Flowserve CPXS User Manual

Frame mounted, modular design, centrifugal, chemical process pumps with magnetic drive
PCN=71569250 07-11 (E) (Based on C957KH025 and C957KH049.) Original instructions.
These instructions must be read prior to installing,
operating, using and maintaining this equipment.
1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY........................4
1.1 General .........................................................4
1.2 CE marking and approvals ...........................4
1.3 Disclaimer .....................................................4
1.4 Copyright.......................................................4
1.5 Duty conditions .............................................4
1.6 Safety............................................................5
1.7 Nameplate and safety labels ........................ 9
1.8 Specific machine performance......................9
1.9 Noise level ....................................................9
2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE........................10
2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking .......... 10
2.2 Handling......................................................10
2.3 Lifting...........................................................10
2.4 Storage........................................................ 11
2.5 Recycling and end of product life................ 11
3 DESCRIPTION ................................................11
3.1 Configurations.............................................12
3.2 Name nomenclature....................................12
3.3 Design of major parts..................................12
3.4 Performance and operating limits...............12
4 INSTALLATION................................................ 13
4.1 Location ......................................................13
4.2 Part assemblies ..........................................13
4.3 Foundation..................................................13
4.4 Grouting ......................................................13
4.5 Initial alignment...........................................13
4.6 Piping..........................................................14
4.7 Electrical connections .................................18
4.8 Final shaft alignment check ........................18
4.9 Protection systems......................................18
AND SHUTDOWN ...........................................19
5.1 Pre-commissioning procedure....................19
5.2 Pump lubricants ..........................................20
5.3 Open impeller clearance.............................21
5.4 Direction of rotation.....................................21
5.5 Guarding .....................................................21
5.6 Priming and auxiliary supplies....................21
5.7 Starting the pump........................................21
5.8 Running the pump.......................................22
5.9 Stopping and shutdown ..............................23
5.10 Hydraulic, mechanical and electrical duty ..23
6 MAINTENANCE............................................... 23
6.1 General.......................................................23
6.2 Maintenance schedule................................ 24
6.3 Spare parts.................................................. 25
6.4 Recommended spares................................ 25
6.5 Tools required ............................................. 25
6.6 Fastener torques......................................... 26
6.7 Setting impeller clearance .......................... 26
6.8 Disassembly ............................................... 26
6.9 Examination of parts...................................28
6.10 Magnets......................................................29
6.11 Assembly .................................................... 29
7 FAULTS; CAUSES AND REMEDIES .............. 32
8 PARTS LISTS AND DRAWINGS..................... 34
8.1 CPXS – frame mounted – coated shaft –
PEEK shell.................................................. 34
8.2 CPXS – frame mounted – sleeved shaft –
PEEK shell.................................................. 35
8.3 CPXS – frame mounted – coated shaft –
dual containment ........................................ 36
8.4 CPXS – frame mounted – sleeved shaft –
dual containment ........................................ 37
8.5 CPXS – frame mounted – coated shaft –
metal shell................................................... 38
8.6 CPXS – frame mounted – sleeved shaft –
metal shell................................................... 39
8.7 CPXPS – frame mounted – coated shaft –
PEEK shell.................................................. 40
8.8 CPXPS – frame mounted – sleeved shaft –
PEEK shell.................................................. 41
8.9 CPXPS - auxiliary connection points..........42
8.10 CPXS - parts interchangeability.................. 43
8.11 General arrangement drawing.................... 44
9 CERTIFICATION ............................................. 44
MANUALS ....................................................... 44
10.1 Supplementary User Instruction manuals... 44
10.2 Change notes ............................................. 44
10.3 Additional sources of information ............... 44
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Additional sources (10.3).........................................44
Alignment of shafting (4.3, 4.5 and 4.7)
Assembly (6.11).......................................................29
ATEX marking ( .............................................7
Bearing sizes and capacities (5.2)...........................20
CE marking and approvals (1.2)................................4
Certification (9) ........................................................44
Change notes (10.2)................................................44
Clearances, impeller (6.7) .......................................26
Commissioning and operation (5)............................19
Compliance, ATEX (
Configurations (3.1) .................................................12
Copyright (1.4)...........................................................4
Design of major parts (3.3)......................................12
Direction of rotation (5.4) .........................................21
Disassembly (6.8)....................................................26
Disclaimer (1.3).......................................................... 4
Dismantling (6.8, Disassembly)...............................26
Drawings (8) ............................................................34
Duty conditions (1.5)..................................................4
Electrical connections (4.7) .....................................18
End of product life (2.5) ...........................................11
Examination of parts (6.9) .......................................28
Fastener torques (6.6) .............................................26
Faults; causes and remedies (7).............................32
Foundation (4.3) ......................................................13
General arrangement drawing (8.11) ...................... 44
General assembly drawings (8)...............................34
Grouting (4.4)........................................................... 13
