All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
All effort have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. However, should any errors be
detected, SEIKO EPSON would greatly appreciate being informed of them.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
The above not withstanding SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION can assume no responsibility for any errors in this
manual or the consequences thereof.
EPSON is a registered trademark of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
Note :Other produc t names used herein are for identific ati on purpose only and may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks.
All safety procedures described here shall be strictly adhered to by all parties servicing and maintaining this
Strictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply could result in serious bodily injury or loss of life.
1. Always disconnect the product from the power source and peripheral devices when servicing the product or
performing maintenance.
2. When performing works de scr i bed in this manual, do not co nnect to a power sour ce unt il i nst ructed to do so.
Connecting to a power source causes high voltage in the power supply unit and some electronic components
even if the product power swi tch is of f. If you need to perform t he wor k wit h the power cable connected t o a
power source, use extreme caution to avoid electrical shock.
Strictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply may lead to personal injury or loss of life.
1. Always wear protective goggles for disas sembly and reassembl y to prote ct your eye s from ink in wor king. If
any ink gets in your eyes, wash your eyes with clean water and consult a doctor immediately.
2. When using compressed air products; such as air duster, for cleaning during repair and maintenance, the use
of such products containing flammable gas is prohibited.
Strictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply may lead to personal injury or damage of the product.
1. Repairs on Epson product should be performed only by an Epson certified repair technician.
2. No work should be per formed on this pr oduct by person s unfamil iar with basic s afety kn owledge re quired f or
3. The power rating of this produc t is indicated on the serial number/rating plat e. Neve r connect this product to
the power source whose voltages is different from the rated voltage.
4. Replace malfunctioning components only with those components provided or approved by Epson;
introduction of second- source ICs or other non-approved components may damage the prod uct and void any
applicable Epson warranty.
5. The capacitors on the Main Board may be electrically charged right after the power turns off or after driving
motors which genera tes cou nter e lectr omot ive for ce suc h as when rota ting t he PF Roll er or when movin g th e
CR Unit. There is a risk to damage the Main Board if the Head FFC is short-circuited with the c apacitors on
the Main Board electrically charged, therefore, after the power turns off or after motors are driven, leave the
printer untouched for approximately 30 seconds to discharge the capacitors before starting disassembly/
6. To prevent the circuit boards from short-circuiting, be careful about the following when handling FFC or
When handling FFC, take care not to let the terminal section of FFC touch metal parts.
When connecting cables/FFC to the connectors on circuit boards, connect them straight to the connectors to avoid
slant inser t ion.
7. In order to protect sensiti ve microp roc essor s and circu itry , use stati c disch arge equi pment, such as ant i-st atic
wrist straps, when accessing internal components.
8. Do not tilt this produc t immediate ly after ini tial in k charge, es peciall y after pe rforming the i nk charge s everal
times. Doing so may cause i nk to le ak f rom the product becaus e it may t ake so me ti me for t he was te ink pads
to completely absorb ink wasted due to the ink charge.
9. Never touch the ink or wasted ink with bare hands. If ink comes in to c ont act with y our skin , wash i t of f wit h
soap and water immediately. If you have a skin irritation, consult a doctor immediately.
10. When disassembling or as sembl in g thi s product, make sure to wear gloves to avoid injuri es fr om metal par t s
with sharp edges.
11. Use only recommended tools for disassembling, assembling or adjusting the printer.
12. Observe the specified torque when tightening screws.
13. Be extremely careful not to scratch or contaminate the following parts.
Nozzle plate of the Printhead
CR Scale
PF Scale
Coated surface of the PF Roller
Scanner Sensor
Exterior parts
14. Never use oil or grease other than those specified in this manual. Use of different types of oil or grease may
damage the component or give bad influence on the printer function.
15. Apply the specified amount of grease described in this manual.
16. Make the specified adjustments when you disassemble the printer.
17. When cleaning this product, follow the procedure described in this manual.
18. When transporting this product after filling the ink in the printhead, pack the printer without removing the
ink cartridges in order to prevent the printhead from drying out.
19. Make sure to install antivirus software in the computers used for the service support activities.
20. Keep the virus pattern file of antivirus software up-to-date.
21. When disassembling/reassembling this product, if you find adhesive power of the double-sided tape which
secure the parts or FFC is not enough, replace the tape with new one and attach it correctly to the specified
points where the parts or FFC should be secured.
