Franklin Fueling Systems (FFS) strives to produce the nest manual possible and to ensure that the information that it
contains is complete and accurate FFS periodically review the manuals. However, FFS reserves the rights to change this
document and specications at any time without notice. FFS makes no expressed or implied warranty with regard to the
contents of this manual. FFS assumes no liability for errors, omissions or for any damages, direct or consequential, that
may result from the use of this document or the equipment that it describes.
This manual is for use expressly with the T5, T550, and T5000 at their approved specications. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of FFS.
Open Source Notice
The T5 series consoles implement open source software released under the General Public License (GPL) as well as
other open source licenses. As a customer, you are entitled to receive a copy of the licensed source code used within our
product, if so desired. Please contact our sales staff for more information.
FFS®, Tank Sentinel®, System Sentinel®, SCALD®, Brite®, BriteBox®, BriteBus®, and BriteSensors® are registered
trademarks of Intelligent Controls. All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
Inspection of Materials
Visually inspect all components for defects or damage prior to installation. If any defect or damage is found, do not use the
product and contact FFS for further assistance.
Warranty Information
Please refer to the FFS Fuel Management Systems & Product Warranty Policy for all warranty information.
AC Input Modules.....................................................................................................................................21
4-20 mA Input Modules ........................................................................................................................... 23
Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Fuel Management System .......................................................................................................................28
Special Tanks ...........................................................................................................................................29
Manifold Tank System ..............................................................................................................................29
Appendix A - Standard Tanks Table .................................................................................59
Appendix B - Standard Products Table ........................................................................... 61
Appendix C - Typical Tank Leak Test Times ...................................................................61
Important Safety Messages
FFS equipment is designed to be installed in association with volatile hydrocarbon liquids such as gasoline and diesel
fuel. Installing or working on this equipment means working in an environment in which these highly ammable liquids
may be present. Working in such a hazardous environment presents a risk of severe injury or death if these instructions
and standard industry practices are not followed. Read and follow all instructions thoroughly before installing or working
on this, or any other related, equipment.
As you read this guide, please be aware of the following symbols and their meanings:
This symbol identies a warning. A warning sign will appear in the text of this document when a potentially
hazardous situation may arise if the instructions that follow are not adhered to closely. A potentially hazardous
situation may involve the possibility of severe bodily harm or even death.
This is a caution symbol. A caution sign will appear in the text of this document when a potentially hazardous
environmental situation may arise if the instructions that follow are not adhered to closely. A potentially
hazardous environmental situation may involve the leakage of fuel from equipment that could severely harm
the environment.
This symbol identies an electrical danger. An electrical danger sign will appear in the text of this document
when a potentially hazardous situation involving large amounts of electricity may arise if the instructions that
follow are not adhered to closely. A potentially hazardous situation may involve the possibility of electrocution,
severe bodily harm, or even death.
Alarms and warnings are designed to alert you with specic details when a problem occurs so you can
take appropriate corrective action. System hardware failure warnings, tank related alarms, leak detection
sensor alarms, and line leak alarms can be custom programmed to do many things. The events that require
programming are denoted by a (p) below:
- cause the red Alarm light or yellow Warning light to ash (standard)
- activate / sound the console annunciator alarm horn (p)
- activate internal output relays for external alarm devices (p)
- print alarm reports automatically, either locally (internal printer), or remotely (USB - HP compatible printer) (p)
- send alarm and test reports to a specied e-mail address (p)
- send reports to remote location(s), via internal data/fax modem (p)
Follow all applicable codes governing the installation and servicing of this product and the
entire system. Always lock out and tag electrical circuit breakers while installing or servicing
this equipment and any related equipment. A potentially lethal electrical shock hazard and the
possibility of an explosion or re from a spark can result if the electrical circuit breakers are
accidentally turned on during installation or servicing. Please refer to the Installation and Owner’s
Manual for this equipment, and the appropriate documentation for any other related equipment, for
complete installation and safety information.
Follow all federal, state and local laws governing the installation of this product and its associated
systems. When no other regulations apply, follow NFPA codes 30, 30A and 70 from the National Fire
Protection Association. Failure to follow these codes could result in severe injury, death, serious
property damage and/or environmental contamination.
