Epson Expression 836XL User Manual

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FCC Compliance Statement
For United States Users
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are des igned to provide reasonable prot ection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installatio n. If this equipment does cause interference to radio and television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.
Reorien t or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differ ent from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The connection of a non-shielded equipment interface cable to this equipment will invalidate the FCC Certification of th is device and may cause interference levels which exceed the li mi ts es tablished by the FCC for this equipment. It is the respons ibility of the user to obtain and use a shielded eq ui pment interface cable with this device. If this equipment has more than one interface connector, do not leave cables connected to unused interfaces. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
For Canadian Users
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le materiel brouilleur du Canada.
Copyri g h t No tice
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanic al, photocop yin g, recordi ng, or otherw ise, withou t the prior written p ermission of SEIK O EPSON CORPORATION. The information contained herei n is d e signed only for use with this EPSON scanner. EPSON is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other scanners.
Neither SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION’s operating and maintenance instructions.
SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original EPSON Products or EPSON Approved Products by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
A Note Conce r ni n g Responsib l e Use Of Copyr i g h ted Materia ls
Digital cameras and scanners, like photocopiers and conventional scanners, can be misused by improper copying of copyrigh ted ma terial. Whil e some countries’ l aws permit limit e d copying of copyrig hted material in cer tain circumstances, those circumstances may not be as broad as some people assume. EPSON encourages each user to be responsible and respectful of the copyright laws when using digital cameras and scanners.
EPSON and EPSON Stylus are registered trademarks of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. EPSON SoundAdvice is a service mark, ColorTrue and Expression are registered trademarks, and EPSON FaxAdvice is a trademark of Epson America, Inc.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaim s any and all rights in those marks.
Copyri ght © 1999 by Epson Americ a, Inc. 6/99
CPD 8873
Printed on recycled paper with at least 10% post-consumer content.


About Your Scanner About Your Software About Your Documentation
Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Tips
System Requirements
Macintosh Year 2000 Ready Import ant Safe ty Instruc tions
Unpack Your Scanner Choose a Good Pl a c e fo r Yo ur Scanner Install the SC SI I nte rf ace Bo ar d Unlock the Scanne r Set the SCSI ID Number Set the SCSI Terminator
10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7
Connec t the Scanner to Your Co mputer Power On Your System Install the SC SI Software
If You’re Running Windows 95 or Windows 98. . .
If You’re Running Windows NT 4.0. . .
If You’re Using a Maci n t osh. . .
16 17 17 18 19 22
If You’re Running Windo w s . . .
If You’re Using a Maci n t osh. . . Install the ISIS Driver Install MonacoSCAN 2.6
If You’re Running Windo w s . . .
If You’re Using a Maci n t osh. . . Install Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE
If You’re Running Windo w s . . .
If You’re Using a Maci n t osh. . .
Scanning Tips
Selecting Resolution
Scaling (Resizing) Images
Batch Scanning
Selecting Your Scanner Driver
Recommended Settings
22 24 26 27 27 28 29 29 30
32 32 33 33 33 34
Step-by-Step Scanning Instructions
Placing Your Original Documen t
Beginning Your Scan
Scanning with EPS ON TWAIN Pr o
Scanning with LaserSoft SilverFast 4.0
35 35 36 36 39
Installing Adobe Acrobat Re ade r
If You’re Running Windo w s . . .
If You’re Using a Maci n t osh. . . Copying a Man ua l to You r Ha rd D rive Navigating a Manual
Transparency Unit
Unpacking the Transparency Unit
Removing th e Sh i pping Sc rews
Installing the Transparency Unit
Installing th e Transparency Guide Auto Document Feeder
Unpacking the Auto Document Feeder
Installi ng th e Auto D oc u me nt F e ede r
42 42 43 43 44
45 46 47 48 49 50 50 51
Problems and Solutions
Setup Problems
Scann er Problem s
Software Problems
Image Problems Where To Get Help
EPSON Technical Support
Software Technical Support
55 56 57 58 59 62 62 63