22. Unless otherwise s pecif ied in t his manual, the l abels at tached on the ret urned p roduct sh ould be t ransferr ed to
the corresponding attachment positions on the new one referring to the labels on the returned product.
About This Manual
This manual, consists of the foll owing cha pte rs, is inte nded for re pair s ervi ce pers onnel a nd incl udes i nfo rmatio n
necessary for properly performing maintenance and servicing the product.
Describes the step-by-step procedures for the troubleshooting.
Describes the disassembly/reassembly procedures for main parts/ units of the product, and provides the
standard operation time for servicing the product.
Describes the required adjustments for servicing the product.
Describes maintenance items and procedures for servicing the product.
Provides the following additional information for reference:
Connector Diagram
Points to be checked before packing the printer
Protection for Transportation
Symbols Used in this Manual
Various symbols are used throughout this manual either to provide additional information on a specific topic or
to warn of possible danger present during a procedure or an action. Pay attention to all symbols when they are
used, and always read explanation thoroughly and follow the instructions.
Indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice or condition that, if not strictly observed,
could resu lt in serious injury or loss of life.
Indicates an operat ing or main tenanc e proced ure, pract ice, or c onditi on that , if not st rict ly obse rved,
could result in bodily injury, damage or malfunction of equipment.
May indicate an operating or maintenance procedure, practice or condition that is necessary to
accomplish a task efficiently. It may also provide additional information that is related to a specific
subject, or comment on the results achieved through a previous action.
For Chapter 2 “Disassembly/Reassembly”, symbols other than indicated above are used to show additional
informati on for disassembly/rea ssembly. For the details on those symbols, see "2.2 Disassembly/Reassembly
2.1.3 Locations of the Parts/Units .............................................................................................. ............................. 19
2.1.4 Standard Operation Time for Servicing the Product...................................................................................... 23
2.1.5 Checks and Precautions before Disassembling.............................................................................................. 27 Making the Spring Hook Jig.................................................................................................................. 18 Factors which Affect the Print Quality.................................................................................................. 27 Factors which Affect the Safety of Service Personnel such as Ink Leakage during Operation ............ 28 Unit/As sy ............................................................................................................................................... 40
3.2.2 Details of the Adjustment Program................................................................................................................ 64 CR Motor Heat Protection Control / PF Motor Heat Protection Control.............................................. 64
3.2.3 Scanner Motor Heat Protection Control......................................................................................................... 65
3.3.1 Checking the Platen Gap ................................................................................................................................ 66
3.3.2 CR/PF Belt Tension Check............................................................................................................................. 68
5.2 Points to be checked before packing the printer...................................................................................................... 79
5.3 Protection for Transportation.................................................................................................................................. 81
5.3.1 Securing the CR Unit...................................................................................................................................... 81
5.3.2 Securing the Paper Support / Paper Support Sub........................................................................................... 82
5.3.3 Securing the Ink Supply Tank Assy/Top Cover............................................................................................. 83
L565/L566 Series
1.1 Troubleshooting
This section describes the troubleshooting workflow and fatal error information.
1.1.1 Troubleshooting Workflow
The following page describes the troubleshooting workflow. Follow the flow when troubleshooting problems.
In this chapter, the product names are called as follows:
• L565/L566 Series:L565/L566
This flowchart is compiled based on the following contents.
• Our experi ence regarding the quality problem.
• ESK’s repair data.
• Printer Mechanism specification for the product.
If the reason for the return is evident, first check the phenomenon user claims recurs,
then proceed to the troubleshooting.
Printer fai lure only
Turn on the power
What is returned reason?
ADF/Scanner failure
Revision A
Does printer turn on the
Is Power-on sequence
finished without error?
Standby condition
Print check pat tern
Does an error oc cur
when printing?
Is printing operation
finished without trouble?
(p 10)
(p 10)
(p 10)
(p 10)
Copy an image
Is scanning operation
finished without
ADF failure?
Copy an image by ADF
Is ADF operation
finished without
*1: If the Hopper of ASF on the returned produc t touc hes the LD Roller, the
initial ink charge has not been com pl et ed for the product yet.