Always secure the work area from moving vehicles. The equipment in this manual is usually
mounted underground, so reduced visibility puts service personnel working on this equipment in
danger from moving vehicles entering the work area. To help eliminate these unsafe conditions,
secure the area by using a service truck to block access to the work environment, or by using any
other reasonable means available to ensure the safety of service personnel.
When the Fuel Management System is used to monitor tanks containing gasoline or other
ammable substances, you may create an explosion hazard if you do not follow the requirements in
this manual carefully.
All wiring must enter the console’s enclosure through the designated knockouts. An explosion
hazard may result if other openings are used.
You must run wiring from probes or sensors to the Fuel Management System console in conduits
which are separate from all other wiring. Failure to do so will create an explosion hazard.
Certied Programmer/Service Person: Only an FFS certied programmer or service person is allowed to access both
the user interface keypad and areas internal to the Fuel Management System console.
Station Owner/Operator: The station owner or operator of the Fuel Management System console is only allowed to
access the user interface keypad. Access to areas internal to the console is strictly prohibited.
Substituting components could impair intrinsic safety. T5XXXs are intrinsically safe for sensors
installed in – Class I, Division 1, Group D – hazardous locations. Substitution of components could
make the energy limiting circuitry in the system ineffective and could cause an explosion hazard.
Repairs to a T5XXX console or attached components should only be performed by a qualied,
factory-trained technician.
All Fuel Management System models are UL and cUL listed 6L79 as Liquid Level Gauge / Leak Detection
Systems. Third party approved leak detection — Pd (probability of detection) = 99.2 % for 0.1 or 0.2 gph leak tests
(0.1 = annual precision test, 0.2 is the monthly regulatory compliance test).
*The static tank test does not support Manifolded tanks.
**SCALD is 3rd party approved for ONLY two Manifolded tanks.
The purpose of this manual is to guide installers, operators and technicians through programming and troubleshooting
the T5 series console, so that it’s congured based on a site’s specic needs. The Fuel Management Systems (FMS)
application within the T5 Series consoles tie together the monitoring and alarm capabilities of preceding automatic tank
gauges with advanced technologies to supply tank and level data more accurately and efciently. This manual is also
designed to introduce technicians to the optional LCD Graphical User Interface, which is used as an input device to
program system conguration and maintain all applications from the front panel of the console as well as through a web
interface. Overall safety issues, troubleshooting information, warranty, service and return policies, as dened in this
manual, must be followed.
FMS Functions
The main function of the Fuel Management System is to represent levels for inventory and tank leak testing by monitoring
probe inputs and performing calculations based on those inputs. Line leak sensing devices also provide input signals.
Results from these calculations may be used for system monitoring and/or regulatory compliance. The console, in
conjunction with external fuel system equipment, may provide positive system shutdown, based on programmed rules.
Sites that utilize Fuel Management Systems have the ability to monitor and perform:
• Tank Inventory Level Information
• Tank Leak Detection
• Sensor Conguration
• Line Leak Detection
• Sump Leak Detection
• Compliance Line and Leak Testing
FMS also allows sites to generate and print the following reports:
• Inventory Reports
• Delivery Reports
• Tank Test Results
• SCALD Testing Reports
• Regulatory Reports
• Sensor Reports
Denitions and Acronyms
Module – A module is a plug-in card within the T5 series console that is used to perform various functions of the console.
The modules are used for eld wiring of the input and / or output of electrical signals between different functional
equipment pieces.
RS-232 – An IEEE standard for serial communication using a 9-pin connector.
RS-485 – An IEEE standard for serial communication using Shielded Twisted Pair or Unshielded Twisted Pair wiring.
RJ-45 – An IEEE standard connector for use in communications with Shielded Twisted Pair wiring. Usually data.
RJ-11 – An IEEE standard connector for use in communications using Shielded Twisted Pair wiring. Usually voice and fax.
