Safdy Im_uctions ............ 2-7
Operating Indrructior_
Baking or Roasfi ng .............. l 1
Broiling, Broiling Guide ......... 14
Clock and Timer . .............. l:5
Control I,ockout ............... l:5
Comwctk)n ................. 18-22
Cookwai> ...................... 9
O_en ...................... 10-a0
Probe ........................ l 7
Proofing ...................... 23
Sabbath f'eatui> ................ 30
SelftCleaning ............... 25, 26
Special Featmes ............. 27-29
Surf:ace Burners .............. 8, 9
Thermostat .................... 24
Timed Baking & Roasting ........ 16
XA_u-ming ...................... 23
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan and (;rid _-'_'
Burner Assembly ............... a l
Burner Grates and
Vent (,nile .................... a2
Contro! Pane] ................. 35
Door. ........................ 04
Floor . ........................ 35
(;lass Cooktop o - o_
Kl_obs ........................ a l
.............. o[
Lift-Off ()_en Door . ............ a4
Light Bulbs .................... 32
Packaging Tape ................ 3 l
Painted Surfimes ................ 35
Racks oo
Stainless Steel Surfi_ces .......... 35
Storage Dr;:me_ ....
Vent ...................... 32, 3:5
........................ OO
, .................. O,9
Troubleshooting Tips ....... 38-42
Accessories . .................. 47
Consumer Suppor_
Consumer Support ..... Back Co_er
Product Registration ......... 43, 44
Wanantv fbr Customers
in Canada .................... :51
_A_u-rantv fbr Customers
in the U.S.A ................... 50
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can lind them on a label
behind the open oven door
on the lower left corner of the
range fl'am e.
49-80315 08-05 Jfl

A WARNING:If the information
in this manual is not followed exactly,
a fire or explosion may result causing
property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your building.
Immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, orloss of life.
All rangescan tip and injury could result.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall or floor by installing the Anti--tip device
If the Anti--tip device supplied with the range does not fit this application, use the universal Anti--17p
device WB2X7909.
Tocheck if the device is instafled and engaged properly, remove the storage drawer and inspect the
rear leveling leg. Make sure #fits securely into the slot.
If you I)ull the range out flom the wall for any reason, make suie the device is properly
engaged when you push the rang_ back against fl)e wall. If it is not, there is a possible Hsk of
the rang_ tipping oxer and causing illju]_y" if YOUor a child stand, sit or lean on an open door
Please refer m the And-Tip device infonnafion in fills manual. Faihue m take fills precaution
could iesult in tipping of the rang_ and i,)jm>
The Californb Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of Californb to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm, and
requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon
monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or
LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by abluish rather than a ye#ow flame, will minimize
incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open
window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very sma# amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window orusing a ventilation
fan or hood.

When using electrical appfiances, basic safety precautions should be foflowed, including the
Use this appliance only %r its intended
purpose as described m tim )wner s
Be sure your appliance is properly installed
and grounded by a qualified technician in
accordance with the prox4ded installation
Before perfo_ning any service, disconnect
the range power supply at the household
disu{bufion panel by removing the fl_se or
switching off the circuit breaken
Hme the installer show yon tile location of
tile circuit breaker or fi_se. Mark it for easy
Do not leme children alone----_'hildren
should not be left alone or nnattended in
all area where all appliance is ill use. They
should nexer be allowed to sit or stand on
ally part of the appliance.
Haxe the installer show you the location
of tile range gas shut-offxahe and how to
shut it off if necessa U.
Haxe your range installed and properly
grounded by a qualified installei; in
accordance with tile Installation
Instructions. Any adjusunent and service
should be perfomled only by qualified gas
range installers or se_wice mchnicians.
Locate the range out of kitchen tral_c path
and out of drafty locations to prexent poor
air circulation.
Be snre all packaging materials are
remoxed from file range before operating
it to pre\ent fire or smoke damage should
the packaging material ignite.
