Emerson AMS 6500, A6560R, A6510 Reference Manual

MHM-97125-PBF-EN, Rev 0
AMS 6500 Machinery Health Monitor
A6560R Processor Module and A6510 Signal Input Module
Reference Manual
May 2017
2017 by Emerson. All rights reserved.
This manual is provided for informational purposes. EMERSON MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Emerson shall not be liable for errors, omissions, or inconsistencies that may be contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Emerson. The information in this manual is not all-inclusive and cannot cover all unique situations.
Trademarks and Servicemarks
See http://www2.emersonprocess.com/siteadmincenter/PM Central Web Documents/marks.pdf
All other marks are property of their respective owners.
The product(s) described in this manual are covered under existing and pending patents.


Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
1.1 About this manual ........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Documentation conventions .......................................................................................................1
1.3 Technical Support and Customer Service ..................................................................................... 2
1.5 China RoHS Compliance ...............................................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Product Introduction ......................................................................................................5
2.1 AMS 6500 front view ....................................................................................................................6
2.2 System walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 System documentation ................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3 Sensor installation ........................................................................................................13
Chapter 4 Enclosure mounting ..................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Junction boxes ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Wall mount enclosures .............................................................................................................. 18
4.3 AMS 6500 rack chassis ............................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 5 Cabling requirements ...................................................................................................25
5.1 Guidelines for conduit installation ..............................................................................................25
5.2 Online instrumentation cable .....................................................................................................26
5.3 Pull cable from the junction box to the unit ................................................................................27
5.4 Physical network segment for the unit ....................................................................................... 28
5.5 Power circuit guidelines for the unit enclosure ...........................................................................28
5.6 Recommendations for improving signal quality ......................................................................... 30
Chapter 6 Wire terminations ........................................................................................................33
6.1 Terminate instrumentation wiring ............................................................................................. 33
6.2 Terminate bundled cable ........................................................................................................... 36
6.3 Wire termination at the AMS 6500 .............................................................................................37
6.4 Signal routing from the monitoring panel to the prediction panel ..............................................43
6.5 Terminate discrete I/O ............................................................................................................... 44
6.6 Rear shield/Adapter panel—A6500-M-RSH .................................................................................46
6.7 Terminate +24 V power for the A6560 and A6510 modules ....................................................... 46
6.8 Eddy Current sensor: -24 V power supply ................................................................................... 47
6.9 SysFail relay termination ............................................................................................................ 48
6.10 Loop interconnection for 4-20 mA current ................................................................................. 48
6.11 Terminate Ethernet connection ................................................................................................. 49
6.12 Default schema for network addressing .....................................................................................50
Chapter 7 Hardware configuration ...............................................................................................53
7.1 Hardware configuration: overview ............................................................................................. 53
7.2 The A6560R and A6510 modules ............................................................................................... 54
7.3 Configure the A6560R with a terminal emulator ........................................................................ 62
Chapter 8 Software configuration ................................................................................................ 67
8.1 System overview diagram .......................................................................................................... 67
8.2 System configuration overview ..................................................................................................68
8.3 Install AMS Machinery Manager ................................................................................................. 69
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8.4 Configure the FTP server to download firmware .........................................................................69
8.5 Connect the A6560R CPU to AMS Machinery Manager ...............................................................73
Chapter 9 Data collection and analysis ..........................................................................................75
9.1 Online database diagram .......................................................................................................... 75
9.2 View or edit IP addresses with the unit ....................................................................................... 77
9.3 Verify or assign a unit IP address to the Online Server in RBM Network Administration ...............78
9.4 Add a unit's IP address to the Online Server in RBM Network Administration .............................. 79
9.5 Online database configuration: overview ................................................................................... 79
9.6 Online Watch overview .............................................................................................................. 83
9.7 Archive management ................................................................................................................ 86
9.8 Create an archive manually ........................................................................................................ 87
9.9 Disable archive predicates ..........................................................................................................87
9.10 Stop transient acquisition .......................................................................................................... 88
9.11 Remove an archive from the Transient Archive Status tab ..........................................................88
9.12 Change databases when moving the AMS 2600 to a new machine .............................................89
Chapter 10 Specifications ...............................................................................................................91
10.1 AMS 6500 Machinery Health™ Monitor specifications ................................................................ 91
10.2 Environmental specifications ..................................................................................................... 92
10.3 A6560R Processor module LEDs .................................................................................................92
10.4 A6510 Signal Input module LEDs ............................................................................................... 95
Chapter 11 System calibration ....................................................................................................... 97
11.1 System calibration overview ...................................................................................................... 97
Chapter 12 Data types ..................................................................................................................101
12.1 Gross Scan analysis .................................................................................................................. 101
12.2 Spectral analysis .......................................................................................................................102
12.3 Time Waveform analysis .......................................................................................................... 103
12.4 Non-Vibration unit analysis types .............................................................................................104
12.5 Set DC offset ............................................................................................................................104
Index ................................................................................................................................................107
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1 Introduction
Topics covered in this chapter:

About this manual

Documentation conventions

Technical Support and Customer Service
China RoHS Compliance
1.1 About this manual
This document covers the standard system components of the prediction system. For some installations, non-standard components may be purchased with the online system; for each of these components, Emerson will include an installation guide supplement. If the product component cannot be found in the installation guide, please contact your project manager to request an installation guide supplement.


Other available manuals detail protection capabilities.
All wiring should be installed by a qualified electrician. Wiring must conform to all applicable local codes and regulations. Local codes and regulations regarding wire type, wire size, color codes, insulation voltage ratings, and any other standards must be followed.
1.2 Documentation conventions
The following conventions are used throughout:
A note paragraph contains special comments or instructions.
A caution paragraph alerts you to actions that can have a major impact on the equipment or stored data.
A warning paragraph alerts you to actions that can have extremely serious consequences for equipment and/or personnel.
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1.3 Technical Support and Customer Service

When you contact Technical Support, be ready with a screen capture of the error message and details such as when and how the error occurred.
Hardware Technical Help
Have the number of the current version of your firmware ready when you call.
Software Technical Help
Provide the software version numbers of both your Microsoft® Windows operating system and AMS Machinery Manager, and your AMS Machinery Manager serial number. To find AMS Machinery Manager version and serial numbers, select Help > About.
Be at your computer when you call. We can serve you better when we can work through the problem together.
Software Technical Support
Emerson provides technical support through the following for those with an active support agreement:
Telephone assistance and communication via the Internet.
Mass updates that are released during that time.
Interim updates upon request. Please contact Emerson Technical Support for more
Customer Service
Contact Customer Service for all non-technical issues, such as ordering replacement parts.
Contact us
For Emerson Technical Support and Customer Service Toll Free numbers, email addresses, and hours of operation, please visit

1.4 Disclaimer

This manual is provided for informational purposes. EMERSON MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Emerson shall not be liable for errors, omissions, or inconsistencies that may be contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Emerson. The information in this manual is not all-inclusive and cannot cover all unique situations.
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1.5 China RoHS Compliance

Our products manufactured later than June 30, 2016 and which are sold in the People's Republic of China are marked with one of the following two logos to indicate the Environmental Friendly Use Period in which it can be used safely under normal operating conditions.
Products without below mentioned marking are either manufactured before June 30 or are non Electrical Equipment Products (EEP).
Circling arrow symbol with "e": The product contains no hazardous substances over the Maximum Concentration Value and it has an indefinite Environmental Friendly Use Period.
Circling arrow symbol with a number: This product contains certain hazardous substances over the Maximum Concentration Value and it can be used safely under normal operating conditions for the number of years indicated in the symbol. The names and contents of hazardous substances can be found in folder "China RoHS Compliance Certificates" on the documentation CD or DVD enclosed with the product.
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2 Product Introduction
Topics covered in this chapter:
AMS 6500 front view
System walkthrough
System documentation

Product Introduction

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Product Introduction

2.1 AMS 6500 front view

AMS 6500 front view with A6560R and A6510 modulesFigure 2-1:
A. Front power switch B. A6560R Status LEDs C. A6510 Status LEDs D. Module name E. 2 Ethernet ports — NIC and Hub F. Serial port G. Handles
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2.2 System walkthrough

Perform a system component review to ensure that the proper system components have been shipped, and that nothing has been lost or damaged during shipment. Unpack and inspect to confirm all system components are present. After installation, physically walk through each part of the installation to review:
Sensor mounting locations
Cable pulls
Conduit/cable tray use
Enclosure mounting locations
Environmental concerns