2SM – 2-Wire Sensor Module (Intrinsically Safe)
ACIM – AC Input Module
AIM – 4-20mA Analog Input Module (Intrinsically Safe)
AST – Aboveground Storage Tank
ATG – Automatic Tank Gauge
CARB – California Air Resources Board
CM – Controller Module
DCE – Data Communication Equipment
DIM – Dispenser Interface Module
DTE – Data Terminal Equipment
DTU – Data Transfer Unit
DW/DWT – Double Wall/Double Wall Tank
EVR – Enhanced Vapor Recovery
FMS – Fuel Management Systems
IS – Intrinsically Safe
ISD – In-Station Diagnostic
LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
LIM – LonWork Interface Module
LLD – Line Leak Detection
PC – Personal Computer
PM – Probe Module (Intrinsically Safe)
PSM – Power Supply Module
RTD – Resistance Temperature Detectors
RM – Relay Module
SCM – Secondary Containment Monitoring
SLLD - Statistical Line Leak Detection
STP – Submersible Turbine Pump
TPI – Turbine Pump Interface
TS-5 – T5 Series FMS Consoles (T5/608, T550/EMS, T5000/EXPC)
TS-EMS – Environmental Monitoring System
TS-EXPC – Expansion Console
URL – Uniform Resource Locator for the internet
USB – Universal Serial Bus
UST – Underground Storage Tank
VFM – Vapor Flow Meter
V/L – Vapor to Liquid ratio
VRM – Vapor Recovery Monitoring
XML – eXtensible Markup Language
Related Documentation
The system installation and operation instructions, troubleshooting guide and console maintenance manual are provided
for your use in separate documents. Detailed installation and testing instructions for each type of leak detection sensor
are present in the relevant manual, and, likewise, the installation, testing, and programming of various upgrade kits and
optional accessories are also contained in separate manuals, addenda or in one of this document’s appendices.
T5 Series Fuel Management Systems Installation Guide (000-2150)
T5 Series Fuel Management Systems Operators Guide (000-2151)
After the Fuel Management System has been installed, typically your interaction with the system will be from the LCD
display, on-board printer; or using the Web Browser software to program and monitor the console remotely. Remote
operation can be performed from a PC, either attached directly or through a network connection to the console. All of the
features of the console are available through these input / output devices. Also, the console may be set up to generate and
send automated reports to e-mail accounts or print reports at a programmed time.
Occasionally you may need console information, such as model and serial numbers. The model number is located on the
face of the console. The serial number is located on a small plaque placed on the bottom of the left panel. This label also
shows the model number, voltage, manufacturer’s address, a warning symbol and the unit’s voltage specications.
User Interfaces (UI)
LCD Touch Screen Interface
An LCD touch screen is included with the T5 (TS-608) consoles and can be ordered as an option on the T550
(TS-EMS) and T5000. The “D” designation in the console’s model number indicates that a LCD display was ordered
with the system. This bright display, with an adjustable contrast setting, allows easy viewing in any lighting condition. A
programmable screen saver can be selected to automatically turn the backlight off after 5 minutes. This extends the life of
the display. To enable or disable the sleep mode select: Menu > Preferences > Toggle Sleep Mode
Touch Screen Calibration
During initial setup, it will be necessary to calibrate the touch screen function of the LCD display. Calibrating the
touch screen will enable the console to better recognize the area that you “touch,” so that you can accurately enter in
information. To calibrate the touch-screen function of the display, you must rst access the calibration application.
2. The console will ask if you are sure that you want to proceed, answer Yes.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the calibration process.
Web Browser Interface
Each T5 Series console includes an Ethernet port and programming options to eliminate the need for an Ethernet port
server or a external / internal modem (although both options are still available). The advantages to using an Ethernet
connection are: faster connection speeds, quicker data transfer rates, less data errors or quicker recovery of data when
errors occur, and it does not require extra software or drivers to be loaded. This means that console parameters can be
modied and that status/alarm reports can be printed from virtually anywhere.
Access Control
There are three access levels programmed into the console’s operating system: Guest, User, and Administrator. Each
level will allow an operator to access different features or change specic settings on the console. This security feature
prevents unauthorized tampering of console congurations.
The User Role icon will appear in the upper-right corner of the LCD display as one of the following:
• ONE BAR lled operates at the GUEST level. Guests are allowed to access menu options and check the system
congurations. The GUEST will not be able to modify the console settings.
• TWO BARS lled operates at the USER level. Users are given limited access to certain areas of the operating
system to make changes or print reports.
