Fairbanks 2000 User Manual

Installation Manual
Rocker Column
Railroad Scale
Revision 5 03/10
© 2001-2010 by Fairbanks Scales Inc.
All rights reserved 03/10 2 50614 Rev. 5
Amendment Record
2000 Series
Rocker Column
Railroad Scale
Manufactured by Fairbanks Scales Inc.
821 Locust
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
Created 5/01
Issue #1 5/01 New Product
Issue #2 5/02 Update Part Numbers
Issue #3 6/02 Update Specifications
Issue #4 10/03 Updated entire Manual
Revision 5 03/10 Updated entire manual per engineering and ECO 636.
Disclaimer Every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information in this manual. However, although this manual may include a specifically identified warranty notice for the product, Fairbanks Scales makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this manual, and reserves the right to make changes to this manual without notice when and as improvements are made.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
1-A: Introduction & General Description Page 5 1-B: Specifications Page 6 1-C: Rails & Anti-Creep Devices Page 7 1-D: Regulations; Excerpts from the AAR Scale Handbook Page 8 1-E: Foundation Construction & Installation Page 11 1-F: Grout Plates Page 11 1-G: Rocker Column Loadcells Page 11 1-H: Ground Rods Page 11
Section 2: Installation
2-A: General Service Policy & Overview Page 13 2-B: Pre-installation checklist Page 13 2-C: Unpacking Page 14 2-D: Safety Page 14 2-E: Recommended installation sequence Page 15 2-F: Foundation Construction & Installation Page 16 2-G: Foundation Inspection Page 18 2-H: Foundation Inspection Check List Page 19 2-I: Grout plates Page 20
Check brackets Page 21 Centering section Page 23 Loadcell installation Page 23 Leveling & elevation Page 25
Final adjustments Page 26 2-J: Grouting the grout plates Page 28 2-K: Grounding Page 30
Section 3: Maintenance Page 31
Section 4: Parts list Page 32
Appendix I: Recommended Tools & Equipment Page 35 Appendix II: Required at the jobsite Page 35 Appendix III: Materials Page 36 Appendix IV: Torque Values Chart Page 36 Appendix V: Tolerances Page 37 Appendix VI: Loadcell specifications Page 37 Appendix VII: Grounding Rod Kit Packing List Page 37 Appendix VIII Concrete & Slump Testing Page 38 Appendix IX: About the AAR, AREMA, & AREA Page 39 Appendix X: 2000 Series J-Box Bracket Accessory Page 40
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Index of Illustrations:
50614-1 Single module end view Page 5 50614-2 Side view Page 6 50614-3 Different wheelbase lengths Page 6 50614-4 Component identification Page 6 50614-5 Anti-creep device Page 7 50614-6 Suggested anti-creep installation Page 7 50614-7 Rail miter gap Page 8 50614-8 Ground rods, Single - Single Page 12 50614-9 Ground rods, Single - Double Page 12 50614-10 Ground rods, Double - Double Page 12 50614-11 Foundation forming Page 16 50614-12 Foundation forming - Pier bolts Page 16 50614-13 Foundation forming - Check posts Page 17 50614-14 Foundation forming - Embedded Posts Page 17 50614-15 Foundation Inspection Checklist Page 19 50614-16 Grout plates Page 20 50614-17 Grout plate detail Page 20 50614-18 Grout plate leveling screws Page 21 50614-19 Check bracket placement Page 21 50614-20 Check bracket adjustment details Page 22 50614-21 Checking bracket - adjustment Page 22 50614-22 Centering the module Page 23 50614-23 Loadcell & hardware list Page 23 50614-24 Loadcell & hardware placement Page 24 50614-25 Loadcell & hardware adjustment Page 24 50614-26 Leveling Page 25 50614-27 Same plane Page 25 50614-28 Adjusting elevation Page 26 50614-29 Final adjustments - Double Page 26 50614-30 Final adjustments - Single Page 27 50614-31 Grout plate forming & grouting Page 28 50614-32 Grout plate forming & grouting Page 29 50614-33 Ground rod locations Page 30 50614-34 Parts list Page 32 50614-35 2000 Series J-Box Bracket Installation Page 40
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A.A.R. Combination Railroad Track / MTS Scale
NOTE: This manual is intended to compliment and be used in conjunction with the Certified Prints provided by FAIRBANKS SCALES. Installation should be attempted only with the pres­ence and guidance of experienced personnel who are fully familiar with the assembly of these scales. Please read this Bulletin in its entirety BEFORE setting scale hardware.
