Fisherr 3582 and 3582i Positioners, 582i
Electro‐Pneumatic Converter, and 3583 Valve
Stem Position Transmitter
Scope of Manual2.............................
Type Number Descriptions6................
Educational Services7.........................
Hazardous Area Classifications and Special
Instructions for “Safe Use” and Installation
in Hazardous Areas for 582i Converter8........
Figure 1. Typical Mounting for Fisher 3582 and 3582i Positioners and 3583 Transmitters
Changing Cam Position18......................
Pressure Connections18.......................
Supply Connection18......................
Output Connection20......................
Instrument Connection20..................
Diagnostic Connections20..................
Electrical Connections for 3582i
Valve Positioner21..........................
582i Converter Installation23...................
Operating Information24........................
Valve Positioner Cam Information24.............
Valve Stem Position Transmitter Cam
(continued on page 2)
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
Instruction Manual
Contents (cont'd)
Valve Positioner Bypass Operation26.............
Input Signal Ranges27.........................
Valve Positioner Split‐Range Operation27.........
Changing Valve Positioner Action28.............
Changing Valve Stem Position Transmitter
Calibration Of Valve Positioner Or
Valve Stem Position Transmitter29................
Beam Alignment29...........................
Principle of Operation32........................
3582 Valve Positioners32......................
3582i Valve Positioner33.......................
3583 Valve Stem Position Transmitters34.........
Changing the Range Spring36..................
Replacing Gaskets36..........................
Replacing the Nozzle O‐Ring37..................
Replacing the Relay37.........................
Adjusting the Flapper Pivot38...................
Replacing the 582i Converter
Primary O‐Ring and Filter38..................
Replacing the 582i Converter Housing
Cap O‐Ring38..............................
Removing the 582i Converter38.................
Reassembling the 582i Converter39.............
Parts Ordering40...............................
Parts Kits40...................................
Parts List41...................................
Loop Schematics/Nameplates54.................
Scope of Manual
This instruction manual includes installation, operation, calibration, maintenance, and parts ordering information for
Fisher 3582 pneumatic valve positioners, the 3582i electro‐pneumatic valve positioner, and 3583 pneumatic valve
stem position transmitters. Refer to separate instruction manuals for information on the control valve, actuator, and
Do not install, operate or maintain a 3582 pneumatic valve positioner, a 3582i electro‐pneumatic valve positioner, or a
3583 pneumatic valve stem position transmitter without being fully trained and qualified in valve, actuator and
accessory installation, operation and maintenance. To avoid personal injury or property damage it is important tocarefully read, understand, and follow all of the contents of this manual, including all safety cautions and warnings. If
you have any questions about these instructions, contact your Emerson Process Management sales office before
3582 pneumatic valve positioners and the 3582i electro‐pneumatic valve positioner shown in figure 1 are used with
diaphragm‐actuated, sliding‐stem control valve assemblies. The pneumatic valve positioners receive a pneumatic
input signal from a control device and modulate the supply pressure to the control valve actuator. The positioner
adjusts the actuator supply pressure to maintain a valve stem position proportional to the pneumatic input signal.
3582NS positioners are designed for nuclear power applications. The 3582NS construction includes materials that
provide superior performance at elevated temperature and radiation levels. The O‐rings are EPDM (ethylene
propylene) and the diaphragms are EPDM/meta‐aramid fabric. EPDM demonstrates superior temperature capability
and shelf life over nitrile. The meta‐aramid diaphragm fabric demonstrates improved strength retention at elevated
temperature and radiation conditions.
Use a clean, dry, oil‐free air supply with instruments containing EPDM components. EPDM is subject to degradation when
exposed to petroleum‐based lubricants.
