Franklin Fueling Systems T5 Series Fuel Management System Installation Guide

T5 Series
Fuel Management System
Installation Guide
Franklin Fueling Systems • 3760 Marsh Rd. • Madison, WI 53718 USA
Tel:  +1 608 838 8786 • 800 225 9787 • Fax: +1 608 838 6433 •
Important Safety Messages ....................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................4
Product Description .....................................................................................................................5
TS-608. ............................................................................................................................................ 6
TS-EMS. .......................................................................................................................................... 6
TS-EXPC. ........................................................................................................................................ 6
TS-EXPC2. ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Standard Installation Materials .................................................................................................7
Console Installation ..................................................................................................................... 9
TS-5 (TS-608). ................................................................................................................................ 9
TS-550 (TS-EMS / TS-EXPC2). ....................................................................................................... 10
TS-5000 (TS-EXPC). ....................................................................................................................... 10
Communication Ports .................................................................................................................11
Wiring the Console & Modules .................................................................................................12
Non-Intrinsically Safe Module Wiring ......................................................................................13
Appendix A: Controller Module (CM) ........................................................................................13
Flexible Cable Connector. ............................................................................................................... 13
Appendix B: Power Supply Module (PS) .................................................................................. 14
Line Power Wiring. .......................................................................................................................... 14
Check Electrical Resistance to Earth Ground ..........................................................................................14
Relay Output Wiring (optional). ....................................................................................................... 16
Emergency Generator Applications (optional). ................................................................................ 16
Non-Standard Power Requirements ........................................................................................................17
Programming & Testing Discrete Inputs ...................................................................................................17
Appendix C: Relay Module (RLY) ............................................................................................. 18
Appendix D: AC Input Module (ACI) .........................................................................................19
Dispenser Hook Signals. ................................................................................................................. 19
Appendix E: Input / Output Module (IO) ..................................................................................... 20
Appendix F: 10 Amp Relay Module (10ARLY) .......................................................................... 21
Appendix G: 4-20mA EXP Analog Input Module (420EXP) ......................................................22
Intrinsically Safe Module Wiring ............................................................................................... 23
Appendix 1: Probe Module (PRB) ............................................................................................. 24
Appendix 2: 2-Wire Sensor Module (2WSNS) .......................................................................... 25
Appendix 3: 3-Wire Sensor Module (3WSNS) .......................................................................... 26
Appendix 4: 4-20mA Analog Input Module (420IB) ................................................................... 27
Control Drawing ............................................................................................................................ 28
Specications ................................................................................................................................30
Important Safety Messages
INCON equipment is designed to be installed in association with volatile hydrocarbon liquids such as gasoline and diesel  fuel. Installing or working on this equipment means working in an environment in which these highly ammable liquids  may be present. Working in such a hazardous environment presents a risk of severe injury or death if these instructions  and standard industry practices are not followed. Read and follow all instructions thoroughly before installing or working  on this, or any other related, equipment.
As you read this guide, please be aware of the following symbols and their meanings:
This symbol identies a warning. A warning sign will appear in the text of this document when a potentially  hazardous situation may arise if the instructions that follow are not adhered to closely. A potentially hazardous  situation may involve the possibility of severe bodily harm or even death.
This is a caution symbol. A caution sign will appear in the text of this document when a potentially hazardous  environmental  situation  may  arise  if  the  instructions  that  follow  are  not  adhered  to  closely. A  potentially  hazardous environmental situation may involve the leakage of fuel from equipment that could severely harm  the environment.
This symbol identies an electrical danger. An electrical danger sign will appear in the text of this document  when a potentially hazardous situation involving large amounts of electricity may arise if the instructions that  follow are not adhered to closely. A potentially hazardous situation may involve the possibility of electrocution,  severe bodily harm, or even death.
Follow all applicable codes governing the installation and servicing of this product and the entire system. Always lock out and tag electrical circuit breakers while installing or servicing this equipment and any related equipment. A potentially lethal electrical shock hazard and the
possibility of an explosion or re from a spark can result if the electrical circuit breakers are
accidentally turned on during installation or servicing. Please refer to the Installation and Owner’s Manual for this equipment, and the appropriate documentation for any other related equipment, for
complete installation and safety information.
Follow all federal, state and local laws governing the installation of this product and its associated systems. When no other regulations apply, follow NFPA codes 30, 30A and 70 from the National Fire Protection Association. Failure to follow these codes could result in severe injury, death, serious property damage and/or environmental contamination.