Do not ]eme children alone or unattended
where a range is hot or in operation. They
could be seriously bumed.
Do not attempt to repair or replace ally
part of your range unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
service should be refelTed to a qualified
Be sure your range is con-ecfly adjusmd
by a qualified se_Mce mchnician or installer
for tile type of gas (natural or LP) that is
to be used. Your range call be comermd
for use with either type of gas. See tile
Installation Instructions packed with
the range.
Plug your range into a 190=\_lt grounded
outlet only. Do not remo\e tile round
g_ounding prong fiom tile plug. If in
doubt about the grounding of the home
elecuical system, it is your personal
iesponsibilitv and obligation m haxe
all ungrounded outlet replaced wifll a
properly gTonnded, th_eeq)rong on0et ill
accordance with file National Electrical
(',ode (U.S.). Do not use all exmnsion cord
with fl)is appliance.
must be made by a qualified service
technbbn in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and all codes
and requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction. Failure to follow these
instructions could result in serious injury or
property damage. The qualified agency
performing this work assumes
responsibility for the converskm.
Kee I) the hood and grease filters clean to
maintain good xenting and to mold grease
Teach children not to play with tile
controls or ally other part of the range.
Always kee I) dish towels, dish cloths, pot
holders and other linens a satb distance
fronl vonr range.

Always kee I) wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distance fiom your
Always kee I) combustible wall cox.etings,
curtains or drapes a safe distance fiom
your rang.e.
Do not clean tile rang_ with flammable or
x_latile cleaning fluids.
After prolong.ed use of a range, high floor
mmperauues may result and many floor
cox.erings will not withstand this kind of
use. Nex.er install tile rang.e ox.er vinyl tile
or linoleum that cannot wifllsmnd such
type of use. Nexer install it directly over {
inmtior Mtchen carpeting.
Avoid scratching dte glass cooktop widl
shaq) instruments, or wiflt tings and other
jeweh T.
Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on dte ox.en door; storag.e drawer or
cooktop. They could damage the rang.e
and even tip it ox.el; causing sex.ere
personal ilIjm T.
shouldnot be storedin cabinetsabovearangeor
on the backsplashof a range--children climbing
on the rangeto reachitems could beseriously
mamdal could be ignimd if brought in
contact with flame or hot ox.en sur/aaces
and may cause sex.ere bums.
Do not store flammable materials in an
oven, a rang.e storag.e drawer or near a
Do not store or use combustible mamrials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the viciniw of this or any other
Do not let cooking grease or other
flammable mamrials accunmlam in or
near the rang.e.
Do not use wamr on grease fires. Never
pick up a flaming pan. Turn dm conuols
off: Smother a flaming pan on a surthce
burner 1)5' cox.elqng tile pan complemly
wiflt a well-fitting lid, cooMe sheet or fiat
trW. Use a multi-pml)ose di T chemical or
foam-type rite exdnguishe_:
Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out by coveting it with baking soda or;
if available, 1)5'using a multi-pm])ose d U
chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.
Flame in dte ox.en can be smodtered
completely by closing the ox.en door and
mining tile control to off or by using a
nntlti-purpose d U chemical or foam-type
fire extinguisher
appliance as a space heater to heat or
warm file room, Doing so may result
in carbon monoxide poisoning and
ox.erheating of the cooktop or ox.en,
For your safety, never use your appliance
for wmlning or heating the room.
Larg.e scratches or impacts to glass doors
can lead to broken or shatmred glass.
Do not clean dte rang.e when the appliance
is in use.
Nex.er wear loose-fitting or hanging
garments while using the appliance.
Be carefltl when reaching for items stored
in cabinets ox.er the rang.e. Flammable
Let tile bui_ler g_ates and other surthces
cool before touching them or leaving
them where children can reach them.
Never block die x.ents (air openings) of
the range. They provide die air inlet and
outlet fllat are necessat T for the rang.e to
operam properly with COtTect combustion.