Instruction Manual
Table 1. Specifications for Fisher 3582 and 3582i Valve Positioners
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
Note: Specifications for 3582 positioners include
3582A, 3582C, 3582D, 3582G, and 3582NS unless
otherwise indicated
Input Signal
J 0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig), J 0.4 to 2.0 bar
(6 to 30 psig), or J split range, see table 10
4 to 20 mA DC constant current with 30 VDC
maximum compliance voltage, can be split range, see
table 10
Equivalent Circuit for 3582i
The 582i converter equivalent circuit is 120 ohms,
shunted by three 5.6‐volt zener diodes
(see figure 10)
Output Signal
Type: Pneumatic pressure as required by actuator up
to 95 percent of maximum supply
Action: Field‐reversible between J direct and
J reverse within the pneumatic valve positioner
Supply Pressure
Recommended: 0.3 bar (5 psi) above actuator
Maximum: 3.4 bar (50 psig) or pressure rating of
actuator, whichever is lower
Supply Medium: air or natural gas
Note: The 3582i is not approved for use with natural
gas as the supply medium
Input Bellows Pressure Rating
See table 9 for minimum and maximum pressure
ratings (allowable input signal) for each available
range spring
Maximum Steady‐State Air Consumption
1.4 bar (20 psig) Supply: 0.38 normal m
(14.0 scfh)
2.0 bar (30 psig) Supply: 0.48 normal m
(18.0 scfh)
2.4 bar (35 psig) Supply: 0.54 normal m
(20.0 scfh)
‐ continued ‐
1.4 bar (20 psig) Supply: 0.46 normal m
(17.2 scfh)
2.0 bar (30 psig) Supply: 0.57 normal m
(21.4 scfh)
2.4 bar (35 psig) Supply: 0.64 normal m
(23.8 scfh)
Maximum Supply Air Demand
1.4 bar (20 psig) Supply: 4.4 normal m
(164.5 scfh)
2.0 bar (30 psig) Supply: 6.7 normal m
(248.5 scfh)
2.4 bar (35 psig) Supply: 7.7 normal m
(285.5 scfh)
Independent Linearity:±1 percent of output signal
Hysteresis: 0.5 percent of span
Independent Linearity:±2 percent of output signal
Hysteresis: 0.6 percent of span
Electromagnetic Compatibility for 582i
electro‐pneumatic converter
Meets EN 61326‐1 (First Edition)
Immunity—Industrial locations per Table 2 of
the EN 61326‐1 standard. Performance is
shown in table 3 below.
Emissions—Class A
ISM equipment rating: Group 1, Class A
Note: The electromagnetic compatibility
specifications also apply to the 3582i
3582 and 3582i
Typical Open Loop Gain (Output Signal):
J 100 in the range of 0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig)
J 55 in the range of 0.4 to 2.0 bar (6 to 30 psig)
Operating Influences
Supply Pressure—3582: Valve travel changes less than
1.67 percent per bar (0.25 percent per 2 psi) change
in supply pressure
Supply Pressure—3582i: Valve travel changes less
than 3.62 percent per bar (1.5 percent per 2 psi)
change in supply pressure
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
Table 1. Specifications for Fisher 3582 and 3582i Valve Positioners (Continued)
Instruction Manual
Operative Temperature Limits
Standard Construction
3582 and 3582i: -40 to +71_C (-40 to +160_F)
3582NS: -40 to +82_C (-40 to +180_F) with EPDM
High‐Temperature Construction
3582A and C only: -18 to +104_C (0 to +220_F)
without gauges
Electrical Classification for 582i
CSA—Intrinsically Safe, Explosion proof, Type n,
Dust‐Ignition proof, DIV 2
FM—Intrinsically Safe, Explosion proof, Type n,
Non‐incendive, Dust‐Ignition proof
ATEX—Intrinsically Safe & Dust, Flameproof & Dust,
Type n & Dust
IECEx—Intrinsically Safe, Type n, Flameproof
Refer to Hazardous Area Classifications and Special
Instructions for “Safe Use” and Installation in
Hazardous Locations, starting on page 8, and
figures 28, 29, 30, and 31 for additional information.
Note: These classifications also apply to the 3582i
Hazardous Area Classification for 3582
3582 valve positioners comply with the requirements
of ATEX Group II Category 2 Gas and Dust
Note: This rating does not apply to the 3582i
Pressure Gauges
40 mm (1.5 inch) diameter with plastic case and brass
connection J triple scale (PSI, MPa, and bar) or
J dual scale (PSI and kg/cm
Pressure Connections
1/4‐18 NPT
Electrical Connection for 3582i
1/2‐14 NPT conduit connection
Maximum Valve Stem Travel
105 mm (4.125 inches); adjustable to obtain lesser
travels with standard input signals
Housing Classification for 582i
CSA—Type 3 Encl.
