Garmin GNS 480, CNX 80 Supplement

GNS 480 SW Version 2.4 Upgrade Supplement
This supplement provides information regarding new features of software version 2.4 for GNS 480. There was no change to the GNS 480 Cockpit Reference Guide.
The following document was revised to Revision G to include information for new features of the software upgrade v2.4 for the GNS 480 (refer to Service Bulletin 1519 and STC Service Bulletin 1521):
• GNS 480 Pilot’s Guide & Reference, Garmin AT Part Number 560-0984-01 Rev. G (Garmin P/N 190-00502-00 Rev D)
The combination of the documents listed below at revision F and this supplement, P/N 190-01917-00 are equivalent to Revision G of the document listed above.
• GNS 480 Pilot’s Guide & Reference Garmin AT Part Number 560-0984-01 Rev. F (Garmin P/N 190-00502-00 Rev C)
• GNS 480 SW Version 2.4 Upgrade Supplement Garmin AT Part Number 560-01917-00 Rev. A
Current documents are available at for free download. Printed copies may be purchased by contacting Garmin Customer Support.
190-01917-00 Rev A
GNS 480 (CNX 80) Pilot’s Guide
Annunciations - Page 11-12
The LP +V procedure type was added.
Annunciation Description
GPS Indicates GPS is being used as the navigation source. Appears in lower left corner of the display.
VOR/ILS/LOC Indicates VOR/ILS/LOC is being used as the navigation source. Appears in lower left corner of the display.
ENR Appears to the right of the “GPS” annunciator when in En Route mode. When > 30 nm from departure or destination and not on departure or arrival
procedure. CDI resolution is ± 2 nm.
TERM Appears to the right of the “GPS” annunciator when performing approach navigation within 30 nm of departure or arrival airport. CDI resolution is ± 1
APPR Appears to the right of the “GPS” annunciator when GPS approach is active, and on Final Approach course (i.e. VTF or FAF, MAP, or the first Missed Approach
waypoint is active. CDI resolution is variable for all approaches and becomes more sensitive as you near the runway.
LOI “LOI” (Loss of Integrity) appears on the left side of the map display when WAAS/GPS is unable to calculate the integrity of the position or calculated
integrity is insufficient to support the current phase of flight.
BC The Back Course annunciation appears to the right of “LOC” when the Back Course Localizer mode is enabled.
DR The Dead Reckoning annunciator appears on the left side of the map display when GPS position is unavailable and the GNS 480 is in Dead Reckoning
mode. Dead Reckoning mode will continue until GPS position is restored or the first Pilot Nav leg is reached.
PTK The Parallel Track annunciator appears in the lower left corner of the display when parallel track is active.
SUSP Suspend annunciation appears in the lower left corner of the display when automatic sequencing of waypoints in the active flight plan is suspended.
M Message annunciation appears in the lower left corner of the display when a message is available for viewing. A blinking “M” indicates a new message.
VTF Vector To Final annunciation appears in the lower left corner of the display when “Vector To Final” approach mode is active, which may be activated
manually or automatically.
ALT Appears for Lnav/Vnav, Lnav+V, or LPV approaches when the aircraft’s estimated height is lower than the Final Approach waypoint height by more than
the current VPL plus 50 meters.
190-01917-00 Rev A
+ 4 hidden pages