*2: In case of “Not Trouble Found”, check fatal error code.
(p 10)
(p 10)
Figure 1-1. Troubleshooting Workflow (1)
TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Workflow9
L565/L566 SeriesRevision A
The power-on
sequence does not start
Error is indicated during
power-on sequence (p 9)
(p 9)
No Power
[Presumable Cause]
• PS Unit damage
• Main Board damage
[Major Troubleshooting]
• PS Unit replacement
• Main Board replacement
*: If the printer can turn on but turns off right away, the protection
circuit may cut off the power due to an er ror such as a circuit
Error is indicated during printing nozzle check pattern. (p 9)
Fatal error
Please refer to " 1.3 Fatal Error
Code List (p13)".
Incomplete Initial Ink Charge
[Occurrence Condition]
Ink LED is ON and STM
indicates "Initial ink charging is
not complete".
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Power-on timing
• Perform initial ink charge
Maintenance error
[Occurrence Condition]
This error occurs when
maintenance counter in EEPROM
exceeds the specified value.
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Power-on timing
• Print start timing
• Cleaning timing
• Porous Pad replacement &
Maintenance counter reset
Ink End error
[Occurrence Condition]
This error occurs when ink
counter reaches ink end level.
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Power-on timing
• Print start timing
• Cleaning timing
• Refill ink and reset ink counter
by panel.
Problems related to pr int result or during printing (p 9)
Paper Jam Fatal error
[Occurrence Condition]
This error occurs when CR Unit is
blocked by jammed paper.
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Power-on timing
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Remove jammed paper
*On this product, if CR Unit
touches jammed paper, CR Unit
moves back in the opposite
direction so that customer can
remove the paper. However, if CR
Unit cannot move in this
sequence, this error occurs.
Scanning cannot
be performed
successfully (p 9)
ADF does not
operate normally
(p 9)
Paper Jam error
[Occurr ence Cond ition]
This error occurs when top/
bottom of paper is not detected by
PE Sensor in the specified steps of
paper loading / ejecting operation
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Power-on timing
• Paper loading timing
• Paper eject timing
[Major Troubleshooting]
1 Perform paper eject operation
from operation panel.
Starts paper feeding
operation again if printer has
print data.
Occurs paper jam error
2 If fail in the above 1, remove
the paper by opening Scanner
3 Perform paper eject operation
from operation panel again.
Starts paper feeding
operation again if printer has
print data.
Occurs paper jam error
4 Check the following if failed in
Step 3.
• Foreign object
• Detached parts
• PE Sensor Lever
• PE Sensor
• Porous Pad on Paper Guide
• Main board
No Paper error
[Occurrence Condition]
This error occurs when top of
paper can not be detected
correctly by PE Sensor in the
specified steps up to completion
of the paper loading operation.
(No paper / No loading / large
paper skew)
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Paper loading timing
[Major Troubleshooting]
1 Set paper in ASF and perform
paper feed operation.
2 If the paper stops before
reaching PE Sensor, remove it
and check the paper condition.
If paper is OK, set paper in
ASF and move edge guides to
appropriate position, and
perform 2 again.
B)If damage in the above 2,
check foreign materials / parts
come-off / parts transformation
in paper path.
4 If the problem is not solved by
3-A) & 3-B), check the
• Foreign object
• Detached parts
• Surface condition of LD
Roller or PF Roller
• PE Sensor Lever
• PE Sensor
• Main Board
•PF Motor
Double Feed error
[Occur rence Cond ition]
When manual duplex printing is
selected using the printer driver,
this error occurs if the actual
paper length detected by PE
Sensor does not match with the
paper length specified in the
printer driver. (The error occurs
when the actual length is longer
than the theoretical length
specified in the driver.)
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Paper loading timing
• Paper eject timing
• PE Sensor Lever replacement
• PE Sensor replacement
(Main Board replacement)
• Main Board replacement
*This error may occur in the
manual duplex printing if the
inverted sheet printed on the first
side sticks to the second sheet
when the first side printing is
complete and the sheet is inverted
and set to ASF to print on the
other side.
