3DO Europe Ltd
21-23 Mossop Street
London SW3 2LY
The Might and Magic™ IX computer game is a fictional work. Any similarity or resemblance of any in-game characters to any real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.
The software and related manual for this 3DO product are copyrighted. No portion of this product may be photocopied, scanned, translated, reproduced, copied or reduced to any tangible or electronic medium or machine–readable form, or publicly performed or displayed, without the prior written consent of The 3DO Company. The owner of this product is entitled to use the software and related manual for his or her own use, but is not entitled to reproduce and distribute any copies of the software or manual to any other individual or entity; nor to rent or lease this product or any copy thereof to any third party.
This product contains the LITHTECH™ Development System licensed from LithTech, Inc. LITHTECH Development System © 1997–2002 LithTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. LITHTECH and the LithTech logo are trademarks of LithTech, Inc.
Uses Bink Video. ©1997–2002 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Uses Miles Sound System by RAD Game Tools, Inc. © 1991 – 2002
Windows 95, Windows 98, XP, DirectPlay, and DirectX are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
3 Table of Contents
Table of Contents ✦ 4
WELCOME LETTER FROM JVC......................................10
IX ........................................................11
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................12
The History of Chedian ................................................................12
A Brief Note About Time ........................................................12
Dia Clan Era (~500–0 BC)..................................................12
The Great Cataclysm (0 BC)..................................................12
The New Settlers (0 BC–Present) ..........................................13
Modern Chedian (521 AC) ....................................................13
The Thjoradric Wars ......................................................................14
About Elemental Thjorad ........................................................14
The Early Wars (112–200 AC) ............................................14
The Middle Wars (240–310 AC) ..........................................14
The Late Wars (350–400 AC) ..............................................15
The Final War (404–418 AC) ..............................................16
Elvish History ....................................................................................17
Elvish Names..............................................................................17
The Elvish Clans........................................................................17
GETTING STARTED....................................................................19
Manual Conventions ......................................................................19
Installation ..........................................................................................19
QUICK START..................................................................................20
Character Creation ..........................................................................20
Keyboard Commands ....................................................................23
Experience and Leveling ..............................................................25
Objectives and Quests ....................................................................25
5 Table of Contents
Table of Contents ✦ 6
Combat ................................................................................................25
Real Time Combat ....................................................................26
Turn–based Combat ..................................................................26
Attack and Cast Spells..............................................................26
GAME MENUS ................................................................................27
Main Menu ........................................................................................27
Game Options ............................................................................27
Video Options..............................................................................28
Sound Options ............................................................................28
Keyboard ....................................................................................28
CREATING CHARACTERS....................................................29
Character Creation Screen............................................................29
Character Name ........................................................................30
Race/Gender ..............................................................................30
Class ............................................................................................30
Statistics ......................................................................................30
Points Available ........................................................................30
Starting Skills..............................................................................30
Compare ......................................................................................30
Accept Party................................................................................30
Attributes ............................................................................................31
Races ....................................................................................................34
Human ........................................................................................34
Elf ................................................................................................34
Dwarf ..........................................................................................34
Half–Orc .....................................................................................35
Classes (The Paths of Might and Magic) ................................35
The Path of Might (Fighter) ........................................................36
Crusader ......................................................................................36
The Path of Magic (Initiate) ........................................................37
Healer ..........................................................................................37
Stats ......................................................................................................38
Basic Stats ..................................................................................39
Derived Stats ..............................................................................40
Other Combat Stats ..................................................................41
Weapons Skills ............................................................................41
Armour Skills..............................................................................42
Magic Skills ................................................................................43
Specialty Skills............................................................................43
Spells ....................................................................................................45
Arms of Earth ............................................................................45
Chain Lightning ........................................................................45
Curse ............................................................................................45
Dark Grasp ................................................................................45
Death's Touch ............................................................................46
Disease ........................................................................................46
Divine Intervention ..................................................................46
Elemental Aura..........................................................................46
Elemental Blast..........................................................................46
Elemental Bolt............................................................................46
