Epson EXPRESSION 800 TWAIN Pro User Guide

User’s Guide

Copyright Notice

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. The information contained herein is designed only for use with this EPSO N scanner. EPSON is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other scanners.
Neither SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION nor its af filiates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION’s operating and maintenance instructions.
SEIKO EPSON CORPO RATIO N and its affiliates shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original EPSON Products or EPSON Approved Products by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.

A Note Concerning Responsible Use of Copyrighted Materials

Digital cameras and scanners, like photocopiers and conventional cameras, can be misused by improper copying of copyrighted material. While some countries’ laws permit limited copying of copyrighted material in certain circumstances, those circumstances may not be as broad as some people assume. EPSON encourages each user to be responsible and respectful of copyright laws when using digital cameras and scanners.
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EPSON is a registered trademark of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION, and EPSON Expression is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. EPSON FaxAdvice is a trademark, and EPSON SoundAdvice is a service mark of Epson America, Inc.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Copyright © 1998 by Epson America, Inc., Torrance, California, USA ETP1298-00
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System Requirements 7
Windows System Requirements 7
Macintos h System R equiremen t s 8 How to Use This Manual 9 Where to Get Help 10
Scanni ng from Your Application Software
Basic Scanning 13
Selecting Basic Settings 15 Preview ing Your Sca n 21
Preview Zo om ing Optio ns 22
Using Marquees 22
Advanced Scanning
Customizing Image Types 28 Customizing Destination Settings 32 Adjustin g Source and T arget Image Siz es 35
Scaling th e I m age 37
Page 4
Using Automatic Adjustment Features 37
Using Au to Loc ate 38
Using Au to Ex posure 39 Adjusting Image Controls 39
Using the Ey edropper Buttons 42 Using Tone Correct ion 42
Customizing Tone Correction Settings 44 Using Color Adjustments 45
Changing the Gray Balance Int ensity 46
Changing the Saturation 46 Saving Cu s t om Settings 47 Configu ring EPSON T W AI N Pro 48
Troubl eshooting
Problems U s ing EPSON T W AI N Pro 50 Problems with Image Quality 55
Glossary Index
Page 5


EPSON® TWAIN P ro is t he interface program be tween your application software and scanner that lets you scan includes m any f eatures for prev iewing an d m odifying yo ur images fo r a perfect scan:
images into your software. It
Captures all kinds of image types, from black and white text to 36-bit
color imag es
Locates and exposes t he image au to m aticallyOpens a se parate Pre v iew w indow allowing you t o c hange setti ngs
and view their effects before you scan
Provides a helpful marquee
or a specific portion of it for s c anning
Uses EPSON’s Auto Area Segmentation and Text Enhancement
Technology features to im prove text rec ognition a nd provide c lear
separation from graphic areas when you scan images with text
Gives you pr edefined set t ings for a vari et y of im age types and output
destinations, and lets you customize your own settings
feature so y ou can fram e t he exact image
Introduction Page 6
Onscr een colo r and tone reproduction depend on the display capabilities of your computer system, including th e video controller, monit or, and software.

System Requirements

Before ins ta lling the scann er s oftware, make sure your system meets the following m inimum requirements. If you are scanning high resolution images, y ou need mor e t han the minim um availa ble hard dis k space listed.

Windows® System Requirements

An IBM® compatible PC with a 486/66 MHz or faster processor
Microsoft16MB RAM for Windows 95 and Windows 98; 32MB RAM for
Windows NT (32MB RAM recommended for all systems)
50MB available hard dis k s pacePCI slot for the Adaptec
Windows 95, Window s 98, or Wi ndows NT® 4.0
SCSI ad apt er (include d w it h y our scanner)
VGA color m onitor with 640 × 480 resolution
resolutio n of 800 × 600 or higher rec om mended)
8-bit 256-c olor displa y adapter card (24-bit display adapt er card with
millions o f colors recom m ended)
Introduction Page 7
(a color mo nit or with a