Paper Size Unmatch error
[Occurrence Condition]
This error occurs if the actual
paper length detected by PE
Sensor does not match with the
paper length specified in the
printer driver. (The error occurs
no matter when the actual length
is longer or shorter than the
theoretical length specified in the
[Major Occurrence Timing]
• Paper eject timing
• PE Sensor Lever replacement
• PE Sensor replacement
(Main Board replacement)
• Main Board replacement
Poor Printing
• Poor printing quality
• Ink stain on paper
• Dot missing
• Paper eject without printing
[Presum able Cause]
• Driver / Panel mis-setting
• Contamination of CR scale
• Contamination of Printhead
• Printhead damage
• Ink clogging of Printhead
• Contamination on Cap Unit /
Wiper of Ink System Assy
• Ink System Assy damage
• Narrower/W ider PG
(out of standard)
• PE Sensor Lever damage
• PE Sensor damage
• Ink tank ventilation film gets
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Driver / Panel re-setting
• CR Scale replacement
• Printhead cover cleaning
• Printhead cleaning
• Printhead replacement
• Rubber cleaning of Cap Unit
• Ink System Assy replacement
• Printer replacement
• PE Sensor Lever replacement
• PE Sensor replacement
(Main Board replacement)
• Ink tank replacement
Poor Paper Loading
[Presumable Cause]
• Use of 3rd party media
• Edge guide mis-setting
• Foreign material
• Part come-off
• Contamination of LD Roller or
PF roller
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Recommendation of EPSON
• Edge guide re-setting
• Foreign material removal
• Part re-installation
• Roller replacement
Abnormal Noise
[Presumable Cause]
• Foreign material
• Insufficient grease
•Gear damage
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Foreign material removal
• Lubrication of grease
• Gear replacement
Blank printing
• Blank printing
[Presumable Cause]
• Ink tank ventilation film gets
• Ink tube crumples
• Ink tube connection is
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Ink tank replacement
• Ink tube re-installation
Scanner failure
[Presumable Cause]
• Contamination of Scanner
• Contamination of Document
• CIS Unit bonding failure
• CIS Unit damage
• Scanner Motor damage
• Insufficient grease
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Scanner Glass cleaning
• Document Pad cleaning
• Document Pad replacement
• CIS Unit replacement
• Scanner Motor replacement
• Lubrication of grease
ADF Unit failure
• Paper is not fed
• Multi-feed
•Paper jam
• Skewed document
• Scanner CR motor is out of step
[Presumable Cause]
• Deterioration of Pickup Roller
• Deterioration of ADF Pad Assy
• Damage to gears
• Damage to Scanner Motor
• Contamination on document
• Foreign object
• Damage to ADF Paper Guide
Cover Assy
• Deterioration of Paper Eject
• Scanner Carriage failure
• ADF mechanical load increases
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Replace ADF Paper Guide Cover
• Replace ADF Pad Assy
• Clean document glass
• Remove foreign material
• Replace ADF Unit
• Replace Scanner Unit
Figure 1-2. Troubleshooting Workflow (2)
TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Workflow10
L565/L566 Series
1.2 Power-On Sequence
This section describes the power-on sequences in two conditions. The preconditions are as follows.
Condition 1: Normal power-on sequence (See Table 1-1.)
Turning on the printer after turning it off without an error.
Initial ink charge has finished and every cartridge has sufficient ink.
No paper on the paper path.
The Printhead is capped with the Cap Assy.
The CR Unit is normally fixed by the Change Lever.
Maintenance error recovery has never been performed.
Table 1-1. Condition 1: Normal Power-on Sequence
1. Printhead initialization and fuse inspection
1-1.Initializes the Printhead, and checks for the fuse on the circuit boards in th e printer.
2. Checking for waste ink overflow
2-1.Checks the waste ink counter if the waste ink overflow i s occurring.
3. Seeking the home position
3-1.The CR Unit move s to the 80-digit side slowly and confirm s it touc hes the Change Lever (CR lock).
Revision A
CR Unit/PF Roller
movement and
3-2.The CR Unit move s to the 0-digit side slowly.
3-3.After the PE Sensor checks if paper exists, the PF Motor rotates clockwise for one second and releases the CR lock.
3-4.While c h e ck ing if the CR Unit does not touch the Change Lever (CR lock) or the fo reign materia l, th e CR Unit
moves to the 80-digit sid e s lowly until it touches the Left Frame.