• THREE BARS lled operates as an ADMINISTRATOR. This level grants access to all areas of programming and
setup conguration. The administrator privilege is usually assigned to the designated technician of a site.
Password Login
1. Press the User Roll icon
Enter Password for the desired level as described in the Access Control section on page 5.
Default passwords are as follows:
Guest: guest
User: user
Administrator: admin
Tapping twice on the User Role Icon will reset to guest level access.
Modifying Passwords
For initial settings and continuous security purposes, the console will allow you to change any password used for
accessing console functions. When changing passwords, make note of the password and keep it in a secure, memorable
place. The password you choose must be at least two characters long with a maximum of 16 characters — spaces and
special characters are allowed as part of your password.
The Administrator status is required to change passwords.
From the touch screen display, changing access passwords is done by navigating through menus to modify a password.
1. When the console is powered up, press the Main Menu button .
2. Press the Conguration Application button.
3. Press Passwords in the application window, and then press the corresponding button to change the password for that
access level.
4. Verify the correct password has been entered, and then press the Checkmark button.
Connecting a PC or Laptop Computer
To access the console using the Web Browser interface, connect a PC to the console through either the Ethernet port or
the COMM 1 serial port. If the console is connected to a local network, you can perform this setup from any PC on that
network by using a web browser application, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Mozilla’s FireFox (the console’s IP
address may need to be modied — see Conguration in Section 2).
The following instructions are written specically for Microsoft’s Windows XP operating system. For assistance with other
operating systems, please contact Franklin Fueling Systems Technical Services.
Connecting a PC to the T5 series Ethernet Port
1. Using an Ethernet Crossover, 10 Base-T cable, plug the RJ-45 connector on one end of the cable into the Ethernet
port of the console.
2. Plug the RJ-45 connector on the opposite end of the cable to the Network Interface Card of the computer.
3. Verify that the green POWER LED on the front panel of the console is lit, which indicates that the console has power.
4. Power up and log onto your PC.
Note: You may need to recongure your TCP / IP settings to allow the computer to communicate with the console.
Conguring IP Settings for Communication
Before attempting to modify any computer settings, contact the Information Technologies department of your business, if
available. Some computer accounts may have restricted permissions to overcome before any changes are allowed to be
made to TCP / IP settings.
Note: If setting up a connection with a newer operating system (i.e. MS Vista or Widows 7), contact FFS Technical
Support for assistance.
At the PC:
1. Power up the PC and log into your Windows operating system.
2. Click on Start, then select Control Panel.
3. There are (2) two views settings possible when using Windows XP:
• In Category View, click on Network and Internet Connection, then click Network Connections.
• In Classic View, click on Network Connections.
4. Right-click on Local Area Connection and select Properties.
5. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box,
under “This connection uses the following items,” select
Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and click Properties.
There are many ways to congure a computer to
communicate with a T5 series console. These factors are
dependent on the user’s computer knowledge and how the
computer is currently congured.
To determine which method is best for your site, read the
instructions in the following section carefully. Make detailed
notes on the current conguration of the TCP / IP settings on
the PC you are using. Read both the “Obtain an IP address
automatically” and the “Use the following IP address”
methods before making a choice between the two.
Obtain an IP Address Automatically
Computers commonly use this setting to obtain an IP
address automatically.
1. If Obtain an IP address automatically is selected, it
may be best to click the Alternate Conguration tab.
Note: The consoles default IP address is If the PC is normally congured
to acquire an IP address automatically, Alternate Conguration may be used, as mentioned above, to
allow a connection to be enabled without the necessity
of reconguring the computer each time it will be used
to connect to this console.
Use the Following IP Address
If Use the following IP address is selected and the entry
boxes contain any information, record this information for
use when console programming is complete.
2. Select User Congured.
3. Enter an IP address. For simplicity, make the last
segment of the IP one number different than the IP
address of the console. Upon initial setup ONLY, the
numbers used in the gure may be used to congure
the TCP / IP settings of your PC.
4. Leave all other information blank and click OK.
5. Close the Local Area network for changes to take place.
2. Enter an IP address. For simplicity, make the last
segment of the IP one number different than the IP
address of the console. Upon initial setup ONLY, the
numbers used in the gure may be used to congure
the TCP / IP settings of your PC.