Scanning for Professional Results

The EPSON® Expression® 836XL is a 36-bit, large-format professional scanner designed to deliver superior results for artists, graphics professionals, and business graphics users . Using EPSON’s ColorTrue® Imaging System, the scanner captures images with amazing detail and accurate colors. Its 800 × 1600 dpi optical resolution and tabloid-size scan bed (12.2 × 17.2 inches) let you scan incredibly sharp images from practically any source. The scanner includes a state-of-the art PCI SCSI interface board for use in a Windows® system or Macintosh.®

About Your Scanner

Your EPSON Expression 836XL scanner includes the following features:
Superior image quality with true optical resolution of 800 × 1600 dpi
36-bit color depth for capturing images with over 68 billion colors and
4,096 shades of gray
3.3 Dmax provides high dynamic range for accurate colors with subtle tones and
gradations, whethe r you ’re working with tran spar e nci es or ref lec tive art Superior spee d (a pp roximately 10 second s for the average 12 × 17-inch preview)
Uniq u e auto f oc usin g featu re that let s you cu stomi z e th e focus positi on
Powerful batch scanning capability. Scan newspapers, X-rays, and books in one
pass and create different scan settings for each, or scan directly to files Optional transparency adapter (TPU) and auto document feeder (ADF)

About Your Software

The EPSON Expression 836XL scanner includes these leading-edge applications for professio nal- quality scans:
Ideal general-pu rp os e driver for scan n i n g from hundreds of applications. Includes Text Enhancement Technology (TET) and Auto Area Segmentati on (AAS) for bett e r scans.
Pixel Translations
Industry-standard interface for high-performance document scanning, eith e r wi th or wi th out the optional auto do cument feeder.
If you have the standard version of t he sc a nner, you al s o have the thre e a pplications listed below:
LaserSoft® SilverFast® 4.0
Exclusive professional-quality scanning tool with powerful features for controlling every aspect of your scan. Intuitive interface lets even beginners achieve expert results.
ISIS® driver (Windows only)
Adobe® Photoshop® 5.0 LE
Edit your phot os with this versi o n of the ul ti mate imaging applicati on. Add special effect s, ov erlay titles and captions, restore old ph otos, and add many other creative enhancements to your phot o gr aphs.
MonacoSCAN™ 2.6
Create an ICC-compliant input profile for all color managed applications. Includes an output profile for MatchPrint proofing when you create color separations with Adobe Photoshop.

About Your Documentation

This guide includes instructions for setting up your scanner and software, installing the optional TPU and ADF, and viewing your electronic manuals, plus scanning tips and troubleshooting advice.
For instructions on using the optional equipment, see your
User’s Guide
CD-ROM. Your electron ic ref erence guide also provides s cann er sp ecifications and additional troubles ho oting and maint enance in formation.
For details on usi ng the sof tware, see the el ectron ic
ISIS Driver User’s Guide
the Manuals folder on the EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM. The electronic manuals for Photoshop 5.0 LE and LaserSoft SilverFast 4.0 are located
on the CD-ROMs for those applications.
in the Manuals folder on the EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools
EPSON TWAIN Pro User’s Guide
, or
MonacoSCAN User’s Guide
You mus t ha v e Adobe Acrob at® Reader 4. 0 installed on yo ur system before you can view the elect ronic manuals. If you haven’t a lrea dy installed A cr obat Reader, s ee page 42.
EPSON Expression 836XL
. These guides are located in
Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Tips
Please follow these gu ide lines a s you read your docum en tat io n:
Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily in jury.
Cautions must be observ ed to avoid dama ge to your equipm ent.
Notes contain importa nt informatio n a bout your scanner.
Tips cont ai n a dditional hints for great scanning.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for Windows and Macintosh are listed below. For optimum performance, a faster processor and more memory are recommended. If you are scanning high resolution images, you need more than the minimum available hard disk space listed.
An IBM® compatible PC with a 486/66 MHz or faster processor, Pentium® or
higher fo r Mo nacoSCAN Microsoft® Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT® 4.0 (Service Pack 3)
16MB RAM for Windows 95 and Windows 98; 32MB RAM for Windows NT
(32MB RAM recommended for all systems) 50MB available hard disk space
PCI slot for the Adaptec® SCSI card (inc luded with you r sc anner)
CD-ROM drive
Mouse or pointing device
VGA color monitor with 640 × 480 or higher resolution (a color monitor with a
resolution of 800 × 600 or higher recommended) 8-bit, 256-color display adapter card (24-bit display adapter card with millions of
colors recommended)
On-screen color and tone reproduction are subjec t to the display capability of your computer system, including the video card, monitor, and software. See the documentation for these products for deta ils .
PowerPC™ or higher processor including blue G3 (iMac™ is not supported)
running system 7.5 (system 8.1 or later recommended) Macintosh s tandard SCSI inte rface or PCI slot for th e Ad aptec SCSI card
(included with your scanner) 16MB RAM (32MB RAM recommended)
50MB available hard disk space
CD-ROM drive
Mouse or pointing device
VGA color monitor with 640 × 480 or higher screen resolution (a color monitor
with a resolution of 800 8-bit 256-color display adapter card (24-bit display adapter card with millions of
colors recommended)
You cannot use a serial interface to connect the scanner. On-screen color and tone reproduction are subjec t to the
display capability of your computer system, including the video card, monitor, and software. See the documentation for these products for deta ils .
600 or higher recommended)
EPSON TWAIN Pro supports the Apple® ColorSync™ 2.5 color management system and QuickTime.™ These extensio ns are automatically installed during the EPSON TWAIN Pro installat ion.