3-5.The distance from the position where the CR Unit touched to the Left Frame is regarded as the standard distance
from the origin position, and the ho m e posi tion is fixed.
From then on , th e CR Unit position is monitored according to the signa ls f rom the CR Encoder.
3-6.The CR Unit move s to near its home position quickly.
4. Detecting ink cartridg e and initia liz ing ink system
4-1.To detect ink, the CR Unit moves back and forth between near the Change Lever an d ne ar the Left Frame for two
4-2.The CR Unit return s to its hom e po sit ion .
5. Low temperature operation sequence
5-1.The CR Unit quickly moves back and forth bet w ee n near the Change Lever an d nea r the Left Frame for two times.
Note 1: The rotation directions of the PF Motor are as follows.
Clockwise:Paper is fed normally
Counterclockwise:Paper is fed backward
*2: The conditions of the CR lock are as follows.
RedCR lock is set
WhiteCR lock is released
*3: The fatal error occurs if there is a problem such as the fuse blew.
*4: The empty suction operation may occur depending on the situation.
*5: Executed when t he detected temperature is under 5
C (41oF) by the thermistor on the Printhead.
TroubleshootingPower-On Sequence11
L565/L566 Series
Condition 2: Power-on sequence after recovering from a paper jam error (See Table 1-2.)
Turning on the printer after turning it off with a paper jam fatal error.
There still remains paper on the paper path out of the detecting area of the PE Sensor.
Maintenance error recovery has never been performed.
Revision A
Table 1-2. Condition 2: Power-on Sequence after Recovering from a Paper Jam Error
CR Unit/PF Roller
Executes No.1 to N o . 3 on the normal power-on se quence (Table 1-1).
4. Detecting rem aining paper
4-1.5.The CR Unit returns to its home position.
4-2.The CR Unit moves to the 80-digit side and confirms there is no paper.
4-3.The CR Unit quickly returns to its home position, and displays on the LCD or with flashing LEDs that the paper jam
error occurs.
When the user remo ves the paper and releases the pap er jam error by panel operation, t h e normal power-on sequence fro m N o.1 (Table 1-1) is executed
Note *1: “Paper exists” is detected when the CR Unit touches the paper. Wh en “pape r does not ex ist” is detect ed, the po wer-on sequence
of condition 1 (
*2: If the paper jam error cannot be solved after repeating the power-on sequence on condition 2 (
into the paper jam fatal error for the third time.
Table 1-1
) is executed from No.4.
Table 1-2
movement and
) twice, the printer turns
To recover from the maintenance error, the dedicated software that can be downloaded
from the web site which can be accessed from STM3 is required.
The printer operation related to the maintenance error recovery is as follows.
• When the waste ink counter reaches the threshold value (1) for the first time and the
maintenance error occurs, the counter threshold of the maintenance error is changed
to threshold value 2 after performing recovery from the maintenance error.
• After the threshold value (2) is enabled, the warning; to notify the possibility of ink
leakage out of the printer, is displayed every time the waste ink counter increases by
• If the was te ink counter reaches the t hreshold val ue (2), the ma intenance er ror occurs.
Then, the waste ink counter is changed back to the threshold val ue (1) after reco vering
from the maintenance error, and the warning is displayed repeatedly according to the
increment of the waste ink counter until the maintenance error occurs when the
threshold value (2) is reached.
(Recovery from the maintenance error can be performed up to the specified number
of times.)
TroubleshootingPower-On Sequence12
L565/L566 Series
1.3 Fatal Error Code List
This section describes how to check the fatal error code, description, and the possible causes.
1.3.1 Displaying the Fatal Error Code
The fatal error code is stored in the EEPROM on the Main Board and can be read out using the Adjustment
Program. The code can be di splayed on the LCD of the control panel by a special panel operation.
For the fatal error codes, descriptions, and their poss ibl e causes, see" 1.3.2 Printer Fatal
Error Code (p14)".
Fatal error code
Revision A
Figure 1-3. Displaying the Fatal Error Code (2)
TroubleshootingFatal Error Code List13
L565/L566 Series
1.3.2 Printer Fatal Error Code
This secti on describes the fatal error code and the possible cau se for this product.