Characterized Cams
See characterized cams section
Mount instrument with vent on the side or bottom if
Approximate Weight
3582: 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds)
3582i: 3.6 kg (8 pounds)
weatherproofing is a concern.
Note: These classifications also apply to the 3582i
Declaration of SEP
Fisher Controls International LLC declares this
product to be in compliance with Article 3 paragraph
Other Classifications/Certifications
KGS— Korea Gas Safety Corporation
NEPSI— China
Contact your Emerson Process Management sales
office for classification/certification specific
NOTE: Specialized instrument terms are defined in ANSI/ISA Standard 51.1 ‐ Process Instrument Terminology.
1. The pressure and temperature limits in this document and any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.
2. Natural gas should contain no more than 20 ppm of H
3. Normal m
/hr—normal cubic meters per hour (0_C and 1.01325 bar, absolute); Scfh—Standard cubic feet per hour (60_F and 14.7 psia).
3 of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97 / 23 /
EC. It was designed and manufactured in accordance
with Sound Engineering Practice (SEP) and cannot
bear the CE marking related to PED compliance.
However, the product may bear the CE marking to
indicate compliance with other applicable European
Community Directives.
Instruction Manual
Table 2. Specifications for Fisher 3583 Valve Stem Position Transmitters
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
Input Signal
105 mm (4.125 inches) of valve stem travel;
adjustable to obtain full output signal with lesser
stem travels
Output Signal
Type:J 0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig) or J 0.4 to 2.0
bar (6 to 30 psig) pneumatic pressure
Action: Field‐reversible between direct and reverse
Output Bellows Pressure Rating
See table 9 for minimum and maximum pressure
ratings (allowable input signal) for each available
range spring
Supply Pressure
Recommended: 0.3 bar (5 psi) above upper limit of
output signal range
Maximum: 2.4 bar (35 psig) or pressure rating of
connected equipment, whichever is lower
Supply Medium: Air or natural gas
Maximum Steady‐State Air Consumption
1.4 bar (20 psig) Supply: 0.38 normal m3/hr
(14.0 scfh)
2.0 bar (30 psig) Supply: 0.48 normal m
(18.0 scfh)
2.4 bar (35 psig) Supply: 0.54 normal m
(20.0 scfh)
Operating Influence
Output signal changes 1.67 percent per bar
(0.23 percent per 2 psig) change in supply pressure
Operative Ambient Temperature Limits
Standard Construction
3583: -40 to +71_C (-40 to +160_F)
High‐Temperature Construction
3583C only: -18 to +104_C (0 to +220_F)
Hazardous Area Classification
3583 valve stem position transmitters comply with
the requirements of ATEX Group II Category 2 Gas
and Dust
Pressure Connections
Supply and output pressure connections are 1/4 NPT
Maximum Valve Stem Travel
105 mm (4.125 inches); adjustable to obtain full
output signal with lesser stem travels
Reference Accuracy
±1 percent of output signal span
NOTE: Specialized instrument terms are defined in ANSI/ISA Standard 51.1 - Process Instrument Terminology.
1. The pressure and temperature limits in this document and any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.
2. Natural gas should contain no more than 20 ppm of H
3. Normal m
/hr—normal cubic meters per hour (0_C and 1.01325 bar, absolute); Scfh—Standard cubic feet per hour (60_F and 14.7 psia).