SECTION 1-A: Introduction & General Description:
The 2000 Series Rocker Column Railroad Track Scale is a factory assembled, fully electronic scale available in single 12' 6" long, and double 25' long welded steel modules. The 2000 Series is designed for above ground or shallow pit installation, and is configured to accept a 115# ARR rail. The scale can be configured to accept other sizes of rail as a special order.
The design of the 2000 Series Railroad Track Scale incorporates hermetically-sealed, stain­less steel rocker column load cells, each with a capacity of 110,000 lbs. The combination of a level approach, rocker column load cells, and checking system permits the scale slight move­ment to mitigate the forces applied to it.
Each module features four removable panels for service access. Interface to a Fairbanks 2500 Series Digital Weight Indicator with INTALOGIX technology is standard. The purchased scale will include the modules, anchor bolts, loadcells, checking system, smart sectional controllers, power supply, and ground rods.
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Both the combination and placement of the scale modules will accommodate rail cars with dif­ferent wheelbase lengths. A single 12' 6" Module weighs 5000 lbs, and has a Sectional Capacity of 85 Tons.
1-B: Specifications:
Product # Nominal No of # Load # Ground & Type Length(s) Capacity Sections Cells Rods
(Supplied by Fairbanks)
91651 Single 12'6" 170,000 lbs 2 4 3 91652 Double 25' 340,000 lbs 3 6 3 91653 Single/Single 12'6" + 12'6" 340,000 lbs 4 8 5 91654 Single/double 12'6" + 25' 340,000 lbs 5 10 5 91655 Double/double 25' + 25' 340,000 lbs 6 12 5
1: A single consists of one 12' 6" long pre-assembled module.
2: A double consists of two 12' 6" long modules that are configured to assemble together. The double is supported by three sections, and is 25' long.
1: Check Brackets limit the platform movement, and the Check Posts serve as safety piers. 2: The Approach column secures the approach rail. It is bolted to the grout plate. 3: Grout plate. 4: Upper & lower bearings are 1" thick, and hardened to Rockwell 50 - 55 C. 5: Stainless Steel, hermetically sealed Rocker Column Loadcell.
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1-C: Rails & Anti-Creep Devices
The Scale is designed to accept a 115 lb. rail with Foster #62 rail clip. The approach rails and Scale Weigh Rail should be the same weight. The approach anchor bolts, approach rail plates, rails, rail clips, and anti - creep devices are all optional items. They can be supplied by Fairbanks Scales when ordered as accessories, otherwise they are not supplied.
Positive means must be provided to prevent the creeping of the approach rails and to main­tain a clearance which shall be not less than 1/8 inches or more than 5/8 inches between the approach rails and the weigh rails. Switch points are highly recommended for the purpose. A minimum of seventy five (75) feet of tangent track at each approach is required by the A.A.R. (Association of American Railroads).
For Ground Strap
Anti - creep devices are constructed of angle iron with a flat iron weldment to fit to the rail as shown above, The rail is side drilled through its web and bolted to the anti - creep device, effectively securing it from any movement.
The AAR Scale Specifications state that the rail on the approach and the weighbridge shall be properly anchored to prevent creeping of the rails. This is done in order to maintain the prop­er gap between the approach rail and the weighrail.
For Ground Strap
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Rails should be miter cut at the ends of the weighrails and approach rails to assure a smooth transfer of wheels in order to reduce impact loading to the scale.
3/8 inch gap
1-D: Regulations:
This Scale is designed and manufactured in accordance with regulations established by Handbook 44 as adopted by the National Conference of Weights and Measures (NCWM), the American Association of Railroads (AAR), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). If the Scale is intended to provide weights to the serving railroad for the purpose of revenue, it shall be installed, repaired, tested, and maintained in accordance with the Association of American Railroads Scale Handbook, which contains the rules and specifi­cations for the construction and maintenance of track scales for the weighing of railroad vehi­cles.
Excerpts from the Association of American Railroads Scale Handbook
Location: Scale shall be so located that an adequate foundation and at least 75 feet of
tangent track at each approach to the weighrails can be provided.
In areas with poor drainage, the scale shall be raised to such an elevation that
drainage of the surface water shall be away from it. Means shall be provided to prevent accumulation of water at the scale site. Solutions for saturated areas with poor drainage shall be determined by a competent soils engineer.
Drainage: The pit floor shall be pitched to a common point for drainage and shall be smooth and free from pockets in which water may stand. If the pit floor is below substrate water lever, the pit shall be drained from its lowest point into a sump adequately equipped with automatic means for removal of water as it collects.