Always secure the work area from moving vehicles. The equipment in this manual is usually mounted underground, so reduced visibility puts service personnel working on this equipment in danger from moving vehicles entering the work area. To help eliminate these unsafe conditions, secure the area by using a service truck to block access to the work environment, or by using any other reasonable means available to ensure the safety of service personnel.
When the Fuel Management System system is used to monitor tanks containing gasoline or other
ammable substances, you may create an explosion hazard if you do not follow the requirements in
this manual carefully.
All wiring must enter the console’s enclosure through the designated knockouts. An explosion hazard may result if other openings are used.
All wiring from probes or sensors to the console must be run in conduit separate from all other wiring. Failure to do so will create an explosion hazard.
Substituting components could impair intrinsic safety. T5 series are intrinsically safe for sensors installed in – Class I, Division 1, Group D – hazardous locations. Substitution of components could make the energy limiting circuitry in the system ineffective and could cause an explosion hazard.
Repairs to a T5 series console or attached components should only be performed by a qualied,
factory-trained technician.
This manual contains installation and site preparation instructions for INCON’s TS-5XXX series of consoles. Overall safety  issues, troubleshooting information, warranty, service, and return policies, as dened in this manual, must be followed.
Please read this entire manual carefully. Failure to follow the instructions in this manual may result in faulty  operation, equipment damage, injury or death. This equipment should only be serviced by an INCON-certied installer.
Certied Installer/Service Person: Only an INCON certied installer or service person is allowed to access both the 
user interface keypad and areas internal to the TS-5 Series console.
Station Owner/Operator: The station owner or operator of the TS-5 Series console is only allowed to access the user 
interface keypad. Access to areas internal to the console is strictly prohibited.
Abbreviations & Acronyms
10ARLY - 10 Amp Relay Module 2WSMS - 2-Wire Sensor Module (Intrinsically Safe) 3WSMS - 3-Wire Sensor Module (Intrinsically Safe) 420EXP - 4-20 mA EXP module ACI - AC Input Module 420IB - 4-20mA Analog Input Module (Intrinsically Safe) AST - Aboveground Storage Tank ATG - Automatic Tank Gauge CARB - California Air Resources Board CM - Controller Module DIM - Dispenser Interface Module
FMS - Fuel Management Systems
IO - Input / Output module IS - Intrinsically Safe ISD - In-Station Diagnostic LIM - LonWorks Interface Module PC - Personal Computer PRB - Probe Module (Intrinsically Safe) PS - Power Supply Module RLY - Relay Module SCM - Secondary Containment Monitoring TPI - Turbine Pump Interface TS-5XXX - TS-5 Series Consoles (TS-5 (TS-608), TS-550 (TS-EMS), TS-5000 and TS-EXPC) TS-EMS - TS-5 Series - Environmental Monitoring System TS-EXPC - TS-5 Series - Expansion Console UST - Underground Storage Tank VRM - Vapor Recovery Monitoring
Related Documentation
The system operation and programming instructions, troubleshooting guide and console maintenance manual are  provided for your use in separate documents. Detailed installation and testing instructions for each type of leak detection  sensor are present in the relevant manual, and, likewise, the installation, testing, and programming of various upgrade kits  and optional accessories are also contained in separate manuals, addenda or in one of this document’s appendixes. 
Product Description
The TS-5, TS-550 and TS-5000 are modular, automatic, continuous monitoring systems that use plug-in modules to  perform a wide variety of functions. Plug-in modules now allow you to custom design your system to meet your needs by  only purchasing those functions that you require, and expand your system later for greater capabilities. 
The exibility that this system offers is made possible through the communication of the CM (Controller Module)  to other modules across the CAN (Control Area Network) bus. The CAN technology used in these consoles is the  same standard architecture that the automotive industry employs because of its speed and reliable data transmission  rates. These advances in console design allow INCON’s TS-5XXX consoles, depending on model type and chosen  conguration, to complete the three primary applications of a modern fueling station: Fuel Management Systems (FMS),  Vapor Recovery Monitoring (VRM) and Secondary Containment Monitoring (SCM).
All consoles come standard with a Controller Module (CM), a Power Supply Module (PS), and these features  (except for the TS-EXPC):
  • Generates reports automatically in response to preset/programmed conditions and alarms
  • Provides audio-visual annunciation when an alarm or warning condition exists
  • Performs inventory monitoring
  • Is able to print reports on an external printer using Hewlett-Packard’s Printer Control Language (PCL) interface
  • Can communicate via Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485 or an optional internal fax/modem.
