Adding an Advanced Trick Area
Performing animals need a specific area set aside in their show tanks where more advanced tricks are performed. Purchase an advanced trick area by clicking the Show Objects tab on the Adopt Animal panel.
Adding Show Toys
Some tricks will only be performed if the animal has the required toy. Purchase toys by clicking the Show Objects tab on the Adopt Animal panel. Toys cannot be placed in the advanced trick area.
Setting up Performances
Now it’s time for the script! When you build a show tank, a program will be scheduled automatically. You can adjust the performances for maximum effect using the Show Script panel, accessed by clicking a grandstand or the feeding platform in the show tank exhibit. Remember that you make more money the more shows you have, but it will make your performers unhappy.
TRICKS Add and delete
selected tricks to and from your show.
TRICKS IN SHOW Change the order
of a selected trick in your show.
how much happier your guests may be with this sequence of tricks.
FREQUENCY Change how often
the animals will perform.
ADMISSION Change the admission price.
New Features
Zoo Tycoon™: Marine Mania™ introduces new features that make it
easier to maintain exhibits and control zoo objects.
Assigning Maintenance Workers to Tasks
You can now assign maintenance workers to carry out specific tasks. To do so, click a maintenance worker, and then click the Assignments tab on the Staff Information panel. Select assignments to have the worker carry them out; clear the check box to remove the assignment from the worker’s task list.
Moving Guests
Find you’ve got a pesky guest who’s wandered out into the middle of nowhere? Pick up guests in the same way you pick up animals. Click the guest you want to move, and then click the hand icon in the Guest Information panel to pick up the guest. (You can also double-click guests to pick them up.)
Viewing completed research
Check out the research you’ve completed by clicking the Completed Research tab on the Zoo Status window, which you can access by clicking
your entrance gate.
Special water buildings
Some new water-themed buildings in Marine Mania require being placed on terrain water tiles, such as the boat rental shack, tame dolphin ride, and swim shack.
Building type
Alphabetized by type.
For an unobstructed view of your exhibits, use the toggles in the lower-left corner of the screen to hide or display various objects throughout your zoo.
Hides or displays:
foliage guests buildings
Using the drop-down menus at the top of the Construction, Adopt Animal, Structures, Hire Staff, and Research/Conservation panels, you can view only original Zoo Tycoon content, Marine Mania content, or both.
To determine the revenue generated by your food stands, composting facilities, and other profitable buildings, click the Commerce Building List tab in the Zoo Status window. The Zoo Status window can be accessed by clicking your entrance gate or the Zoo Status button.
Months in operation Listed by
oldest to newest.
Average profit Arranged by
most to least profitable.
Number of visitors Sorted by
most to least popular.
Total profit Arranged by
most to least profitable.
0802 Pa rt No. X0 8-9 8264
Hide/show buildings
Hide/show foliage
Hide/show guests
Hide/show grid
Save a game
Load a saved game
Rotate counter-clockwise
Rotate clockwise
Zoom in
Zoom out
Pause/resume game
Increase grid
Decrease grid
Construct exhibit
Adopt animal
Hire staff
Buy buildings/objects
Show messages
Display file options
Display scenario objectives
Display Zoo Status
Display Guest Info
Display Exhibit Info
Display Animal Info
Display Staff Info
Change the species to perform the show.
Safety Warning
About Photosensitive Seizures
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including  ashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.
The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: play in a well-lit room, and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.
If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.
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The names
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Technical Support Options
For all of our support offerings, visit In Canada, visit To get started, try the following:
For articles targeted at specific issues, visit the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
To work with a Microsoft Support Professional over the Internet, submit your issue at
For your product’s general support policy, visit
. Phone Support: For toll-free support in the U.S., call (800) 537-8324. In Canada, call (905) 568-3503 (toll charges may apply). These numbers are for technical issues only—do not use them to request game hints, codes, or cheats.
TTY Users: Microsoft text telephone (TTY/TDD) services are available at (425) 635-4948 in Washington State, (800) 892-5234 in the U.S., and (905) 568-9641 in Canada.
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Microsoft’s support services are subject to then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice.
Creating Marine Exhibits
For step-by-step instruction on building a marine exhibit, see the
interactive Marine Mania tutorials.
In-Ground and Above-Ground Tanks
Unlike for land exhibits, in marine exhibits you can control the height of the tank walls and the eleva­tion of the bottom, allowing you to create a variety of tanks for different sizes of animals.
After you place the tank, you can raise and lower
the tank walls and tank base using the Modify Tank tab on the Exhibit Information panel, which you can access by clicking the tank’s platform.
Draining Tanks
Tanks are filled automatically when you create an exhibit. If you need to drain the tank, click Drain/Fill Tank on the Exhibit Information panel.
Marine exhibits have a few more variables to keep track of than other exhibit types. Although the water defaults to salt water, you can drain the tank and refill it with either salt water or fresh water.
Marine Specialists
Your zookeepers are great for elephants and tigers, but they’re in over their head when dealing with the special needs of marine life. You can hire marine specialists from the same place you hire zookeepers and other zoo staff, on the Hire Staff panel.
Creating Marine Exhibits
You need to keep clean water in your tanks—dirty water will make your animals unhappy. Purchase tank filters by clicking the Fences tab on the Construction panel. Marine specialists also
clean tanks, but it keeps them from other tasks, like running shows.
Remember that your filters can break down. If you see one sitting idle, get a maintenance worker on it right away.
Combined land and water exhibits
One of the advantages of Marine Mania is that not only can you create tank exhibits for marine-based creatures, but you can add a tank exhibit portion to a regular land exhibit for any animal that enjoys a good swim. Construct combined exhibits by building a tank exhibit adjacent to or within an existing land exhibit, making sure the animal can get into the water. But make sure that your animals can’t climb out the other side of the tank and escape!
Constructing a Show Exhibit
To set up a marine show, you’ll need to construct a show tank where the animals will perform. Show tanks have their own special walls, which you can purchase on the Construction panel just like all other walls in Zoo Tycoon.
Show tanks must be constructed alongside an existing exhibit tank—when you construct the show tank, a portal will be placed between the two. The animal will live in its exhibit tank but will swim into the show tank for its scheduled performances.
For step-by-step instruction on setting up a show, see
the interactive Marine Mania tutorials.
Everyone loves seeing a dolphin jump through a hoop or an orca perform a spectacular breach. Marine Mania gives you the ability to have your marine animals perform and make additional money for your zoo.
Purchasing a Show Animal
Not every animal wants to be a star. Only five animals perform shows in Marine Mania. These animals are designated by a star next to their icon on the Adopt Animal panel.
Purchasing a Grandstand
Purchase grandstands and place them near the show tank to keep your guests happy. Grandstands are mandatory if you want to charge an admission fee for performances.
Bottlenose Dolphin Orca Sea Otter
Great White Shark
California Sea Lion