Fujifilm SP-3 Specification

High-speed printing
High-speed pri nting i n 10 seconds*
A new lase r exposure sy stem achieves a fas ter printin g time of 10 second s from print da ta transfe r to print outp ut. At the same time, prin ting noise is l ower which make s your printi ng experie nce much more enjoyable.
* SP-3: App rox. 13 seconds.
Superb image quality
High de fini tion & high image quali ty ideal for photos
High resolution with print pixels of 600 x 800 / 800 x 800 dots and of 318 dpi clearly shows detailed gradations and the face expressions of a full-length portrait, characters, materials, etc.
instax technology excels in color development and preservation
The instax system develops colors by delivering the light to pigments and producing chemical reactions. It reduces the deterioration of color and sharpness caused by aging which proves excellent image stability just like silver-halide photographic prints.
Direct printing from FUJIFILM digital cameras
Turn the i mages you t ook wit h your dig ital ca mera into in stax pr ints o n the spot !
With FUJ IFILM digi tal cameras, you c an make instax prints by sending the images direct ly from your cam era to “instax SH ARE”. Check
for the deta ils
SHARE app expands new ways to enjoy instax prints
Various templates available
My Template
Other templates
•Custom Filter
(Brig htness, Contra st, Saturatio n)
•Color Filte rs
•Social me dia sources
(for Insta gram, Facebo ok & Google Photo s)
•Limited Template
SP-3 only
add text to photos
(black & white, sepia)
Split on e image into t wo
Real time template
2 images 3 images 4 images 9 images
Fujifil m Intelligence Filter
An optim um image processing technology to brig hten up a photo that turn ed out too dark .
before after
When you select "Real T ime Templat e" and take a photo, the date, pl ace, weather, temperature, and hum idity are indicated in the frame.
Download the "instax SHARE" app today
SP-3 only
New user inter face and functi on for better usability
Android™ phones
Editing functions
Operating environment
•Android™ pho nes: Installed with Android Ve r. 4.0.3 or later and Google Pla y.
•iPhones: Ins talled with iOS Ver. 8.0 or later. Some ty pes of phones sati sfying the above conditions ma y not be compatible with instax SHA RE even if the app is ins talled.
Access ins tax SHARE website for the latest information on system requirements.
Smar t Phone Printer
Recording method Film Photo capacity Image size Supported image size Printing resolu tion Printing levels Interface
Supported image format Printing time Approximate printing capacity Power supply Charging time Power consumption Operating temperature Dimensions Weight Supplied accessory
* Varies de pending on th e conditions o f use.
•Specificatio ns and appearance of produ cts are subject to change with out notice. •The colors of th e actual product may be diff erent from those used in th is catalog due to various co nditions for printing. •A pple and Apple logo are trad emarks of Apple Inc., registe red in the U.S. and other cou ntries. App Store is a ser vice mark of Apple Inc. • Google Play and Goo gle Play logo are trademark s of Google Inc. •Faceb ook and Facebook logo are t rademarks or registered tradem arks of Facebook Inc. •Ins tagram is a trademark or a registe red trademark of Instagram , Inc. •Some types of s martphones may not b e able to send large size images due to their limi ts of wireless communic ation. •Some type s of smartphones may n ot able to perform wireles s communication via a m emory card. •The image size may af fect sharpness and gra ininess of the finished print. •D epending on the file size a nd smartphone ty pe, wireless communic ation may take a long time. •The s martphone type and shooting condition may affect the color tone and quality of the finished print. •The finished print m ay look different from t he image viewed on the smar tphone display. •The images of print s and smartphones pr inted in this catalog are sim ulated ones.
Approx. 9 0 minutes (Varie s depending on batte ry remaining level)
instax S HARE SP-2 instax S HARE SP- 3
FUJIF ILM Instant F ilm “instax mini”
46 mm x 62 mm
600 x 80 0 dots
Standard compliance: IEEE802.11b/g
Operatio n frequency: 2.4 GHz ( 5 GHz is not support ed.)
Image Recor ding - photo output ( Feed out) Approx . 10 sec.
Approx. 100 prints (Based on our test conditions)*
89.5 mm × 131.8 mm × 40 mm (exclud ing projections)
2 W
250 g (with out battery and fi lm pack)
Micro USB cable
3-color exposure with OLED
10 prin ts/pack
12.5 dots/mm (3 18 dpi, 80 μm dot pitch) 256 levels pe r color (RGB)
Operatio n frequency: 2412 MHz to 246 2 MHz (11 ch)
Image Recor ding - photo output ( Feed out) Approx . 13 sec.
Approx. 160 prints (Based on our test conditions)*
Approx. 3 hours (Varies depending on battery remaining level)
+5°C to +40 °C/+41°F to +104°F (no condens ation)
116 mm × 130.5 mm × 44.4 mm (excludin g projections)
FUJIF ILM Instant F ilm “instax SQU ARE”
62 mm x 62 mm
800 x 80 0 dots
Standard compliance: IEEE802.11b/g/n
3 W
312 g (without ba ttery and film pack )
Micro USB c able, Ferrite cor e
insta nt colo r film
Film si ze : 54 mm x 86 mm Image size : 46 mm x 62 mm
Film si ze : 72 mm x 86 mm Image si ze : 62 mm x 62 mm
Ref. No. RB-1703E(SK•17•9•F1079) ©2017 FUJIFILM Corpora tion
Creative Prints from Smartphone.
Create instax prints from your smartphone
Select your best shots from yo ur
smartphone and get instax prints by
just tra nsfer ring t he imag es from the
app to SP-2 or S P-3 via W i-F i
connecti on.
Full film size: 54 x 86 mm / Screen size: 46 x 62 mm Full film size: 72 x 86 mm / Screen size: 62 x 62 mm
Share Something Real.
Silver Gold
Creative Prints from Smartphone.