Table 1-3. Fatal Error List (Printer)
Revision A
Error type
0x10HP detection fa ilure
0x14Measure ment error
0x20LED light failure
0x51Auto judg e Fa ta l Error 1
0x52Auto judg e Fa ta l Error 2
0x53Auto judg e Fa ta l Error 3
0x54Auto judg e Fa ta l Error 4
0x55Auto judg e Fa ta l Error 5
0x60Home posi ti on
0x64Paper-Jam canc elation disable error
0x81PIS environmental error• Diffused light
0x82PIS continuous reflected light error
0x83PIS No refl ec ted light error• PIS failure (installation posture, conta mination)
0x84PIS shift length error
0x87PIS Empt y Jig error• PIS failure (installation posture, contam in ation)
0x88Excessive Light error
0x89Insufficient Light error
0x8FEEPROM verify error (by command)
0x9ACircuit error (include blowout of a fuse)
0x9BTransistor temperature error
Note "*": Not occurs ex cept in manuf acturing proc ess.
TroubleshootingFatal Error Code List16
L565/L566 Series
2.1 Overview
In this chapter, the product names are called as follows:
L565/L566 Series: L565/L566
This chapter describes procedures for disassembling the main parts/units of this product. Unless otherwise
specified, disassembled parts/units can be re ass embl ed by rev er sing the disassembly proce dur e. See the cautions
or tips for disassembly/reassembly described in "2.3 Detailed Disassembly/Reassembly Procedure for each Part/
Unit (p44)".
Read the "Safety Precautions(p3)" before disassembling and reassembling.
When you have to remove units or parts that are not described in this chapter, see the exploded diagrams of SPI
(Service Parts Information).
2.1.1 Tools
Use only specified tools to avoid damaging the printer.
Note 1: Some of the tools listed above are commercially available.
2: EPSON prov ide s the tools lis te d with EPSON part code.
Revision A
2.1.2 Jigs
NameQuantityEPSON Part Code
Spring hook jig*1Can be made with a commercial ite m See " Making the Spring Hook Jig (p18)".
Thickness gauge (1.5 mm)2Commercially available
Thickness gauge (2.0 mm)2Commercially available
Sonic tension meter11294120
Note *: If perform ing the disassemblin g/reassembling proce dure is diff icult using twe ezers such as when reassemblin g " Cap Lever / Cap
Assy (p48)", the spring hook jig helps you to remove/attach the spring easier. Making the Spring Hook Jig
Fold a clip (commercial item) as shown in Fig. 2-1.
Before folding
Fold here
Figure 2-1. Making the Spring Hook Jig
After folding
Fold appropriate length
to hitch a spring.
40 mm or more
L565/L566 Series
2.1.3 Locations of the Parts/Units
This section shows the locations of the main parts/units of this product.
The parts/units which can not be seen in the following pictures are indicated in dotted lines
Exteri or parts
Revision A
1Housing Rear (p35)
2Tray Front Assy (p35)
3Frame Base Assy (p38)
3Hopper (p43)8Porous Pad for Cap Assy (p39)
4Retard Roller Assy (p35)9Pump Unit (p4 2)
5Paper Back Lever (p35)
Figure 2-4. Printer Mechanism: Right
L565/L566 Series
Revision A
1FAX Assy (p38)6PF Timingbelt (p37)
2Wireless LAN Modul e (p37) 7PF Scale (p37)
3EJ Roller (p39)8PF Encoder S ens or (p37)
4Ethernet Board Assy (p43)9EJ Roller Gear (p37)
5PF Motor Assy (p42)
Figure 2-5. Printer Mechanism: Left
1CR Motor (p37)5Paper Sensor Unit (p39)
2Head FFC (p42)6PE Sensor Lever (p37)
3Main Board (p37)7PS Unit (p37)
4Waste Ink Pad Assy (p35)
Figure 2-6. Printer Mechanism: Rear
L565/L566 Series
Ink Supply Tank Assy
Revision A
1Ink Supply Tube Assy (p 36)5Cover Joint (p41)
Ink Supply Tank Assy (p35)
3Left Cover (p41)9Bottom Cover (p41)
Ink Supply Tank (Magenta) (p41) / Ink Supply Tank
(Yellow) (p41) / Ink Supply Tank (Cyan) (p41) / Ink
Supply Tank (Black) (p41)
6Right Cover (p41)
7Cover Tube Tank (p41)
8Guide Tube Tank (p41)
4Top Cover (p41)10Ink Supply Tank Tube Assy (p41)
Figure 2-7. Ink Supply Tank Assy
L565/L566 Series
2.1.4 Standard Operation Time for Servicing the Product
The following are the standard operation time for servicing the product. This standard operation time was
determined with the MTTR result measured using the prototype of L565/L566 Series which have the most
functions. For othe r models descr ibed i n this manua l, perf orm the re pair work r eferr in g to th is st andard operat ion
time though the time varies due to the structural difference between models.