Footing or Piers for loadcells:
Concrete footings or piers supporting loadcell base plates shall not be less than 18 inches thick. Their tops shall be above the floor a sufficient distance to prevent the accumulation of water around or under the base plates.
Pit floor:
The floor of the pit may be a mat of concrete approximately as thick as that required to support the loadcell base plates or, if local conditions permit, the thickness may be reduced to no less than 6 inches.
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Ventilation: All scale pits shall be ventilated to meet the needs of each particular case to minimize the relative humidity in the pit and to retard corrosion of scale parts and structural steel.
Entrance to the Scale Pit:
Suitable access to the Scale pit shall be provided. The entrance
shall be closed by a suitable closure fastened to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons.
Bearing Pressures Under Foundations:
The bearing areas of the foundation footings
shall be such that the pressure under the footings will not exceed:
For fine sand and clay .................................. 4,000 lb. per square foot
For coarse sand or hard clay ....................... 6,000 LB per square foot
For boulders or solid rock ........................... 20,000 LB per square foot
If the soil does not have a bearing capacity of at least 4,000 lb.. Per square foot, and its bear­ing capacity cannot be increased by drainage, stabilization, or other means, pile foundations shall be provided. Careful soil exploration, including borings, is always desirable.
Loadcell assemblies shall be raised or lowered, as required, by means of level­ing screws, shims, or other methods to bring the weighbridge into level traversely and on grade longitudinally. After leveling the loadcell baseplates, to a tolerance of not more than
0.015 inches per foot, they shall be grouted as required.
Scale House Design:
Except where the indicating elements are mounted in a separate building, a Scale house large enough to install, observe and service the indicating elements shall be provided. It should have windows of sufficient size and so located as to give the weigher an unobstructed view of the Scale deck and approaching cars or trucks.
Where a special scale house is required, a suitable and substantial building shall be provided. To insure proper operation of the indicator and/or recorder, the house shall be equipped with proper environmental control.
Scale House Location:
The lateral clearance between the Scale house and centerline of Scale or any track shall not be less than 8 feet, unless otherwise required by law, or the serving railroad.
Indicator - Recorder Shelf: If a shelf is required for mounting the indicator and/or recorder, it shall be so located as to provide for ease of operation without obscuring the weigher's view of the Scale deck and approaching cars or trucks. The shelf must not limit ready access to the instrument for maintenance purposes.
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Power Source The power source of the electronic instrumentation and load cell circuitry shall conform to the following:
Voltage - 115 v AC +/- 10 v Frequency - 60 Hz, +/- 0.25 Hz
The power source must be reasonably free from harmonics and electrical transients. Fusing shall be provided at 15 amp unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. The power source shall be a separate circuit back to the distribution transformer. One side of the 115 v power source shall be at a ground potential. Power surge protection shall be provided for load cells and instrumentation circuit.
Adequate protection of shielding should be provided to eliminate radio frequency and electro­magnetic interference. The scale must satisfy the tolerance requirements when the scale equipment is subjected to RFI and EMI influences.
All cabling between loadcells, junction boxes, and electronic instrumentation shall
conform to the following:
All cable shields shall be interconnected and carried to a single ground. This should be a separate ground from the power source ground and be provided for the loadcells and instru­mentation circuits only. It should be a copper rod which, when possible, is driven to the depth of the water table.
The connection between the ground rod and the common ground point of the loadcell and instrumentation circuits shall be made with copper wire, or the equivelant, of No. 10 gauge or larger.
All cable shields in the loadcell circuits shall be grounded at one end only.
Loadcell cables shall be physically separate from power cables and never run in the same conduit system.
(NOTE: A 24 inch to 36 inch separation is required by Fairbanks Scales)
All cable connections, junction boxes, etc., in the loadcell circuits shall be properly protected against the effects of moisture.
All multi - conductor cabling shall be color - coded, or provided with other means of identifica­tion of the individual conductors.
Cables from the loadcells to the first junction box shall be in one unspliced length. Junction boxes shall be located near the top of the pit but not on the weighbridge. Cabling from the first junction box to a common master junction box shall be in one length unspliced.
This concludes excerpts from the Association of American Railroads Scale Handbook
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1-E: Foundation Construction & Installation
Use only certified prints that are marked for the particular installation, customer, and scale.