The INCON model TS-5000 is a modular, automatic and continuous monitoring system that is also the most versatile and  capable console in the TS-5XXX series. The TS-5000 retains all of the features of the smaller models, but, because of its  large module capacity, the TS-5000 is ideal for larger market stations. The TS-5000:
 • Has eleven (11) open slots for additional modules that can be used to greatly expand its capabilities
 • Can support a combination of up to:  ◦ 36 probes (or three Probe Modules)   ◦ 36 2-wire sensors (or three 2-Wire Sensor Modules)   ◦ 24 3-wire or 2-wire sensors (or three 3-Wire Sensor Modules)   ◦ 24 relay outputs (or three Relay Modules)   ◦ 24 4-20mA inputs (or three Analog Input Modules)   ◦ 36 AC inputs (or three AC Input Modules)
 • Optional touch screen LCD monitor
Example Station:  Your station has 16 Submersible Pumps (2 Relay Modules), 24 Tanks (2 Probe Modules), 16 Lines (2 
Analog Input Modules & 2 AC Input Modules), and 36 Sensors (3 Sensor Modules) all monitored and  controlled from one console mounted on the wall.
The INCON model TS-550 is a mid-size console that will appeal to a wide variety of users. The TS-550 has all of the  standard features of the TS-5000 and:
 • Has six (6) open slots for additional modules that can be used to expand its capabilities to support sensors, detect line 
leaks, perform VRM functions and much more
 • Can support a combination of up to:  ◦ 36 probes (or three Probe Modules)   ◦ 36 2-wire sensors (or three 2-Wire Sensor Modules)   ◦ 24 3-wire or 2-wire sensors (or three 3-Wire Sensor Modules)   ◦ 24 relay outputs (or three Relay Modules)   ◦ 24 4-20mA inputs (or three Analog Input Modules)   ◦ 36 AC inputs (or three AC Input Modules)
 • Optional touch screen LCD monitor
Example Station:  If your station has 8 Submersible Pumps, 12 Tanks, 8 Lines and 24 Sensors, you could control all of 
it with your FFS TS-550 and six plug-in modules: a Relay Module, a Probe Module, an Analog Input  Module, an AC Input Module and two Sensor Modules.
The INCON model TS-5 is an economical system that allows you to operate as efciently as possible. The TS-5 has a  variety of abilities and communication options, which enhance site management by increasing efciency and by providing  you with the data that you need to make intelligent business choices. The TS-5:
 • Comes with a Control Module, a Power Supply Module and a Probe Module that can be used, among other things, to:
 ○ Monitor and test up to 12 underground and/or aboveground storage tanks (USTs) providing: product volume, 
temperature compensated volume, water levels and product temperature information
Speciality Application Consoles
The INCON model TS-608 is an economical system geared towards the Chinese market that can do everything the TS-5  can, but supports up to 8 tanks compared to the TS-5’s 12. The TS-608 has all of the standard features of the TS-5 and:
 • Comes with a Control Module, a Power Supply Module and a Probe Module that can be used, among other things, to:
 ○ Monitor and test up to 8 underground and/or aboveground storage tanks (USTs) providing: product volume, 
temperature compensated volume, water levels and product temperature information
INCON’s TS-EMS (Environmental Monitoring System) is designed for use in locations that do not require FMS  functionality, but where VRM (Vapor Recovery Monitoring) and/or SCM (Secondary Containment Monitoring) functions are  required. In addition to coming equipped with a Controller Module (CM) and a Power Supply Module (PS), the TS-EMS  also can be congured with expansion modules to run the applications and devices that you want in your system.
Note:  The TS-EMS connects to an external ATG console so that it can obtain ullage information to perform its VRM and 
SCM duties.
The TS-EXPC is a TS-5000 console that: comes with a PS, has space for eleven (11) additional modules, and connects  to your primary console via the bus extension port. The TS-EXPC lacks a CM and LCD, so that it can operate efciently  as a secondary unit to house any additional modules that your primary console was unable accommodate due to space  restrictions. For more information on the relationship between a primary and secondary console, please refer to the  Communication Ports chapter of this manual.