The underlined parts/units are supplied as After Service Parts.
Table 2-1. Standard Operation Time
Time (mm:ss)
Housing Rear0:36---0:36
Revision A
Paper Support
Paper Support Sub
Tray Front Assy
Tray Front0:15---0:15
Tray Front Support0:22---0:22
Paper Guide Front Unit
Waste Ink Pad Assy
Paper Back Lever
Retard Roller Assy
FFC Cover Outer0:26---0:26
Holder Board
ADF Paper Guide Cover Assy
ADF Cable Cover0:27---0:27
Paper Support Cover
Document Mat0:13---0:13
ADF/Scanner Unit2:462:525:38
ADF Unit
ADF Hinge Left5:28---5 :2 8
ADF Document Support
ADF Hinge Right3:53---3:5 3
Cover Gear Assy4:29---4:29
Bevel Gear Shaft
Combination Gear 24.9.6
ADF Frame Assy5:04---5:04
ADF Front Frame6:00---6:00
Spur Gear 20.4 / 25.86:04---6:04
ADF Driven Gears6:42---6:42
ADF Upper Frame Assy6:44---6:44
L565/L566 Series
ADF Base Assy6:15---6:15
Table 2-1. Standard Operation Time
Time (mm:ss)
ADF Pad Assy7:23---7:23
Revision A
Scanner Unit
Scanner Housing Upper5:05---5:05
CIS Module Unit5:28---5:28
CIS Module5:44---5:44
Scanner Motor Gear Cover5:58---5:58
Combinat ion Gear
Scanner Carriage Unit6:09---6:09
Scanner Motor8:25---8:25
CIS Holder Unit8:25---8:25
Scanner Housing Lower6:09---6:09
Paper Sensor Unit4:48---4:48
Extention Spring 0.04
Lever Detector AP
Board Assy SNS
Holder Lever Detector AP
Housing Left Assy4:19---4:19
Ethernet Co ver
Panel FFC Cover
Housing Ri ght
Strengthen Plate Upper4:09---4:09
Strengthen Plate Lower4:10---4:10
Cap Assy
Cap Lever5:15---5:15
Porous Pad for Cap Assy
Star Wheel Holder Assy
EJ Roller
Panel Unit
Panel Housing Upper Assy6:01---6:01
Panel Board7:33---7:33
Panel Buttons9:04---9:04
Panel Housing Upper
Housing Front
L565/L566 Series
Main Board FFC Holder4:45---4:45
Table 2-1. Standard Operation Time
Time (mm:ss)
Revision A
Ethernet Board Assy
FAX Assy
EJ Roller Gear
PF Motor Cover
PS Unit
PF Encoder Sensor
PF Scale
PF Grounding Spring5:02---5:02
PF Driven Pulley Assy5:391:106:49
PF Timing Belt6:261:107:36
LD Roller Assy7:300:478:17
Spur Gear 37.2
Extension Spring 0.137
LD Roller Shaft Assy
Shield Plate8:01---8:01
Main Board
CR Motor
PE Sensor Lever
CR Scale
CR Driven Pulley Assy7:543:0711:01
LD Roller Cove r8:59---8:59
FFC Holder9:06-- -9:06
Main Frame Assy18:2611:1629:42
Antistatic Cloth18:54---18: 54
Paper Guide Upper Assy
CR Unit
CR Timing Belt
CR Encoder Sensor22:22---22: 22
Head FFC
Frame Base Assy18:26---18:26
Pump Unit
EEPROM Data Copy OK8:571:1010:07
EEPROM Data Copy NG8:5727:5836:55
Spur Gear 16.521:36---21:36
+ 58 hidden pages
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