Year 2000 Ready

Your EPSON scanner is

Year 2000 Ready

computer system are also ready for the year 2000.
. However, be sure the other parts of your

Important Safety Instructions

Read all of thes e instr uctions and save them for later refere nc e . F ollow all warnings and instructions mar k ed on the scan n er.
Unplug the scanner befor e cleani ng. Clean with a damp cloth only. Do not spi ll
liquid on the scanner. Do not place the scanner on an unstable surface or near a radiator or heat source.
Do not block or cover the openings in the scanner’s cabinet. Do not insert objects
through the slots. Use only the type of pow e r source indicated on the scanner’s lab el .
Connect all equipment to properly grounded power outlets. Avoid using outlets
on th e same c i rc uit as photoc opier s or air contr ol syst e ms that regu la rly switch on and off.
Do not let the power cord become damaged or frayed.
If you use a n e xtension co rd with the scanner, make sure the total ampere rating
of the devices plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the cord’s ampere rating. Also, make sure the total ampere rating of all devices plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed the wall outlet’s ampere rating.
Do not attempt to service the scanner yourself.
Unplug the scanner and re fer servici n g to qua l ified service personnel und er the
following conditions: If the power cord or plug is damaged; i f liq ui d has entered the scanner; if the
scanner h as been d ro p pe d or t he cabinet damaged ; if the scanner do es not operate normally or exhibits a distinct change in performance. Do not adjust controls that are not covered by the operating instructions.

Setting Up Your Scanner

Setting up your scanner is easy—just follow the simple steps in this book in the order listed below.
1. Unpack and choose a place for your scanner.
2. Install the SCSI interface board (if necessary).
3. Unlock the scanner.
4. Set the SCSI ID number.
5. Connect the scanner to your com pute r.
6. Power on your scanner, then power on your computer.
7. Install the SCSI software and scanner software.
8. Install MonacoSCAN, LaserSoft SilverFast 4.0, and Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE (optional).
9. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader if it’s not already on your system. View your electronic manuals.

Unpack Your Scanner

Remove the scanner from the box, then remove the packing material from your scanner. Save the packaging in case you need it later. Your EPSON Expression 836XL comes with these items:
EPSON Expression836XL Scanning Tools CD- ROM
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE CD-ROM*
Laser Soft SilverF as t 4.0 CD-ROM (Quick Start Guide is located in CD-ROM case)*
PCI SCSI interface board
IT8 target*
power cable
document guides and pins
SCSI cable
*Included only wi th the stan dard version of the scanner.