'Air openings at.e located at rite t.ear of the
cooktop, at tile top and bottom of file
ox.en door; and at tile 1)oUom of the rang.e
under rite smrag.e drawer or kick panel.
Do not lift tile cooktop, iJfting the
cooktop can lead to damag.e and improper
operation of the rang.e.

Useproperpansize--avoid pansthat are unstableor easilytipped.Selectcookwarehavingflatbottomslarge
enoughto coverburnergrates. Toavoidspillovers,makesurecookwareis largeenoughto containthefood
properly, Thiswill both save cleaningtimeandpreventhazardousaccumulationsof food,sinceMaw spattering
or spilloversleft on rangecan ignite.Usepanswith handlesthatcanbeeasilygraspedand remaincooL
Ahvays use tim tirE position when igniting
the top burners and make sure the burners
hme ig_dted.
Never leme the stuface btunets unattended
at high flame settings. Boiloxers cause
smoking and greasy spilloxers that may
catch on fire.
Adjust the top burner flame size so it does
not extend 1)eyond the edge of the cookware.
Excessive flame is hazardous.
Use only dry pot holders--moist or damp pot
holders on hot surPaces may resuh in burns
flom smam. Do not let pot holders come
near open flames when lifting cookware. Do
not use a towel or other 1)ulky cloth in place
of a pot holder:
_\ hen using glass cookware, make sure it
is desig_md for top-of-range cooking.
To minimize tim possibili b, of 1)urns, ignition
of flammal)le materials and spillage, turn
cookware handles toward the side or back of
the range without extending over adjacent
Careflflly watch foods 1)eing flied at a high
flame setting.
Ahvays heat fat slowly and watch as it heats.
Do not lea\> any imms on the cooktop. The
hot air flom the vent may ig_im flammable
imms and will increase pressure in closed
containers, which may cm_se them m l)u_st.
If a coml)ination of oils or _lts will be used
in flying, stir together before heating or
as flits meh slowh,
the pan too flfll of_u can cause spillovers
when food is added.
X&qmnpreparing flaming foods under the
hood, turn the fan on.
Do not use a wok on tim cooking sur£1ce
if the wok has a round metal ring that is
placed o\er the burner gram m support the
wok. This ring acts as a heat m_p, which mW
damage the burner g_v_mand N_rner head.
Also, it m W cm_se the N_rner m work
improperly. This may came a cad)on
monoxide level above that allowed by current
standards, resulting in a heahh hazard.
Foods for fiying should be as dry as possible.
Frost on flozen foods or moisture on flesh
foods can cause hot _lt to 1)ul)l)le up and over
the sides of the pan.
Nexer u}, to move a pan of hot Pat especially
a deep _lt flyer. X'\hit until the _lt is cool.
Do not leme plastic items on tim cooktop--
they may meh if left too close to the vent.
Kee I) all plastics mvay flom the surPace
1)tlI'Ile I'S.
To moid the possibili b, of a burn always be
certain that the conuols for all burners are
at the OFFposition and all grates are cool
before attempting to remove them.
If _ange is located near a window, do not
hang long curtains that could 1)low over the
surface burners and create a fire hazard.
If you smell gas, turn off the g;is to the range
and call a qualified service technician. Nexer
use an open flame to locate a leak.
Use a deep flit thermometer whenever
possible to prevent oxerheating _t 1)eyond
the smoking point.
Do not operate the 1)umer wifl_out all btuner
parts in place.
17se the least possible amount of £_t for
eft>cdve shallow or deep-_lt flying. Filling
Ahvays ttun the stuJ_ce 1)tunet conuols off
before removing cookware.

(Cookmeatandpoultrythoroughly--meattoatleastanINTERNALtemperatureof 160°F(71°C)andpoultrytoatleastan
INTERNALtemperatureof I80°F(82°C_Cookingtothesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainstfoodbomeillness.
Stand awayfrom the range when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
bums to hands, face and/or eyes.
Do not heat unopened fbod containe,s.