3. Leave the DNS information blank.
Note: The consoles default IP address is If the PC is normally congured
to Use the following IP address, make sure that
all displayed information is recorded and kept prior
to making any changes. It may be necessary to use
this information to recongure the console once
programming is complete.
Check Status of Connection
1. Check the status of your connection by going to the
Network Connections window.
2. If the connection status is disabled, enable it by rightclicking on the Local Area Connection and selecting
3. Verify link light is lit under Ethernet on Controller
module is lit and RX light is ashing.If technical
difculties arise, please contact Franklin Fueling
Systems Technical Support before proceeding.
More information on the Web Browser Interface is located
on page 33 of this manual.
Connecting a PC to the T5 series RS-232 Port
COMM 1 is used to connect a PC or laptop with the console via the Web Browser Interface for programming or remote
monitoring. COMM 2 is used only for VRM to retrieve ullage data from an external ATG.
If serial connection to Point-Of-Sale (POS) is desired for report retrieval, then we suggest using COMM 1 in Veeder-Root
(VR) mode.
Note: The PC or laptop will recognize this serial connection as a network connection and will not allow the use of a Local
Area Connection simultaneously. While it is not necessary to disconnect the Local Area Connection to connect
using the Serial port, it will be necessary to disconnect the Serial Connection through the computers operating
system in order to use the Local Area Connection again.
Connecting a PC to the T5 series COMM 1 Port
1. Using a female to male DB-9 straight serial cable, connect the female end of the serial cable to the serial
communication (COM) port of the computer.
2. Connect the male end of the serial cable to COMM 1 on the bottom of the console.
Console Conguration
Mode: Network Connection (PPP)
Baud Rate: 57600
Conguring COMM 1 Settings for
1. Select Start > All Programs > Accessories >
Communications > New Connection Wizard.
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
3. Select Connect Directly to Another Computer.
2. Select Set up anAdvanced Connection.
4. Select Guest.
5. Enter a Computer Name (it can be the site name).
7. Select My use only.
6. Select the communication port to be used from the
Select a Device drop-down list.
8. For convenience, a shortcut may be created on your
desktop. Click Finish to complete the wizard.
9. In the Network Connections window, right-click the
new direct connection that was created and select
10. Under the General tab, select Congure.
15. Leave the existing Redialing Options as they are.
11. Change the Maximum speed (bps) to 57600.
12. Disable all of the Hardware Features and click OK.
13. Select the Options tab.
14. Disable all of the Dialing Options.
16. Select the Security tab.
17. Select Advanced (custom settings).
18. Select the Networking tab.
19. In the Type of dial-up server I am calling, select
PPP: Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 / 2000, Internet from the
drop-down list then click OK.
Check Operation of Connection
1. As before, open Network Connections.
2. Right-Click the new direct connection and select
Connect. The status should change to connected. At
this point, the computer is connected to the console.
If you experience technical difculties, please contact
Franklin Fueling Systems Technical Support before
At this point, more information on navigating the Web
Browser Interface is provided in Section 4: Web Browser
Interface of this manual.
Initial Console Conguration
Initial setup must be completed before the console can be used. This section will show how to set custom parameters by
navigating through the programming options and set up the T5 series console for the rst time.
Console Build Characteristics
Each console is custom ordered and built to customer specications.
That means that all of the hardware (modules) and software options
needed for your site are installed and tested. Before programming,
check the status and version of each module and verify that your
purchased options are present.
1. At the Home Status screen, press System Application.
2. The System Status screen will appear. Here you can see a
module’s description, installed slot, operational status, and version.
3. Press the Application Menu button.
Identication – View to locate the System Serial Number, Ethernet Address (not the same as IP address) Controller
Serial number and Date/Time of manufacture.
Options – Displays the current installed software options.
Conguration and Preferences
Conguration and Preferences include how information will be displayed and conguring the console for its location and
communication and access options.
Preferences Menu
Starting at the Home Menu, press the Main Menu button.
And then select Preferences .
Use the Preference tables on the following pages to select the menu options to be changed.
Translation Options
Chinese (Simplied)
Chinese (Traditional)
Short date format
Long date format
Year/month date format
Short time format
Long time format
User Dened
MMTwo-digit month with leading zero (i.e. 01 for Jan…).
