for AV-300i Drives
Digital Encoder Input Expansion
and Encoder repeater
GE Industrial SystemsGE Industrial Systems

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or
variations in equipment, nor to provide every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and
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problems arise that are not covered sufficiently for the
purchasers purpose, the matter should be referred to GE
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This document contains proprietary information of General
Electric Company, USA and is furnished to its customer
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This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part
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© 1999 by General Electric Company, USA. All rights

Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 5
2. MOUNTING ............................................................................. 7
3. ENCODER CONNECTOR ......................................................... 8
3.1 ENCODER INPUT ................................................................................. 8
3.2 ENCODER REPEATER CONNECTOR .................................................... 9
3.2.1 Divider for encoder repeater ........................................................ 10
4. LEDS ...................................................................................... 11
5. JUMPERS ............................................................................. 11
6. TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................. 12
Dimensions and weight........................................................................... 12
General data ............................................................................................12
Encoder interface ..................................................................................... 12
Encoder repeater ..................................................................................... 13
Temperature ............................................................................................ 14
7. ACCESSORIES ...................................................................... 14
8. MAXIMUM WIRE SIZES ....................................................... 14
9. EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION................................................. 15
Tach Follower .......................................................................................... 15

The 6KCV301ENC card is an AV300i drive option used to add a second
optocoupled encoder input and an encoder repeater to the drive. It is possible
to use only one I/O expansion card per Drive.
This option card features:
- 1 optocoupled digital encoder input
- A / A not +5V or 15V/24V selectable (150kHz max)
- B / B not +5V or 15V/24V selectable (150kHz max)
- C / C not +5V or 15V/24V selectable (150kHz max)
- Encoder qualifier input (QC+ / QC -) 15VDC up to 24VDC
Encoder loss detection is available only when a differential encoder is used
with a 15V – 24VDC power supply
- 1 optocoupled encoder data repeater TTL (@5V) and HTL (@15….24V)
- A / A not +5V and 15V/24V (150kHz max)
- B / B not +5V and 15V/24V (150kHz max)
- C / C not +5V and 15V/24V (150kHz max)
- Encoder qualifier (home position signal) input (QC+ / QC not) 15VDC
up to 24VDC
Encoder repeater has frequency divider functionality selectable between 1,
2, 4, 8 times using hardware jumpers.
Digital Encoder Input Expansion and Encoder Repeater