Pressure could build up and the container
could bum, causing an inju U.
KeeI) the oven vent unobstructed.
KeeI) the oven flee from grease buildup.
Place the oven rack in the desired position
while the oven is cool. If rocks must be handled
when hot, do not let pot holder contact the
heating elements.
When using cooking or roasting bags in the
oven, follow the manufi_ctu,er's directions.
Pulling out the rock to the stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting heax3 fbods. It is also a
precaution against burns flom touching hot
surfilces of the door or oven walls.
Do not use the oven to dU newspapers.
If overheated, the} can catch on fire.
Do not use the oven fior a storage area. Items
stored in an oven can ignite.
Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils
or flood in the oven when not in use.
any slots, holes or passages in the oven bottoln
or coxvr an entire rock with materials such as
alulninuln fioil.Doing so blocks air flow
through the oven and may cause carbon
inonoxide poisoning..Mulninuln foil linings
may also trap heat, causing a fire hazmd.
Do not use aluminum fioilto line oven bottoms,
except as suggested in this inanual. Ilnproper
installation of alulninuln foil may result in a
risk of electric shock or fire.
Make sure the broiler pan is in place conectl}
to reduce the possibilit} of grease fires.
If you should have a grease fire in the broiler
pan, press the CI£AR/OFFpadand kee I) the
oven door closed to contain fire until it
buI'nS Otlt.
Donotuseovencleaners.No commercialoven cleaner or ovenliner protectivecoatingof anykindshouldbe
usedin or aroundanypartof theoven.Residuefrom ovencleanerswill damagetheinsideoftheovenwhenthe
self-cleancycleis used,
Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket
is essential fbr a good seal. Care should be
taken not to rub, damage or move the gasket.
} Be%re self,leaning the oven, remove the rocks,
broiler pan, grid and other cookware.
} Be sure to wipe up excess spillage be%re
starting the self cleaning operation.
} If the self cleaning mode malflmctions, turn the
oven off and disconnect the power supply. Have
it serviced b} a qualified technician.
} Clean only parts listed in this Owner's Manual.

Usingthegas surfaceburners.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Light a Gas Surface Burner
Push the control knob in and turn it
to the LITEposifion.
Push the control knob in and turn it to
tile LITE l)osition.
You will hear a little clicking noise---
tile sound of tile electric s,)ark i,mifin,_
the burI]el:
_dtei" the flame lights, turn the knob to
ac!iust the flame size. If the knob stays at
LifE, it will continue to click,
Sealed Gas Burners
When one burner is turned to LifE, all
the bm'nei_ spark. Do not attempt to
disasselnble or clean m'otmd any burner
while another burner is on. An electric
shock inay result, which could cruise you
to knock ovei" hot cookware.
The slnaller buri_er (right rear posidon)
will give the best silmner results flw
delicate fi)ods, such as sauces or fi)ods
which need to cook over low heat fi)r a
hmg fiIne. It can be turned down to a veP¢
low setting.
How to Select Flame Size
extendupthesidesof thecookware.
Watch the flame, not the knob, as you
reduce heat. The flame size on a gas
burner should Inatch the cookware
VOtl are rising.
In Case of Power latium
In case (ff a power fifilm'e, you can light
the gas surli_ce burlaei_ oil your range
with a inatch. Hold a lit inatch to the
buri_er, then push in and ttu'n the control
knob to the LITEposition. Use extrelne
cautioi_ when lighting burnei_ this way:
The largest burnels are higher powered
than the othels and will bi_ing lkluids to
a boil quickeI:
An) flalne larger than the bottom of the
cookware is wasted _lil(1 oiflv ser\ es to heat
the handle.
Sm'ti_ce burners in use when an electi'ical
power fifilm'e occms will continue to
operate nomaallv.,
Before Lighting a GasBurner
Make sure all grates on the range are in
place betore using any 1)urnei:
After Lighting a Gas Burner
Do not operate the burner fi)r an
extended period of tilne without
cookware on the grate. The filfish on
the grate inay chip without cookware
to absorb the heat.