 • No communication ports are available through the TS-EXPC
 • Only one TS-EXPC or EXPC2 can operate in a TS-5 Series system
 • A TS-EXPC can only communicate with a TS-550 or TS-5000, and cannot communicate with a TS-5/TS-608
The TS-EXPC2 is a TS-550 console that: comes with a PS, has space for six (6) additional modules, and connects to  your primary console via the bus extension port. The TS-EXPC2 lacks a CM and LCD, so that it can operate efciently  as a secondary unit to house any additional modules that your primary console was unable accommodate due to space  restrictions. For more information on the relationship between a primary and secondary console, please refer to the
Communication Ports chapter of this manual.
• No communication ports are available through the TS-EXPC2
• Only one TS-EXPC or TS-EXPC2 can operate in a TS-5 Series system
• A TS-EXPC2 can only communicate with a TS-550 or TS-5000, and cannot communicate with a TS-5/TS-608
Standard Installation Materials
Recommended standard materials should be selected and installed per all applicable local, state and federal codes  governing the installation of this product and its associated systems. Please see the corresponding console/module wiring  section or the associated devices section of this manual for complete installation details.
Cables Required for Liquid Level Probes, VFMs & 4-20 mA Sensors
Use cables and wires compliant with national and local codes. INCON recommends using the types of cable shown below  up to a recommended length of:
 • Belden No. 87760 87760 (0.15” or 3.048 mm OD) to 260 feet (80 m)
 • Belden No. 87761* (0.12” or 3.048 mm OD) to 400 feet (120 m)
 • Belden No. 88761 88761 (0.12” or 3.048 mm OD) to 400 feet (120 m)
 • Belden No. 89182* (0.31” or 7.874 mm OD) to 1500 feet (450 m)
Note: An asterisk (*) denotes a cable that may be ordered from INCON.
Note:  Conductors of different intrinsically safe (IS) circuits may be run together within the same conduit, and, when they 
do, they should have at least .01 inches (.25 mm) of insulation.
Cable or Wire for 2-Wire or 3-Wire Sensors
2-wire or 3-wire sensor wire (type THHN, TFFN, or THWN, gas and oil resistant, 18 AWG minimum, 1500 feet max. wire  run length) can be used when enclosed within rigid metal conduit  from the sensor to the console.
Leak detection sensor cable is required when NOT run through rigid metal conduit. Refer to the Direct Burial Cable – Installation Manual (P/N 000-1041) for further information. See below for cable types and descriptions:
Alpha 58411 (INCON P/N 600-0062)
Two conductor cable for standard, 2 conductor leak 
detection sensors  (0.114 inch (2.9 mm) O.D.)
Wire required for the TS-5 Series Console
 • 3 conductors:  Power – 14 GA to 12 GA Max. – Black, White, and Green
 • 1 conductors:  Safety Ground – 12 AWG Green (2 may be required in some locations)
 • As required conductors:  Accessories – Type THHN, TFFN, or THWN, 18 AWG minimum
Circuit Breaker
20 Amp — providing power only for the TS-5 Series System, one required per console
Weatherproof Junction Boxes
Minimum 16 cubic inch (406.4 cubic mm) weatherproof junction box, cover, and cover gasket for the manholes of: liquid  level probes and leak detection sensors. See our sales literature for part numbers for ½ and ¾ inch (12.7 mm and 19.05  mm) conduit junction boxes and recommended manufacturers. Also use ¾ to ½ inch (12.7 mm to 19.05 mm) bushings for  probe/sensor compression ttings. 
Use a weatherproof metal pull box for combining several circuits that will run into the TS-5 Series console through  one or more conduits. Use a separate weatherproof metal pull box to combine intrinsically safe (IS) liquid level probe and  leak detection sensor wiring. Do not run other non-intrinsically safe wiring within the IS pull box. Run ½ or ¾ inch (12.7  mm or 19.05 mm) IS probe or sensor conduit from the manholes to the IS pull box, and then run up to four ½ or ¾ inch  (12.7 mm or 19.05 mm) conduits to the console’s IS conduit knockouts.
Rigid metal conduit (RMC) - male NPT threaded: use ½ or ¾ inch (12.7 mm or 19.05 mm) for IS probe and sensor wiring  to the console (from the manholes, use ½ or ¾ inch conduit), and use ½ or ¾ inch (12.7 mm or 19.05 mm) for non­intrinsically safe accessories and power wiring.
Use conduit hardware that is appropriate for the installation and meets local, state and federal requirements.
