Garmin 0060200 PILOT MANUAL

hazard avoidance pilot’s guide
for the Cessna Citation Mustang
190-00498-00_0A.indd 1 3/1/2005 10:33:38 AM
Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
Record of Revisions
03/01/05 7-1 – 7-53 Initial release.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang190-00498-00 Draft
This document describes the Hazard Avoidance features of the G1000 system. The main hazards to flight safety are flying in or near weather, flying in close proximity to the terrain and other flight traffic in close proximity.
The information contained in this section assumes un
derstanding of the G1000 Multi Function Display.
This section is divided into groups as follows:
• GDL 69A (XM Weather)
• GWX 68
• WX 500 Stormscope
• Terrain Proximity
• TAWS (Terrain Awareness Warning System)
• TIS (Traffic Information System)
• TAS (Traffic Advisory System)
CAUTION: GDL 69A NEXRAD weather data is to be used for long-range planning purposes only. Due to inherent delays and relative age of the data that can be received, NEXRAD weather data should not be used for short-range avoidance of weather.
WARNING: Use of any GDL 69A Weather Product for thunderstorm penetration is prohibited. Weather information provided by the GDL 69 is approved only for weather avoidance, not penetration.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
The GDL 69A is a remote sensor that is capable of re­ceiving XM Weather and displaying it on the G1000 Multi Function Display and the Primary Flight Display Inset Map. The GDL 69A is also capable of receiving XM Radio Services. XM Weather and XM Radio operate in the S­band frequency range to provide continuous uplink capa­bilities at any altitude throughout North America.
NOTE: Before the GDL 69A can be used, the unit must be activated by XM Satellite Radio. The XM Satellite Radio Activation Instruction Sheet con­tains important information required to initiate XM Satellite Radio Subscription for the GDL 69A. This sheet was given to the aircraft owner at the time of delivery.
NOTE: Refer to the G1000 Option pilot’s guide for information on the XM entertainment radio segment of the GDL 69A.
Radio IDs
The GDL 69A are shipped with a Data Radio ID and an Audio Radio ID. You must obtain the Radio IDs of your receiver(s) before subscribing to XM services. The IDs are attached to the XM Satellite Radio Activation Instructions sheet included with the unit. They are also printed on a label on the back of the unit and are displayed on the XM Information Page. Contact the installer if you are unable to locate the Radio IDs.
Activating XM Radio Services
To activate the XM Radio Weather Service:
1. Turn the large
FMS knob to select the Auxiliary
Page Group. Turn the small FMS knob to display the AUX - XM Page.
2. Press the INFO softkey to display the XM
Information Page.
3. Contact XM Satellite Radio through the Internet or by telephone. Follow the directions provided by XM Satellite Radio.
4. Verify that the desired services are activated and press the DONE softkey.
5. Turn the large
FMS knob to highlight ‘YES’
or ‘NO.’ Press the ENT key to complete activation.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang190-00498-00 Draft
Figure 7.1.1 XM Information Page
Radio ID
DONE Softkey
Weather Products
Radio ID
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
Flight Information Services (FIS) weather information provided by the GDL 69 is displayed on the following MFD Maps and Pages:
• Navigation Map Page (
NEXRAD and XM Light-
ning only)
• Weather Data Link Page (complete GDL 69 capa­bility)
• Nearest Pages (NEXRAD and XM Lightning only)
• Airport Information Page (NEXRAD and XM Lightning only)
• Flight Planning Maps (NEXRAD and XM Light­ning only)
• AUX - Trip Planning Map (NEXRAD and XM Lightning only)
• WPT - Weather Information Page - part of the WPT - Airport Information Page (METAR and TAF information only)
FIS weather information is also displayed on the Pri
­mary Flight Display Inset Map. See the G1000 PFD Pilot’s Guide for more information.
NOTE: Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) are displayed on all pages. Cell Movement is always displayed with NEXRAD data.
Complete GDL 69 capabilities include:
• Graphical NEXRAD Data (NEXRAD)
• Graphical METAR Data (METAR)
• Textual METAR Data
• Textual Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAF)
• City Forecast Data
• Graphical Wind Data (WIND)
• Graphical Echo Tops (ECHO TOP)
• Graphical Cloud Tops (CLD TOP)
• Graphical Lightning Strikes (XM LTNG)
• Graphical Storm Cell Movement (CELL MOV)
• NEXRAD Radar Coverage (displayed with NEXRAD data)
• Surface Analysis including City Forecasts (SFC)
• County Warnings (COUNTY)
• Freezing Levels (FRZ LVL)
• Hurricane Track (CYCLONE)
• Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR)
NOTE: FIS (also known as Flight Information Services - Broadcast, or FIS-B) supplies real-time weather information and other flight advisory information for enhanced situational awareness, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang190-00498-00 Draft
Displaying Weather Data on the Navigation Map Page
When appropriately configured, the Navigation Map Page displays NEXRAD, Cell Movement, TFRs and XM Lightning data. This capability improves situational awareness, which makes it easier to relate storm activity to airports, navaids, obstacles and other ground references.