Be sure the burners and grates are
cool betore you place your hand,
a pot holder; cleaning cloths or
other matei_ials on thenL

Top-of-Range Cookware
Aluminum: Medium-weight cookware is
recommended because it heats quickly
and evenly: Most fi)ods brown evenh' in
an almninum skillet. Use saucepans with
tight-fitting lids when cooking with
IllinillltlI// alllO/ints ol _;Ken
Cast-Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets
will give satisti_cto_ y results.
Enamelware: Under some conditions,
tile enaillel of SOllle cookware may
Illelt. Follow cookware illanttIiiCttli'ei"s
recommendations fin" cooking methods.
Glass: There are two t)pes of glass
cookware--those tot oven /lSe only
and those fi)r top-of:range cooking
(saucepans, coffee and teapots).
Glass conducts heat ve_w slowly.
Stove TopGrills
Do not use stove top grills on your sealed
gas burners. If' you use tile st_we top grill
on the sealed gas bm'ne_; it will cause
incomplete combustion and can result
in exposure to carbon monoxide levels
above allowable emTent standards.
Heatproof Glass Ceramic: Can be used
fi)r either sm_i_ce or oven cooking. It
conducts heat \'ely slowly and cools very
slowh'. Check cooJ¢ware inanufilcturer's
directions to be sure it can be used on gas
Stainless Steel'. This metal alone has
poor heating properties and is usually
combined with coppe_; ahmfinmn
or other metals fin" improved heat
distribution. Combination metal skillets
usually work safisfi_ctofilv if they are used
with medium heat as tile manufi_cmrer
Use a fiat-bottomed wok.
Wok This Way
Werecommendthatyouusea 14-inch(35.6cm)
Onh a fiat-bottomed wok should be used.
Do not/Ise a []at-bottoi//ed wok on a
support ring. Placing the ring over tile
burner or grate may cause tile burner
to work improperl> resulting in carbon
monoxide levels above allowable
standards. This could be dangerous to
veto" health.

(Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.)
Features and appearance may var_¢
OvenControl,Clockand TimerFeaturesandSettings
Touch to select tile b;&e fimction.
Touch to select tile broil function,
Touch to select baking with the comection
func tion,
Touch to select roasting with tile comection
func tion,
Touch to select a warm en'dronnlent u_ful
fi)r rising yeastdemened products,
_'ltlst be tot]ched to start all} cooking or
cleaning function,
Sho_._stile time of da); oxvn telllperattlre,
whether the oven is in the bake, broil or
self:vlemfing mode and the times set fi)r
the timer or automatic oxen opemtk)ns.
ff "F- and a number orletter" flashin thedisplay and
theovencontrolsignals, thisindicates a functionerror V4_
code. Touchthe CLEAR/OFFpad Allow the oventocool for
onehour.Putthe ovenbackintooperation if thefunctionerror
coderepeats,disconnectthepower to theovenandcall for
ffyour ovenwas set for a timed oven operationand a
power outage occurred, theclockandall programmed
Thetime of daywill flash #1thedisplay when therehas
beena power outage.
Touch to select selik-leaning fimction. See tile
Usingthe self-cleaning oven section.
= ....
Touch to tm'n tile o_en light on or oftl
Else ahmg with COOKTIME or SELFCLEAN
LO/STD pads to set the o_vn to start and stop
automatical b at a time you set.
Touch and then touch the nunlber pads to set
the amount of time you want your filed to
cook. Tile oven will shut off when tile
cooking time has Ytli1()kit.
Touch to cancel ALL oven operations except
the clock, timer and control lockout,
Touch befi)re setting the clock.
Number Pads
Else to set an} flmction requiring nmnbers
such as tile time of da) on the clock, the
time_; the oxen temperature, the internal
filed temperatm'e, the start time and
length of operation fi)r timed baking
and sellqlemling.
Touch to select the timer teatm'e.