Table 3. Fisher 582i Electro‐Pneumatic Converter
PortPhenomenonBasic StandardTest Level
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)IEC 61000‐4‐2
Specification limit = ±1% of span
1. The information contained in the table also applies to the 3582i positioner.
2. A = No degradation during testing. B = Temporary degradation during testing, but is self‐recovering.
Radiated EM fieldIEC 61000‐4‐3
Rated power frequency magnetic fieldIEC 61000‐4‐860 A/m at 50 HzA
Burst (fast transients)IEC 61000‐4‐41 kVA
SurgeIEC 61000‐4‐51 kV (line to ground only, each)B
Conducted RFIEC 61000‐4‐6150 kHz to 80 MHz at 3 VrmsA
EMC Summary Results—Immunity
Approximate Weight
2.5 kg (5.5 pounds)
4 kV contact
8 kV air
80 to 1000 MHz @ 10V/m with 1 kHz AM at 80%
1400 to 2000 MHz @ 3V/m with 1 kHz AM at 80%
2000 to 2700 MHz @ 1V/m with 1 kHz AM at 80%
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
Instruction Manual
Description (continued)
Under the 10CFR50, Appendix B, quality assurance program, the 3582NS positioner is qualified commercial grade
dedicated. These can be supplied as 10CFR, Part 21 items.
The 3582i is an electro‐pneumatic valve positioner, consisting of a 582i electro‐pneumatic converter installed on a
3582 pneumatic valve positioner. The 3582i valve positioner provides an accurate valve stem position that is
proportional to a DC current input signal.
The 582i electro‐pneumatic converter is a modular unit that can be installed at the factory or in the field. However, do
not install a 582i converter on an existing positioner until you contact your Emerson Process Management sales office
for application assistance.
The 582i converter receives the DC current input signal and, through a nozzle/flapper arrangement, provides a
proportional pneumatic output signal. This pneumatic output signal provides the input signal to the pneumatic valve
positioner, eliminating the need for a remote‐mounted transducer.
3583 pneumatic valve stem position transmitters are for use with sliding‐stem diaphragm actuators. These units
provide an output signal that is directly proportional to the valve stem position.
Refer to the type number description for a detailed explanation of type numbers.
Type Number Descriptions
The following descriptions provide specific information on the different valve positioner or valve stem position
transmitter constructions. If the type number is not known, refer to the nameplate on the positioner. For the location
of the nameplate, refer to key 25 in figure 21.
3582—Pneumatic valve positioner with bypass and instrument, supply, and output pressure gauges.
3582A—Pneumatic valve positioner without bypass and without pressure gauges.
3582C—Pneumatic valve positioner without bypass and with automotive tire valves instead of pressure gauges.
3582D—Pneumatic valve positioner with bypass and with automotive tire valves instead of pressure gauges.
3582G—Pneumatic valve positioner without bypass and with instrument, supply, and output pressure gauges.
3582NS—Pneumatic valve positioner for nuclear service applications with or without bypass and with automotive tire
valves instead of pressure gauges.
3582i—Electro‐pneumatic valve positioner without bypass; with 582i converter; and with: supply and output pressure
gauges, automotive tire valves, or pipe plugs.
582i—Electro‐pneumatic converter with: supply and output pressure gauges, automotive tire valves, or pipe plugs.
Used for conversion of a 4‐20 mA input signal to a 0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig) input signal for the pneumatic valve
3583—Pneumatic valve stem position transmitter with supply and output pressure gauges.
3583C—Similar to the 3583 valve stem position transmitter except with automotive tire valves in place of pressure
Specifications for the valve positioners are shown in table 1. Specifications for the valve stem position transmitters are
shown in table 2.
Instruction Manual
Refer to the unit nameplate to determine the type of positioner or transmitter, supply pressure, etc.
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
This product is intended for a specific current range, temperature range and other application specifications. Applying
different current, temperature and other service conditions could result in malfunction of the product, property damage or
personal injury.
Educational Services
For information on available courses for 3852, 3582i and 3583, as well as a variety of other products, contact:
Emerson Process Management
Educational Services, Registration
P.O. Box 190; 301 S. 1st Ave.
Marshalltown, IA 50158‐2823
Phone: 800-338-8158 or
Phone: 641-754-3771
Fax: 641-754-3431
If using natural gas as the pneumatic supply medium, natural gas will be used in the pressure connections of the unit
to any connected equipment. The unit will vent natural gas into the surrounding atmosphere, unless it is remote
Always wear protective clothing, gloves, and eyewear when performing any installation operations to avoid personal
If installing into an existing application, also refer to the WARNING at the beginning of the Maintenance section in this
instruction manual.
Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measures that must be taken to protect against process
Personal injury or property damage may result from fire or explosion if natural gas is used as the supply medium and
appropriate preventive measures are not taken. Preventive measures may include, but are not limited to, one or more of
the following: Remote venting of the unit, re‐evaluating the hazardous area classification, ensuring adequate ventilation,
and the removal of any ignition sources.
3582i does not meet third party approvals for use with natural gas as the supply medium. Use of natural gas as the supply
medium can result in personal injury or property damage from fire or explosion.
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
All valve positioners and valve stem position transmitters are shipped with foam rubber packing material inside the case. Remove
the cover (key 33, figure 21) and the packing material before attempting to operate the unit. Make sure all vent openings are clear
before installation of the unit and that they remain clear during use.
Instruction Manual
Typically, the positioner or transmitter is ordered with the actuator. If so, the factory mounts the valve positioner or
valve stem position transmitter and connects the valve positioner output to the actuator. If a Fisher 67CFR
filter‐regulator is specified, it may be integrally mounted to the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter,
except for the 3582NS positioner. For the 3582NS, the 67CFR is separately mounted, not integrally mounted to the
In some cases, alignment and calibration of the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter at the factory may not be
possible, and field alignment and calibration is required. Before putting the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter into
service, check the operation of the unit to be sure it is calibrated. If the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter requires
alignment or calibration, refer to the appropriate calibration instructions in this manual.
If the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter is ordered separately, disconnected, or removed from the
actuator, refer to the appropriate sections of this manual for installation information.
Hazardous Area Classifications and Special Instructions for “Safe Use” and
Installation in Hazardous Locations for 582i Electro‐Pneumatic Converter
These Special Instructions for “Safe Use” and Installation in Hazardous Locations also apply to 3582i positioners.
Certain nameplates may carry more than one approval, and each approval may have unique installation/wiring
requirements and/or conditions of “safe use”. These special instructions for “safe use” are in addition to, and may
override, the standard installation procedures. Special instructions are listed by approval.
This information supplements the nameplate markings affixed to the product.
Always refer to the nameplate itself to identify the appropriate certification. Contact your Emerson Process Management sales
office for approval/certification information not listed here.
Failure to follow these conditions of “safe use” could result in personal injury or property damage from fire or explosion,
and area re‐classification.
Instruction Manual
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
Intrinsically Safe, Explosion proof, Type n, Dust‐Ignition proof, DIV 2
No special conditions for safe use.
Refer to table 4 for additional information, figure 28 for CSA loop schematics, and figure 29 for a typical CSA/FM
approval nameplate.
Table 4. Hazardous Area Classifications for Fisher 582i Converter
Intrinsically Safe
Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 per drawing GE28591
Ex ia Intrinsically Safe
Class I, II Division 1 GP A,B,C,D,E,F,G T4/T5/T6
per drawing GE28591
Explosion Proof
1.These hazardous area classification also apply to 3582i positioners.
Ex d IIC T6
Class I, Division I, GP A,B,C,D T6
Type n
Ex nA IIC T6
Class I, Division 2, GP A,B,C,D T6
Class II, Division 1 GP E,F,G T6
Class II Division 2 GP F,G T6
Key numbers used in this procedure are shown in figure 2 except where indicated.
1. Figure 2 shows the various mounting parts required for mounting on Fisher actuators. Mounting parts for actuators
that require spacers have the spacers (key 50) included. 657 and 667 actuators, sizes 70 through 100, with or
without a side‐mounted handwheel, use spacers (keys 97 and 102) between the stem connector and the connector
arm (key 48). On all other actuators that use spacers, place the spacers (key 50) between the mounting plate
(key 63) and the actuator mounting boss.
When mounting the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter on an actuator by another manufacturer,
provide spacers, if necessary, by cutting sections from 1/2 or 3/8‐inch pipe so that the “X” dimension matches the
value given in figure 3.