Navigation Map Page Weather Control Softkeys
The following softkeys control the display of GDL 69 weather data on the Navigation Map Page:
NEXRAD – pressing the NEXRAD softkey displays
NEXRAD weather and coverage information. The NEXRAD option is mutually exclusive with the TOPO, TERRAIN and STORMSCOPE options. That is, when NEXRAD is activated, TOPO and/or TERRAIN and/or STORMSCOPE are turned off.
XM LTNG – pressing the XM LTNG
softkey displays XM lightning information. XM Lightning is mutu­ally exclusive with the STORMSCOPE option.
To display weather data on the Navigation Map Page:
1. Press the
2. Press the
softkey to dis­play the desired weather. Press the applicable softkey again to remove weather data from the Navigation Map Page.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
Cell Movement
XM Lightning
XM Lightning
Figure 7.1.2 Navigation Map Page Displaying NEXRAD Weather
NEXRAD Softkey
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang190-00498-00 Draft
Navigation Map Setup Options
The crew can customize the display of GDL 69 weather data on the Navigation Map Page by using the Map Setup Weather Group Options Menu. The following options are available:
NEXRAD DATA - Turns the display of NEXRAD data and radar coverage on or off and selects the desired display range.
XM LTNG - Turns the display of XM Lightning on or off and selects the desired display range.
NOTE: Stormscope (when installed) and all GDL 69 Weather Pro d ucts are mutua l ly exclusive. Stormscope is not a GDL 69 Weather Product.
CELL MOVEMENT - Turns the display of storm cell movement on or off. The Cell Movement option is only shown when NEXRAD is turned on.
NOTE: In Figure 7.1.3, the Stormscope menu options are only shown when the Stormscope unit is installed.
Figure 7.1.3 Map Setup Options
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
To customize the Navigation Map Page:
1. On the Navigation Map page, press the
2. While the ‘Map Setup’ selection is highlighted on the Page Menu, press the
ENT key.
3. Turn the small FMS knob to display the group selection window. Turn the FMS knob to select the ‘Weather Group’ and press the
ENT key.
Figure 7.1.4 Weather Display on the Nearest NDB Page
4. While the Map Setup menu is displayed, turn
the large FMS knob to highlight and move between the product selections. When an item is highlighted, turn the small FMS knob to select the desired option and press the ENT key.
Displaying Weather Data on the Nearest Pages
In addition to the Navigation Map Page, the Nearest Pages displays Stormscope, NEXRAD and XM Lightning data.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang190-00498-00 Draft
Displaying METAR and TAF on the Airport Information Page
METAR and TAF text is displayed on the Airport In-
formation Page when the WX softkey is pressed. Once
the WX softkey is pressed the page title changes from ‘WPT - Airport Information’ to ‘WPT - Weather Infor­mation’. The METAR data is first displayed in a decoded
fashion, then the raw text is displayed. TAF information is only displayed in its raw form.
NOTE: METAR is the Aviation Routine Weather Report, generally standard around the world. Temperatures are given in Celsius. The atmo­spheric pressure is reported in hecto pascals everywhere but the US where it is reported in inches of mercury. Standard temperature and atmospheric pressure are 59° F (15°C) and 29.92 in. Hg (1013.2 hPa).
NOTE: TAF is an airport forecast, generally stan-
dard around the world. TAF forecasts significant weather changes, temporary changes, probable changes and expected changes in weather condi­tions.
To display METAR and TAF text on the Air­port Information Page:
1. Turn the
large FMS
knob to select the WPT Page
2. Turn the
small FMS
knob to select the Airport
Information Page.
3. Press the WX softkey to display METAR and TAF
text (METAR and TAF information is updated every 12 minutes).
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
Figure 7.1.5 METAR and TAF Text Displayed on the Airport (Weather) Information Page
TAF Text
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang190-00498-00 Draft
Displaying Weather Data on the AUX – Trip Planning Page Map
NEXRAD and XM Lightning Data can be displayed on the AUX - Trip Planning Page Map by pressing the NEXRAD and XM LTNG softkeys.