Elemental Protection ................................................................46
Enchant Item..............................................................................46
Eye of Leggib..............................................................................46
Eye of the Storm ........................................................................46
Faith ............................................................................................47
Fear ..............................................................................................47
Feather Fall ................................................................................47
Fleet Foot ....................................................................................47
7 Table of Contents
Table of Contents ✦ 8
Haste ............................................................................................47
Heal ..............................................................................................47
Lloyd's Beacon............................................................................47
Magic Mine ................................................................................47
Meteor Shower............................................................................47
Natural Armour ........................................................................47
Pain Reflection............................................................................47
Phantom Fighter ........................................................................48
Poison ..........................................................................................48
Poison Cloud ..............................................................................48
Power Draw ..............................................................................48
Purify ..........................................................................................48
Resist Death................................................................................48
Resurrection ................................................................................48
Shared Life ................................................................................48
Sparks ..........................................................................................48
Spell Reaver ................................................................................48
Torchlight ....................................................................................49
Town Portal ................................................................................49
Turn Undead ..............................................................................49
Wizard Eye ................................................................................49
Wound ..........................................................................................49
Wrath of Bugs! ..........................................................................49
MENUS AND GAME SCREENS........................................50
Adventure Screen ............................................................................50
Compass ......................................................................................51
Character Portraits....................................................................51
Health, Magic, Conditions and Spell Effects........................51
Ready Light................................................................................51
Action Text..................................................................................52
Character Info Screens ..................................................................52
Statistics Screen (First Tab) ....................................................53
Skills Screen (Second Tab) ......................................................54
Inventory Screen (Third Tab)..................................................55
Spells (Fourth Tab)....................................................................56
Map Screen..................................................................................57
Notes Screen ................................................................................58
Buy/Sell Screen ..........................................................................59
Rest Screen ..................................................................................61
Save/Restore Screen ..................................................................62
EXPLORATION ..............................................................................63
Movement and Interaction ..........................................................63
Ground Movement ....................................................................63
Ships ............................................................................................64
Rest ..............................................................................................64
Dealing with Objects ......................................................................64
Loose Items..................................................................................64
Chests, Crates and Drawers ....................................................64
Buttons and Switches ................................................................65
Dungeon Entrances....................................................................65
Interior Doors..............................................................................65
Town Doors ................................................................................65
Interaction with NPCs (Non–Player Characters)..................66
Talking ........................................................................................66
Receiving a Quest ......................................................................66
Promotion Quests ......................................................................66
Secondary Quests........................................................................66
Hiring and Firing NPCs ..........................................................67
Towns ..................................................................................................67
9 Table of Contents
Shops ....................................................................................................67
Buy Standard or Special Items ................................................67
Display Inventory ......................................................................68
Sell ................................................................................................68
Repair ..........................................................................................68
Identify ........................................................................................68
Learn Skills ................................................................................68
Types of Shops ............................................................................68
Real Time vs. Turn–based Combat ............................................71
EXPERIENCE AND ADVANCEMENT ........................73
Experience Points and Leveling ..................................................73
Class Ranking ....................................................................................74
MAGIC SYSTEM ............................................................................75
Scrolls and Wands............................................................................75
Potions ................................................................................................75
CUSTOMER SUPPORT............................................................76
Letter from JVC ✦ 10
Dear Might and Magic fans,
If you’re an old-time fan of the Might and Magic series, then you’re in for a real treat. We’ve taken your excellent suggestions and used them to make what we think is the best Might and Magic game ever. If you’re new to Might and Magic, you are about to take your first step into a world that is filled with fantastical monsters, foreboding dungeons, and legendary heroes.
We’ve made a lot of new changes that will make this experience as fun a game experience as you’ve had. We’ve enhanced the skill system, made the dungeons better, and the monsters smarter. Due to your suggestions, the NPCs you hire will once again be able to fight alongside you in your quests.