Guarding (5.5).......................................................... 21
Handling (2.2) ..........................................................10
Hydraulic, mechanical and electrical duty (5.10).....23
Impeller clearance (5.3 and 6.7)
Inspection (6.2.1 and 6.2.2).....................................24
Installation (4) ..........................................................13
Lifting (2.3)...............................................................10
Location (4.1)...........................................................13
Lubrication (5.1.1, 5.2 and 6.2.3)
Lubrication schedule (5.2.3)....................................20
Magnets (6.10)......................................................... 29
Maintenance (6).......................................................23
Maintenance schedule (6.2)....................................24
Name nomenclature (3.2)........................................12
Nameplate (1.7.1)......................................................9
Operating limits (3.4.1) ............................................12
Ordering spare parts (6.3.1)....................................25
Part assemblies (4.2)............................................... 13
Parts lists (8)............................................................ 34
Performance (3.4).................................................... 12
Piping (4.6) .............................................................. 14
Pre-commissioning (5.1) ......................................... 19
Priming and auxiliary supplies (5.6) ........................ 21
Protection systems (4.9).......................................... 18
Reassembly (6.11, Assembly)................................. 29
Receipt and unpacking (2.1) ................................... 10
Recommended fill quantities (5.2.2)........................ 20
Recommended oil lubricants (5.2.1)........................ 20
Recommended spares (6.4).................................... 25
Recycling (2.5)......................................................... 11
Replacement parts (6.3 and 6.4)............................. 25
Running the pump (5.8)........................................... 22
Safety action (1.6.3) .................................................. 5
Safety markings (1.6.1) ............................................. 5
Safety, protection systems (1.6 and 4.9)
Sectional drawings (8).............................................34
Setting impeller clearance (6.7)............................... 26
Sound pressure level (1.9, Noise level)..................... 9
Sources, additional information (10.3)..................... 44
Spare parts (6.3)...................................................... 25
Specific machine performance (1.8).......................... 9
Starting the pump (5.7)............................................ 21
Stop/start frequency (5.8.3).....................................22
Stopping and shutdown (5.9) .................................. 23
Storage, pump (2.4)................................................. 11
Storage, spare parts (6.3.2) .................................... 25
Supplementary manuals or information sources.....44
Supplementary User Instructions (10.1).................. 44
Thermal expansion (4.5.1) ...................................... 13
Tools required (6.5) ................................................. 25
Torques for fasteners (6.6)......................................26
Trouble-shooting (7) ................................................ 32
Vibration (5.8.2).......................................................22
Safety labels (1.7.2)................................................... 9
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1.1 General
These instructions must always be kept
close to the product's operating location or directly with the product.
Flowserve products are designed, developed and manufactured with state-of-the-art technologies in modern facilities. The unit is produced with great care and commitment to continuous quality control, utilisng sophisticated quality techniques and safety requirements.
Flowserve is committed to continuous quality improvement and being at service for any further information about the product in its installation and operation or about its support products, repair and diagnostic services.
These instructions are intended to facilitate familiarization with the product and its permitted use. Operating the product in compliance with these instructions is important to help ensure reliability in service and avoid risks. The instructions may not take into account local regulations; ensure such regulations are observed by all, including those installing the product. Always coordinate repair activity with operations personnel, and follow all plant safety requirements and applicable safety and health laws and regulations.
These instructions mustread prior to
installing, operating, using and maintaining the equipment in any region worldwide. The equipment must not be put into service until all the conditions relating to safety,noted in the instructions, have been met. . Failure to follow and apply the present user instructions is considered to be misuse. Personal injury, product damage, delay or failure caused by misuse are not covered by the Flowserve warranty.
1.2 CE marking and approvals
It is a legal requirement that machinery and equipment put into service within certain regions of the world shall conform with the applicable CE Marking Directives covering Machinery and, where applicable, Low Voltage Equipment, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and Equipment for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX).
Where applicable, the Directives and any additional Approvals, cover important safety aspects relating to
machinery and equipment and the satisfactory provision of technical documents and safety instructions. Where applicable this document incorporates information relevant to these Directives and Approvals. To confirm the Approvals applying and if the product is CE marked, check the serial number plate markings and the Certification. (See section 9, Certification.)
1.3 Disclaimer
Information in these User Instructions is believed to be complete and reliable. However, in spite of all of the efforts of Flowserve Corporation to provide comprehensive instructions, good engineering and safety practice should always be used.
Flowserve manufactures products to exacting International Quality Management System Standards as certified and audited by external Quality Assurance organisations. Genuine parts and accessories have been designed, tested and incorporated into the products to help ensure their continued product quality and performance in use. As Flowserve cannot test parts and accessories sourced from other vendors the incorrect incorporation of such parts and accessories may adversely affect the performance and safety features of the products. The failure to properly select, install or use authorised Flowserve parts and accessories is considered to be misuse. Damage or failure caused by misuse is not covered by the Flowserve warranty. In addition, any modification of Flowserve products or removal of original components may impair the safety of these products in their use.
