Dual Pressurized Seals
BRO, BRT, MRO, MRT, and other
component seals

1 Equipment Check
To first obstruction
Face of seal housing to be square to the axis
of the shaft to within 0.013 mm per millimeter
(0.0005 inches) of seal chamber bore FIM and
have a √1.6
μm (63 μinch) R finish or better
Gland pilot can be at either of these
register locations, concentric to within
0.13 mm (0.005 inch) FIM of shaft or sleeve OD
Sleeve or shaft finish to be
0.8 μm (32 μinch) R or better
Mark A
Shaft or sleeve OD
+0.000 mm (+0.000 inch)
-0.050 mm (-0.002 inch) ANSI
+0.000 mm (+0.000 inch) API 610/682
-0.025 mm (-0.001 inch) DIN/ISO
• Bearings must be in good condition
• Maximum lateral or axial movement of shaft (end play) = 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) FIM
• Maximum shaft runout at face of seal housing = 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) FIM
• Maximum dynamic shaft deflection at seal housing = 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) FIM
Mark B
Seal housing bore to have √3.2 μm
(125 μinch) R finish or better
1.1 Follow plant safety regulations:
• lock out motor and valves.
• wear designated personal safety equipment.
• relieve any pressure in system.
• consult plant MSDS les for hazardous material regulations.
1.2 Adjust the bearings, coupling, and impeller so that the shaft is in its operating
axial position. Disassemble equipment to allow access to seal installation area.
1.3 Remove all burrs and sharp edges from the shaft and sleeve including sharp edges
of keyways and threads. Replace worn shaft or sleeve. Make sure the seal housing
bore, face, and sealing uid ush taps are clean and free of burrs and sharp edges
than might damage O-rings, V-rings, or Duraex rings.
Seal Chamber Requirements Figure 1
1.4 Check requirements for shaft, sleeve, and seal housing. See Figure 1.
1.5 Check assembly drawing included with the dual seal for specic seal design,
materials of construction, dimensions, and piping connections.
1.6 CheckshaftorsleeveOD,boxdepth,boxbore,anddistancetotherst
obstruction to ensure that they are dimensionally the same as shown on the seal
assembly drawing.
The images of parts shown in these instructions may differ visually from the actual
parts due to manufacturing processes that do not affect the part function or quality.

1.7 Check gland pilot and bolt holes to ensure they are adaptable to the equipment
and are the same as shown on the assembly drawing.
1.8 Handle all seal parts with care, they are manufactured to precise tolerances.
The sealing faces are of special importance and are lapped at to within three
light bands (34.8 millionths of an inch). Keep the seal faces perfectly clean
at all times.
Dual Seal Installation
2 Single End Suction Vertical Split Case and
Vertical In-Line Pumps (1 seal chamber)
2.1 Scribe Mark A on the shaft or sleeve at the face of the seal housing,
Figure 1. Refer to the assembly drawing provided with the seal for the seal setting
dimensions. Scribe Mark B, Figure 1, at this dimension from Scribe Mark A.
(See Section 4 for ball drive designs).
2.2 Lubricate one of the two stationary face mounting O-rings or Duraex rings
with the silicone lubricate provided with the seal and nest this O-ring in the
gland cavity. Press the outer stationary face into the gland with the sealing
surface orientated toward the inboard side of the gland. Use hand pressure only.
Position the gland over the shaft or sleeve with the stationary face sealing surface
orientated toward the seal chamber (stufng box). Place the gland as close to the
bearing bracket as possible. Do not bump the stationary face against the shaft as it
may chip, crack, or break.
2.2 Lubricate the shaft or sleeve with the silicone lubricant provided.
2.3 Install the rotating seal assembly on the shaft or sleeve:
• Outer rotating face with rotating face gasket O-ring, V-ring, or Duraon wedge.
• Seal assembly.
• Inner rotating face with rotating face gasket O-ring, V-ring, or Duraon wedge.
The rotating face sealing surfaces should be facing away from the springs and
toward the stationary faces. Be sure that the seal drive pins engage the drive slots
in the rotating faces.
The RO, PTO, and similar designs have buttoned seal assemblies that can most
easily be installed on the shaft or sleeve as a unit with the rotating face gasket
O-rings in place in the bore of the rotating faces. The BRO, MRO, and similar
designs are generally larger in diameter and the rotating seal parts are most
easily installed as individual components.
Handle Duraon V-rings, wedge rings, Durate, and Duraex with extreme care.
Duraon V-rings must be assembled individually and not pushed on the shaft or
sleeve while they are part of the rotating face or rotating seal assembly. Avoid
nicking or pinching either lip of the V-ring. Use both V-rings, they work together
to form an effective seal.