Figure 2. Mounting Assembly
657, 657MO, 667, 667MO
SIZE 80 UP TO 51 mm (2 IN) TRAVEL
SIZE 70, 87 UP TO 51 mm (2 IN) TRAVEL
657, 657MO, 667, 667MO
657, 657MO, 667, 667MO
SIZE 80 52 TO 76 mm (2.0625 TO 3 IN) TRAVEL
657MO, 667MO
SIZE 70, 87 78 TO 102 mm (3.0625 TO 4 IN) TRAVEL
657‐4MO, 667‐4MO
SIZE 70, 87 102 mm (4 IN) TRAVEL
41B8569‐D SHT 1 AND 2
657MO, 667MO
SIZE 70, 87 UP TO 78 mm (3 IN) TRAVEL
SIZE 34, 45, 50, 60
657‐4, 667‐4
SIZE 70, 87 102 mm (4 IN) TRAVEL
657, 667
SIZE 70, 87 78 TO 102 mm (3.0625 TO 4 IN) TRAVEL
SIZE 70, 87, 52 TO 78 mm (2.0625 TO 3 IN) TRAVEL
3582, 582i, and 3583
January 2013
Instruction Manual
2. As shown in figures 2 and 4 attach the connector arm (key 48) to the stem connector so that the connector arm
extends through the yoke legs on the side of the lower mounting boss.
3. Attach the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter to the mounting plate (key 63) using the holes shown
in figure 5.
4. Mount the 67CFR regulator:
D3582 valve positioners (except 3582NS) and 3583 valve stem position transmitters, mount the regulator on the
integral boss on the bypass block.
D3582NS valve positioners, use the mounting plate with provision for separately mounting the 67CFR regulator.
Separately mount the positioner and the regulator on the mounting plate.
D3582i valve positioners, mount the regulator on the integral boss that is part of the 582i converter housing.
5. As shown in figure 5, the mounting bracket has four sets of holes for mounting the assembly to the actuator. Refer
to table 8 to determine which set of mounting holes to use, then attach the assembly to the lower mounting pad on
the actuator.
To avoid equipment damage, be certain the connector arm clears the valve positioner or valve stem position transmitter
case as the actuator moves through its complete stroke.
6. Position the actuator to its mid‐travel position using a handwheel or manual loading regulator.
7. Slip the round end of the travel pin (key 60) into the rotary shaft arm (key 2) slot as shown in figure 4.
8. Slide the square end of the travel pin into the pin holder and pin lock (keys 61 and 59). Place the pin lock and holder
into the slot in the connector arm (key 48). Screw the cap nut (key 62) onto the pin lock (key 59), but do not
9. With the actuator at its mid‐travel position, lift the rotary shaft arm so that the 0‐degree index marks on the rotary
shaft arm are aligned with the case index marks as shown in figure 6.
Never set the travel pin at a setting that is less than the actual actuator stroke. Setting the travel pin at a setting that is less
than the actual actuator stroke will cause the cam to rotate more than 60 degrees, causing damage to the cam or other
10. Position the travel pin so that it is perpendicular to the connector arm and aligns with the correct actuator stem
travel index on the rotary shaft arm. Tighten the cap nut to a torque of 10.6 N•m (94 in•lbf) (key 62 in figure 4).
11. Check the travel pin setting using the following procedures:
DFor standard travel pin setting (that is, with the travel pin setting equal to total actuator travel). Stroke the
actuator to each end of its travel. At each end of travel, the 30‐degree index marks on the rotary shaft arm should
align with the case index marks. If the index marks are not in line, loosen the cap nut (key 62) and slide the travel
pin (key 60) in the rotary shaft arm slot until the 30‐degree index marks align with the case index marks. Be sure
the travel pin remains perpendicular to the connector arm. After making this adjustment, tighten the cap nut
and re‐check the arm at the mid‐travel position. If the 0‐degree index marks do not align, repeat this procedure.
DFor special travel pin setting (that is, with the travel pin setting greater than total actuator travel). Check the
index marks using a procedure similar to the standard settings procedure. The arm will not rotate a full 60
Instruction Manual
3582, 582i, and 3583
degrees as the actuator is stroked, and the 30‐degree index marks on the cam will be short of aligning with the
case index marks. If necessary, adjust the travel pin position so that the 30‐degree marks are the same distance
from the respective case index mark at each end of actuator travel.
Figure 3. Spacing for Mounting on Other than Fisher Actuators
January 2013
29 or less
1.125 or less
9.5 mm (0.375 Inch) Stem12.7 mm (0.5 Inch) Stem19.1 mm (0.75 Inch) Stem