All the dimensions indicated on the certified prints must be rigidly and faithfully followed dur­ing all phases of construction. There is very little tolerance for misplacements and mistakes. Pier heights are especially critical as there must be enough space for finishing grout under all stands (per certified drawings) while rails on the scale weighbridge and approach rail must be absolutely level.
Placement of foundation bolts is absolutely critical to the successful installation of the scale. The use of a template or form that matches the design called for can be used. Foundation bolts must NOT be installed at an angle, too deep, or too shallow. Very close tolerances must be met on all aspects of pit construction.
1-F: Grout Plates
The Grout plates are the foundation upon which the scale structure rests, and their level, accurate position is basic to the entire structure. Base plates must be installed at proper height and in the same plane. All grout plates must be level within .015" per foot. All pier bolts must have enough height to allow vertical adjustment of the base plate's, but not so high as to interfere or to have insufficient depth into the pier.
1-G: Rocker Column Loadcells
The 110,000 lb capacity compression loadcells are designed to meet the most stringent accuracy requirements. They offer total stainless steel construction and complete hermetic sealing, making them suitable for use in the toughest of environments. They are rated IP 68.
The load cell's Rocker Column design permits it to be self aligning, always returning to its original plumb, square, and level position after loading and unloading disturbances.
1-H: Ground Rods:
Ground rods are essential in providing protection to the electronic components and loadcells from both lightning surges and static discharges. Pit ground rods shall be tied to the founda­tions steel reinforcement rod (rebar) prior to pouring, and shall protrude 4 inches above the pit floor. Ground rods for approach rails shall be tied to the rebar assembly. There are five (5) rods with the locations specified as below:
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The following drawing shows correct placement of ground rods.
Above example #3: Double / Double
1: Clean all ground rod end(s) with abrasive to assure a good electrical connection. Keep all ground straps untwisted, clear of standing water, with a drip loop, and as short as possible. Secure the strap to the ground rods with the provided clamp and coat with grease. Cover the connections to protect from condensation.
2: Connections to the weighbridge are installed by bolting to the provided bracket at the end of each Scale Module. Scrape / sand enough paint / coating away to make a good electrical connection, and coat with grease AFTER the connection has been made.
3: Ground rod #5 should be located near the interface conduit. It is used to connect to the isolated ground of the Pit Power Supply (PPS) Acc 2001-1 only.
4: #1, ,2, 3, 4, and 5 Ground Rods are provided. These should be installed and correctly connected with ground braid to the Anti-creep assy's with the provided hardware. Refer to illustrations 50614_5, 50614_6, and Appendix VII. Ground rod connections 6, 7, and 8 are not shown and are not provided by Fairbanks. Refer to 2-K: Grounding on page 30 for further details.
Conduit to
= Ground Rod
between Modules
Single Module
Single Module
50614_8 A
Conduit to
= Ground Rod
between Modules
Single Module D ouble Module
50614_9 A
Above example #1: Single / Single
Above example #2: Single / Double
Conduit to
= Ground Rod
between Modules
Double M odule
Double M odule
50614_10 A
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Section 2: Installation:
2-A: General Service Policy
Prior to installation, it must be verified that the equipment will satisfy the customer's require­ments as supplied, and as described in this manual. If the equipment cannot satisfy the appli­cation and the application cannot be modified to meet the design parameters of the equip­ment, the installation should not be attempted.
1. These instructions apply to the Scale Platform only; installation procedures for instrumenta-
tion, printers and other peripherals are given in manuals specifically provided for those units. The instructions include a pre-installation checkout, which must be performed before the installation.
2. All electronic and mechanical calibrations and or adjustments required to make this equip­ment perform to accuracy and operational specifications are considered to be part of the installation, and are included in the installation charge. Only those charges which are incurred as a result of the equipment's inability to be adjusted or calibrated to performance specifica­tions may be charged to warranty.
3. Absolutely no physical or electrical modifications are to be made to this equipment. Electrical connections other than those specified may not be performed, and no physical alterations (mounting holes, etc.) are allowed.
4. The installing technician is responsible to make certain that personnel are fully trained and familiar with the capabilities and limitations of the equipment before the installation is consid­ered complete.
2-B: Pre-Installation Checklist:
The following points should be checked and discussed with the Area Sales Manager and/or customer, if necessary, before the technician goes to the site to install the equipment.
1. Has the customer's application been checked to make certain that it is within the capabili­ties and design parameters of the equipment?
2. If the installation will disrupt the customer's normal operations, is he aware and has he made arrangements?
3. Is properly-grounded power available at the installation location?
4. Will the equipment operator(s) be available for training?
+ 29 hidden pages