Setup procedure of Firewall
≪ Trend Micro Internet Security ≫
WindowsXP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Connecting the projector to Windows XP using EMP NS Connection - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Connecting the projector to Windows XP using Quick Wireless Connection - - - - - - - 7
WindowsVista- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
Connecting the projector to Windows Vista using EMP NS Connection - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1
Connecting the projector to Windows Vista using Quick Wireless Connection - - - - - 15

Rev,No. Revision history Norts
Rev.A 2008.xx.xx New releases
Using This Manual:
This manual is for users who do not know much about how to add software for Epson projector to anti-
virus Software’s firewall exceptions list. Please be kindly noted that there are other methods to add the
software to firewall exception list other than the method described in this manual. Also, the description
about change in firewall setting in this manual is just an example setting to use the software (EMP NS
Connection and EPSON Quick Wireless Connection). This is not the security level Epson recommends
and assures. We would appreciate it if users could set up security level in accordance with their environment.
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Connecting the projector to Windows XP using EMP NS Connection
1. When following messages are displayed at the first start of EMP NS Connection and at the first start of
movie sending mode, click Allow.
Once the Allow is clicked, the program is added automatically in the Program control list in order to
allow the program to access the internet.
Note: The message is displayed at the start of first communication of each TCP/UDP connection program by program.
(TCP/UDP communication direction: Inbound TCP, Outbound TCP, Inbound UDP, and Outbound UDP)

2. After the network connection between the PC and the projector over the EMP NS connection has been
established,make sure that the EMP NS Connection is added in the Program control list to allow the
EMP NS connection to access the internet.
Click Start > All Programs > Trend Micro Internet Security >Trend Micro Internet Security.
3. Select Home Network & Firewall Controls tab in the Internet Security window and click Settings button in the Personal Firewall section.

4. Click Advanced Settings.
5. Select Program Control tab in Advanced Personal Firewall Profile Settings window.
Then confirm that Response to EMP NS Connection is set to Custom, and Response to VLC.EXE is set
to Allow.

6. Select the EMP NS Connection in the Advanced Personal Firewall Profile Settings window (See the
(If the EMP NS Connection is not listed in the window, add it to the window manually.)
Then Edit button becomes active. Click the Edit to confirm detail setting. Then the following window is
Make sure that Response to each communication direction of each protocol (TCP & UDP) is set to
If even one of the 4 protocol communication directions is not set to Allow, set it to Allow manually.
Or if even one of the 4 protocol communication directions is not listed in the Personal Firewall Profiles
list, add the missing protocol communication direction to this list and set it to Allow manually.
7. Select VLC. EXE in the Advanced Personal Firewall Profile Settings window (See the pic.5).
(If the VLC. EXE is not listed in the window, add it to the window manually.)
Then Edit button becomes active. Click the Edit. Then the following window is displayed. Confirm that
Response to the TCP incoming is set to Allow.
If it is not set to Allow, set it to Allow manually.