Flowserve Edward Cast Steel Bolted Bonnet Valves User Manual

Maintenance Manual for Edward
Edward Valves
Maintenance Manual for Edward
Cast Steel Bolted Bonnet Valves
V-380 R2
Flow Control Division
Table of Contents
KEY TO ILLUSTRATIONS.......................2
FIGURE NUMBERS...............................3
Packing Chamber leak .....................3
Packing Recommendations................3
Bonnet Gasket Leak, Bolting Torques ..4
Seat and Disk Joint Leak...................5
Body Wall Leak ...............................5
Objectionable Vibration, Noise or
Excessive Pressure Drop....................6
Valve Lubrication..............................6
Valve Body Repairs
Body Bore Guide Rib Repair .............7
Seat and Disk Repairs ......................7
Body Wall Repairs...........................8
Valve Component Repair
Disk-Piston Assembly Repairs.............9
Gasket Seal Area Repair ..................9
Welding Rod Recommendations.........9
Field Repair Equipment...................10
First Determine the Area of Failure...11
IMPACTOR HANDWHEELS.................11
Revolving Stem Valves ....................12
Non-Revolving Stem Valves .............12
Electric Operator Limit Switch and
Torque Switch Setting Procedures.....13
Geared Limit Switch.......................13
Torque Switch ................................13
Stop and Stop-Check
(Non-Return) Valves........................14
Piston Lift Check Valves...................14
Stop and Stop-Check
(Non-Return) Valves........................15
Piston Lift Check Valves...................15
INFORMATION REQUEST ..................12
ORDERING PARTS.............................16
No. 1 Typical Valve Nomenclature.....5
No. 2 Lapping Equipment...............10
No. 3 Impactor Handwheel
with Crossarm......................12
No. 4 Impactor Handwheel with
No. 5 Electric Operator on
Revolving Stem Valve............13
No. 6 Electric Operator on
Non-Revolving Stem Valve .....13
No. 7 Piston Lift Check Valve...........14
Flow Control Division
Introduction and Service Problems
Introduction Cast Steel Bolted Bonnet
This manual has been prepared to serve as a guide for the maintenance of Edward bolted bonnet valve construction. It is designed to help you in obtaining the most satisfactory ser vice from these valves. Although rigid metallurgical, radiographic, physical and visual inspection is the stan­dard procedure for all Edward products, it is inevitable that some valves, after a period of time, may occasionally require repair. When this happens, this manual will assist you so that your valve may be satisfactorily restored to good working condition with a minimum of time and expense.
Before starting, it will be helpful to have some understanding of the valve’s physical construction. The drawing on pg. 5 will give you some idea of how the valve is put together.
The next major section of this manual dis­cusses the more common service problems and failures. It identifies the problem and explains the reasons for certain failures. The reason should be understood before work is actually started.
Then the procedure to be followed in mak­ing the repair is explained. This includes normal valve maintenance as well as major valve repair. Field repair equipment, avail­able from Edward Valves, is described and illustrated. Valve lubrication and welding rod recommendations are also made. These procedures are adequate for almost any valve repair or maintenance problem that may arise in the field.
The next major section describes the disas­sembly procedures for the various valve components.
It is very impor tant that the Introduction and the paragraphs titled “First Determine the Area of Failure” be read and under­stood before any disassembly work is begun. Several procedures are described, depending upon the area of failure. Considerable time can often be saved by first selecting the proper disassembly procedures.
The last major section explains how the various valve constructions are to be reassembled. Information on how to contact Edward Valves for additional advice, if required, and how to order parts is included.
302 329Y 605Y 1324 302Y 390 618 1324Y 303 390Y 618Y 1390 303Y 391 619 1390Y 304 391Y 619Y 1392 304Y 392 670Y 1392Y 318 392Y 690 1441 318Y 393 690Y 1441Y 319 393Y 691 1443 319Y 394 691Y 1443Y 328 394Y 1302 1641 328Y 604 1302Y 1641Y 329 604Y 1314 1643
605 1314Y 1643Y
SERVICE PROBLEMS Packing Chamber Leak
Where moisture appears or actual dripping occurs at the packing chamber around the stem, gland or gland flange which cannot be eliminated by re-torquing the gland bolt the following points should be considered.