Macintosh® System Requirements

Onscr een colo r and tone reproduction depend on the display capabilities of your computer system, including the vide o c ontroller, monit or, and software.
EPSON TWAIN Pro supports the Apple® ColorSync™2.0 color management system and QuickTime.
(or higher processor) running system 7.5 (system 8.1 or
later recommended)
Macintosh st andard SC SI int erface16MB RAM (32MB RAM recommended)50MB available hard dis k s paceCD-ROM driveVGA color monitor with 640 × 480 resolution (a color monitor with a
resolutio n of 800 × 600 or higher rec om mended)
8-bit 256-c olor displa y adapter card (24-bit display adapt er card with
millions o f colors recom m ended)
Introduction Page 8

How to Use This Manual

User’s Guide
TWAIN Pro on a Windows or Macintosh system. For instructions on installing th e s oftware, see
tells you what you need to know to scan with EPSON
Setting Up and Using Your Scanner
Scanning from Your Application Softwa re
for basic scanning and previewing of your im ages.
Advance d Scanning
procedures, such as customizing image type and destination settings, adjustin g im age size and scale, using image controls, t one correct ion, and color adjustments, saving custom setting groups, and configuring EPSON T W AI N Pro.
Troubles hooting
At the end, y ou’ll find a Glo s s ary
describe s adv anced E PSON TW AI N Pro
provides so lut ions to problems you may encounter.
and an Index.
gives step-by-step instructions
Introduction Page 9

Where to Get Help

EPSON provides cu s to m er support t hrough the f ollowing services:
Electron ic su pport services
Service Access
World W ide Web From the Internet , you can reach EPSON’s Home P age at
EPSON Internet FTP Site
EPSON Download Service
EPSON For um on CompuServe
If you hav e I nt ernet FTP ca pability, use your Web browser (or other software for FTP downloading) to log onto with the user name anonymous and your e-mail address as the password.
You can call the EPSON Download Service at (800) 442-2007. Set your communications software to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Modem speed can be up to 28.8 Kbps.
Members of CompuServe can type GO EPSON at the menu prompt to reach th e Epson America Forum . F or a free intr oductory CompuSer v e memb ers hip, call (800) 848-8199 and ask f or represen ta t iv e #529.
Introduction Page 10
Automa te d t elephone s erv ic es
Service Access
EPSON SoundAdvi c e
For pre-recorded an s w ers to commonly asked questi ons about EPSO N products 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call (800) 922-8911.
EPSON FaxAdvice
Access EPSON’s te c hnical inform ation libra ry by c alling (800) 922-8911. You must provide a return fax number to us e this service.
EPSON Referral Service
For the lo c at ion of your nearest Auth orized EPSON Res eller or Customer Care Center, call (800) 922-8911.
Introduction Page 11
EPSON als o provide s tec hnical support and in fo rm ation on t he installation, config uration, and operation of EPSO N products. D ial (310) 974 -1970 (U.S. ) or (905) 709-3839 (Canada), 6 A. M . to 6 P.M., Pacific Time, Monday t hrough Frid ay .
If you need help using software with an EPSON product , see the docume nt at ion for that prog ram for technical support information.
Before yo u c all, please have the follo w ing informat ion ready:
Product nameProduct serial numberComputer configurationDescript ion of the problem
You can purchase opt ional equipment, m anuals, and accessories from EPSON Ac c essories at (8 00) 873-7766 (U.S. sales only) . In C anada, please ca ll (800) 873-7766 for de aler referral. For U.S. sales, you can also visit our website at
Introduction Page 12
If you start your applicat ion software before turning on your scanner, the software may not work properly.
Scanning from Your
Application Software
Before scanning, make sure you’ve installed the EPSON TWAIN Pro software (as described in applicat ion software t hat support s EPSON TWAIN Pro, su c h as Adobe Photosh op.
This chapter gives you instructions on:
Basic ScanningPreview ing Your Sca n

Basic Scan ning

Setting U p and Using Your Scanner
) and the
You usually need to perform steps 3 and 4 only once, when yo u us e your scanner and TWAIN-compliant software for the first time.

Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 13

Follow the steps in this section to start EPSON TWAIN Pro and select the settings for a bas ic scan of one image. T o s c an m ultiple im ages or use advanced EPSON TWAIN Pro settings, see Advanced Sc anning.
1 Before you start your application software, make sure to set up and
turn on the scanner as de s c ribed in
2 Start your application software.
. Then place the document you want to sca n on the d ocument
Setting Up and Using Your
3 Select the sc anner sour c e. Fo r ex ample, ch oose Import or Acquire
from the Fi le m enu, and then select on e of the following: Window s 9 5, 98, N T 4. 0: Select TWAIN_32 Source
Macintosh: Select TWAIN Source or TWAIN Select
4 Then selec t o ne of the following in the S elect Sour c e dialog box:
For help anytime you’re us ing EPSON TWAIN Pro, click the
Help button.
The screen ex am ples in this book are from EPSON TWAIN Pro for Macint os h. The Window s s c reens look a bit different, but they cont ain the same options. Any exceptions are noted in the text.
Window s 9 5, 98, N T 4. 0: EPSON TWAIN Pro(32-bit
Macintosh: EPSON TWAIN Pro
5 To open EP SON TWAIN Pro for scann ing, choo s e Import or Acquire
from the File menu and then select one of the following: Window s 9 5, 98, N T 4. 0: TWAIN_32
Macintos h: TWAIN or TWAIN Acquire The EPSON TWAIN Pro window appears.
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 14
To select your scanning settings, see Selecting Basic Settings

