trafc receiver
GTM™ 20 Instructions ...................................1
Instructions relatives au GTM™ 20 ................6

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October 2008
Part Number 190-00659-94 Rev. A
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GTM™ 20 Instructions
See the Important Safety and Product Information
guide in the GPS device box for product warnings
and other important information.
The Garmin® GTM 20 FM TMC Trafc
Receiver receives Trafc Message Channel
(TMC) information broadcast over the FM
radio data system. When a trafc message is
received, your Garmin GPS device can change
your route to avoid the trafc incident. Trafc
information is based on trafc data provided
with the permission of one or more third
parties. For coverage areas, refer to the Garmin
Web site at www.garmin.com/trafc.
To receive trafc information, the trafc
receiver must be connected to the GPS device
and to an external power source, and the trafc
receiver and GPS device must be in data range
of an FM station transmitting TMC data.
NOTE: Garmin is not responsible for the
accuracy of the trafc information.
GTM 20 Instructions 1

Connecting Your GTM 20
1. Remove the vehicle power cable from your
Garmin GPS device.
2. Connect the cable on the GTM 20 to the
power connector on your Garmin GPS
3. Plug the other end into a power outlet in
your vehicle.
To power outlet in vehicle
To power connector on Garmin GPS
4. Route the cable so that it does not interfere
with vehicle operating controls.
NOTE: Heated (metalized) windshields
could degrade the performance of the trafc
2 GTM 20 Instructions

Connecting an External Antenna
An external antenna may be included in the
product box to increase signal range. To
purchase an external antenna, go to
1. Connect the external antenna to the
GTM 20.
External antenna
External antenna
2. Use the attached suction cups to route
the external antenna on the windshield
vertically, if possible.
Before mounting the trafc receiver, see the Important
Safety and Product Information guide included with your
GPS device for information about laws pertaining to
windshield mounting.
GTM 20 Instructions 3