1. The packing may have become hard. Replace the packing.
2. Gland travel has been fully taken up. Repack with new packing.
3. The wrong packing is being used. See packing recommendations shown on this page.
4. A stem should be replaced when it has become deeply scratched, burred, or otherwise mutilated from careless handling, or where the stem has worn, tapered or has been bent.
5. The gaps in the rings of split packing have not been staggered around the stem. They should be inserted in this manner.
6. The packing gland may be binding against the packing chamber or stem and does not compress the packing properly. Make certain the gland fits the packing chamber and is tight­ened down equally on each side.
Packing Recommendations
Edward valves are packed with all-purpose packing sets. This is a combination of packing using braided rings at the top and bottom of the packing chamber and flexi­ble graphite packing in the center section. Packing glands should be tightened down
Flow Control Division
Service Problems (cont.)
enough to prevent leakage but not enough to develop excessive operating torque. When the gland has advanced approxi­mately half way into the packing chamber, it in recommended that additional packing rings be added. To obtain best results,the stem should be thoroughly cleaned. Replacement packing should be the same as that originally furnished.
We recommend that replacement packing be purchased from Edward Valves, to assure packing with the proper density and corrosion inhibitors is always used.
Long service life from modern graphitic packing requires that adequate preloads be applied when repacking.
1. All parts should be clean and not scored or pitted, especially the stem.
2. The valve internal parts and bonnet should be assembled prior to installing the packing.
3. Position split packing rings with the ends of adjacent rings rotated 90°.
4. Install in the following sequence:
Bottom Ring Braided Ring Center Rings Die formed
expanded graphite
Top Ring Braided Ring
5. Clean and lubricate the gland eye­bolts.
6. Carefully seat each individual pack­ing ring before adding the next ring.
7. Apply the recommended torque to the gland nuts evenly without cocking the gland. See Table A for recom­mended torques.
8. Tighten the nuts to the initial values shown, then loosen and re-tighten to the final torque.
9. Stroke the valve, then re-check the gland nut torques.
A torque wrench should be used for tight­ening the bonnet or cover retainer studs or cap screws which are used to preload the soft iron gasket.
The following procedure is recommended:
1. Guard against leakage by having these bolts tight at all times.
2. With line pressure in the valve, all nuts or cap screws should be tightened to the torque shown below.
Should the leak fail to stop after tightening, it must be concluded that there is an imper­fect seal, and the valve will have to be opened for examination. Such a leak may result from either of the following causes:
1. Incomplete Seal Between Bonnet and Gasket or Body and Gasket. An incom-
plete seal around the gasket seating sur­faces may be caused by corrosion, dirt, chips, or other foreign matter on the mating surfaces. An incomplete seal may be caused by surface imperfections in the body or bonnet surfaces in the form of pin holes, extended cracks, or indentations where the metal has failed sometime after valve installation and use. Such imperfections may be surface indications of deeper flaws in the body casting which may cause a by-pass around the gasket.
328, 328Y, 329, 329Y, 2.5 24 6 1441, 1441Y, 1443, 1443Y
302, 302Y 2.5 24 6 303, 303Y 3 27 6 304, 304Y 4 27 6 318, 318Y 5 41 9 319, 319Y 6 55 13
860 14 10 89 21 12 143 33
1302, 1302Y 6 40 9 1314, 1314Y 8 68 16 1324, 1324Y 10 76 18
12 140 32
1641, 1641Y 2.5 24 7 1643, 1643Y
604, 604Y 2.5 27 8 605, 605Y 3 27 8 618, 618Y 4 41 12 619, 619Y 5 55 16
660 17
Bolt diameter, Inches 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 Torque, Ft. Lbs. 45 68 90 150 240 370 585 750
2. Leakage at the Gasket. The possibility of a leak through the gasket itself, while remote, should still be considered. This may not be the result of external flaws on the sealing surfaces of the gasket.