Choose a Good Place for Your Scanner

Here are some points to consider:
Place the scanner on a flat, stable surface. If the scanner is tilted, it can’t operate
properly. Make sure to place th e scan ne r w h er e you ca n easi ly unplug the powe r c or d, and
where the SCSI cable can reach your computer. Keep the scanner away from direct sunlight and strong light sources.
Be sure there’s enough room behind the scanner for the cables, and above the
scanner so you can fully raise the document cover. Avoid places su bje ct to sh oc ks and vibrations, or high or rapidly changing
temperatures and humidity.

Install the SCSI Interface Board

You must install your SCSI board befor e inst alli ng the scanner driver and software application s .
If you have a Macintosh with a SCSI int e rf ace , or if you already have a SCSI board installed in your PC, skip this section.
For additional installation information, see your computer documentation.
1. Turn off the computer and any peripheral devices. Unplug any power cords; then disconnect all cables from the back panel of your computer.
2. Remove the cover from your computer (or open up your Macintosh G3).
Static elec tricity can dam ag e electronic c omponents. Ground y ourself before yo u touch any of the computer’s internal c omponents by touching a n unpainted m eta l surface ins ide the compu ter case.
3. Remove the slot cover from an empty PCI expansion slot in your computer. (Refer to your computer documentation for information about your PCI slots.)
4. Insert the interface board into the slot; then secure it with the bracket screw.
5. Replace the computer cover and reconnect all cables.
6. Continue with the following section, “Unlock the Scanner.”

Unlock the Scanner

Before connecting the scanner to a power sourc e, you must rel ease the transportation lock, located on the left side of the scanner.
Use a coin or large flat-head screwd ri ver to turn the tran sportation lock screw to th e unlocked position, as shown.
Always lock the scanner before transporting it; otherwise, the scanner may be damaged. Be sure th e s c an ner lamp is in the home po si tion. To ensure this, always turn off the scanner before lo cking the carriag e. S ee your electro nic EPSON Expression 836XL User’s Guide for more information.
If you have the transparency unit, yo u n eed to remove the shipping screws before you scan.
See page 48 for more information.
To avoid d am a ging the TPU, m a k e s ure you remov e both of the shipping screws.
shipping screws

Set the SCSI ID Number

The scanner is preset at the factory to SCSI ID 2. If you need to change this numbe r , turn the SCSI ID switch on the back panel. Be sure to choose a u nique number that doesn’t conflict with the ID number of oth e r SCSI devices.
Don’t use S CSI ID 7, which is us ually reserv ed for the SCSI interface in the computer. SCSI ID 0 and 1 are also not recommended, as these may be us ed for the hard disk. If you select t he asterisk (* ), the scann er won’t work. Use this setting when you need to prepare the scanner for transpor ta tion. For more in formation on s electing an ID number, see your electronic EPSON Expression 836XL User’s Guide.

Set the SCSI Terminator

The scanner’s SCSI term inato r is built in, with a switch to turn it on or off on the scanner’s back panel. If the scanner is your only SCSI device or the last device in the chain, leav e the ter mi nator turned ON (the default setting).
If the scanner i s in th e mid dle of a chain, turn the swit c h

Connect the Scanner to Your Computer

Make sure the scanner, computer, and any SCSI devices connected to your computer ar e t urn ed off . T he scan ner i s o ff when the the surface of the front pa nel).
1. Locate the SCSI cable that came with your scanner.
2. Squeeze the lock releases on the lock connector end of the SCSI cable and plug the cable into either SCSI connector on the back of the scanner. The cable is secure when both connector locks snap in.
3. Connect the pin end of the SCSI cable to the SCSI port on your comput er or another SCSI de vi c e in the chain and tighten the screws to secure the cable.
OPERATE button is out (not pushed down below
If you’re co nnecting mult iple SCSI devi ce s , th e total length of the SCSI bus (cables) must not exceed 19.7 feet (6 meters); otherwis e the system ma y not work properly.
Do not use an ex ternal terminator. For more information on SCSI con nec tions, see your electronic EPSO N Expression 836XL User’s Guide.
4. Plug in the power cables for your computer, scanner, and other external SCSI devices.
If you’re us ing Windows 95 or Windows 98, you can also connect the scanner to your computer’s bidirectional parallel port. Use a bidirectional pa ra llel cable to connect to the scanner’ s pa ra llel interface. See your Windows documentation if you need help setting up your por t.
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