We had a great time making Might and Magic, and hope you will have as much fun playing it as we did making it.
Have fun!
Jon Van Caneghem
Creator and Designer Might and Magic I–IX
NOTES ....................................................................................................77
11 What’s New
Introduction ✦ 12
Might and Magic veterans are going to immediately notice the amazing improvements and innovative features in this new installment of the award–winning series.
• For the first time ever, players will be presented with a breathtaking truly
3D environment. Might and Magic IX utilises a brand new 3D engine, completely immersing you in the most realistic Might and Magic world yet!
• The new conversation system in Might and Magic IX causes the
conversations to adjust to events that you have taken part in. NPCs now react accordingly, and the storyline evolves as your party progresses.
• While the new engine is 3D, players should not try to just blaze through the game as if it were a first–person shooter. This is because, while there are fewer enemies and wandering creatures than before, they are now much smarter. Moreover, this time they know you’re coming and they won’t let you just run by. What's the secret to making a difference? Remember, Turn–based Combat was invented for a reason, and in Might and Magic IX, it has a purpose.
• Players are going to enjoy the all–new spellcasting system, which uses spells much like other skills. In previous versions, spells belonged to one specific spell school. Now, casting a Heal spell requires an Elemental skill and Light skill. All magic users can learn the basics of healing. Only the higher level Light Masters and Grandmasters are the ones who wield it with the best results.
Excerpt from "The Encyclopedia Historica" by Isaec Norton
The history of Chedian is rough at best, especially prior to the Great Cataclysm. Its original settlers were the Half–Orcs, who did not keep many records because most of their traditions were oral. Unfortunately, after the Great Cataclysm, most of their oral traditions were forgotten. With the introduction of new races, much has changed.
A Brief Note About Time
Time is measured in years After Cataclysm (AC) or years Before Cataclysm (BC), which is the number of years before or since Verhoffin cast the spell that destroyed the old Ursanian Empire.
Dia Clan Era (~500–0 BC)
An Ursanian Empire expeditionary force first discovered Cheh’dian around 500 BC. There are a few brief records from this time documenting some skirmishes with a group of Half–Orcs in a northerly region known as Chadianne. Presumably, this was a misspelling of the Half–Orcish word "Cheh’dian" meaning "Land of the Dia Clan". This misspelling took, however, and evolved to the name we know today as Chedian. Sadly, the traditions and histories of the Chedian Half–Orc settlers have been lost in time due to the deaths of the storytellers in the Great Cataclysm.
The Great Cataclysm (0 BC)
Before 0 BC, Rysh, the continent Chedian lies upon, was a very different place. The Ursanian Empire’s hold on the continent was nearly complete. Their area of influence was large, and their ambitions larger. During this period in the Ursanian Empire, its emperors were plagued by suspicion and mistrust. Immediately prior to 200 BC, in a remote province near the centre of the Ursanian Empire, a previously unknown sorcerer appeared and constructed a large tower. He used the name Verhoffin, and claimed the tower as a sovereign province independent of the Ursanian Empire. Emperor Ralfor and his successors mounted several unsuccessful campaigns against Verhoffin.
13 Introduction
Introduction ✦ 14
Somewhere near 10 BC, Emperor Trandis assigned an assassin named Nazrim to assassinate Verhoffin. After 10 years and the commissioning of several magical artifacts, Nazrim attempted to end Verhoffin’s life. Nazrim failed, and in response to this attempt, Verhoffin climbed to the top of his tower and cast a spell that laid waste to half the Ursanian Empire. For thousands of miles, he wreaked havoc and destroyed land. Earthquakes ripped the surviving cities apart. A giant section of the land surrounding Verhoffin’s Tower was torn asunder, forming what is now known as the Verhoffin Sea. Most of the citizens of the Ursanian Empire were left without homes or families. Although the Ursanian Empire would last another 13 years, this event is generally associated with the fall of the Ursanian Empire.