A leak existing between the seat and disk of a closed valve might be indicated by one of the following: a definite pressure loss in the high-pressure side of the valve; continued flow through an inspection drain on the low-pressure side; or, in hot water or steam lines, a downstream pipe that remains hot beyond the usual length of time and conductivity range.
Such a leak may be the result of a distort­ed seat caused by uneven welding and stress relieving temperatures that were pre­sent in the body when mounting the valve in the pipe line. It may also develop because of the operator’s failure to close the valve tightly. An increased velocity is imparted to a flow forced through a very small opening. This increased velocity sub­sequently gives rise to the “cutting” of both disk and seat, particularly by particles of line scale or rust in suspension or normal solids in solution; or, in spite of the fact that the hard surfaced material on the seat and disk is corrosion and erosion resistant, grooves, pit marks, or other surface irregu­larities may be formed on the seat and disk joint surfaces when the disk is closed against a foreign body on the seat. This sometimes occurs during the initial start up of a piping system.
Leakage of steam through a valve which is badly steam cut has a whistling or sonorous sound. If the valve is only slightly
steam cut, however, leakage is identified by subdued gurgling or weakly popping sounds. These sounds can be heard through a stethoscope or by placing one end of a stick against the valve body while holding the other end between the teeth, with hands over the ears.
This is a visual leak through the body wall, welding end or end flanges and may be the result of a shrink cavity or other void in the casting. If small at first, such a leak may go unnoticed for a time, particularly if the valve is heavily insulated and the pipe
Flow Control Division
Service Problems (cont.)
Flow Control Division
Service Problems (cont.)
line at that point is sufficiently warm to keep the insulation dry enough to escape notice.
Excessive vibration noise or humming com­ing from within a stop-check (non-return) or check valve indicates the possibility that the disk-piston assembly is wedged inside the body. Such sticking may be caused by uneven body guide rib wear on the down­stream side induced by oversizing the valve, by corrosion, by flakes of line scale, or by particles of weld spatter that may have entered the valve during construction of the piping, and which later washed up into the piston bearing area of the body I.D.
The stem of a stop-check valve should normally be fully open in order that the disk-piston can lift the full amount. When the disk is not touching the bottom of the stem or the bottom stop lugs on the bonnet (due to a wedged disk piston or insufficient flow, for example), then the disk assembly is free to move laterally within the body. This motion in most cases causes a slight vibration which can be felt through the body, bonnet and handwheel. Screwing the stem down slowly to contact the disk first increases the intensity of vibration to the hand and to the ear, but further down­ward movement of the stem builds up suffi­cient contact pressure and eliminates the vibration. This also tends to dislodge any foreign particles which may have been the initial cause for disk-piston wedging.
The position of the stem where vibration ceased, should be noted and any increase in pressure drop indicated on available gages, recorded. It may be that when the stem is screwed back to the full open posi­tion, the disk will again remain in a float­ing position which could indicate oversiz­ing of the valve for the flow conditions. It is always recommended that check valve size selection be governed by flow conditions rather than by adjacent piping. Oversizing induces vibration or noise and causes excessive, uneven guide rib wear giving rise to greater disk-piston assembly clear­ance on one side of the body.
Another way to dislodge a wedged piston is to use other valves in the line. If possi­ble, vary the rate of flow through a noisy check valve sharply enough (in a short period of time) to dislodge the piston from its wedged position.
In order to obtain full service life, valves require periodic lubrication of the bearings and stem threads, as does any rotating machinery.
On valves where the stem bushing and bearings are in the motor actuator, the bearings are lubricated by the actuator lube supply, which should by maintained at the recommended level.
Stem threads also require periodic replen­ishment of the lubricant. Exposed threads should be wiped clean of old grease and accumulated dirt and fresh lubricant applied. This is most effectively done with the valve in the closed position.
For valves that see frequent operation, the lubricant should be replenished on bear­ings and stem threads every three months. If extreme service conditions dictate, the plant operating engineer should establish a more frequent re-lube schedule.
For valves that are operated infrequently, relubrication at least once a year is recom­mended. The recommended lubricant for stem threads is Rykon EP #2, manufactured by The American Oil Company. This is an extreme pressure, extreme temperature lubricant of high quality.
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