Touch when using tile probe to cook fbod.
Touch to keep cooked tbods warm. See tile
How to Set the Ovenfor Warming section,
Tile control lockout is 9and O.Touch and
hold the 9 and 0 pads at the same time tar 3

ge.com (U.S.)
Using the oven. vvvvw.OEAppliances.ca(Canada)
Toavoid possible bums, place the racks in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
The racks have stops, so that when placed
correcflv on the supports, they will stop
before coming completely out, and will
not tilt.
Toreplace, place the end of the rack
(stop-loci<s) on the support, tilt ul) the
fl'ont and push the rack in.
_A]_en placing and removing cookware,
pull the rack out until it stops.
The bake burner is under the oven floo_:
Do not place toods on the oven bottom
fi)r cooking.
Toremove a rack, pull it toward you,
tilt the ti'ont end up and pull it out.
Theoven has 7rack positions.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
rackin the lowest position (,4),youwffl needto
usecautionwhen pulling the rackout We
recommendthat youpuff the rackout several
inchesand then,using two pot holders,puff the
rackout by ho/ding the sidesof it Therackis low
andyou couldbe burnedif youplace yourhand in
the middle of therackand pu// a// the wayout Be
verycarefulnot to burnyourhandon the door
when using therack in the/owestposition (A).
[] Touch the BAKE pad.
[] Touch the number pads to set
the desired temperature.
[] Touch the STARTpad.
[] Check fi)od fin" doneness at
minimum time on recipe. Cook
longer if necessmT:
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking, is coml)lete.
NOTE:A coolingfanwillautomaticallyturnon
andoff tocoolinternalparts.Thisisnormal,and
thefanmaycontinueto runevenaftertheoven
in turnedoff
TypeofFood Rack Position
Frozenpies(oncookiesheet) CorD
Angelfoodcake A
Bundtorpoundcakes BorC
Biscuits,muffins,brownies, CorD
Casseroles CorD
Turkey A
If baking fi)ur cake layers at the same time,
place two la)'e_ on rock B and t_ layers on
rack D. Stagger pans on the rack so one is
not (tirect]} ab_)_e the othe_:

Usingthe oven.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Do not place foods directly on tlTe
oven floo_
Cut stirs f17the foil just like the grid.
Preheat the oven it tile redpe calls fin" it.
Preheating is necessm T for good results
when baking cakes, cookies, past_ T and
Topreheat,settheovenat thecorrecttemperature.
Thecontrolwillbeepwhentheovenis preheated
Thepreheattimewill van/dependingonthe
Aluminum Foil
You can use aluminum toil to line tile
broiler pan and broiler grid. Howe_e_;
you must mold tile fifil tighfl) to tile grid
and cut slits in it just like tile grid.
Without tile slits, tile foil will prevent tilt
and meat juices fi'om draining into tile
broiler pan. The juices could become
hot enough to catch on fire. If wm
do not cut tile slits, you are essenfiallv
fiTing , not broiling.
Oven Moisture
Baking results will be better if baking
pans are centered in tile oven as much
as possible. If baking with more than one
pan, place tile pans so each has at least 1"
(2.5 cm) to 1½" (3.8 cm) _ff air space
aI'Otlnd it.
Never entirely cover a rack with
aluminum fifil. This Mll dismd) tile heat
circulation and result in poor baking.
A smaller sheet of fl)il may be used to
catch a spillover by pladng it on a lower
rock several inches below the tood.
_&svour oven heats up, tile temperature
change of the air in the oven may cause
water droplets to titan on tile door glass.
These droplets are hamfless and will
e\'}lpoi'}lte }IStile oven contintles to
heat up.

Oven Vent
Ybm" oven is vented through one vent
located toward the rear ot the range, Do
not block this vent when cooking in the
oven--it is important that the flow oI hot
air fl'om the oven and fl'esh air to the
oven burner be uninterrupted, Avoid
touching the vent openings or nearby
surfaces duringoven or broiler operation--
they may become hot
Power Outage
CAUTION: Do not make any attempt to operate
the electric i_?nitionoven during an electrical
power failure.