Figure 7.1.6 AUX - Trip Planning Page Map Displaying NEXRAD Weather
Figure 7.1.7 Stored Flight Plan Page Map Displaying Weather Data
Displaying Weather Data on the Flight Plan Page Maps
NEXRAD and XM Lightning Data can be displayed on the Flight Plan Page Maps by pressing the NEXRAD and XM LTNG softkeys.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
Displaying Weather on the Weather Data Link Page
The Weather Data Link Page displays all available weather products. The display of the weather data can either be selected by softkeys located at the bottom of the display or through the Weather Data Link Setup menu.
Figure 7.1.8 Weather Data Link Page
To select the Weather Data Link Page:
1. Turn the
large FMS
knob to select the Map Page
2. Turn the
small FMS
knob to select the Weather
Data Link Page.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang190-00498-00 Draft
Weather Data Link Page Softkeys
The following softkeys perform the GDL 69A weather functions on the Weather Data Link Page:
NEXRAD – press the NEXRAD softkey to show
NEXRAD weather and radar coverage information (both are activated at the same time). Composite data from all of the NEXRAD radar sites in the United States is shown. This data is composed of the maximum reflectivity from the individual radar sweeps. The display of the information is color-coded to indicate the weather level severity. The update rate is every five minutes. Refer to the legend for a description of the color code.
NOTE: WSR-88D weather surveillance radar or NEXRAD (NEXt generation RADar) is a Dop­pler radar system that has greatly improved the detection of meteorological events such as thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes. An extensive network of NEXRAD stations provides almost complete radar coverage of the conti­nental United States, Alaska and Hawaii. The unobstructed range of each NEXRAD is 124 nautical miles.
NEXRAD Abnormalities
There are possible abnormalities regarding displayed NEXRAD images. Some, but not all, of those include:
• Ground Clutter
• Strobes and spurious radar data
• Sun strobes, when the radar antenna points directly at the sun
• Interference from buildings or mountains, which may cause shadows
• Military aircraft deploy metallic dust which can cause alterations in radar scans
NEXRAD Limitations
Certain limitations exist regarding the NEXRAD radar displays. Some, but not all, are listed here for the crew’s awareness:
• NEXRAD base reflectivity does not provide sufficient information to determine cloud layers or precipita
tion characteristics (hail vs. rain, etc).
• NEXRAD base reflectivity is sampled at the minimum antenna elevation angle. An individual NEXRAD site cannot depict high altitude storms at close ranges, and has no information about storms directly over the site.
• The resolution of displayed NEXRAD data is 2 kilo­meters. Therefore, when zoomed in on the display, each square block is 2 kilometers. The intensity level reflected by the square will be the highest level sampled within the 2 kilometer square area.
NEXRAD Intensity
Colors are used to identify the different NEXRAD echo intensities (reflectivity) measured in dBZ (decibels of Z). “Reflectivity” is the amount of transmitted power returned to the radar receiver. Reflectivity (designated by the letter Z) covers a wide range of signals (from very weak to very strong). So, a more convenient number for calculations and comparison, a decibel (or logarithmic) scale (dBZ), is used. The dBZ values increase as the strength of the signal returned to the radar increases.
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Garmin G1000 Hazard Avoidance Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Citation Mustang 190-00498-00 Draft
ECHO TOP – press the ECHO TOP softkey to show
the location, elevation and direction the highest radar echo. This may not indicate the top of a storm or clouds, only the highest radar return echo. The information is derived from NEXRAD information and indicates the highest altitude at which precipitation is falling. ECHO TOPS and Radar coverage are activated at the same time. ECHO TOPS are mutually exclusive from both NEXRAD and CLOUD TOPS, that is, when ECHO TOPS is activated, NEXRAD and CLOUD TOPS are removed. Refer to the Legend for a descrip­tion of the ECHO TOPS coding. The update rate is every 7.5 minutes.
NOTE: Cloud Tops and Echo Tops use the same color scaling to represent altitude. Turning on both products at the same time is not allowed.
RADAR COVERAGE – The display of Radar Cover-
age is always active when NEXRAD and ECHO TOPS are selected and indicates the currently available NEXRAD Radar coverage and ECHO TOPS areas by showing the area in a grayish­purple color where information is not being collected. Areas where radar capability exists, but is not active or is off-line, will not be shown as available. Areas where radar coverage is not avail­able will be shown in grayish-purple. The update rate is every five minutes.
CLD TOP – press the CLD TOP softkey to show
the cloud top altitude determined from satellite imagery. Refer to the legend for a description of the CLOUD TOPS color coding. The update rate is every 15 minutes.
LTNG – pressing the LTNG softkey shows the loca-
tion of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. The update rate is every five minutes.
NOTE: Strike location falls within a 2 km region. Therefore, the exact location of the strike is not displayed.
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+ 37 hidden pages