1.4 Copyright
All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of Flowserve Pump Division.
1.5 Duty conditions
This product has been selected to meet the specifications of your purchaser order. The acknowledgement of these conditions has been sent separately to the Purchaser. A copy should be kept with these instructions.
The product must not be operated beyond
the parameters specified for the application. If there is any doubt as to the suitability of the product for the application intended, contact Flowserve for advice, quoting the serial number.
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If the conditions of service on your purchase order are going to be changed (for example liquid pumped, temperature or duty) it is requested that the user seek written agreement of Flowserve before start up.
1.6 Safety
1.6.1 Summary of safety markings
These User Instructions contain specific safety markings where non-observance of an instruction would cause hazards. The specific safety markings are:
This symbol indicates electrical safety instructions where non-compliance will involve a high risk to personal safety or the loss of life.
This symbol indicates safety instructions where non-compliance would affect personal safety and could result in loss of life.
This symbol indicates “hazardous and toxic fluid” safety instructions where non-compliance would affect personal safety and could result in loss of life.
This symbol indicates safety instructions where non-compliance will involve some risk to safe operation and personal safety and would damage the equipment or property.
This symbol indicates “strong magnetic field” safety instructions where non-compliance would affect personal safety, pacemakers, instruments, or stored data sensitive to magnetic fields.
This symbol indicates explosive atmosphere zone marking according to ATEX. It is used in safety instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous area would cause the risk of an explosion.
This symbol is used in safety instructions to remind not to rub non-metallic surfaces with a dry cloth; ensure the cloth is damp. It is used in safety instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous area would cause the risk of an explosion.
This sign is not a safety symbol but indicates
an important instruction in the assembly process.
1.6.2 Personnel qualification and training
All personnel involved in the operation, installation, inspection and maintenance of the unit must be qualified to carry out the work involved. If the personnel in question do not already possess the necessary knowledge and skill, appropriate training and instruction must be provided. If required the operator may commission the manufacturer/supplier to provide applicable training.
Always coordinate repair activity with operations and health and safety personnel, and follow all plant safety requirements and applicable safety and health laws and regulations.
1.6.3 Safety action
This is a summary of conditions and actions to help prevent injury to personnel and damage to the environment and to equipment. For products used in potentially explosive atmospheres section
1.6.4 also applies.
DRAIN THE PUMP AND ISOLATE PIPEWORK BEFORE DISMANTLING THE PUMP The appropriate safety precautions should be taken where the pumped liquids are hazardous.
FLUORO-ELASTOMERS (When fitted.) When a pump has experienced temperatures over 250 ºC (482 ºF), partial decomposition of fluoro­elastomers (example: Viton) will occur. In this condition these are extremely dangerous and skin contact must be avoided.
HANDLING COMPONENTS Many precision parts have sharp corners and the wearing of appropriate safety gloves and equipment is required when handling these components. To lift heavy pieces above 25 kg (55 lb) use a crane appropriate for the mass and in accordance with current local regulations.
HIGH MAGNETIC FIELDS Great care should be taken when assembling/ dismantling magnetic rotors, where fitted, because of the very high forces which can be created by the magnets.
Persons with pacemakers and any instrumentation etc sensitive to magnetic fields should be kept well away from the magnetic drive unit during dismantling.
THERMAL SHOCK Rapid changes in the temperature of the liquid within the pump can cause thermal shock, which can result
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in damage or breakage of components and should be avoided.
Trapped lubricant or vapour could cause an explosion.
HOT (and cold) PARTS If hot or freezing components or auxiliary heating supplies can present a danger to operators and persons entering the immediate area action must be taken to avoid accidental contact. If complete protection is not possible, the machine access must be limited to maintenance staff only, with clear visual warnings and indicators to those entering the immediate area.
bearing housings must not be insulated and
drive motors and bearings may be hot.
If the temperature is greater than 80 ºC (175ºF) or below -5 ºC (23 ºF) in a restricted zone, or exceeds local regulations, action as above shall be taken.
HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS When the pump is handling hazardous liquids care must be taken to avoid exposure to the liquid by appropriate siting of the pump, limiting personnel access and by operator training. If the liquid is flammable and or explosive, strict safety procedures must be applied.
PREVENT EXCESSIVE EXTERNAL PIPE LOAD Do not use pump as a support for piping. Do not mount expansion joints, unless allowed by Flowserve in writing, so that their force, due to internal pressure, acts on the pump flange.
ENSURE CORRECT LUBRICATION (See section 5, Commissioning, startup, operation and shutdown.)
ONLY CHECK DIRECTION OF MOTOR ROTATION WITH COUPLING SPACER PIECE REMOVED Starting in reverse direction of rotation will damage the pump.
(Unless otherwise instructed at a specific point in the User Instructions.) This is recommended to minimize the risk of overloading and damaging the pump or motor at full or zero flow. Pumps may be started with the valve further open only on installations where this situation cannot occur. The pump outlet control valve may need to be adjusted to comply with the duty following the run-up process. (See section 5, Commissioning start-up, operation and shutdown.)