2.3 System documentation

Typical system documentation includes at least a System Overview Drawing, System Layout Drawings, a Cable Administration Chart.
Product Introduction

2.3.1 System overview drawings

AMS 6500 system documentation should include system overview drawings that illustrate how system components interconnect. Create system overview drawings for your system and update them as you make any changes to your system.
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Product Introduction
Example system overview drawingFigure 2-2:
A system overview drawing typically includes the following information:
AMS 6500 units
Junction/switch boxes
AMS 6500 Network Segment Cables
Tags for each AMS 6500, junction/switch box, and cable

2.3.2 System layout drawings

The system layout drawings illustrate exact locations for enclosure mounting, conduit installation, cable pulls, and sensor mounting. The most common method for preparing these drawings is to copy blueprints of the plant floor/production line and mark the system installation locations. Use color-coded highlights and symbols to mark the different types of cable runs and enclosure mountings.
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Example system layout marking guidelinesTable 2-1:
Symbol Description Labels
Enclosure Type: 701 (2,3), 745, 6500
Tag: defined by plant
Instrumentation Type: sensor part #
Tag: defined by plant
——————— Exposed cable
– – – – – – – – Cable in conduit
— - — - — - — Cable tray
Example system layout marking guidelinesTable 2-1:
Product Introduction
Color codes Cable type
Red Instrumentation
Blue Multi-pair bundled cable
Green AMS 6500 network cabling

2.3.3 Cable administration charts

Cable administration charts document wire terminations within system enclosures. Tag names should be consistent and represent physical locations or machines. For instance, instead of naming a sensor 23001, use a name like FAN1OV (fan number 1 outboard vertical) to make system maintenance and troubleshooting easier. After tags are assigned, document them in cable administration charts. All enclosures for the system need cable administration charts.
There are two types of cable administration charts for the online system: junction box and AMS 6500 enclosure.
Junction box cable administration chart
The online system junction boxes provide a junction between the instrumentation cable and the multi-pair bundled cable that is pulled back to the AMS 6500. The cable administration chart for a junction box documents the channel number, wire tag, sensor type, and sensor location if the wire tag does not contain location information. Figure 2-3 shows a typical installation.
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Product Introduction
Junction box cable administration chartFigure 2-3:
AMS 6500 enclosure cable administration chart
The AMS 6500 has cable terminations for sensors, tachometers, discrete I/O, network, and power; it also has configurable DIP switches and jumpers.
The cable terminations and DIP switch settings should be documented in cable administration charts or CAD drawings.
Example AMS 6500 cable administration chartTable 2-2:
Processor module
AMS 6500 tag name:
A6560R CPU module MAC address:
Network cable tag:
MSIG #1 sensor inputs
Channel # Junction box
Wire tag Sensor type DIP setting Sensor location
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Example AMS 6500 cable administration chart (continued)Table 2-2:
MSIG #2 sensor inputs
Channel # Junction box
Product Introduction
Tachometer inputs
Discrete I/O
Wire tag Sensor type DIP setting Sensor location
Tachometer inputs
Discrete I/O

2.3.4 Documentation storage

Make copies of system overview drawings, system layout drawings, and mechanical and electrical drawings. Keep them in the system enclosure to allow easy reference by analysts and service personnel.
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Product Introduction
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3 Sensor installation
Ensure sensors are installed according to instructions provided by the sensor manufacturer and industry best practices.

Sensor installation

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Sensor installation
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4 Enclosure mounting
Topics covered in this chapter:

Junction boxes

Wall mount enclosures
AMS 6500 rack chassis
4.1 Junction boxes
Junction boxes are used to terminate online instrumentation wiring. Emerson recommends junction boxes with 12 channels, housed in a fiberglass or stainless steel enclosure. They should consist of individual, 3-lug terminal blocks mounted on a DIN rail.

4.1.1 Mount junction boxes

Enclosure mounting

1. Ensure the chosen mounting location is well lit and allows proper clearance for maintenance access.
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Enclosure mounting
Junction box access requirementsFigure 4-1:
Junction boxes require a 180° opening.
2. Prepare the mounting bracket using the outline drawing as a template for the mounting hole locations.
3. Use the machine screws to attach the mounting feet to the back of the enclosure. Align mounting feet vertically to ensure proper access.
Torque screws to 31 in-lb.
4. Using bolts provided by the contractor, attach the enclosure to the mounting bracket.