The oven or broiler cmmot be lit dtwing a
power fifilm'e, Gas will not flow tmless the
glow bar is hot.
becomehotif left toodosetothevenL
Donot leaveplastic items on the cooktop--
theymay melt if left too close to the venL
Donot leaveany items on thecooktop. Thehot
air from the vent mayignite flammableitems
and will increasepressurein closedcontainers,
whichmay cause them to burst.
Metal items will becomeveryhot if theyare
left on the cooktop,and couldcause burns.
If the oven is in use when a power fifilm'e
occm_, the oven bm'ner shuts off and
cannot be re-lit tmfil power is restored.
This is bec;mse the flow of gas is
automatically stopped and will not resume
when power is restored tmtil the glow bar
has reached operating temperattu'e.

How to Set the OvenforBroiling
Always use the broiler pan and
grid that came with your oven. It
is designed to mflTimizesmoMng
and spattering by trappflTgjuices
f17the shielded lower part of the
oven OR.
[] Place the meat or fish on the broiler
grid in the broiler pan.
[] Follow suggested shelf positions in
the Broiling Guide.
[] The o_en door mtlst be closed
during broiling
[] Touch the BROILHI/LOpad once fi)r
HI Broil.
To change to LOBroil,touch the
BROILHI/LOpad again.
Broiling Guide
The size, weight, thickness,
starting, teml)eratm'e Food
and )'()Ill" pI'eleI'en('e GroundBeef
of doneness will afl'ect
broiling times. This guide Beef Steaks
is based on meats at Rarer
refrigerator temperature. Well Done
Well Done
Bakery Product
Bread (toast)
English Muffin
Pork Chops
Well Done
Well Done
Well Done
or Thickness
1/_-to 3/4"
(1.3cmto 1.9cm}thick
a/4"to 1"
(1.9cmto 2.5cm)thick
11/2"{3.8 cln} thick
2 to21_Ibs.(0.91kgto1.13 kg)
1wholecut up
split lengthwise
2 to 4slices
2 (split)
1lb. (0.45kg)(1/4"to I/2"
[0.6cmto 1.3cm]thick)
2 (1" [2.5 cm]thick)
2 (1/2" to s/4"
[1.3cmto 1.9cm]thick)
1" (2.5cm/thick
2 (72" [1.3cm]thick)
2 (1" [2.5 cm]thick)about
1lb. (0.45kg)
to 12oz.(283gto 340 g)
2 (11//' [3.8cm]thick)
about 1 lb.(0.45kg)
Use LOBroil to cook fi_ods such as poultr_
or thick cuts of meat thorot/ghly without
oxePbrowning them.
[] Touch the START pad.
[] _Aq_en broiling is finished, touch the
CtEAR/OfF pad.
Serxe the food immediatel), and lea_e the
pan outside the oxen to cool (ltn_no_ the
meal for easiest cleaning.
NOTE:Broil will not work if the temperature
probe is plugged in.
18 20
Second Side
Time (min.)
Space evenly.
(1.gcm)thick are
difficultto cookrare.
Englishmuffins cat-
with butter if desired.
Cutthroughback of
shell. Spreadopen.
Brushwith melted
andafter Mf of
lemonbutter before
if desired.
Donotturn skin-side-

ge.com (U.S.)
Using the clock, timerandcontrollockout, wvvw.GEAppliances.ca(Canada)
ToSet the Clock
Make sure the clock is set to the
correct time of da_
Thetimer is a mflTutetimer onI,A
Thetimer does not control oven
operations. The maximum setting on
the timer is 9hours and 59mflTutes.
The clock must be set to tile correct time
of (la_ fin" tile automatic oxen tinting
flmctions to work properl). Tile time of
da) cannot be changed duYing a timed
baking or self=cleaning cycle.
ToSet the Timer
ON/OFF pad.