The New Settlers (0 BC–Present)
Of all the regions that were affected by the Great Cataclysm (sometimes called Verhoffin’s Cataclysm), Chedian was affected the least. Although its climate and landscape changed, Chedian suffered very little. In other areas, survival was a struggle. Those who were able to followed the sparse food supplies. Eventually those food supplies led to the fertile lands of Chedian. Since the Great Cataclysm, the population of this region grew enormously. At first, the dominant population of Half–Orcs was reluctant to accept the new settlers, but times were rough and any able hand became a welcome hand.
Modern Chedian (521 AC)
Modern Chedian is divided into six major clans, each ruled by their own leader. Known as a Jarl, this leader is autonomous from the other clans, though trade between clans is frequent. Much of the economy of modern Chedian (particularly in Thjorgard) is centred on the trade, refining, and use of a new metal known as Elemental Thjorad. Elemental Thjorad is a metal that is easy to work, and takes well to powerful enchantments. Some of the strongest magical items made in the last 500 years have been made from Elemental Thjorad.
Given the amazing properties of Elemental Thjorad, it is surprising that so few wars have been fought over the possession of it. There have been only a dozen wars in the last 500 years (collectively known as the Thjoradric Wars), and the last one was fought nearly a century ago. With the exception of the Sturmford and Drangheim clans, the Jarls speak often to each other, and work out their disagreements every summer at a festival known as "The Thing".
Most of the daily life in Chedian now centres on the planting seasons and the raiding seasons. There are wealthy towns along the Coast of the Verhoffin Sea, and it is not uncommon to see raiding ships full of soldiers heading toward the rich lands to the south.
Since the discovery of Elemental Thjorad (somewhere around 100 AC), there have been a number of wars over who controls this valuable resource. The last one was fought in 418 AC between Thjorgard and Thronheim.
About Elemental Thjorad
Elemental Thjorad is a metallic substance that takes to enchantment easily. It is also by nature very heavy. It is only found in the Miner’s Gulch region of Thjorgard. It is possible that it might be found elsewhere in the Fenn Mountains (the mountain range encircling the Verhoffin Sea), although the expense it would incur to prospectors makes the concept nearly unfathomable.
The Early Wars (112–200 AC)
The first four Thjoradric wars were fought between rival village chiefs in the region now known as Thjorgard. During this time, a single chief came to prominence. He became known as Bjarnus the Mighty, and in addition to uniting the Thjorgardian clans, he founded the city of Thjorgard (named for the ore that is mined there). His army conquered the last of the Thjorgardian clans, and became known as The Thjorgard Clan. Thjorgard enjoyed peace even after Bjarnus’ death…until 238 AC.
The Middle Wars (240–310 AC)
In 238 AC, Hridmir Strawhands, the Jarl of Thjorgard, travelled to Thronheim to meet his prospective bride for the first time. During a game of stones that Hridmir was playing with her older brother Hafgrim, the two began arguing. Hridmir strangled Hafgrim over the game board and promptly left for home. Hafgrim’s father, Dain Fasoltssen, was outraged. He demanded Hridmir pay a wergild of 2000 pounds of Elemental Thjorad. Hridmir refused, and Dain invaded Thjorgard.
Thjorgard was under siege for thirty days, until Dain broke through the walls and Hridmir fled. Under Dain’s leadership, his army looted the city of Thjorgard. Houses were burned, shops were looted, and its citizens were held in the grip of fear. Dain held the city for exactly two days until Hridmir’s sister Oda arrived and chased his army from Thjorgard. She chased them all the way to Thronheim and laid siege to his city. Dain eventually paid Oda off, and she raised her siege.
15 Introduction
Introduction ✦ 16
Thjorgard and Thronheim had three more wars, and during that time Thronheim was razed at least twice. Eventually, Dain’s grandson Leip forced Thjorgard to sign a peace treaty that lasted until 404 AC.