INLET VALVES TO BE FULLY OPEN WHEN PUMP IS RUNNING Running the pump at zero flow or below the recommended minimum flow continuously will cause damage to the pump.
DO NOT RUN THE PUMP AT ABNORMALLY HIGH OR LOW FLOW RATES Operating at a flow rate higher than normal or at a flow rate with no back pressure on the pump may overload the motor and cause cavitation. Low flow rates may cause a reduction in pump/bearing life, overheating of the pump, instability and cavitation/vibration.
1.6.4 Products used in potentially explosive
Measures are required to:
Avoid excess temperature
Prevent build up of explosive mixtures
Prevent the generation of sparks
Prevent leakages
Maintain the pump to avoid hazard
The following instructions for pumps and pump units when installed in potentially explosive atmospheres must be followed to help ensure explosion protection. For ATEX, both electrical and non-electrical equipment must meet the requirements of European Directive 94/9/EC. Always observe the regional legal Ex requirements eg Ex electrical items outside the EU may be required certified to other than ATEX eg IECEx, UL. Scope of compliance
Use equipment only in the zone for which it is appropriate. Always check that the driver, drive coupling assembly, seal and pump equipment are suitably rated and/or certified for the classification of the specific atmosphere in which they are to be installed.
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Temperature class
Temperature class
Where Flowserve has supplied only the bare shaft pump, the Ex rating applies only to the pump. The party responsible for assembling the ATEX set shall select the coupling, driver and any additional equipment, with the necessary CE Certificate/ Declaration of Conformity establishing it is suitable for the area in which it is to be installed.
The output from a variable frequency drive (VFD) can cause additional heating effects in the motor. On pumps sets controlled by a VFD, the ATEX Certification for the motor must state that it is covers the situation where electrical supply is from the VFD. This particular requirement still applies even if the VFD is in a safe area. Marking
An example of ATEX equipment marking is shown below. The actual classification of the pump will be engraved on the nameplate.
II 2 GD c IIC 135 ºC (T4)
Equipment Group I = Mining II = Non-mining
Category 2 or M2 = high level protection 3 = normal level of protection
Gas and/or dust G = Gas D = Dust
c = Constructional safety
(in accordance with EN13463-5)
Gas Group IIA – Propane (typical) IIB – Ethylene (typical) IIC – Hydrogen (typical)
Maximum surface temperature (Temperature Class) (see section Avoiding excessive surface temperatures
CLASS IS SUITABLE FOR THE HAZARD ZONE Pumps have a temperature class as stated in the
ATEX Ex rating on the nameplate. These are based on a maximum ambient of 40 ºC (104 ºF); refer to Flowserve for higher ambient temperatures.
The surface temperature on the pump is influenced by the temperature of the liquid handled. The
maximum permissible liquid temperature depends on the temperature class and must not exceed the values in the table that follows.
The temperature rise at the bearings and due to the minimum permitted flow rate is taken into account in the temperatures stated.
to EN13463-1
T6 T5 T4 T3 T2
Maximum surface
temperature permitted
85 °C (185 °F) 100 °C (212 °F) 135 °C (275 °F) 200 °C (392 °F) 300 °C (572 °F)
Temperature limit of
liquid handled
Consult Flowserve Consult Flowserve
115 °C (239 °F) * 180 °C (356 °F) * 275 °C (527 °F) *
Maximum permitted liquid temperature for pumps with self priming casing
to EN13463-1
T6 T5 T4 T3 T2
* The table only takes the ATEX temperature class into consideration.
Pump design or material, as well as component design or material, may further limit the maximum working temperature of the liquid.
Maximum surface
temperature permitted
85 °C (185 °F) 100 °C(212 °F) 135 °C (275 °F) 200 °C (392 °F) 300 °C (572 °F)
Temperature limit of
liquid handled
Consult Flowserve Consult Flowserve
110 °C (230 °F) * 175 °C (347 °F) * 270 °C (518 °F) *
The responsibility for compliance with the specified maximum liquid temperature is with the plant operator.
Temperature classification “Tx” is used when the liquid temperature varies and when the pump is required to be used in differently classified potentially explosive atmospheres. In this case the user is responsible for ensuring that the pump surface temperature does not exceed that permitted in its actual installed location.
Avoid mechanical, hydraulic or electrical overload by using motor overload trips, temperature monitors or a power monitor and make routine vibration monitoring checks.
In dirty or dusty environments, make regular checks and remove dirt from areas around close clearances, bearing housings and motors.
Where there is any risk of the pump being run against a closed valve generating high liquid and casing external surface temperatures fit an external surface temperature protection device.
Do not attempt to check the direction of rotation with the coupling spacer fitted due to the risk of severe contact between rotating and stationary components.
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Additional requirements for CPXPS pumps only
Where the system operation does not ensure control of priming, as defined in the User Instructions, and the maximum permitted surface temperature of the T Class could be exceeded, the user shall fit an external surface temperature protection device. Preventing the build up of explosive mixtures
AND VENTED AND DOES NOT RUN DRY Ensure the pump and relevant suction and discharge
pipeline system is totally filled with liquid at all times during the pump operation, so that an explosive atmosphere is prevented. In addition it is essential to make sure that any heating and cooling systems are properly filled.
If the operation of the system cannot avoid this condition, fit an appropriate dry run protection device (for example liquid detection or a power monitor).
To avoid potential hazards from fugitive emissions of vapour or gas to atmosphere the surrounding area must be well ventilated. Preventing sparks
To prevent a potential hazard from mechanical contact, the coupling guard must be non-sparking fro category 2 equipment.
To avoid the potential hazard from random induced current generating a spark, the baseplate must be properly grounded.
Avoid entrapment of liquid in the pump and associated piping due to closing of suction and discharge valves, which could cause dangerous excessive pressures to occur if there is heat input to the liquid. This can occur if the pump is stationary or running.
Bursting of liquid containing parts due to freezing must be avoided by draining or protecting the pump and ancillary systems.
Where there is the potential hazard of a loss of an external flush, the fluid must be monitored.
If leakage of liquid to atmosphere can result in a hazard, install a liquid detection device. Maintenance to avoid the hazard
The responsibility for compliance with maintenance instructions is with the plant operator.
To avoid potential explosion hazards during maintenance, the tools, cleaning and painting materials used must not give rise to sparking or adversely affect the ambient conditions. Where there is a risk from such tools or materials, maintenance must be conducted in a safe area.
It is recommended that a maintenance plan and schedule is adopted. (See section 6, Maintenance.)
Avoid electrostatic charge: do not rub non-metallic
surfaces with a dry cloth; ensure cloth is damp. For ATEX the coupling must be selected to comply
with 94/9/EC. Correct coupling alignment must be maintained.
Additional requirement for metallic pumps on non-metallic baseplates
When metallic components are fitted on a non­metallic baseplate they must be individually earthed. Preventing leakage
The pump must only be used to handle liquids for which it has been approved to have the correct corrosion resistance.
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1.7 Nameplate and safety labels
1.7.1 Nameplate
For details of nameplate, see the Declaration of Conformity, or separate documentation included with
these User Instructions.
1.7.2 Safety labels
The usual approach is to control the exposure time to the noise or to enclose the machine to reduce emitted sound. You may have already specified a limiting noise level when the equipment was ordered, however if no noise requirements were defined, then attention is drawn to the following table to give an indication of equipment noise level so that you can take the appropriate action in your plant.
Pump noise level is dependent on a number of operational factors, flow rate, pipework design and acoustic characteristics of the building, and so the values given are subject to a 3 dBA tolerance and cannot be guaranteed.
Similarly the motor noise assumed in the “pump and motor” noise is that typically expected from standard and high efficiency motors when on load directly driving the pump. Note that a motor driven by an inverter may show an increased noise at some speeds.
If a pump unit only has been purchased for fitting with your own driver then the “pump only” noise levels in the table should be combined with the level for the driver obtained from the supplier. Consult Flowserve or a noise specialist if assistance is required in combining the values.
Oil lubricated units only:
1.8 Specific machine performance
For performance parameters see section 1.5, Duty conditions. Where performance data has been supplied
separately to the purchaser these should be obtained and retained with these User Instructions if required.
1.9 Noise level
Attention must be given to the exposure of personnel to the noise, and local legislation will define when guidance to personnel on noise limitation is required, and when noise exposure reduction is mandatory. This is typically 80 to 85 dBA.
For units driven by equipment other than electric motors or units contained within enclosures, see the accompanying information sheets and manuals.
It is recommended that where exposure approaches the prescribed limit, then site noise measurements should be made.
The values are in sound pressure level LpA at 1 m (3.3 ft) from the machine, for “free field conditions over a reflecting plane”.
For estimating sound power level LWA (re 1 pW) then add 14 dBA to the sound pressure value.
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Motor size and speed
kW (hp)
<0.55(<0.75) 72 72 64 65 62 64 62 64
0.75 (1) 72 72 64 66 62 64 62 64
1.1 (1.5) 74 74 66 67 64 64 62 63
1.5 (2) 74 74 66 71 64 64 62 63
2.2 (3) 75 76 68 72 65 66 63 64 3 (4) 75 76 70 73 65 66 63 64 4 (5) 75 76 71 73 65 66 63 64
5.5 (7.5) 76 77 72 75 66 67 64 65
7.5 (10) 76 77 72 75 66 67 64 65 11(15) 80 81 76 78 70 71 68 69
15 (20) 80 81 76 78 70 71 68 69
18.5 (25) 81 81 77 78 71 71 69 71 22 (30) 81 81 77 79 71 71 69 71 30 (40) 83 83 79 81 73 73 71 73 37 (50) 83 83 79 81 73 73 71 73 45 (60) 86 86 82 84 76 76 74 76 55 (75) 86 86 82 84 76 76 74 76
75 (100) 87 87 83 85 77 77 75 77
Note: for 1 180 and 960 r/min reduce 1 450 r/min values by 2 dBA. For 880 and 720 r/min reduce 1 450 r/min values by 3 dBA.