MTwo-digit month, no leading zero (i.e. 1 for Jan…).
MMMThree-letter month (i.e. JAN, FEB, AUG…).
ddTwo-digit day with leading zero (i.e. 01, 02…).
dTwo-digit day, no leading zero (i.e. 1, 2…).
yyyyFour-digit year (i.e. 2006…).
yyTwo-digit year (i.e. 06, 07…).
HHTwo-digit hour with leading zero; 24-hour format.
hhTwo-digit hour, no leading zero; 24-hour format.
mmTwo-digit minute, with leading zero.
ssTwo-digit second, with leading zero.
aA.M. or P.M. indicator.
Digit grouping
Group digits by 103 using specied symbol (i.e. either “123456789” or
Digit grouping symbolSymbol used to group digits (i.e. ‘, ’; ‘ _ ‘…). User dened option.
Decimal symbolSymbol used to separate decimal units (i.e. ‘.’; ‘,’). User dened option.
Display leading zeroesDisplays decimals with leading zero (i.e. with ‘0.123’; without ‘.123’).
Imperial Gallons
Cubic Centimeters/Second
Cubic Feet/Hour
FMS - Line Pressure
Pounds per square inch
Inches of Water
Inches of Mercury
VRM-Tank Ullage
Pounds per square inch
Inches of Water
Inches of Mercury
SCM - Containment
Pounds per square inch
Inches of Water
Inches of Mercury
Kilograms per Cubic Meter
Density Units
Grams per cubic centimeter
Pounds per cubic foot
Mass Units
Refresh Rate (web interface only)How often the systems information is updated.
Show XML Tool (web interface only)Displays the Tool in the upper right corner of the browser window.
Sleep Mode (console screen only)Toggles display sleep mode on or off
Printer Options (console screen only)Set external printer paper size
Conguration Menu
Conguration Options
Using the options in this menu, you can change:
• Console passwords • COM 1 parameters
• Network parameters • Modem Parameters
• Current time and date and set an accurate time zone.
For instructions on setting passwords, see pages 5 & 6: Access Control.
Once the console has been powered up, navigate the console by pressing the screen on the appropriate button.
1. Starting at the Home Status Menu, press the Main Menu button.
2. Select the Conguration button.
3. Select from the options in the Network Parameters section that follows to view or change console conguration settings
Network Parameters
To communicate with your network equipment (i.e. router, switch, hub, etc.) you will need to modify the network
IP Address Settings:
IP Address – This is a logical (electronic) address, like a street address, that the console uses to route information.
This address will have to match your network, if connected to a network, in order to ‘talk’ to a remote
communication device, or your PC.
Network Mask – Masking is a way to diversify the use of multiple subnets. The mask must match that of the network the
console is connected to. Masks are used in networking to create ‘sub-networks’ within a whole, like slicing
and apple. You have separate slices that may be in different locations, but they are still from the same apple.
Administrators use this to make separate networks, to maximize bandwidth or capacity of medium resources
(cables or ber). Therefore, when your network uses static IP addressing (assigned by an administrator),
this mask must match the Network Mask of the router port that it is attached to. If the network uses a DHCP
server (automatically assigns IP addresses) then the mask should meet the specications set by your
Gateway – The Gateway is the logical address to the nearest router port, commonly the one that is connected to the
console. Consult your administrator for details on this and other network parameters.
DNS Server Address:
Preferred DNS Server / Alternate DNS Server – The domain name system (DNS) is the way that internet domain names
are located and translated into Internet Protocol addresses. A domain name is a meaningful and easy-to-remember tag for
an internet address (used for e-mail functions).
Protocol Settings – Veeder Root, port 8001: Port used to connect to a network that uses VR Protocol
– Web Server Secondary Port, 10001: Port used for network as port to forward
Date / Time Set
To set the date and time, click the button that corresponds with your selection and then select the correct option from the
list. If your choice does not appear on the rst screen, use the up and down navigation buttons to scroll through more
options. When nished, conrm your selection by pressing the checkmark or OK button. It is important to enter the date
and time information correctly to ensure reports and alarms can be accurately tracked.
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