The Late Wars (350–400 AC)
Thronheim was not the only clan interested in the valuable ore known as Elemental Thjorad. Thjorgard was invaded by Frosgard in 350 AC, under the leadership of the Jarl Olaf the Fat. He was bent on conquering all of Chedian under his iron fist. He commissioned a special sword, believing that no one could stop him while he carried a magical weapon known as Jorhgamesh. While his army marched toward battle with the Thjorgardian army, Olaf the Fat wandered off alone. He was beset by highwaymen. They killed him and stole his sword. Without their Jarl, the Frosgardian army was decimated the following day. Most of the survivors were taken as prisoners. The ancestors of those survivors live in Thjorgard to this day.
Several years after the death of Olaf the Fat, a warrior from Sturmford raised an army with the intention of taking Thjorgard by force. He claimed to be the grandson of Sven Bloodaxe, the legendary warrior who was ever victorious in combat. After several attempts to take Thjorgard by sea, he was caught in a storm and drowned when his boat sank.
Not all wars were fought on the battlefield. A rich Thjorgardian merchant tried to buy for himself the Jarlship of Thjorgard. The Jarl at the time, Roderik the Stout, was, by all accounts, a fat slob. He was more interested in enjoying the wealth of his position than in providing for his people. Ragnar used the money he had made from trading in Elemental Thjorad to influence some of the people close to Jarl Roderik. Unfortunately for Ragnar, one of Roderik’s confidants exposed the plot, and instead of being the new Jarl, Ragnar found himself on the end of a noose.
The Final War (404–418 AC)
When Thjorgard was forced to sign the peace treaty with Thronheim, Leip required a yearly donation of 1000 pounds of Elemental Thjorad to be paid to the Thronish Jarl. By 400 AC, the Thjoradric industry was in a slump. The Thjoradric miners were barely mining enough Elemental Thjorad to pay off Thronheim. By 404 AC, the people had had enough.
The people of Thjorgard, led by a man named Geitlif Strongpick, deposed their Jarl. They quickly named Geitlif the new Jarl, and he promptly sent a message to Thronheim. They would no longer pay. Thronheim responded by sending an army to lay siege to Thjorgard. Geitlif was prepared for this and used the tunnels that snaked through the mountains of Thjorgard to ambush the Thronish army. After a year of enduring the hit and fade strategies of Geitlif, the Thronish army finally left Thjorgard.
Thjorgard and Thronheim did not stop fighting. They fought off and on for another fourteen years, until they mysteriously stopped in 418 AC. Rumour has it, and this author believes, it was the closure of the mountain pass between Thronheim and Thjorgard that prevented more fighting. Since the end of the last Thjoradric War, nearly a century ago, Thronheim and Thjorgard have become close allies. Several Thronish Jarls have married into the Thjorgardian Jarls’ families and vice versa. They have forged a peace that looks to last forever.
17 Introduction
Introduction ✦ 18
Elvish Names
Before the Great Cataclysm, all the Elves in Chedian were part of one of thirteen clans. Each clan also had several sub–clans known as Sils. When naming children, the Elves of this era adhered to the following rule:
Given Name de Mother’s Name A’Clan Name a’sil
So, an elven female named Ete, who is the daughter of Forbhlaith, who is part of the Dorad clan and the Blackclaw Sil, has a full name of:
Ete de Forbhlaith A’Dorad a’blackclaw
Note the lower case a’ for the Sil. Since the Sil is a sub–clan, it is not capitalised. In elvish society, this is known as the Regal Name or Proper Name. It is used only in formal ceremonies and in formal introductions to Elves of other clans. For most everyday introductions, the Elves use the Common Name, composed of the Given Name and the Clan Name. Therefore, the preceding example would be:
Given Name A’Clan or: Ete A’Dorad
Despite the dissolution of the clans and Sils, most Elves still try to follow this paradigm to the best of their ability. There are a few "modern" Elves who have begun to follow the naming conventions of the humans. These Elves usually live in major towns, and often interact with Humans and Dwarves who rarely understand the concept of clans and Sils.