3 550 r/min 2 900 r/min 1 750 r/min 1 450 r/min
Pump and
Typical sound pressure level LpA at 1 m reference 20 µPa, dBA
Pump and
Pump and
2.3 Lifting
2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking
Immediately after receipt of the equipment it must be checked against the delivery/shipping documents for its completeness and that there has been no damage in transportation. Any shortage and/or damage must be reported immediately to Flowserve Pump Division and must be received in writing within one month of receipt of the equipment. Later claims cannot be accepted.
Check any crate, boxes or wrappings for any accessories or spare parts that may be packed
A crane must be used for all pump sets in excess of 25 kg (55 lb). Fully trained personnel must carry out lifting, in accordance with local regulations.
Slings, ropes and other lifting gear should be positioned where they cannot slip and where a balanced lift is obtained. The angle between two load carrying slings or ropes must not exceed 60°
2.3.1 Bare pump
The bare pump should be lifted as shown:
separately with the equipment or attached to side walls of the box or equipment.
Each product has a unique serial number. Check that this number corresponds with that advised and always quote this number in correspondence as well as when ordering spare parts or further accessories.
2.2 Handling
Boxes, crates, pallets or cartons may be unloaded using fork lift vehicles or slings dependent on their size and construction.
Pump and
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2.3.2 Pump and folded steel, or polycrete baseplate set
Where the baseplate is folded steel or polycrete there are no specific lifting points provided for the complete machine set. Any lifting points that can be seen are provided only for dismantling parts for servicing.
The pump and folded steel, or polycrete, baseplate set should be lifted as shown. With a sling around the pump discharge nozzle, and around the outboard end of the motor frame using choker hitches pulled tight. The sling should be positioned so the weight is not carried through the motor fan housing. Make sure the completion of the choker hitch on the discharge nozzle is toward the coupling end of the pump.
2.3.3 Pump and cast iron, or fabricated, baseplate set
The pump and cast iron, or fabricated, baseplate set which has specific lifting points, should be lifted as shown:
2.4 Storage
Store the pump in a clean, dry location away from vibration. Leave piping connection covers in place to keep dirt and other foreign material out of pump casing. Turn pump at intervals to prevent brinelling of the bearings and the seal faces, if fitted, from sticking.
The pump may be stored as above for up to 6 months. Consult Flowserve for preservative actions when a longer storage period is needed.
2.5 Recycling and end of product life
At the end of the service life of the product or its parts, the relevant materials and parts should be recycled or disposed of using an environmentally acceptable method and local requirements. If the product contains substances that are harmful to the environment, these should be removed and disposed of in accordance with current regulations. This also includes the liquids and/or gases that may be used in the "seal system" or other utilities.
Make sure that hazardous substances are disposed of safely and that the correct personal protective equipment is used. The safety specifications must be in accordance with the current regulations at all times.
Before lifting the driver alone, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.
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3.1 Configurations
The pump is a modular designed centrifugal pump that can be built to achieve almost all chemical liquid pumping requirements. For ultimate safety the pump has been fitted with a magnetic drive. (See 3.2 and 3.3 below.)
3.2 Name nomenclature
The pump size will be engraved on the nameplate typically as below:
Nominal suction size in mm Nominal discharge size in mm Configuration – see 3.3.1 Nominal ISO maximum impeller diameter The typical nomenclature above is the general
guide to the CPXS configuration description. Identify the actual pump size and serial number from the pump nameplate. Check that this agrees with the applicable certification provided.
3.3 Design of major parts
3.3.1 Pump casing
The pump casing [1100] is designed with a horizontal centreline end inlet and a vertical centreline top outlet which makes it self venting.
For ease of maintenance, the pump is constructed so that pipe connectors do not have to be disturbed when internal maintenance is required.
On the CPXS and CPXPS the casing feet pads are underneath the casing. On the CPXNS they are on the shaft centreline.
In addition, the CPXPS pump casing [1100] is designed with a self priming action which works on the reflux principle for suction lifts up to 7 m (23 ft).
3.3.2 Impeller
An open impeller is fitted.
3.3.3 Shaft
The large diameter stiff shaft, mounted on bearings, has a keyed drive end. The pump shaft is fitted with a magnetic rotor and product lubricated bearings.
3.3.4 Bearing housing
For oil lubricated bearings, a sight glass enables the oil level to be viewed. Additional lubrication and cooling options may be fitted.
3.3.5 Pump bearings and lubrication
The ball bearings fitted in the bearing housing may be oil or grease lubricated. The magnetic drive journal bearings may be lubricated by product or from an external source.