Selecting Basic Settings

Document Source settings fo r optional equipment appea r in the list only when that option is installe d.
If you’re s ca nning positive, reflective originals with the opt ional transparency unit and its reflective mat installed, be sure to select Flatbed as t he Document Source option.
For most scans, you need to check four basic settings: Document Source, Image Type, De stina ti on, and Resolution. You’ll also probably want to preview the image to check it before the actual scan; for instructions, see Previewin g Your Scan .
1 If you’re scanning a document from the scanner’s document table,
select Flatbed (default installed th e optional au to document fe eder or trans parency unit on your scanner, selec t o ne of the following optio ns in t he Document Source lis t:
Document Source options Description
Auto Document Feeder For scanning documents using the auto
TPU for Neg. Film For scanning negative film (such as 35 mm
TPU for Pos. Film For scanning positive film (such as 35 mm
) as the Document Source setting. If you’ve
document feeder
film strips) with the transparency unit
slides) wi th th e t ransparen c y unit
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 15
2 For best results, select an Image Type each time you scan. Image
types automatically select other TWAIN Pro settings and set the ranges fo r yo ur Image Controls.
Image Type Defa ult settings
36-bit C olor (HiFi)*
24-bit C olor (Std)
24-bit C olor De-screening
12-bit Gray (HiFi)*
8-bit Gray (Std)
Pixel De pt h: 36-bit Color; Sc anning Mo de: Best; De-screening: Off
Pixel De pt h: 24-bit Color; Sc anning Mo de: Best; De-screening: Off
Pixel De pt h: 8-bit Gray; S c anning Mod e: Best; De-screening: On ; Dr opout: Non e
Pixel De pt h: 12-bit Gray; Sc anning Mo de: Best; De-screening: Off; Dropout: None
Pixel De pt h: 8-bit Gray; S c anning Mod e: Best; De-screening: Off; Dropout: None
Line Art Pixel Depth: Black & White; Scanning Mode: Draft;
Dropout: None; B/W Option: None; Halftone
: None
OCR Pixel De pt h: Black & White; Scanning Mode: Best;
Dropout: None; B/W Option: Text Enhancement Technology
Copy & Fax Pixel Depth: Black & White; Scanning Mode: Draft;
Dropout : N one; B/W Op tio n: Auto Area Segmen ta t ion; Halftone: Model A (H ard tone)
* The 36-bit Color (HiFi) and 12-bit Gray (HiFi) settings are available only for
certain applications, such as Adobe Photoshop 4.0 or 5.0 (full version).
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 16
You can also change the settings for these options or save your own custom Image Types. See Customizing Image Types
for more
3 Now select th e output dev ic e w here you want to displa y o r print your
scanned im age from the Destination list. The s e destinatio ns automatic ally select resolution
and sharpness sett ings appro priate for
the outpu t d ev ic e. Select one of t he f ollowing op t ions:
Sharpn es s se t ti ngs range from -2 (most unfocused) to 2 (sharpest).
Destination options Default settings
Screen Resolu t ion: 72 Draw ing/Halftone, 72 Photo;
Sharpness: 0
Screen Vivid Resolu t ion: 72 Draw ing/Halftone, 72 Photo;
Sharpness: +1
Prepress 175 lpi Resolution: 350 Drawing/Halftone, 350 Photo;
Sharpness: 0
Prepress 150 lpi Resolution: 300 Drawing/Halftone, 300 Photo;
Sharpness: 0
Prepress 133 lpi Resolution: 266 Drawing/Halftone, 266 Photo;
Sharpness: 0
Prepress 120 lpi Resolution: 240 Drawing/Halftone, 240 Photo;
Sharpness: 0
LineWork Scan R esolution: 1200 Drawing/Halftone, 600
Photo; Sharpness: +1
Stylus Photo Resolu t ion: 720 Drawing/Hal ftone, 360 Photo;
Sharpness: +1
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 17
Destination options Default settings
Stylus Photo 700 Resolution: 720 Drawing/ H alftone, 360 Photo;
Sharpness: +1 Stylus Photo EX Stylus C OLOR Resolu t ion: 720 Drawing/Hal ftone, 240 Photo;
Sharpness: +1 Stylus COLOR II Stylus COLOR IIs
(Window s only) Stylus COLOR 200
(Window s only) Stylus COLOR 300
(Window s only) Stylus COLOR 400
(Window s only) Stylus COLOR 500 Stylus COLOR 600 Stylus COLOR 800 Stylus COLOR 850 Stylus Pro XL Stylus Pro XL+ Stylus Pro 5000 Resolu t ion: 720 Drawing/Hal ftone, 360 Photo;
Sharpness: +1
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 18
Destination options Default settings
Stylus 1500 Resolu t ion: 720 Drawing/Hal ftone, 240 Photo; Stylus COLOR 1520
Sharpness: +1
Keep in mind that the Resolution setting is closely related to the Target height and width and Scale settings, and drastically affects your file size.
Stylus COLOR 3000 EPL-C8000 Resolution: 600 Drawing/Halftone, 200 Photo;
Sharpness: +1 InkJet Printer Resolution: 720 Drawing/Halftone, 360 Photo;
Sharpness: +1 Laser Printer Resolu t ion: 600 Drawing/Halftone , 200 Photo;
Sharpness: +1 FAX Resolution: 200 Drawing/Halftone, 200 Photo;
Sharpness: +1 OCR Resolution: 300 Drawing/Halftone, 300 Photo;
Sharpness: 0
You can also change the settings for these options or save your own custom destinations. See Customizing Destination Sett ings
for more
4 Most of the time, the Image Type and Destination settings you
choose a ut om atically select the correct Resolution setting for your image. If you need to change it, select a new setting from the Resolution list, or enter a value in the Resolution textbox. The resolutio ns lis t ed are: 50, 72, 200, 240, 266, 300, 350, 360, 400, 600, 720, 800, 1200, 3200, 4800, 640 0, and 12800 dpi
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 19
5 It’s a go od ide a to pr eview y our i m age bef ore yo u actually scan s o you
can make any necessary changes. See Previewing Your Scan
for preview in s tr uc t ions. See Advanced Scanni ng f or informat ion on the rest of the TWAIN Pro settings.
6 When you’re ready to scan, click th e Scan button. The scanned image
appears in your appl ic at ion window.
7 If necessary, click the Close button to close the EPSON TWAIN Pro
window a nd return to yo ur application. To modify or s av e your scan ned image u s ing your appl ic at ion
software, see your software documentation.
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 20

Previewing Your Scan

You can preview you r im age in a sepa rate Preview w indow to see the effects of your settings before scanning. Previewing also allows you to determine the widt h and height of the s ca nned imag e and the fin al file size.
To crop the image or scan multiple portions of an image, you can preview and use a m arquee
. See Using Marque es .
You cannot preview an image t hat exceeds available memory or disk space.
Although the image in the Preview window changes when you modify settings, the settings don’t affect the real im age until you scan it.
Click the Preview button to op en t he Preview w indow.
preview zooming options
marquee options
adjust options
preview image area
Scanning from Your Application Softw are Page 21
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