Operation Time (without filling the tank) Boost
Operation Time (without filling the tank) Cooling
R290 is Envirnonmenta lly
Friendly wit h a low global
warm ing impa ct.
The Biosilver Tech Syst em is
an advanced filtra tion sys tem
tha t effecti vel y remove s
impuriti es and odours from
the a ir.
Smart mode wil l replicate the
ideal comfort conditi ons in
the room . Automatical ly
selecting appropria te mode,
depe ndi ng on environmental
condi tions.
Idea l for reduc ing the
humidity in the room,
particula rly in damp ra iny
condi tions.
Capacity 3,230 kW
- Cooling 1,000 kW
Max 350 m3/h
I/24h (Dehum mode) 30 Ltr
10 Ltr
Level 51 dB(A)
1100 mm
130 mm
Unit (H x W x D) 910x505x400 mm
Unit 39 kg
Window Kit
4 Hr
6 Hr
Water to Air
Technology helps to
remove the heat
from the room
through the cooling
effects of water .