3.3.6 Shaft seal
The magnetic drive design utilizes the shell between the magnets to prevent leakage of the pumped fluid.
3.3.7 Driver
The driver is normally an electric motor. Different drive configurations may be fitted such as internal combustion engines, turbines, hydraulic motors etc driving via couplings, belts, gearboxes, drive shafts etc.
3.3.8 Accessories
Accessories may be fitted when specified by the customer.
3.4 Performance and operating limits
This product has been selected to meet the specifications of the purchase order. See section
1.5. The following data is included as additional information to help with your installation. It is typical, and factors such as temperature and materials may influence this data. If required, a definitive statement for your particular application can be obtained from Flowserve.
3.4.1 Temperature limits
The pump materials and construction have been selected for your application, however, the following fundamental limits should not be exceeded:
Neodymium magnets -40 to +120 ºC (-40 to +248 ºF) Samarium cobalt magnets -40 to +250 ºC
(-40 to +482 ºF)
PEEK shell (depending on pressure)-40 to +120 ºC (-40 to +248 ºF)
3.4.2 Ambient temperature
These pumps are generally fitted with TEFC motors with an ambient temperature limit of +40 ºC (104 ºF). Specific pumps may be fitted with motors to suit client's requirements with other ambient temperature limits - see motor nameplate for details.
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3.4.3 Operating limits
Maximum pump speed: refer to the nameplate.
Equipment operated in hazardous locations must comply with the relevant explosion protection regulations. See section 1.6.4, Products used in
potentially explosive atmospheres.
4.1 Location
The pump should be located to allow room for access, ventilation, maintenance and inspection with ample headroom for lifting and should be as close as practicable to the supply of liquid to be pumped. Refer to the general arrangement drawing for the pump set.
4.2 Part assemblies
On baseplated pump sets the coupling elements are supplied loose. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the pump set is finally lined up as detailed in section 4.5.2, Alignment methods.
4.3 Foundation
There are many methods of installing pump units to their foundations. The correct method depends on the size of the pump unit, its location and noise and vibration limitations. Non-compliance with the provision of correct foundation and installation may lead to failure of the pump and, as such, would be outside the terms of the warranty.
Ensure the following are met: a) The baseplate should be mounted onto a firm
foundation, either an appropriate thickness of quality concrete or sturdy steel framework. (It should NOT be distorted or pulled down onto the surface of the foundation, but should be supported to maintain the original alignment.)
b) Install the baseplate onto packing pieces
evenly spaced and adjacent to foundation bolts.
c) Level with shims between baseplate and
packing pieces.
d) The pump and driver have been aligned before
dispatch however the alignment of pump and motor half coupling must be checked. If this is incorrect, it indicates that the baseplate has become twisted and should be corrected by re­shimming.
e) If not supplied, guarding shall be fitted as
necessary to meet the requirements of ISO 12100 and EN953.
4.4 Grouting
Where applicable, grout in the foundation bolts. After adding pipework connections and rechecking
the coupling alignment, the baseplate should then be grouted in accordance with good engineering practice. Fabricated steel, folded steel and cast iron baseplates can be filled with grout. Polycrete baseplates can not be grouted,see their User Instructions 71569284 (E) for installation and use. If in any doubt, please contact your nearest service centre for advice.
Grouting provides solid contact between the pump unit and foundation, prevents lateral movement of vibrating equipment and dampens resonant vibrations.
Foundation bolts should only be fully tightened when the grout has cured.
4.5 Initial alignment
4.5.1 Thermal expansion
The pump and motor will normally have to be aligned at ambient temperature with an allowance for thermal expansion at operating temperature. In pump installations involving high liquid temperatures, the unit should be run at the actual operating temperature, shut down and the alignment checked immediately.
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4.5.2 Alignment methods
Pump and driver must be isolated
electrically and the half couplings disconnected.
The alignment MUST be checked.
Although the pump will have been aligned at the factory it is most likely that this alignment will have been disturbed during transportation or handling. If necessary, align the motor to the pump, not the pump to the motor.
Alignment is achieved by adding or removing shims under the motor feet and also moving the motor horizontally as required.
In some cases where the alignment cannot be achieved it will be necessary to move the pump before recommencing the above procedure.
For couplings with narrow flanges use a dial indicator as shown. The alignment values are maximums for continuous service.
Permissible misalignment limits at working temperature:
Parallel alignment
- 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) TIR maximum
Angular alignment
- 0.3 mm (0.012 in.) TIR maximum for couplings not exceeding 100 mm (4 in.) flange diameter
- 0.5 mm (0.020 in.) TIR maximum for couplings over 100 mm (4 in.) diameter
When checking parallel alignment, the total indicator read-out (TIR) shown is twice the value of the actual shaft displacement.
When the electric motor has sleeve bearings it is necessary to ensure that the motor is aligned to run on its magnetic centreline. Refer to the motor manual for details. A button (screwed into one of the shaft ends) is normally fitted between the motor and pump shaft ends to fix the axial position.
