F. Push the stem (4) down thru the body (1)
and out the open end of the body (1). Remove
the upper and lower stem seals (5) and the
grounding washer (15). Grounding washer is
not used with the FIRE-GARD valves. Save the
grounding washer (15) for reassembly.
Flowserve recommends replacement of all soft
parts whenever the valve is disassembled for
reconditioning. Replacement parts can be
ordered in kit form.
4. Reassembly
A. Put one seat (10) in body (1).
NOTE: Seats (10) are to be installed with
concave surfaces positioned against the ball (3).
B. Lightly grease the stem seals (5) and the
seal area and the threads of the stem (4).
Insert stem seal(s) (5) into the lower stem
seal cavity with the raised outer edge facing
into the counterbore (FIRE-GARD seals are
square cut seals). Insert stem (4) through the
installed stem seals (5) and the body (1).
Place travel stop (13) on the stem (4) so that
it rests on the top surface of the body (1).
Thread the adjusting nut (7) on the stem (4)
and torque to
4 of the final torque value for
the adjusting nut (7) (see Table 1).
Table 1: Adjusting Nut Torques
(lb-ft) Number of Seals
" to
"5 1 1
4" to 2" 10 1 2
Remove the adjusting nut (7) and the travel
stop (13) without moving the stem. Place the
grounding washer (15) into the upper seal
cavity with the raised fingers pointing up.
Push the upper stem seal(s) (5) into the
counterbore with raised outer edge pointing
into the valve. Add the gland ring (6), the
travel stop (13) and the adjusting nut (7).
Make sure the travel stop (13) is installed so
that the valve can close in a clockwise
direction and open counterclockwise. If the
rotation is not correct, the travel stop (13)
must be inverted. Torque the adjusting nut to
the value shown in Table 1. Cycle several
times and check the adjusting nut torque.
C. Turn the stem (4) to a position with the
stem tang flats parallel to the cavity. (Ball will
be in closed position and stay in this position
through steps D and C).
D. Install the ball (3). NOTE: Ball should be
carefully examined for nicks, scratches, pitting
or corrosion and replaced as necessary.
E. Put other seat (10) into body, being certain
that spherical surface of the seat is positioned
against the ball.
F. Press body seals (11) into grooves on face
of body.
G. Turn ball to open position and swing valve
body section back into position
H. Turn ball back to full closed position.
External stem flats positioned perpendicular
to run of valve.
I. Install and tighten all bolts (14) finger tight.
J. Evenly tighten bolts (14) going around
three or four times, alternating sides and in
sequence shown in Figure 2. Bolts should be
tightened until body (1) and end adapter (2)
mating surfaces are metal to metal, but do
not exceed torque values listed in Table 2. Do
not substitute for original bolts. Replacements
may be ordered if necessary.
K. Install handle (8) and handle nut (9).
Table 2
Valve Size Bolt Torque (ft-lbs.)
1" 31
4", 1
2" 1
Flow Control Division
Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended function
safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial
service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore
assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation
Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.
While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of
satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve
is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning
these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any one of its worldwide operations or offices.
For more information about Flowserve Corporation, contact www.flowserve.com or call USA 1-800-225-6989.
1978 Foreman Drive
Cookeville, Tennessee 38501 USA
Phone: 931 432 4021
Facsimile: 931 432 3105
© 2003 Flowserve Corporation, Irving, Texas, USA. Flowserve and McCANNA/MARPAC Valves are registered trademarks of Flowserve Corporation. MMAIM2003 9/03 Printed in USA
Figure 1A: Loosen two bolts
Figure 1B: Remove remaining six bolts
Figure 1C: Swing body section and service
Figure 2
NOTICE: McCANNA Valves are designed and manufactured using good workmanship and materials, and they meet all applicable industry standards. Flowserve Corp. is anxious to avoid
injuries and property damage which could result from misapplication of the product. Proper valve selection is imperative. Examples of the misapplications or misuse of a valve include
but are not limited to use in a service in which the pressure/temperature rating is exceeded or in a chemical service incompatible with the valve materials; use of undersized valve
actuators; use of extremely fast valve actuation and/or continuous valve cycling on standard valves; making modifications of the product of any kind; failure to use caution in operating
valves in high temperature, high pressure, or highly hazardous services; and the failure to maintain valves as recommended. The right is reserved to change or modify product design or
construction without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modification on products previously or subsequently sold.
is a registered trademark of M&FC Holding Co. Inc. • FIRE-GARD®is a registered trademark of M&FC Holding Co. Inc.