4.1.2 Junction box wiring notes

Never cross-connect shields from different sensors in junction boxes.
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Enclosure mounting
Junction box wiring notesFigure 4-2:
A. Maintain cable pair twists as close to the terminal block as possible. B. Do not allow shield drain wires or foil from individual cables to short. Use heat shrink and dress
wire ends as necessary.
C. Strip the insulation and shield as close to the terminal block as possible. D. Connect multiple-pair shield drain wire individually. Do not allow shield drain wires or foil from
individual cables to short. Use heat shrink and dress wire ends as necessary.
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Enclosure mounting
Modifications for junction box wiringFigure 4-3:
A. Connecting the shield line to the sensor "-" conductor at the sensor end may reduce RF and static
interference. You must isolate sensor shield and "-" conductors from earth ground or the shield connection at the 6500 side may cause ground loops.
B. Connecting a multi-pair cable overall shield to earth ground at both ends may reduce RF and static
interference. This connection may cause ground loops.

4.2 Wall mount enclosures

The prediction racks are designed to easily mount inside a standard size enclosure. Emerson offers pre-wired wall mount enclosures for AMS 6500 prediction systems:
Wall mount cabinet System Channels Dimensions Rack size
A6500MS-24-ENCL-IC A6500MS 12 or 24 24”H x 16”W x 12”D 7.5 inch
A6500PRE-SS-WM-24-IC A6500MR 12 or 24 36”H x 24”W x 12”D 19 inch
A6500PRE-SS-WM-48-IC A6500MR 36 or 48 36”H x 24”W x 12”D 19 inch
Install cabinets using guidelines provided by Emerson projects.
Install at a reasonable height for easy access.
All cable and conduit piercing should be through the bottom of the cabinet. See Chapter 5.
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Enclosure mounting
A6500MS in a compact wall-mount enclosureFigure 4-4:
A6500MR in a full wall-mount enclosure (48 channels shown)Figure 4-5:

4.3 AMS 6500 rack chassis

To protect it from harsh industrial environments, the AMS 6500 rack chassis is either mounted on 19 in. rack mounting rails in a cabinet enclosure with rear termination panels, or in a stainless steel housing with a front termination panel.
All AMS 6500 enclosures must be grounded to earth. Ground the enclosure through conduit or mounting structure if it is grounded to earth. Otherwise, use a bonding wire to connect the enclosure to earth ground.

4.3.1 Mount the rack chassis in a 19 in. cabinet enclosure

The AMS 6500 is generally installed in a cabinet enclosure with 19 in. rack mounting rails.
Mounting hardware includes four each of cage nuts, finishing washers, and screws.
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Enclosure mounting
AMS 6500 for mounting in a 19 in. cabinet enclosureFigure 4-6:
You need two people to lift the unit and place it on the mounting rails.
1. Attach the cage nuts in the mounting rails.
2. Using the screws and finishing washers, fasten the system frame to the mounting rails through the two oblong holes on each side of the frame.
Cage nuts and screws in the mounting railsFigure 4-7:
A. Cage nut B. Screw
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Enclosure mounting
3. When mounting multiple units in one cabinet, place a cooling fan rack between each unit to maintain the specified environmental operating conditions for all components.

4.3.2 Mount the rack chassis in a stainless steel enclosure

If you are not running conduit into a stainless steel enclosure, confirm that the mounting location provides a path to earth ground.
1. Ensure the mounting location allows the door to open completely and allows enough room to run conduit into the bottom of the box.
2. Using hardened steel bolts, attach all four mounting feet to unistrut rails.
3. Torque lock washers to 50 ft-lb.