Splice Connector Kits Must Be Used — Warranty Requirement
Use the INCON-approved, moisture-resistant, no-strip splice connectors for liquid level probe and leak detection sensor  wires. You may order the TSP-KW30, which contains 30 of the INCON-approved, moisture-resistant connectors.
Using moisture resistant splice connectors will:
 • Reduce/eliminate corrosion of the wire connections from repeated exposure to water condensation, which causes 
eventual signal loss and system failure.
 • Reduce/eliminate equipment damage from water ooding around the connectors, which causes short-circuit damage.
Thread Sealant (UL Classied)
Use a non-hardening, “stay-soft,” thread sealant approved for gasoline applications to seal and waterproof all tank  riser pipe threads. In addition, the thread sealant (or “pipe dope” as it is commonly known) should also be chemically  non-reactive to the product in the tank(s). Apply thread sealant to seal/waterproof all outdoor electrical conduit tting  threads including the hole plugs at the weatherproof junction boxes.
Riser Pipes
ANSI Schedule 40  (or chemically non-reactive) – 4 inch (101.6 mm) (8 NPT) riser pipes for liquid level probes. See the  appropriate leak detection sensor installation manual for information on required riser pipes and riser cap adapters.
Probe Installation Kit(s)
See the TSP-LL2’s installation instructions that came with the probe for the items included with the TSP-K4A standard  probe installation kit. For chemical applications, see the TSP-LL2C’s installation instructions for the TSP -K4AS stainless  steel riser cap adapter kit and the TSP-SSP stainless steel product oat.
TSP-LL2 Probe Floats
 • Floats for 4 inch (101.6 mm) riser pipes, order: TSP-IGF4 for gasoline applications or TSP-IDF4 for diesel and fuel oil
 • Floats for 3 inch (76.2 mm) riser pipes, order: TSP-IGF3 for gasoline applications or TSP-IDF3 for diesel and fuel oil
 • Floats for 2 inch (50.8 mm) riser pipes, order: TSP-IGF2 for gasoline, TSP-IDF2 for diesel and fuel oils, or TSP-SSP 
stainless steel oat for chemical products
Manufacturer’s Tank Chart for Each Tank
The manufacturer’s Tank Chart and other documentation will be used for installation and programming, and possibly for  future reference. Keep this information — do not discard it.
Console Installation
Console Location
The location that you select to install the console must be indoors in an area classied as non-hazardous (see the console  specications table at the beginning of the Wiring the Console & Modules chapter for further information). To get the  maximum benet from this system, install the console where personnel can easily make use of it; mount it at eye level for  operator convenience. Mount the console level on a vertical surface between 2 feet (0.6 m) and 6 feet (1.9 m) high using  the appropriate fasteners. For European applications, the console must be located in a pollution degree 2 environment per  IEC60664.
Mounting the Console
The T5 series consoles must be mounted in a location where explosive or ammable vapors are
not present, otherwise an explosion hazard will be created which can result in severe injury, death, serious property damage and/or environmental contamination.
Leave a minimum of two inches (5.1 cm) of space around the console open to allow for ventilation, communication port connections, conduit and wiring. If the ventilation slots located on the sides of the TS-550 (TS-EMS) or TS-5000 are obstructed, the unit may overheat and stop functioning as intended.
Four mounting tabs are available on the outside corners of the console. Select fasteners that have sufcient load carrying  capacity and which are appropriate for wall construction – a fully equipped TS-5000 console can weigh as much as 40  pounds (18 kg), so make sure that your fasteners (and mounting surface) can adequately support that much weight.  In addition, plan ahead to make sure that there is enough room around the console for: conduit coming into the unit,  communication port connections, possible incoming probe or sensor wiring, and for the console door to fully open for easy  access. 
Note:  For questions concerning standard installation materials to be used for the T5 series, please refer to the Standard 
Installation Materials section of this manual.
TS-5 (TS-608)
The TS-5 is the smallest of the T5 series consoles, so it requires the least amount of space on your station’s wall. Use the  dimensions illustrated below to aid you in mounting the console. When mounting the TS-5 (TS-608), please be aware that,  unlike the TS-550 (TS-EMS) and TS-5000, the communications ports and conduit knockouts on this model are located on  the sides of the unit, so remember to allow for sufcient space on both sides of the console during installation.
(231 mm)
(180 mm)
(135 mm)
(211 mm)
(236 mm)
TS-5 (front view) TS-5 (side view)
Figure 1 – TS-5 (TS-608)
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