The Elvish Clans
Before the Great Cataclysm, the Elves were separated from other races, and retained their sovereignty as long as they paid their tributes to the Ursanian Empire. The Elves were one of the few groups that did not resist being absorbed into the Ursanian Empire. In fact, there is some evidence that the Elves actually asked to be part of the Ursanian Empire.
Most of the records were written on a special paper known as Cuni. This paper was made from the now extinct Cundis tree. Most of the records themselves were kept in a central location in the elvish lands known as At’rann, the word for "utopia" (literally "Place of Bliss" or "Place of Light", both words being synonymous in elvish tongue). According to the ancient maps, the town known as At’rann was four hundred leagues south of Verhoffin’s Tower. Today, this would place it squarely at the bottom of the Verhoffin Sea.
Since At’rann was buried underneath the sea, it is assumed that all of the Historical Cuni have been destroyed. There is some debate, however. Some claim since At’rann was the elvish utopia that it was protected from destruction during the Great Cataclysm, and now currently resides in its entirety under the Verhoffin Sea.
There are those who believe in the existence of the complete written history of the Elves called the Cunic Records. These followers believe they include the fate of all the clans, including a mysterious lost fourteenth clan known as A’Rikdun. Many historians have gone on expeditions to the area believed to be the location of At’rann, and have tried to find evidence of its existence. To date, all these expeditions have returned empty–handed.
Without these records, virtually nothing is known about elvish history, except where their history intersects with the histories of other cultures. Thus, it is known that the elvish clan leader Thrata A’Dorad invited the Ursanian Imperial Guard to set up a garrison in the elvish town of Etendar. It is not known who he was or why he did so. Most of what is known of elvish history is what is spoken on the tongues of the Elves themselves. Much of that is myth related to elvish heroes. Perhaps one of these days, one of the expeditions to the probable location of At’rann will return with pieces of the Cunic Records.
19 Getting Started
Quick Start ✦ 20
This manual assumes that you are using a standard keyboard and two–button mouse and have an understanding of their use. If you do not understand any of the following terms, you might want to take a few moments to review them in your Microsoft Windows tutorial materials.
Click Right–click Double–click Drag Crosshair
Note that Might and Magic IX was designed to be easy to use, so just about every detail of the game is available if you right–click on any object or button.
Refer user to the Installation Card and/or to the Read Me file on the CD. To install your copy of Might and Magic IX onto your hard drive, please see the enclosed Installation Card and read over the Read Me file on the Install CD.
After the installation is complete, double–click on the Might and Magic IX icon on your desktop or select the Play Might and Magic IX menu option under 3DO/Might and Magic, accessed from the START menu in Windows. After the initial logo screens, you will arrive at the Might and Magic IX Main Menu.
The following is a brief summary of the essentials you’ll need in order to start playing Might and Magic IX. The rest of the manual beyond this chapter goes into more detail on creating characters, Menus, Spells, and other pertinent game information.
Your first course of action will be to create the four characters in your party. If you would like to just jump right in and start playing, click on
21 Quick Start
Quick Start ✦ 22
the Accept Party button (the green checkmark) and your party’s Statistics and Skills will be chosen for you. Otherwise, you can proceed with the following steps:
1. Select a Character – Begin by selecting your first character’s Race
and Gender. Click on the left and right arrows beneath the Character Portrait to scroll through your female and male character choices: Human, Half–Orc, Elf, and Dwarf. Keep in mind that certain races are biologically better in certain Classes; for example, a Half–Orc is built to be a Fighter due to its innate strength and power, whereas an Elf would make a better Initiate considering its smaller stature and natural Magic ability.
2. Name – Each character comes with a name, but you can change it
simply by clicking on it and typing in your character’s new name.