Align in the vertical plane first, then horizontally by moving motor. Maximum pump reliability is obtained
by near perfect alignment of 0.05 - 0.075 mm (0.002 -
0.003 in.) parallel and 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) per 100 mm (4 in.) of coupling flange diameter as angular misalignment.
4.5.3 Check for soft foot
This is a check to ensure that there is no undue stress on the driver holding down bolts; due to non­level baseplate or twisting. To check, remove all shims and clean surfaces and tighten down driver to the baseplate. Set a dial indicator as shown in sketch and loosen off the holding down bolt while noting any deflection reading on the dial test Indicator - a maximum of 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) is considered acceptable but any more will have to be corrected by adding shims. For example, if the dial test indicator shows the foot lifting 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) then this is the thickness of shim to be placed under that foot. Tighten down and repeat the same procedure on all other feet until all are within tolerance.
Complete piping as below and see sections 4.7, Final shaft alignment check up to and including section 5, Commissioning, startup, operation and shutdown, before connecting driver and checking actual rotation.
4.6 Piping
Protective covers are fitted to the pipe connections to prevent foreign bodies entering during transportation and installation. Ensure that these covers are removed from the pump before connecting any pipes.
4.6.1 Suction and discharge pipework
Never use pump as a support for piping.
Maximum forces and moments allowed on the pump flanges vary with the pump size and type. To minimize these forces and moments that may, if
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excessive, cause misalignment, hot bearings, worn couplings, vibration and the possible failure of the pump casing, the following points should be strictly followed:
Prevent excessive external pipe load
Never draw piping into place by applying force
to pump flange connections
Do not mount expansion joints so that their force, due to internal pressure, acts on the pump flange
Ensure piping and fittings are
flushed before use.
Ensure piping for hazardous liquids is arranged to allow pump flushing before removal of the pump. CPXS and CPXNS only
Take the suction lift into account in the available NPSH which must be higher than the required NPSH of the pump.
In order to minimize friction losses and hydraulic noise in the pipework it is good practice to choose pipework that is one or two sizes larger than the pump suction and discharge. Typically main pipework velocities should not exceed 2 m/s (6 ft/sec) suction and 3 m/s (9 ft/sec) on the discharge. CPXPS self primer only
The delivery pipework must permit priming air to escape unhindered from the pump during the priming cycle, without back pressure and prevent excessive run-back of liquid on shutdown to minimise syphoning.
Priming air may be vented in one of the following ways:
1. The discharge pipework regulating valve, if
fitted, may be partly opened during the priming cycle to freely vent the air.
2. An automatic air release valve may be fitted to
the discharge pipework, between the pump and any valves, providing that gases and vapours given off are environmentally safe and acceptable for release into the atmosphere.
3. An air bleed pipe may be run from the discharge
pipework, between the pump and any valves, back to the suction tank or sump. This arrangement has a disadvantage in that manual/ automatic control will be necessary during operation to prevent continuous re-circulation of the pumped liquid.
4.6.2 Suction piping CPXS and CPXNS suction piping
a) The inlet pipe should be one or two sizes larger
than the pump inlet bore and pipe bends should be as large a radius as possible.
b) On suction lift the piping should be inclined up
towards the pump inlet with eccentric reducers incorporated to prevent air locks.
c) On positive suction, the inlet piping must have
a constant fall towards the pump.
d) The pipe next to the pump should be the same
diameter as the pump suction and have a minimum of two pipe diameters of straight section between the elbow and the pump inlet flange. Where the NPSH margin is not large, it is recommended that the pipe straight is 5 to 10 pipe diameter. (See section 10.3, Reference 1.) Inlet strainers, when used, should have a net 'free area' of at least three times the inlet pipe area.
e) Fitting isolation and non-return valves will allow
easier maintenance.
f) Never throttle pump on suction side and never
place a valve directly on the pump inlet nozzle.
g) The pump is fitted with silicon carbide bearings
therefore small non-abrasive solids less than
0.3 mm (0.012 in.) in diameter can be handled providing they constitute no more than 2.5% by volume of liquid handled.
h) Solids must be non-magnetic, must not have a
tendency to coagulate and must not be fibrous. They should also be non-abrasive and must not scale wetted surfaces. For services other than above you are recommended to contact Flowserve for advice. CPXPS suction piping
a) The inlet pipe should be as short as possible,
airtight and the smallest volume as practical for the pump flow rate so as to be able to prime in quickly. Where inlet pipe volume is large an inlet ball-foot valve or flap valve will be required.
b) It is recommended that the pump inlet pipe is no
larger than the pump inlet bore or such that the suction velocity is in the range of 3 to 5 m/sec (10 to 16 ft/sec). The piping should slope down towards the pump casing suction flange.
c) Take the suction lift into account in the available
NPSH, which must be higher than the required NPSH of the pump.
d) Allow a minimum of two pipe diameters of
straight section between the elbow and inlet flange.
e) Fitting an isolation valve will allow easier
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