© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS009801 www.fairchildsemi.com
July 1988
Revised September 2000
74ACT818 8-Bit Diagnostic Register
8-Bit Diagnostic Register
General Description
The ACT818 is a high-speed, general-purpose pipeline
register with an on-bo ar d dia gno sti c re giste r fo r performing
serial diagnostics and/or writable control store loading.
The D-to-Y path pr ovides an 8-b it parallel data path pipeline register for normal system operation. The diagnostic
register can load parallel data to or fro m the pipel ine register and can output data through the D input por t (as in
WCS loading).
The 8-bit diagnostic register has multiplexer inputs that
select parallel inp uts from the Y-port or adjacent bi ts i n the
diagnostic register to operate as a right -shift-only regist er.
This register can then participate in a serial loop throughout
the system where normal da ta, a ddr ess, statu s and cont rol
registers are replaced with ACT818 diagnostic pipeline registers. The loop can be used to scan in a complete test routine starting point (Data, Address, etc.). Then after a
specified number of machine cycles it scans out the results
to be inspected for the expect ed resu lts. WC S load ing c an
be accomplished usin g the same t echniqu e. An i nstruct ion
word can be serially shifted into the shadow register and
written into the WCS RAM by enabling the D output.
■ On-line and off-line system diagnostics
■ Swaps the contents of diagnostic register and output
■ Diagnostic register and diagnostic testing
■ Cascadable for wide control word s as use d in mi crop ro-
■ Edge-triggered D registers
■ Outputs source/sink 24 mA
■ ACT818 has TTL-compatible inputs
■ ACT818 is functionally- and pin-compatible to AMD
Am29818 and MMI 74S818
• Register for microprogram control store
• Status register
• Data register
• Instruction register
• Interrupt mask register
• Pipeline register
• General purpose register
• Parallel-serial/serial-parallel converter
Ordering Code:
Logic Symbol Connection Diagram
FACT is a trademark of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation.
Order Number Order Package Package Description
74ACT818SPC N24C 24-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide