit
control power (+24vdc)
control power
(comm. +)
(comm. -)
voltage 1 (defined as
potential between Af &
N or between Af & Cf)
voltage 2 (defined as
potential between Bf &
N or between Cf & Bf)
voltage 3 (defined as
potential between Cf &
N or between Bf & Af)
The Voltage Module contains eight connection points.
Refer to Figures 5A and 5B or 6A and 6B for connection
details and location information. The following is a
detailed list of the Voltage Module connection points:
• “To Distribution Cable” (2x)
– 12-pin plug connectors that mate with the 12-pin
receptacle of a Distribution Cable Harness (catalog
number SDCHA11, SDCHA30 or SDCHA60). If the
Voltage Module is factory installed in a Spectra
Series Switchboard these connections are factory
wired to Distribution Cable Junction Boxes (catalog
number SDCJBB).
• “Input”
– Three-screw terminal block on the Power Supply
assembly. Use the one-terminal “GND” screw for
connection of the ground. If the Voltage Module is
factory installed in a Spectra
Series Switchboard,
this connection is wired to the switchboard
equipment ground (the other two-terminal screws
are pre-wired to the load side of the Power Supply
Plate fuse block).
• “Communications”
– Two-screw terminal block for Modbus
communications link or for Commnet link to the GE
• “Supplemental Input 24Vdc”
– Two-screw terminal block for connection to an
external +24Vdc power supply.
• “Output to ACB/ICCB”
– Three-screw terminal block for an additional voltage
sensing signal output to MicroVersaTrip
TU Trip Units in Air Circuit Breakers
PM or
and/or Insulated Case Breakers.
• “Output to 24Vdc”
– Two-screw terminal block for an additional control
power output to MicroVersaTrip
or EntelliGuard™
TU Trip Units in Air Circuit Breakers and/or Insulated
Case Breakers.
• Three-phase rear pressure connector
– Provides an AC source connection for control power
and voltage sensing signals. If the Voltage Module is
factory installed in a Spectra
Series Switchboard,
these connections mate with the vertical bus bars in
the switchboard. For catalog number ADSVMA120Y
and ADSVMA277Y, an additional AC neutral
connection must be made at one of the potential
transformers. This connection is factory wired if the
Voltage Module is factory installed in a Spectra
Series Switchboard.
Dimensions, Weights and Wiring Diagrams
A Voltage Module dimensioned drawing is provided
in Figure 4 to assist in mounting the accessory. The
maximum unit weight is 38 pounds.
Figure 4. Dimensioned drawing of the Voltage Module
(dimensions shown in inches).