GE LOGIQ 200 Quick card

Keyboard Reference for OB Measurements
(Shaded areas indicate keys necessary for measurements described on reverse)
New Patient ID / Name Report Page
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 =
Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]
These measurement keys are programmable. To display current
programmed settings, press the Calculation/Space Bar keys.
12 12
ECG Position Ellipse
Set Measurement
M Mode
2286455–100 Rev 0 For help with additional questions, please call the Customer Answer Center at 1–800–682–5327, 1, 5 or 262–524–5698.
Measuring BPD, FL, CRL
1. Scan and Freeze the image.
2. Press the appropriate key (A BPD, F
3. With Trackball, move cursor to starting point of the measurement. Press Set.
4. Trackball second cursor to second position. Press Set.
* for FL, H* for CRL).
Measuring AFI
Requires 4 measurements
1. Scan first quadrant. Freeze image.
2. Press G
3. Trackball cursor to first position. Press Set.
4. Trackball second cursor to second position. Press Set.
5. Unfreeze, scan and Freeze next quadrant. Press Measurement.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 three more times, until all four quadrants have
been measured.
NOTE: If a quadrant has no visible fluid, image and measure that quadrant as close to zero as possible, and Set that measurement.
* for AFI.
* for
%%% For key location, see reverse. &&&
As each measurement is completed and set,
it automatically goes to the Report Page.
Measuring Gestational Sac
Use Dual B-Mode Display
Requires total of 3 measurements in 2 planes,
usually 1 in sagittal & 2 in transverse planes.
1. Press Left display key, image GS in first plane, press Right display key. (Left side of display freezes, Right is active.)
2. Image GS in second plane, press Freeze.
3. Press J
4. Trackball cursor to first position, press Set. Trackball second cursor to second position, press Set.
5. Repeat step 4 to measure second distance.
6. Repeat step 4 to measure third distance.
* for GS.
Deleting a Measurement
1. Display the Report Page.
2. Press the bottom Ellipse key to display the Measurement Averaging page.
3. Trackball to measurement. Press Clear or Back Space.
4. Press Set to confirm deletion.
Measuring AC, HC
1. Scan and Freeze the image.
2. Press the appropriate key (D
* for HC).
3. Trackball cursor to first position. Press Set.
4. Trackball second cursor to the second position.
5. Press the top Ellipse key; a circle opens.
6. Use the Trackball and Ellipse keys to adjust circumference size and position around anatomy. The Measurement key toggles between the fixed and active cursors.
7. Press Set.
* for AC,
Measuring HR
1. Image fetal heart.
2. Press M-Mode.
3. Adjust cursor with Trackball to obtain best fetal heart trace. Freeze image.
4. Press K* for HR. Use Trackball to position first cursor at starting point of the measurement. Press Set.
5. Trackball second cursor across two cardiac cycles, press Set.
For Multi-Gestational OB
1. On the Patient Entry Menu, enter all information. Enter Fetus Number2, 3, or 4. Answer question “Are you sure to change number? y/n with y. NOTE: If Multi-Gestation is found during the exam, use ID/Name key to change Fetus Number.
2. To switch fetuses between measurements, use Ellipse key. The system does not switch fetuses if measurement cursor is active. All measurements are assigned in Report Pages and Graphs for the same Fetus until Ellipse key is pressed.
Report Pages
With a Report Page displayed, use the Ellipse keys to change pages.To access report pages for other fetuses, Trackball to the left arrow at upper left of Report Page (i.e. ² A/2 ³). Press Set.To view all fetuses’ measurements simultaneously, Trackball to arrow and press Set until the Report Page labelled ALL is displayed.
* These measurement keys are programmable. Those listed are the factory defaults. To display current programmed settings, press the Calculation/Space Bar keys.
2286455–100 Rev 0 For help with additional questions, please call the Customer Answer Center at 1–800–682–5327, 1, 5 or 262–524–5698.