4.3.3 Cable access

As a best practice, conduit should enter from the bottom of the enclosure. Power, sensor, and communication cables should enter through separate conduit and be routed separately inside the enclosure.
Prepare multi-pair bundled cable pulls
1. Determine the number of pulls you need based on the size and number of channels supported by the junction box. In general, you need one pull per 6 channels. Do not exceed 40% conduit fill.
The multi-pair cable normally has a diameter of 0.5 in., and will require a 1.5 in. conduit run. Two multi-pair cable pulls will require a 2 in. conduit run.
2. Make multi-pair sensor cable pulls on the bottom left so you can easily route cables along left side of enclosure.
Prepare power cables
1. Size the conduit according to plant codes and local regulations for running power in the plant.
2. Make the power line pull to the bottom right rear of the enclosure to route power cable along the right rear of the enclosure.
Prepare Ethernet cables
1. The CAT5 cable requires a minimum 0.5 in. conduit run.
2. Route the CAT5 cable along the bottom right front so that it is as far as possible from the unit's power supply.
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Enclosure mounting
Prepare discrete input/output cables
AMS 6500 discrete input/output cable pulls are low voltage DC only, so they can be routed with sensor cables or routed separately. They consist of either multi-pair bundled cable pulls or single twisted pair cable.
1. For multi-pair bundled cable pulls, prepare 1.5 in. conduit for one cable and 0.5 in. extra for each additional cable.
2. Run single twisted-pair cable in conduit or pull through the enclosure using 0.25 in. cord grips.

4.3.4 Install and remove modules

The AMS 6500 system cabinet can be configured to contain both prediction and protection modules. In Figure 4-8, the protection modules (3U high modules) are shown on the left; the prediction modules (6U high modules) are shown on the right.
AMS 6500 with 3U and 6U high modulesFigure 4-8:
Install or remove 3U high protection module
Install or remove protection monitor cards, relay modules, and communication modules. Protection modules are hot-swappable and can be installed or removed while the rack is powered. Refer to the A6500 protection cards manual for instructions.
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Enclosure mounting
Any work at the system may impair machine protection.
Install or remove a 6U high module
Turn off power before installing or removing prediction cards. Prediction cards are NOT hot swappable.
Install a module:
1. Line up the guide rails and push the module into the slot until fully seated.
2. Tighten the mounting screws.
Remove a module:
1. Loosen the mounting screws.
2. Push outward on the handles to eject the module from the backplane
3. Pull the module out of the slot by the handle.
Install or remove a moduleFigure 4-9:
Use the handles to install or remove modules.
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Enclosure mounting
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5 Cabling requirements
Topics covered in this chapter:

Guidelines for conduit installation

Online instrumentation cable
Pull cable from the junction box to the unit
Physical network segment for the unit
Power circuit guidelines for the unit enclosure
Recommendations for improving signal quality
This chapter covers conduit installation guidelines, network cabling guidelines, power line specifications, and pulling the online instrumentation cabling and multi-pair bundled cable from junction boxes to the AMS 6500.

Cabling requirements

5.1 Guidelines for conduit installation
All conduit must be bonded to earth ground and adhere to IEEE 1100 specifications for grounding.
The following cables must be pulled in conduit:
- any cable between junction boxes and the unit
- any AMS 6500-dedicated network segment cables not pulled in existing plant
network infrastructure
- power cables for the unit power supplies
- any instrumentation cables that exceed 50 ft
The conduit must be sized to not exceed a 40% fill.
Steel conduit must be used. If plant codes will not allow steel conduit, contact the
project manager.
Route conduit away from power trays according to the following guidelines:
Distance from power tray Voltage
6 in. 110 VAC
12 in. 220 VAC
24 in. 440 VAC
Conduit must enter the unit enclosure and junction boxes from the bottom of
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Cabling requirements
Proper conduit installationFigure 5-1:

5.2 Online instrumentation cable

The online instrumentation wiring is a polyurethane-jacketed, twisted-pair, shielded instrumentation cable used to transmit millivolt level instrumentation signals to the online system. The cable is designed to provide noise shielding and protection within harsh industrial environments. It is pulled to the junction/switch boxes where it is joined to bundled, multi-pair cabling routed back to the unit. Typically, the instrumentation-to­junction box pull is relatively short (<50 ft) and close to the machinery. It is not enclosed in conduit except when conduit is required for specific applications. Secure exposed cabling to machinery and plant infrastructure to avoid maintenance hazards and safety hazards.

5.2.1 Install online instrumentation cable

If you are installing through conduit, the cable pull force should not exceed 25 lbs. Excessive force will deform twisted-pair cable and degrade performance.
1. If you are using the A612-NA-09-0 cable, apply a thin coating of dielectric grease to the connector and screw into sensor housing using hand force only.
2. Label the cable on both ends using plant-approved wire labels. The wire label designation must be the same on both ends of the cable.
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