Fairchild Semiconductor GTLP16616MTDX, GTLP16616MTD, GTLP16616MEAX, GTLP16616MEA Datasheet

June 1997 Revised October 1998
GTLP16616 17-Bit TTL/GTLP Bus Transceiver with Buffered Clock
© 1998 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS500017.prf www.fairchildsemi.com
GTLP16616 17-B
it TTL/GTLP Bus Transceiver
with Buffered Clock
The GTLP16616 i s a 1 7-bit r egist ered bus transc eiver th at provides TTL to GTLP signal le vel translatio n. It al lows for transparent, latched and clocked modes of dat a flow and provides a buffered GTLP (CLKOUT) clock output from the TTL CLKAB. The device p rovides a high speed interfa ce between cards operating at TTL logic l evels and a back­plane operating at GTLP logic levels. High speed back-
plane operation is a direct resu lt of GTLP’s red uced outp ut swing (<1V), reduced input threshold levels and output edge rate control. The edge rate control minimizes bus set­tling time. GTLP is a Fairchil d Semicondu ctor deriv ative of the Gunning Transceiver logic (GTL) JEDEC standard JESD8-3.
Fairchild’s GTLP has inter nal edg e-rate con trol and is pro­cess, voltage, and temperature (PVT) compensated. Its function is similar to BTL and GT L but with different outp ut levels and receiver threshold. GTLP output LOW level is typically less than 0. 5V, the output level HIGH is 1.5V and the receiver threshold is 1.0V.
Bidirectional interface between GTLP and TTL logic levels
Edge Rate Control to minimize noise on the GTLP port
Power up/down/off high impedance for live insertion
External V
pin for receiver threshold
CMOS technology for low power dissipation
5 V tolerant inputs and outputs on the A-Port
Bus-hold data inputs on the A-Port eliminates the need
for external pull-up resistors on unused inputs.
TTL compatible driver and control inputs
Flow through pinout optimizes PCB layout
Open drain on GTLP to support wired-or connection
A-port source/sink 32 mA/+32 mA
D-type flip-flop, latch and transparent data paths
GTLP Buffered CLKAB signal available (CLKOUT)
Recommended Operating Temperature 40°C to 85°C
Ordering Code:
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending su ffix let te r “X” to the ordering code .
Order Number Package Number Package Description
GTLP16616MEA MS56A 56-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package (SSOP), JEDEC MO-118 0.300” Wide GTLP16616MTD MTD56 56-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 6.1mm Wide
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Pin Descriptions Connection Diagram
Functional Description
The GTLP16616 is a 17 bit re giste red transce iver co ntaining D-typ e flip-fl op, latch an d transp arent m odes of op eration for the data path and a GTLP translation of the CLKAB signal (CLKOUT). Data flow in each direction is controlled by the clock enables (CEAB
and CEBA), latch enables (LEAB and LEBA), clock (CLKAB and CLKBA) and output enables (OEAB and
). The clock enables (CEAB and CEBA) enable all 17 bits. The output enables (OEAB and OEBA) control both the 17
bits of data and the CLKOUT/CLKIN buffered clock path. For A-to-B data flow, when CEAB
is LOW, the device operates o n the LOW-to-HIGH tr ansition of C LKAB for the flip-flop
and on the HIGH-to-LOW transition of LEAB for the latch path. That is, if CEAB
is LOW and LEAB is LOW the A data is latched regardless as to the state of CLKAB (HIGH or LOW) and if LEAB is HIGH the device is in transparent mode. When OEAB
is LOW the outputs are active. When OEAB is HIGH the outputs ar e HIGH impedance . The data flow of B-to -A is
similar except that CEBA
, OEBA, LEBA and CLKBA are used.
Truth Table
(Note 1)
Note 1: A-to-B data flo w is sh ow n. B-to-A data flow is similar but uses OEBA, LE BA, CLKBA, and CEBA. Note 2: Output level before the indicated s t eady-state input conditions were established, provided that CL KAB was HIGH prior to LEAB going LOW. Note 3: Output level before the indicated steady-state input conditions were established.
Pin Names Description
A-to-B Output Enable (Active LOW)
B-to-A Output Enable (Active LOW)
A-to-B Clock Enable (Active LOW)
B-to-A Clock Enable (Active LOW) LEAB A-to-B Latch Enable (Transparent HIGH) LEBA B-to-A Latch Enable (Transparent HIGH) V
GTLP Reference Voltage CLKAB A-to-B Clock CLKBA B-to-A Clock A1-A17 A-to-B Data Inputs or B-to-A 3-STATE
Outputs B1-B17 B-to-A Data Inputs or
A-to-B Open Drain Outputs CLKIN B-to-A Buffered Clock Output CLKOUT GTLP Buffered Clock Output of CLKAB
Inputs Output
X H X X X Z Latched LLLH or LXB
(Note 2) storage
(Note 3) of A data X L H X L L Transparent XLHXH H LLL L L Clocked storage LLL H H of A data HLLXXB
(Note 3) Clock inhibit
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Logic Diagram
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