3. Class – Go to the "Choose a Class" box and select either "Fighter"
or "Initiate". A Fighter relies on brute force and a weapon, and an Initiate relies on spellcasting to attack enemies or to aid party members. As your characters gain experience and the opportunity to advance their Class, they can become a more specialised Class. A Fighter may choose to become a Crusader, and then potentially either a Ranger or Paladin. An Initiate may advance to Scholar, and then perhaps become either a Mage or Lich. (For more information, go to the "Creating Characters" chapter and see "Classes".) It is suggested that, on your first time through Might and Magic IX, you create a party featuring two Fighters and two Initiates.
4. Voice – When your character speaks, what will he or she sound
like? Click the right and left arrows underneath "Voice" to give your character’s voice a recognisable persona.
5. Stats – Each character has a list of statistics that you can adjust.
Changing these Stats will affect how the character performs in combat. (For more detailed information on each statistic, see "Stats" in the "Creating Characters" chapter.) Some Races are naturally better or worse in certain Stats. For instance, a Half–Orc’s Might is very high because the Half–Orc is a big, strong creature. However, due to its large size, its Speed is very slow. Every character gets 10 extra Points to distribute amongst their Stats, so you can compensate for the Half–Orc’s slow gait by increasing its Speed Stat. However, keep in mind that some Races have bonuses and penalties for certain Stats, so the Point cost for increasing or decreasing that Stat will be doubled. For example, Dwarves are poor Magic users. Therefore, to increase a Dwarf’s Magic Stat by 1 Point, it will cost you 2 Points. Elves, on the other hand, are very accurate, so putting 1 Point into their Accuracy Stat will increase it by 2
Points. If you accept the party as it appears without spending the ability points, these Points will be distributed automatically for you.
6. Starting Skills – Choose two Skills from the list of Starting Skills.
To find out more about any Skill, right–click on it.
7. Compare – When you have chosen all four party members, click on
the "Compare" (a picture of four party members) button in the lower–right corner. Use the Compare Screen to see how each party member balances out, then return to each character’s screen and make any necessary adjustments.
8. Accept Party – Once you’ve created your party, you’re ready to
begin! Select the Accept Party button (green check mark) in the lower–right corner.
9. Equip – When gameplay begins, press the ‘I’ key to bring up your
Inventory Screen. Select each character’s portrait, click on the Inventory Navigation Tab (second tab from the bottom), and drag any weapons or armour each character is carrying onto their body to equip them. You can also simply double–click each item to automatically equip it.
10. Quick Spells – Once your Initiates have learned their basic spells, by
double-clicking on the Spell Book in the Inventory, select the Spell you would like to have loaded and ready to go for quick casting by clicking on the spell to highlight it, then clicking on "Set Quick" to load it. Whenever you would like to cast the spell, highlight your spellcaster and right–click your mouse.
23 Quick Start
The following Keyboard Commands are the default settings. If you wish to remap any of the following commands, you can do so in the Options Menu under "Keyboard" or press the ‘F1’ key while on the Adventure Screen.
Mouse Look with Keyboard
Quick Start ✦ 24
W move forward
Up Arw move forward
S move backward
Dwn Arw move backward
A sidestep left
D sidestep right
Rt Arrow turn right
Lt Arrow turn left
Left-Shift run/walk (momentary)
F1 keyboard remap
F5 quick save
F8 screenshot
F9 quick load
1–4 select character
5–7 converse with NPC
X jump
I inventory screen
J journal book
M map book
B spell book
Q quest book
N notes
R rest
G ID monster (momentary)
F party formation screen
C crouch
Y yell
Z quick reference (momentary)
Tab cycle through characters
ESC main menu/return to game
Enter turn-based mode toggle
Shift D/Delete delete item from inventory
Shift 1-4 move item in inventory to PC#
Spacebar activate/use/open
D L–Click (inventory) equip item
D L–Click (spell book) cast spell immediately
R–Click (on a menu) quick info (momentary)
L–Click range/melee/attack
R–Click (on the Adventure Screen) spell/range/melee/attack
Shift S quick sell of inventory in stores
Shift D delete item in inventory screen
\ toggle the display
Page Up look up
Page Down look down
*D L–Click = double left-click
+ 28 hidden pages