Garmin GNS 530, GNS 430 Training Syllabus

Garmin GNS 530/430
Sample Training Syllabus
and Flight Lessons
for Use by
Flight Schools & Flying Clubs
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
190-00334-00 Rev. A


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September 2003 Printed in the U.S.A.
190-00334-00 Rev. A
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
190-00334-00 Rev. A


Copyright .......................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ ii
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
Home Study Worksheets................................................................................................. 2
GNS 530/430 Home Study 1............................................................................................................3
Worksheet – Use of GPS in lieu of other avionics, regulations
GNS 530/430 Home Study 2............................................................................................................4
Worksheet – Terminology Review
GNS 530/430 Home Study 3............................................................................................................5
Worksheet – COM and VLOC Operation
GNS 530/430 Home Study 4............................................................................................................6
Worksheet – Direct-to and Flight Plan Navigation
GNS 530/430 Home Study 5............................................................................................................7
Worksheet – Arrival, Departure and Approach Procedure Operation
GNS 530/430 Home Study 6............................................................................................................8
Worksheet – GNS 530/430 Series Display Interfaces; TIS
GNS 530/430 Home Study 7............................................................................................................9
Worksheet – GNS 530/430 Series Display Interfaces; GDL 49 Weather
GNS 530/430 Home Study 8..........................................................................................................10
The Role of Avionics in Aeronautical Decision Making and Single-Pilot Resource Management
GNS 530/430 Flight Orientation ................................................................................... 12
Lesson 1: GNS 530/430 Introduction - Cross-Country Flight .....................................................13
Lesson 2: Local Operational Flight Review
Lesson 3: GNS 530/430 Dual Installation Introduction
Lesson 4: Dual Installation MFD Operations
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
190-00334-00 Rev. A


In ight schools, ying clubs and aircraft rental organizations, pilots are often required to learn how to operate the vari­ous types and makes of avionics installed in the rental eet. In most cases, no specic training is provided on this equip­ment other than for rudimentary operation and minimum functions; in some cases no training is provided at all.
In modern aircraft, a number of new navigation techniques and pieces of equipment are available that are designed to enhance the safety of ight operations in visual and instrument meteorological conditions. Advances in navigation tech­nology can provide the greatest benets in situational awareness and help reduce the cost of ight operations by allowing more direct routes and simplied approach procedures.
Of all of these advances, none of them alone can bring about a major change in the accident rate of general aviation air­craft. Pilot training and periodic evaluation is the key to realizing the safety benets of new technology and reducing ac­cident rates. The combination of technology and pilot training will help increase safety, lower insurance costs and improve the public perception of general aviation.


The enclosed sample syllabi and lesson plans are provided as part of the FAA – Industry Training Standards program (FITS). This information is designed to be incorporated into existing ight training/aircraft checkout/recurrent qualica­tion programs.
The syllabi and lesson plans are valid for both GNS 530 and GNS 430 series Garmin avionics. There are 3 main train­ing types that this material may be used for: home study, ight checkout and recurrent.
The home study portion is designed to prepare the pilot for use of the avionics and to maximize the ight training seg­ment that follows. This part of the materials is for use with any pilot who plans to y aircraft equipped with GNS 530/430 avionics. It can be incorporated in any stage of pilot training, including private pilot, instrument and commercial as well as aircraft checkouts and recurrent training, instrument prociency checks (IPCs), and ight reviews.
The ight training segments emphasize scenario-based training. These ights are designed to be cross-country ights resembling normal ight operations. The en-route segment is ideal for standard air work and provides an opportunity to train a pilot in both VFR and simulated IFR conditions quickly. It challenges the pilot’s ability to respond to a suddenly increased workload while testing his or her ability to properly use the avionics systems.
The recurrent training portion uses the same sample enclosed materials for use in conjunction with insurance qualica­tions, IPCs, or ight reviews and is equally well suited for each. The structure remains the same and is based around the home study review of the avionics in preparation for the ight segment. It encourages use of all system capabilities which, depending on the pilot’s typical ight operations, may not be used in the normal course of the ight.
These lessons are only sample lesson plans and are designed to be used in conjunction with other programs. Sugges­tions and recommendations are welcome and will be taken into consideration in future document revisions. Comments/ suggestions can be sent via e-mail to the Garmin FITS Program Manager at:
190-00334-00 Rev. A
These documents are samples only and are provided solely as tools to help Certied Flight Instructors develop their own training programs. It is also the sole responsibility of the CFI and pilot in training to ensure that training is completed to an appropriate level of prociency.
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
190-00334-00 Rev. A

Home Study Worksheets

To develop a basic level of knowledge surrounding the operation of Garmin GNS 530/430 avionics prior to the com­mencement of actual ight training.
Terminology Review
Review of requirements for the use of GPS in lieu of other avionics equipment
Communications radio operation
VOR/LOC (VLOC) operation
GPS operation
Additional interfaces and associated operations
Avionics use as an aid to the aeronautical decision making process
PC simulator exercises
Each lesson is designed to take approximately 1 to 2 hours.
GNS 530/430 Pilot’s Guides and Quick References
GNS 530/430 Interface Addendum
GNS 530/430 PC simulator
Student Actions:
Complete all lessons prior to arriving for training/checkout ight(s).
Completion Standards:
Satisfactory completion of all worksheets/lessons prior to ight training as determined by instructor.
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
190-00334-00 Rev. A

GNS 530/430 Home Study 1

Worksheet – Use of GPS in lieu of other avionics, regulations

After reviewing AIM section 1-1-21 f. (Use of GPS for IFR Oceanic, Domestic En Route, and Terminal Area Operations), answer the following questions:
1. In general, can the GNS 430 or GNS 530 be used for IFR operations in place of ADF and/or DME equipment?
2. Describe the requirements for determining aircraft position over a DME x using GPS.
3. Describe the requirements for ying a DME arc using GPS.
4. Describe the requirements for holding over an NDB/compass locator using GPS.
5. Must the Jeppesen navigation database be current to y approaches under IFR?
6. What does the abbreviation RAIM stand for?
7. For preight preparation, how can you obtain GPS RAIM information?
8. While ying an approach, what should the pilot do if a RAIM warning is received prior to arrival at the Final Approach Waypoint?
9. Explain the difference between y-over and y-by waypoints and draw a picture of their approach chart symbols.
10. On some approaches, the heading information portrayed on the GPS is slightly different than the heading shown on the chart; why does this happen?
190-00334-00 Rev. A
Garmin GNS 530/430 Sample Training Syllabus and Flight Lessons
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