Touch tile nmnber pads tmfil tile
_lIIlO/lnt of time yo/] want shows
in tile display: For example, to set
2 horns and 45 minutes, touch 2, 4
and 5 in that order: If you make a
mistake touch tile KITCHENTIMER
ON/OFFpad and begin again.
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
ToReset the Timer
[] Touch tile CLOCK pad.
[] Touch tile number pads.
[] Touch the START pad.
thedisplaydoesnot changeuntiloneminutehas
passedSecondswi//notbeshownb thedisplay
untilthe/astmbute iscountingdown.
[] _'_ hen tile timer reaches :00, tile
control will beep 3 times fbllowed
by one beep eve_ T 6 seconds tmtil
is touched.
The6-second tone can be cance/ed by following
thestepsb theSpecialfeaturesofyouroven
controlsectionunderTonesat theEndofa
If tile display is st.ill showing tile time
remaining, you may change it by
touching tile KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFFpad,
then touch the number pads tmtil the
time w)u want appea_ in tile displa>
ToCancel the Timer
pad twice.
Control Lockout
Yourcontrolwill allowyoutolockoutthetouch
To lock/tmhwk tile controls:
[] Touch tile 9 and Opads at tile same
time fin 3 seconds, tmfil tile displa)
[] To unlock tile control, touch tile 9
and 0pads at tile same time for 3
seconds, tin61 the display shows
If tile remaining time is not in tile display
(clock, delay start or cooking time are in
the display), recall the remaining time by
touching tile KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFFpad
and then touching tile number pads to
entei" tile new tiI/le VO/I W;lIlt,
When this teatm'e is on and tile touch
pads are touched, tile control will beep
and the display will show LOCON.
Thecontrollockoutmodeaffectsall touch

Usingthetimedbakingand mastingfeatures.
NOTE."Foods that sped easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for
more than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that
the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
The oven wi// turn on immed&te/y and cook for The displa) will show the changing
aselectedlengthof time.At theendofthe
cookingtimetheovenwill turnoff automatically
[] Touch the BAKE pad.
[] Using the nmnber pads, enter the
desired teml)erature.
[] Touch the COOKTIMEpad.
NOTE:If yourreciperequkespreheatingyou
[] Using the number pads, enter the
desired baking time. The oxen
temperatm'e and the cooking time
that wm entered will be displayed.
[] Touch the START pad.
temperature (starting at l O0°F [38°C])
and the cooking time. The display starts
changing once the temperatm'e reaches
The oven will continue to cook fi)r the
programmed amotmt of time, then shut
offautomafically, mfless the WM_,M
feature was set. See the HowtoSettheOven
Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear the
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Youcanset the oven control to de&y-start the
oven,cookfor a specific length of time and then
turnoff automatically
Make sm'e the clock shows the correct
time of day:
[] Touch the BAKEpad.
[] Using the number pads, enter the
desired temperature.
[] Touch the COOKTIME pad.
NOTE:If your reciperequkespreheating, you
mayneed to addadditional time tothe length of
[] Using the number pads, enter the
desired baking time.
[] Touch the DELAYSTART pad.
[] Using the number pads, enter the
time of da))ou want the oxen to
ttlYn on and start cooking,
[] Touch the STARTpad.
If you would like to check the times you
have set, touch the DELAYSTARTpad t(>
check the start time you have set or touch
the COOKTIME pad to check the length
of cooking time you have set.
X'_hen the oven turns on at the time of
da) you haxe set, the displa)will show the
changing temperatm'e (starting at 100°F
[. 8 C] ) and the cooking itme. The
disI)lm, starts changing, , once the
temperature reaches 100"F (38°C).
The oxen will continue to cook for the
programmed amount of time, then shut
off automaticall), mfless the X._M_,M
teatm'e was set. See the How to Set the Oven
for Warming section.
Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear the
NOTE:An attention tonewi// soundif youare
using tlYnedbakingand do not touchthe START
padafter entering the baking temperature.